File virtman-help.diff of Package virt-manager

Index: virt-manager-0.8.5/help/virt-manager/C/virt-manager.xml
--- virt-manager-0.8.5.orig/help/virt-manager/C/virt-manager.xml
+++ virt-manager-0.8.5/help/virt-manager/C/virt-manager.xml
@@ -821,218 +821,9 @@
   <title>The Create Wizard</title>
   <para>The Create Wizard helps you gather the information necessary to create
   new virtual machines. All the information in each screen is retained and can
-  be backed-up-to and modified until you click <guibutton>Finish</guibutton>
+  be backed-up-to and modified until you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>
    on the last screen.</para>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-system-name">
-   <title>The System Name screen</title>
-   <para>Choose a name for your virtual system. The name must be non-blank,
-    alphanumeric (plus underscores), contain at least one letter, and be less
-    than 50 characters.</para>
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-virt-method">
-   <title>The Virtualization Method screen</title>
-   <para>Choose a virtualization method for your new system. The choices
-    are:</para>
-   <variablelist>
-    <varlistentry><term>Paravirtualized</term> <listitem><para>A
-       paravirtualized system typically performs better than a fully virtualized
-       system because certain operations &mdash; disk and network access, for
-       example &mdash; have direct access to the hardware. However a
-       paravirtualized VM requires a specially modified kernel. If you
-       choose paravirtualized, you must make sure this specially modified kernel
-       is available for the operating system you wish to install.</para>
-     </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry><term>Fully Virtualized</term>
-     <listitem>
-      <para>A fully virtualized system simulates all the hardware for the VM,
-       permitting no direct access. It allows for a greater range of operating
-       systems, but generally will not perform as well as a paravirtualized
-       system. Note that for some hypervisor types, full virtualization requires
-       hardware support. In addition if your hardware allows it, you can
-       enable hardware acceleration for your fully virtualized guest (this
-       item will be grayed out unless your hardware is acceleration-capable).</para>
-     </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-   </variablelist>
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-installation-media">
-   <title>The Installation Media screens</title>
-   <para>The Installation Media screens let you specify where the physical or
-    virtual install media for your VM are located, so that the installer can
-    find them. There are two screens, one for each type of virtual
-    machine.</para>
-   <sect3 id="virt-manager-installation-media-paravirt">
-    <title>Paravirtualized installation media</title>
-    <figure id="virt-manager-FIG-paravirt-media">
-     <title>Choose Install Media for Paravirtualized VMs</title>
-     <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-	<imagedata fileref="figures/vm-paravirt-media.png" format="PNG"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject> <phrase>Shows the paravirtualized VM media choice window.</phrase>
-       </textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-     </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-    <para>A paravirtualized VM requires an install tree that follows the
-     pattern of the Fedora install tree (e.g. <ulink type="http"
-      url="">
-      this tree</ulink>). The <guilabel>Install Media URL</guilabel> box lets
-     you enter a URL for a tree like this. When you then go to install the
-     guest, the installer will check to see if the URL you entered is
-     readable, and if so download the paravirtualized install kernel and
-     initrd that it will need to start the install. You can use the following
-     URL types:</para>
-    <variablelist>
-     <varlistentry><term>http:</term>
-      <listitem><para>e.g. <userinput></userinput></para>
-      </listitem>
-     </varlistentry>
-     <varlistentry><term>ftp:</term>
-      <listitem><para>e.g. <userinput></userinput></para>
-      </listitem>
-     </varlistentry>
-     <varlistentry><term>nfs:</term>
-      <listitem><para>e.g. <userinput>nfs:myfileserver:/images/linux/core/6/i386/os/</userinput></para>
-      </listitem>
-     </varlistentry>
-     <varlistentry><term>local file:</term>
-      <listitem><para>e.g. <userinput>/tmp/paravirttrees/fedora/os</userinput>
-       </para>
-      </listitem>
-     </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-    <para>You can specify a kickstart URL for your paravirtualized VM in
-     exactly the same way as the install tree described
-     above. <application>&app;</application> will remember the last 5 URLs you
-     enter in these windows, so if you are installing multiple VMs you will
-     not have to type the URLs more than once.
-    </para>
-   </sect3>
-   <sect3 id="virt-manager-installation-media-full-virt">
-    <title>Fully Virtualized Installation Media</title>
-    <figure id="virt-manager-FIG-full-virt-media">
-     <title>Choose Install Media for Fully Virtualized VMs</title>
-     <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-	<imagedata fileref="figures/vm-full-virt-media.png" format="PNG"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject> <phrase>Shows the fully virtualized VM media choice window.</phrase>
-       </textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-     </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-    <para>A fully virtualized VM requires the standard installation media that
-     the same non-virtualized OS would require: either an actual CD or DVD, or
-     a corresponding ISO image. On the Installation Media screen for a fully
-     virtualized VM, you can therefore choose the path to your CD or DVD from
-     the pull-down list, or you can enter or browse to the path of the ISO
-     image you have saved in your local filesystem.</para>
-    <para>For fully virtualized VMs, <application>&app;</application> also
-     asks for the operating system type and variant you are installing. The
-     installer uses this to set the <parameter>acpi</parameter> and
-     <parameter>apic</parameter> flags according to the OS type (other
-     parameters may be added to this list in the future).</para>
-   </sect3>
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-storage-space">
-   <title>Assigning Storage Space</title>
-    <figure id="virt-manager-FIG-assign-storage">
-     <title>Assign Storage</title>
-     <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-	<imagedata fileref="figures/vm-assign-storage.png" format="PNG"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject> <phrase>Shows the Assigning Storage window.</phrase>
-       </textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-     </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-   <para>Designate the primary storage device for your VM. You may choose an
-    existing physical or LVM partition in the <guilabel>Partition</guilabel>
-    box; or, you may choose to use a file on the local filesystem. If you
-    choose to use a file that does not already exist, you may specify the size
-    of the file in megabytes. If you choose an existing file, that file's size
-    will not change. If you use a file for your primary storage device, you
-    may also choose whether to allocate the entire file
-    at creation time, or whether to allow it to grow to its maximum over
-    time.</para>
-   <warning>
-    <title>Sparse files can be dangerous</title>
-    <para>You may be tempted not to allocate your entire file when your VM is
-     created; filling a 5- to 10-GB file with 0s can take quite a while, and
-     you will avoid this wait by not allocating the entire file and instead using a
-     "sparse" file. However, be aware that this will slow down your VM's disk
-     performance significantly, as the underlying OS must keep allocating more
-     storage space as your VM runs. In addition, if the disk your sparse file
-     is on runs out of space, your VM may crash and lose data. You may
-     therefore only want to use a sparse file when testing, where guest
-     creation speed could be at a premium.</para>
-   </warning>
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-memory-and-cpu">
-   <title>Allocate Memory And CPU</title>
-   <figure id="virt-manager-FIG-mem-cpu">
-     <title>Set Memory and CPU</title>
-     <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-	<imagedata fileref="figures/vm-create-mem-cpu.png" format="PNG"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject> <phrase>Shows the VM Memory and CPU choice window.</phrase>
-       </textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-     </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-   <para>The <guilabel>Memory</guilabel> section of this screen lets you set
-    two parameters, <guilabel>VM Max Memory</guilabel> and <guilabel>VM
-     Startup Memory</guilabel>. These settings work as follows:</para>
-   <variablelist>
-    <varlistentry><term>VM Max Memory</term> <listitem><para><guilabel>VM Max
-	Memory</guilabel> sets the maximum memory your VM can have unless you
-       reboot it with a higher setting. For paravirtualized VMs, the maximum
-       memory is a boot-time kernel setting; for fully virtualized VMs, the
-       maximum memory appears to the VM to be the amount of physical memory
-       available.</para>
-     </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry><term>VM Startup Memory</term>
-     <listitem><para>For paravirtualized VMs, <guilabel>VM Startup
-	Memory</guilabel> sets the amount of memory to start the VM with. The
-       VM's available memory can then be changed from <application>&app;</application>
-       while the VM is running. For fully virtualized guests, this setting has
-       no effect.</para>
-     </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-   </variablelist>
-   <para>The virtual CPU section of this screen lets you set the number of
-    vCPUs your VM starts up with. For paravirtualized guests, this number can
-    be changed while the guest is running (although never to more than the VM
-    started with). For fully virtualized guests, this number can only be
-    changed while the guest is not running.</para>
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="virt-manager-validation">
-   <title>Validation</title>
-   <para>The Validation screen lets you verify the setup for your new
-    system. If you need to, you can back up and
-    make changes. Clicking &quot;Finish&quot; will begin creating your virtual
-    machine. If you have the <application>&app;</application> preferences set
-    to automatically open consoles, a <link
-     linkend="virt-manager-console-window">Console window</link> will pop up
-    as soon as the installer has downloaded the necessary images and booted
-    the VM's installer.
-   </para>
-  </sect2>
+  <para>For further details, see documentation for &quot;vm-install&quot;.</para>
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