File grub2-use-rpmsort-for-version-sorting.patch of Package grub2

Fix wrong sorting order if version contains "-" delimiter 

--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -203,12 +203,17 @@
 version_sort ()
   case $version_sort_sort_has_v in
+    rpmsort)
+      LC_ALL=C /usr/lib/rpm/rpmsort "$@";;
       LC_ALL=C sort -V "$@";;
       LC_ALL=C sort -n "$@";;
-      if sort -V </dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      if test -x /usr/lib/rpm/rpmsort; then
+        version_sort_sort_has_v=rpmsort
+        LC_ALL=C /usr/lib/rpm/rpmsort "$@"
+      elif sort -V </dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
 	LC_ALL=C sort -V "$@"
--- a/util/grub.d/
+++ b/util/grub.d/
@@ -229,12 +229,56 @@
 # yet, so it's empty. In a submenu it will be equal to '\t' (one tab).
+pre_sort () {
+    local l=""
+    for f in $list; do
+        vr="`echo $f | sed -e 's/[^-]*-//' -e 's/-\([^0-9]*\)$/\.\1/' -e 's/-/~/g' -e 's/~\([^~]*\)$/-\1/'`"
+        l="$l $vr"
+        listvrf="$listvrf $vr:$f"
+    done
+    list=$l
+post_sort () {
+    local l=""
+    local vr=""
+    local f=""
+    local found=""
+    for i in $reverse_sorted_list; do
+        found=""
+        for vrf in $listvrf; do
+            vr=${vrf%%:*}
+            f=${vrf#*:}
+	    if test x"$vr" = x"$i"; then
+	        l="$l $f"
+	        found=$vrf
+	        break
+	    fi
+        done
+        if test -n "$found"; then
+            listvrf="`echo $listvrf | (sed -e 's!'$found'!!' 2>/dev/null || echo $listvrf)`"
+        fi
+    done
+    for vrf in $listvrf; do
+        f=${vrf#*:}
+        l="$l $f"
+    done
+    reverse_sorted_list=$l
 # Perform a reverse version sort on the entire list.
 # Temporarily replace the '.old' suffix by ' 1' and append ' 2' for all
 # other files to order the '.old' files after their non-old counterpart
 # in reverse-sorted order.
 reverse_sorted_list=$(echo $list | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e 's/\.old$/ 1/; / 1$/! s/$/ 2/' | version_sort -r | sed -e 's/ 1$/.old/; s/ 2$//')
 if [ "x$GRUB_TOP_LEVEL" != x ]; then
   reverse_sorted_list=$(grub_move_to_front "$GRUB_TOP_LEVEL" ${reverse_sorted_list})
--- a/util/grub.d/
+++ b/util/grub.d/
@@ -255,13 +255,57 @@
 # yet, so it's empty. In a submenu it will be equal to '\t' (one tab).
+pre_sort () {
+    local l=""
+    for f in $linux_list; do
+        vr="`echo $f | sed -e 's/[^-]*-//' -e 's/-\([^0-9]*\)$/\.\1/' -e 's/-/~/g' -e 's/~\([^~]*\)$/-\1/'`"
+        l="$l $vr"
+        listvrf="$listvrf $vr:$f"
+    done
+    linux_list=$l
+post_sort () {
+    local l=""
+    local vr=""
+    local f=""
+    local found=""
+    for i in $reverse_sorted_linux_list; do
+        found=""
+        for vrf in $listvrf; do
+            vr=${vrf%%:*}
+            f=${vrf#*:}
+	    if test x"$vr" = x"$i"; then
+	        l="$l $f"
+	        found=$vrf
+	        break
+	    fi
+        done
+        if test -n "$found"; then
+            listvrf="`echo $listvrf | (sed -e 's!'$found'!!' 2>/dev/null || echo $listvrf)`"
+        fi
+    done
+    for vrf in $listvrf; do
+        f=${vrf#*:}
+        l="$l $f"
+    done
+    reverse_sorted_linux_list=$l
 # Perform a reverse version sort on the entire xen_list and linux_list.
 # Temporarily replace the '.old' suffix by ' 1' and append ' 2' for all
 # other files to order the '.old' files after their non-old counterpart
 # in reverse-sorted order.
 reverse_sorted_xen_list=$(echo ${xen_list} | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e 's/\.old$/ 1/; / 1$/! s/$/ 2/' | version_sort -r | sed -e 's/ 1$/.old/; s/ 2$//')
 reverse_sorted_linux_list=$(echo ${linux_list} | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e 's/\.old$/ 1/; / 1$/! s/$/ 2/' | version_sort -r | sed -e 's/ 1$/.old/; s/ 2$//')
 if [ "x$GRUB_TOP_LEVEL_XEN" != x ]; then
   reverse_sorted_xen_list=$(grub_move_to_front "$GRUB_TOP_LEVEL_XEN" ${reverse_sorted_xen_list})
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