File virtman-device-flags.diff of Package virt-manager

Index: virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
--- virt-manager-0.8.5.orig/src/virtManager/
+++ virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
@@ -1022,6 +1022,18 @@ class vmmAddHardware(gobject.GObject):
         logging.debug("Adding device:\n" + self._dev.get_xml_config())
+        # If vm is active, Try to hotplug the device and modify persistent
+        # config in one go
+        if self.vm.is_active():
+            try:
+                self.vm.attach_device_flags(self._dev, 3)
+                return (False, None)
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.debug("Could not hotplug device and modify persistent "
+                              "config at the same time: %s" % str(e))
+                logging.debug("Trying the operations seperately ...")
+        # Try hotplug then modify persistent config
         # Hotplug device
         attach_err = False
Index: virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
--- virt-manager-0.8.5.orig/src/virtManager/
+++ virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
@@ -1479,6 +1479,17 @@ class vmmDetails(gobject.GObject):
             self.config.set_confirm_removedev(not skip_prompt)
+        # If vm is running, try to hot remove the device and modify
+        # persistent config in one go
+        if self.vm.is_active():
+            try:
+                self.vm.detach_device_flags(dev_type, dev_id_info, 3)
+                return
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.debug("Could not hot remove device and modify "
+                              "persistent config at the same time: %s" % str(e))
+                logging.debug("Trying the operations seperately ...")
         # Define the change
             self.vm.remove_device(dev_type, dev_id_info)
Index: virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
--- virt-manager-0.8.5.orig/src/virtManager/
+++ virt-manager-0.8.5/src/virtManager/
@@ -1413,6 +1413,10 @@ class vmmDomain(vmmDomainBase):
+    def attach_device_flags(self, devobj, flags):
+        xml = devobj.get_xml_config()
+        self._backend.attachDeviceFlags(xml, flags)
     def detach_device(self, devtype, dev_id_info):
         Hotunplug device from running guest
@@ -1421,6 +1425,10 @@ class vmmDomain(vmmDomainBase):
         if self.is_active():
+    def detach_device_flags(self, devtype, dev_id_info, flags):
+        xml = self._get_device_xml(devtype, dev_id_info)
+        self._backend.detachDeviceFlags(xml, flags)
     def hotplug_vcpus(self, vcpus):
         vcpus = int(vcpus)
         if vcpus != self.vcpu_count():
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