File tulip.spec of Package tulip

# spec file for package tulip (Version 3.3.1)
# Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

# norootforbuild

%define use_cmake 0

Name:           tulip
BuildRequires:  Mesa-devel doxygen freefont ftgl-devel glew-devel libdrm-devel libjpeg-devel libqt4-devel libxml2-devel update-alternatives update-desktop-files xorg-x11-devel
BuildRequires:  cmake
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110
BuildRequires:  libgle-devel
BuildRequires:  gle
# These are for (cd docs; make html) below
# To speed up build time, this is pre-generated
#BuildRequires: doxygen graphviz-gd xmltex passivetex texlive texlive-bin java libqt4-devel-doc-data
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020
BuildRequires:  fdupes
Summary:        Visualization of huge graphs
Version:        3.3.1
Release:        1
# .so version
%define tulip_version 3.3
Source:         tulip-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1:        tulip.desktop
Source2:        tulip-%{version}-userManual.pdf
Source3:        tulip-%{version}-devHandbook.pdf
Source4:        tulip-rpmlintrc
Patch:          tulip-gcc45.patch
Patch1:         lib64-install.patch
Patch2:         enable-tlprender.patch
License:        GPLv2+
Group:          Productivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph
Requires:       Mesa
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
AutoReqProv:    on

Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge
graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up
to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256MB). Its SuperGraph
technology architecture enables to do the following things :

* 3D visualizations
* 3D modifications
* Plug-in support for easy evolution
* Building of clusters and navigation into it
* Automatic drawing of graphs
* Automatic clustering of graphs
* Automatic selection of elements
* Automatic Metric coloration of graphs

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package devel
License:        GPLv2+
Summary:        Visualization of huge graphs - development files
Group:          Development/Libraries/Other
Requires:       tulip = %{version}
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1120
BuildArch:      noarch

%description devel
Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge
graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up
to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256MB). Its SuperGraph
technology architecture enables to do the following things :

* 3D visualizations
* 3D modifications
* Plug-in support for easy evolution
* Building of clusters and navigation into it
* Automatic drawing of graphs
* Automatic clustering of graphs
* Automatic selection of elements
* Automatic Metric coloration of graphs

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package doc
License:        GPLv2+
Summary:        Visualization of huge graphs - user documentation
Group:          Productivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph
Requires:       tulip = %{version}
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1120
BuildArch:      noarch

%description doc
Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge
graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up
to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256MB). Its SuperGraph
technology architecture enables to do the following things :

* 3D visualizations
* 3D modifications
* Plug-in support for easy evolution
* Building of clusters and navigation into it
* Automatic drawing of graphs
* Automatic clustering of graphs
* Automatic selection of elements
* Automatic Metric coloration of graphs

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package devel-doc
License:        GPLv2+
Summary:        Visualization of huge graphs - development documentation
Group:          Documentation/HTML
Requires:       tulip-doc = %{version}
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1120
BuildArch:      noarch

%description devel-doc
Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge
graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up
to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256MB). Its SuperGraph
technology architecture enables to do the following things :

* 3D visualizations
* 3D modifications
* Plug-in support for easy evolution
* Building of clusters and navigation into it
* Automatic drawing of graphs
* Automatic clustering of graphs
* Automatic selection of elements
* Automatic Metric coloration of graphs

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package -n     libtulip
License:        GPLv2+
Summary:        A library for handling large graphs
Group:          Productivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph

%description -n libtulip
See package 'tulip' for details.

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package -n     libtulip-ogl
License:        GPLv2+
Summary:        A library for displaying graph in a GL context
Group:          Productivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph
Requires:       Mesa

%description -n libtulip-ogl
See package 'tulip' for details.

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%package -n     libtulip-qt4
License:        GPLv2+
Provides:       libtulip-qt3
Obsoletes:      libtulip-qt3
Summary:        A set of Qt Widgets for tulip/tulip-ogl
Group:          Productivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph

%description -n libtulip-qt4
See package 'tulip' for details.

    Auber David <>
    Visualization Module improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    Tlp Import/export Improvements, Bertrand Mathieu
    A lot of other things, Bertrand Mathieu
    GCC-3 port of the Graph Library, Sebastien Grivet.
    GEM plug-in, David Duke.
    Adjacency Matrix import plug-in Luis Garcia.
    Poset Import plug-in Luis Garcia.

%setup -q
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

%{?suse_update_config:%{suse_update_config -f}}

%if 0%{?use_cmake}
  -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -O2 -g" \
  -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-deprecated -Wall -O2 -g" \
autoreconf --force --install
export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
export CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-deprecated"
%configure \
       --docdir=%{_docdir}/tulip \
       --enable-shared \
       --with-pic \
       --disable-static \
       --enable-stats-gui \
       --enable-tlprender \
       --with-qt-dir=%{_bindir} \
       --with-qt-libraries=%{_libdir} \
       --with-qt-includes=%{_includedir} \
       --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include \
       --x-libraries=%{_libdir} \
       --with-gl-includes=%{_includedir} \

# parallel make is not working, do not use it. -Marcus 20091115
# generating docs during build is disabled
#(cd docs; make html)
# copy pre-generated docs instead

cp %_sourcedir/tulip-%{version}-devHandbook.pdf .
cp %_sourcedir/tulip-%{version}-userManual.pdf .
#cd docs
#make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install
#cd ..
%suse_update_desktop_file -i tulip Graphics 3DGraphics
find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir} -name *.la | xargs rm -f
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020
# create symlinks for man pages and documentation
# %fdupes -s %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man3
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/tulip
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/tulip
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/*.a

# Clear up the mess

%post -n libtulip -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libtulip -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post -n libtulip-qt4 -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libtulip-qt4 -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post -n libtulip-ogl -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libtulip-ogl -p /sbin/ldconfig

%dir %{_libdir}/tlp
%if 0%{?use_cmake} == 0
%dir %{_libdir}/tlp/bitmaps
%dir %{_datadir}/tulip
%doc NEWS

%files -n libtulip

%files -n libtulip-ogl
%dir %{_libdir}/tlp/glyphs

%files -n libtulip-qt4
%dir %{_libdir}/tlp/designer
%dir %{_libdir}/tlp/view

%files doc
%doc tulip-%{version}-userManual.pdf

%files devel
%dir %{_includedir}/tulip

%files devel-doc
%doc tulip-%{version}-devHandbook.pdf

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