File expand.diff of Package quilt

Index: quilt-0.46/quilt/
--- /dev/null
+++ quilt-0.46/quilt/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#! @BASH@
+#  This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#  See the COPYING and AUTHORS files for more details.
+# Read in library functions
+if [ "$(type -t patch_file_name)" != function ]
+	if ! [ -r $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns ]
+	then
+		echo "Cannot read library @SCRIPTS@/patchfns" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	. $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns
+	printf $"Usage: quilt expand [patch]\n"
+	if [ x$1 = x-h ]
+	then
+		printf $"
+Expand the topmost or specified collapsed patch into its individual patches.
+		exit 0
+	else
+		exit 1
+	fi
+fill_orig() {
+	local orig=$1 patch exclude
+	cp -rld "$QUILT_PC/$combined_patch" "$orig"
+	for patch in $(patches_after "$combined_patch")
+	do
+		is_applied "$patch" || break
+		( cd "$QUILT_PC/$patch" \
+		  && find -type f \
+		  | xargs -r cp -il --parents --target-directory "$orig" \
+		    2> /dev/null
+		)
+	done
+	if [ ${QUILT_PATCHES:0:1} != / ]
+	then
+		exclude="$exclude"'-path "./$QUILT_PATCHES" -prune -o '
+	fi
+	if [ ${QUILT_PC:0:1} != / ]
+	then
+		exclude="$exclude"'-path "./$QUILT_PC" -prune -o '
+	fi
+	eval find $exclude -type f -print \
+	| xargs -r cp -il --parents --target-directory "$orig" \
+	  2> /dev/null
+	find "$orig" -size 0 \
+	| xargs -r rm -f
+move_pc_dirs() {
+	local pc_dir=$1
+	for ((n = 0; n < ${#patches[@]}; n++))
+	do
+		mkdir -p $(dirname "$QUILT_PC/${patches[n]}") \
+		&& mv "$pc_dir/${patches[n]}" "$QUILT_PC/${patches[n]}" \
+		|| return 1
+	done
+expand_in_list() {
+	local series=$1 replace=$2 tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile $series.XXXXXX)
+	awk '
+	/^'"$(quote_re $combined_patch)"'([ \t]|$)/ \
+		{ print patches
+		  replaced++
+		  next }
+		{ print }
+	END	{ exit (replaced != 1) }
+	' patches="$replace" \
+	< $series > $tmpfile
+	if [ $? = 0 ]
+	then
+		mv $tmpfile $series
+	else
+		rm -f $tmpfile
+		return 1
+	fi
+options=`getopt -o h --long help: -- "$@"`
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+	usage
+eval set -- "$options"
+while true
+	case "$1" in
+	-h)
+		usage -h ;;
+	--)
+		shift
+		break ;;
+	esac
+if [ $# -gt 1 ]
+	usage
+if [ -n "$1" ]
+	if ! combined_patch=$(find_patch $1)
+	then
+		printf $"Patch %s is not in series file\n" "$1" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if ! combined_patch=$(top_patch)
+	then
+		printf $"No patches applied\n" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+combined_series=$(patch_file_name $combined_patch \
+                  | sed -e 's:\.gz$::' -e 's:\.bz2$::').series
+if ! [ -f "$combined_series" ]
+	printf $"Patch %s is not a combined patch\n" "$(print_patch "$1")"
+	exit 1
+patches=( $(sed -e $'s:[ \t].*::' $combined_series) )
+if ! is_applied "$combined_patch"
+	for ((n = 0; n < ${#patches[@]}; n++))
+	do
+		printf $"Applying patch %s\n" "$(print_patch "${patches[n]}")"
+	done
+	if ! expand_in_list "$SERIES" "$(< "$combined_series")"
+	then
+		printf "Expanding %s failed\n" \
+		       "$(print_patch "$combined_patch")"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	exit 0
+for ((n = 0; n < ${#patches[@]}; n++))
+	patch=${patches[n]}
+	if ! [ -e "$(patch_file_name "$patch")" ]
+	then
+		printf $"Component patch %s of %s not found\n" "$patch" \
+		       "$(print_patch "$combined_patch")"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if is_applied "$patch"
+	then
+		printf $"Component patch %s of %s appears to be applied\n" \
+		       "$(print_patch "$patch")" \
+		       "$(print_patch "$combined_patch")"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+tmpdir=$(gen_tempfile -d $QUILT_PC/expand)
+trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
+[ "${tmpdir:0:1}" = / ] || tmpdir=$PWD/$tmpdir
+fill_orig $tmpdir/orig
+cp -rld $tmpdir/orig $tmpdir/tree
+for ((n = 0; n < ${#patches[@]}; n++))
+	patch=${patches[n]}
+	pc_dir=$tmpdir/pc/$patch
+	patch_args=$(SERIES=$combined_series; patch_args $patch)
+	printf $"Applying patch %s\n" "$(print_patch "$patch")"
+	if ! cat_file "$(patch_file_name "$patch")" \
+	     | patch $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $patch_args \
+		     --backup --prefix="$pc_dir/" \
+		     -Efs -d "$tmpdir/tree" >/dev/null
+	then
+		printf $"Patch %s does not apply; aborting expand\n" \
+		       "$(print_patch "$patch")"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	touch $pc_dir/.timestamp
+printf $"Verifying against patch %s\n" "$(print_patch "$combined_patch")"
+if ! cat_file "$(patch_file_name "$combined_patch")" \
+     | patch $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $(patch_args $combined_patch) \
+	     --no-backup-if-mismatch -Efs -d "$tmpdir/orig" >/dev/null
+	printf $"Patch %s does not apply; aborting expand\n" \
+	       "$(print_patch "combined_patch")"
+	exit 1
+if ! diff -Nqr "$tmpdir/orig" "$tmpdir/tree" > /dev/null
+	diff -Nur "$tmpdir/orig" "$tmpdir/tree"
+	printf $"The patches do not add up to the combined patch\n"
+	exit 1
+if ! move_pc_dirs "$tmpdir/pc" ||
+   ! expand_in_list $DB "$(sed -e $'s:[ \t].*::' "$combined_series")" ||
+   ! expand_in_list "$SERIES" "$(< "$combined_series")" ||
+   ! rm -rf $QUILT_PC/$combined_patch
+	printf "Expanding %s failed\n" "$(print_patch "$combined_patch")"
+	exit 1
+### Local Variables:
+### mode: shell-script
+### End:
+# vim:filetype=sh
Index: quilt-0.46/test/expand.test
--- /dev/null
+++ quilt-0.46/test/expand.test
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+	$ rm -rf d
+	$ mkdir -p d/patches
+	$ cd d
+	$ echo not part of any > patch
+	$ echo foo > foo
+	$ echo bar > bar
+	$ echo void > void
+	$ quilt new patch1
+	> Patch patches/patch1 is now on top
+	$ quilt add foo
+	> File foo added to patch patches/patch1
+	$ echo foo2 > foo
+	$ quilt refresh
+	> Refreshed patch patches/patch1
+	$ quilt new subdir/patch2
+	> Patch patches/subdir/patch2 is now on top
+	$ quilt add bar void
+	> File bar added to patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> File void added to patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	$ echo bar2 > bar
+	$ rm void
+	$ quilt refresh
+	> Refreshed patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	$ quilt diff -p0 --combine - --no-index > patches/combined
+	$ quilt pop -qa
+	> Removing patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Removing patch patches/patch1
+	> No patches applied
+	$ mv patches/series patches/combined.series
+	$ echo combined -p0 > patches/series
+	$ quilt push -q
+	> Applying patch patches/combined
+	> Now at patch patches/combined
+	$ quilt expand
+	> Applying patch patches/patch1
+	> Applying patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Verifying against patch patches/combined
+	$ quilt series
+	> patches/patch1
+	> patches/subdir/patch2
+	$ quilt pop -qaR
+	> Removing patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Removing patch patches/patch1
+	> No patches applied
+	$ quilt push -qa
+	> Applying patch patches/patch1
+	> Applying patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Now at patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	$ quilt new patch3
+	> Patch patches/patch3 is now on top
+	$ quilt add void
+	> File void added to patch patches/patch3
+	$ echo void > void
+	$ quilt refresh -p0
+	> Refreshed patch patches/patch3
+	$ mkdir -p patches/subdir2
+	$ quilt diff -p1 --combine - --no-index > patches/subdir2/combined2
+	$ quilt pop -qaR
+	> Removing patch patches/patch3
+	> Removing patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Removing patch patches/patch1
+	> No patches applied
+	$ mv patches/series patches/subdir2/combined2.series
+	$ echo subdir2/combined2 > patches/series
+	$ quilt push -q
+	> Applying patch patches/subdir2/combined2
+	> Now at patch patches/subdir2/combined2
+	$ quilt expand
+	> Applying patch patches/patch1
+	> Applying patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Applying patch patches/patch3
+	> Verifying against patch patches/subdir2/combined2
+	$ quilt series
+	> patches/patch1
+	> patches/subdir/patch2
+	> patches/patch3
+	$ quilt pop -qaR
+	> Removing patch patches/patch3
+	> Removing patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Removing patch patches/patch1
+	> No patches applied
+	$ cat foo bar void
+	> foo
+	> bar
+	> void
+	$ echo subdir2/combined2 > patches/series
+	$ quilt expand subdir2/combined2
+	> Applying patch patches/patch1
+	> Applying patch patches/subdir/patch2
+	> Applying patch patches/patch3
+	$ quilt series
+	> patches/patch1
+	> patches/subdir/patch2
+	> patches/patch3
+	$ cd ..
+	$ rm -rf d
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