File yast2-vm.changes of Package yast2-vm

Wed Nov 10 15:20:12 MST 2010 -

- bnc#628256 - sysvinit: Id "x0" respawning too fast 

Thu Oct 21 11:20:32 MDT 2010 -

- bnc#647261 - Get lot's of error in .xsession-errors when lauching

Wed Jan 13 18:56:03 CET 2010 -

- Adjusted .desktop file(s) to wrap /sbin/yast2/ calls in xdg-su
  where root privileges are needed, removed X-KDE-SubstituteUID key 

Wed Dec  2 16:23:55 MST 2009 -

- Add support for installing KVM.
  fate#306665 - KVM reaches supported status
  bnc#557233 - YaST needs to include kvm in virtualization support

Tue Jun 16 14:29:32 CEST 2009 -

- Using autodocs-ycp.ami, which contains a fix for automake 1.11.

Wed Apr  1 09:18:46 MDT 2009 -

- bnc#488598 - chkconfig and insserv fail on init scripts that 
  depend on /etc/init.d/boot.clock in Xen domU 

Thu Feb 12 13:04:27 CET 2009 -

- add dummy Exec line to the group desktop file to make it validate

Fri Jan  9 08:41:58 CET 2009 -

- use ExclusiveArch as in /SRC/arch/

Wed Nov 12 13:37:57 MST 2008 -

- bnc#431907 - inst_finish.ycp:233 Client vm_finish returned 
  invalid data 

Wed Oct 22 16:34:20 MDT 2008 -

- bnc#436987 - yast2-vm: Cannot create VMs if XEN installation 
  happens via the yast2-vm module 

Thu Oct  9 13:04:01 MDT 2008 -

- Install virt-viewer as one of the GUI packages needed by xen.

Fri May 16 16:40:22 CEST 2008 -

- added categories Settings and System into desktop file
  (bnc #382778)

Tue May 13 14:49:10 MDT 2008 -

- yast2-vm needs to install vm-install.

Wed Apr  9 16:38:03 MDT 2008 -

- Disable code that modifies SuSEfirewall2.

Wed Mar 26 13:39:06 MDT 2008 -

- In 11.0, kernel-xenpae is just kernel-xen.  There is no nonpae
  32bit kernel.

Mon Mar 17 12:43:32 CET 2008 -

- added 'StartupNotify=true' to the desktop file (bnc #304964)

Fri Feb 29 13:33:20 MST 2008 -

- Remove tools-ioemu dependency.  This package no longer exists.

Mon Dec 10 15:58:16 CET 2007 -

- merged proofread texts (2007-18-23)

Fri Aug 31 10:31:05 CEST 2007 -

- don't repeat Name content in GenericName field within xen.desktop

Tue Jun  5 09:57:06 MDT 2007 -

- Respond when "help" is requested at the command line. (#269913)
- Prompt for installing graphical tools when running in text mode.

Mon May 21 08:29:37 MDT 2007 -

- The 'Virtualization' category is missing and the virtualization
  icons are in the other category. (#258600)
- Update icon name in yast2-vm (#258519)

Mon Mar 12 10:16:40 MDT 2007 -

- Change the check for xenbr0 to xenbr+. (#233934)
- Remove requires rule on yast2-installation. (#252932)

Fri Feb 23 14:59:17 MST 2007 -

- A fix to allow the xm console command to work again with
  PV guests. (#244097)

Wed Feb 21 15:49:43 MST 2007 -

- Yast2-vm now only installs the hypervisor and tools on the host
  server.  All other tasks have been moved to vm-install and

Wed Dec  6 15:16:51 MST 2006 -

- Yast2-vm does not remove the directory that contains the vm disk
  image when deleting a vm. (#221258)
- Yast2-vm doesn't recognize an installation source set up as an
  ISO file over NFS. (#224798) 

Thu Nov 16 14:29:51 MST 2006 -

- yast2-vm acquires package from the wrong install source when a
  second source is specified for additional vm installs. (#217403)

Fri Nov  3 16:47:57 MST 2006 -

- yast2-vm inserts empty cdrom line when booting from an already
  installed disk causing the guest to fail because it can't attach 
  to the non-existent CDROM. (#210099)
- yast2-vm does not remove link in /etc/xen/auto when deleting a
  VM causing error messages from xendomains when it tries to auto
  start it. (#207082)
- Eliminate a "no GUI" warning message that is displayed in the pv 
  guest during install because textmode=1 was removed for the
  framebuffer feature that did not make it in. (#215990)

Fri Sep  1 12:43:23 MDT 2006 -

- Replace the 'cdrom=' entry in fully virtualized config files with
  a corresponding disk line entry.
- If para virtualized, kernel is extracted from a SUSE installation
  source, and domU kernel version >= 2.6.18, add "sdl=1" to config
- Remove the 'extra' option with 'vnc=0 textmode=1'.
- 2.14.0 

Mon Aug  7 17:46:28 MDT 2006 -

- Always write out "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm" for the device_model
  field in a fully virtualized VM configuration file. (#193854)
- Add Logical Volumes (LVM) to the list of available block devices. 
  (#186930, #189765)
- Check whether X window system is accessible by testing for the 
  existance of the DISPLAY enviroment value. (#194389)
- When fully virtualized, if a bridge has not been specifed for a 
  given vif, do not default to the value 'bridge=xenbr0' in the 
  VM config file (#197777)
- Use the 'xm info' values 'max_para_memory' or 'max_hvm_memory'
  instead of 'max_free_memory' when calculating the amount of
  memory available for a given VM. (#184727)
- Display a popup feedback message when creating a non-sparse disk.
- Display a popup yes/no dialog asking if xend should be started 
  when it is not running. (#176369)
- 2.13.62

Thu Jul 13 11:44:48 MDT 2006 -

- Do not create the disk images (i.e. dd) when proposal_type is
  'boot' (#192135)
- 2.13.61 

Wed Jul 12 11:13:35 MDT 2006 -

- Removed fix for async mode disk read/write during paravirtualized
  installs (#190869)
- 2.13.60

Mon Jul 10 12:54:11 MDT 2006 -

- If paravirtualization, allow async mode disk read/write only 
  during the VM install. (#190869)
- 2.13.59

Tue Jun 27 09:06:17 CEST 2006 -

- Initialize new installation sources, use the new source ID when
  the installation source is modified (#179410)
- 2.13.58

Fri Jun 16 15:41:34 MDT 2006 -

- Replace the 'extra' option 'vnc=1' with 'vnc=0 textmode=1'
- 2.13.57

Tue Jun 13 16:08:23 MDT 2006 -

- Use 'sed -i' instead of 'sed -e' to avoid changing the file
  permissions of /etc/sysconfig/console and /etc/inittab. (#184690)
- 2.13.56 

Tue Jun  6 12:03:55 MDT 2006 -

- Preserve the AutoYaST settings for both the install proposal and 
  the final proposal. Generate an autoinstallation summary proposal 
  that contains the settings for both the install and final
  proposals. (#182149) 
- 2.13.55 

Thu Jun  1 16:16:42 MDT 2006 -

- Do not display the 'Manage Virtual Machines' dialog when 
  creating an AutoYaST profile using the Autoinstallation wizard.
- Only enable `view button on the 'Manage Virtual Machines' dialog
  if YaST is running in a graphical display (XServer) and the 
  selected vm is not configured to use SDL. (#181011)
- Only enable `start button on the 'Manage Virtual Machines' dialog
  if YaST is running in a graphical display (XServer) or the 
  selected vm is configured as a paravirtualized guest. (#181009)
- Disable service 'earlykbd' when running an install inside of a
  domU. (#180919)
- If paravirtualized domU install, use the 'extra' option 'vnc=1',
  rather than 'textmode=1' (#181074)
- 2.13.54 

Mon May 29 01:10:44 MDT 2006 -

- VM_XEN::ValidateConfigName() should return false if a vm name
  setting inside of a config file conflicts with the proposed
  vm name (#181001)
- Search physical disk partitions specified in the VM disk settings
  for a valid Xen kernel. (#180130)
- Remove any single or double quotes surrounding values read from a
  VM config file. (#179324)
- If dom0 is 64 bit OS, domU is full virtualization, and domU
  memory is >= 3.5 GB, set 'pae=1' in the VM config file. (#180361)
- 2.13.53

Mon May 22 15:30:40 MDT 2006 -

- Allow the cdrom_image setting to persist when moving from 
  proposal_type 'install' to proposal_type 'boot'. (#174616)
- 2.13.52

Fri May 19 11:12:34 CEST 2006 -

- allow the VM management in ncurses UI (#149045)
- 2.13.51

Thu May 18 15:57:32 MDT 2006 -

- Do not install kernel-xen when installing kernel-xenpae. 
- 2.13.50

Wed May 17 09:59:07 CEST 2006 -

- check whether the package management is available at start
  of the yast module (#175148)
- 2.13.49

Tue May 16 11:23:17 MDT 2006 -

- Re-generate the proposed MAC address for the default network
  settings when VM_XEN::resetNetworkConfig() is called. (#175955)
- Don't display mounted disk partitions in dom0 as physical disk 
  partitions available for use in domU. (#173433)
- Select the correct disk partition containing the xenpae kernel
  or the NetWare viX kernel. (#175426, #175729) 
- 2.13.48

Thu May 11 16:18:15 MDT 2006 -

- Always write out the 'cdrom=' entry to the vm config file if 
  full virtualization and proposal_mode != 'existing'.
- Ask for the initrd package first and the kernel package last 
  when extracting a kernel/initrd from a SUSE installation source.
  This should ensure CD1 is in the CD-ROM drive when the VM 
  installation starts. (#175111)
- Install kernel-xenpae by default for dom0 when running on 
  kernel-bigsmp. (#175117)
- 2.13.47

Tue May  9 16:14:30 MDT 2006 -

- Default the root device if a disk partition contains the
  Xen Linux kernel and ramdisk. (#162593) 
- When a NetWare kernel is detected, set the 'DISPLAY=' value to 
  the IP address of the network interface assigned to the default 
  route in the IP routing table. (#173594)
- Do not display the message 'Installation will be aborted' when
  we are not installing a virtual machine. (#173991)
- Remove any inst sources that were added to the disk configuration
  when switching virtualization mode. (#171696)
- 2.13.46

Mon May  8 09:37:14 MDT 2006 -

- Enable the Write portion of vm_finish.ycp if Arch::is_xenU()
  and when `installation, `update, or `autoinst. 
  (#167204, #171476, #161721)
- 2.13.45

Thu May  4 11:43:35 MDT 2006 -

- resetSourceConfig() must always be called after resetDiskConfig()
  to ensure the disk config settings are not overrun by the source
  config settings. (#172714)
- Final settings proposal should default to the PAE kernel 
  (vmlinuz-xenpae) when the PAE kernel was used to install the 
  VM. (#172977)
- Remove workaround for AMD Pacifica (svm) processor on arch x86_64 
  with full virtualization. (#169855)
- Display an error message if a new disk image (loopback-create) 
  already exists. (#173267)
- Updated text strings and comments to comply with the Style Guide 
  for SUSE Program Texts located on forge.
- 2.13.44

Tue May  2 12:58:42 MDT 2006 -

- Added patch for "srcid" not set in results from 
  Pkg::PkgPropertiesAll (#163609)
- Added a popup error message to VM_Common::CreateDiskImage() for 
  when the 'dd' command fails to create a disk image (#172083) 
- Added an additional popup error message when installing/finalizing 
  a VM's settings. This new popup contains a details button with the
  output (stdout/stderr) of a failed xm create command (#172084)
- Final text review in preparation for text freeze.
- 2.13.43

Tue May  2 10:21:36 MDT 2006 -

- Add a second yes/no pop-up warning the user about deleting a VM.
- 2.13.42

Thu Apr 27 16:15:37 MDT 2006 -

- If AMD Pacifica (svm) processor, architecture is x86_64 and full 
  virtualization, always write out 'cpus=0' (#169855)
- Don't reset all of the proposal settings when the virtualization 
  mode changes (#170028)
- 2.13.41

Wed Apr 26 12:02:46 MDT 2006 -

- Specify the CD-ROM device name in the URL to be used for 
  extracting the kernel/initrd from a SUSE CD/DVD media.
- Always display the size of each disk in the disk overview table 
  regardless of it's type (loop-create, loop-use, or phys).
- Values on_reboot, on_crash, and on_poweroff must always be 
  rewritten to the config file when virtualization type is 
  full. (#168203)
- Strip off any query string before writing the "install=" 
  setting. (#169829)
- 2.13.40 

Tue Apr 25 12:18:21 MDT 2006 -

- Must always create new disk images when they are added as a new 
  disk to the table of disk images (#168206)
- Always Unmount the YaST ini agent before writing settings to a 
  config file (#168165)
- 2.13.39 

Fri Apr 21 14:25:58 MDT 2006 -

- Although console appears to be a tty, don't do character 
  translations (#149175)
- 2.13.38

Thu Apr 20 12:58:34 MDT 2006 -

- domU has only one console (#167204)
- 2.13.37

Wed Apr 19 15:41:23 MDT 2006 -

- SCR::Read(.target.dir, "/etc/xen/vm") instead of 
  SCR::Dir("/etc/xen/vm") to read list of used vm names (#165855)
- Can now extract the kernel and initrd using a SUSE ISO or 
  CD/DVD media. (#158529).
- 2.13.36

Fri Apr 14 12:21:05 CEST 2006 -

- updated vm_finish client (#161720, #161721, #161756)
- pass static network configuration to linuxrc (#162713)
- 2.13.35

Wed Apr 12 14:04:43 MDT 2006 -

- Launch the vncviewer using 'vncviewer localhost:<vm id>',
  instead of using 'xm console <vmname>' (#165619)
- 2.13.34

Fri Apr  7 08:37:26 CEST 2006 -

- don't modify bootloader configuration when confguring domain0,
  it's modified by kernel-xen package (#163138)
- 2.13.33

Thu Apr  6 22:57:50 MDT 2006 -

- Add dialog for managing virtual machines, similar to the 
  xm commands (xm list, xm create, xm destory, etc.)
- Add help text for MAC address and Bridge Name (#145663)
- Change Control Center icon name to 'Virtual Machine Management (Xen)'.
- Move Control Center icon from 'Software' catagory to 'System'.
- Various text string changes (help and UI).
- 2.13.32

Tue Apr  4 14:52:02 CEST 2006 -

- dom0 configuration: modify firewall configuration - add the Xen
  bridge into FW_FORWARD_ALWAYS_INOUT_DEV option (#154133),
  fixed detection of a Xen section in bootloader
- 2.13.31

Wed Mar 29 15:27:15 CEST 2006 -

- use "Xen" term only in the texts (#161737)
- 2.13.30

Tue Mar 28 15:43:10 CEST 2006 -

- x86_64 arch: use x86_64 packages, not i386 (#161267)
- 2.13.29

Sat Mar 25 22:46:13 MST 2006 -

- Overhaul from Provo, to make module more feature complete.
- 2.13.28

Sun Mar 19 01:10:24 CET 2006 -

- fixed size of image for AutoYaST profile (#159369)
- create mountpoint for autoinst.img (#159370)
- fixed writing AutoYaST image to domU config file
- add -F to mkfs.ext2

Fri Mar 10 15:17:41 CET 2006 -

- image directory is configurable now (#156591)
- check for existing config file, don't overwrite it (#156322)
- 2.13.27

Thu Mar  9 13:33:50 CET 2006 -

- merged proofread texts
- 2.13.26

Wed Mar  8 15:48:40 CET 2006 -

- fixed network configuration in full virtualization mode (#145064)
- 2.13.25

Wed Mar  8 14:04:43 CET 2006 -

- initialize package manager, source proposal fix (#152638)
- removed unused code (product detection)
- fixed network config reset
- 2.13.24

Wed Mar  8 11:33:03 CET 2006 -

- fixed capitalization in DHCP label and proposal text
- 2.13.23

Fri Mar  3 16:11:26 CET 2006 -

- display full file path and device prefix (#154016)
- 2.13.22

Mon Feb 27 10:49:28 CET 2006 -

- 2.13.21

Fri Feb 24 18:51:18 CET 2006 -

- new DHCP option in the network configuratino dialog (#153385)
- allow to boot from CD-ROM in full virtualization mode

Thu Feb 23 18:26:48 CET 2006 -

- don't remove CD-ROM after reboot in full virtualization mode

Tue Feb 21 11:29:27 CET 2006 -

- display warning in full virtualization mode if AutoYast
  profile is configured
- check URL of an installation source
- fixed package download from an inst. source
- fixed crash due to uninitialized source (#150241)
- 2.13.20

Tue Feb 21 08:52:58 CET 2006 -

- check valid disk devices in full virtualization mode (#145064)
- .spec: removed yast2-devel-packages and yast2-users

Fri Feb 17 15:42:04 CET 2006 -

- boot device configuration in full virtualization mode,
  start VM in background (#145064)
- xen config file fixes
- 2.13.19

Mon Feb 13 17:29:54 CET 2006 -

- 2.13.18

Mon Feb 13 17:13:42 CET 2006 -

- validate domain name (only alphanumeric and _-.:+ characterrs
  are allowed) (#150054)

Mon Feb 13 16:55:24 CET 2006 -

- resize dom0 memory size if needed (#147612)

Mon Feb 13 15:04:06 CET 2006 -

- start 2nd stage at background, finish yast module (#149665)
- show the network device config popup when adding new interface

Mon Feb 13 12:55:11 CET 2006 -

- don't start VM when file downloading from source fails (#147428)
- initialize target (#150241)

Mon Feb 13 11:24:32 CET 2006 -

- increased default disk image size to 4GB (#149604)
- generate default MAC address for network interface (#149177) 

Mon Feb  6 14:32:16 CET 2006 -

- full virtualization fix (use hvm loader and builder)
- write vif option correctly (#145390)
- allow non-network source
- suppose VM crash if runtime is lower than 3 sec
- 2.13.17

Wed Feb  1 13:12:57 CET 2006 -

- extract translatable strings from vm_install.xml control file
- 2.13.16

Mon Jan 30 14:44:55 CET 2006 -

- don't write obsoleted 'nics' options to domain configuration
  file (#145390)
- 2.13.15

Wed Jan 25 11:02:12 CET 2006 -

- Use "RAM Disk" instead of "initrd" (#143673)
- 2.13.14

Mon Jan 23 16:53:39 CET 2006 -

- merged proofed texts
- 2.13.13

Fri Jan 20 12:53:58 CET 2006 -

- Improved help texts (#143669, #143672, #143674)
- Use "RAM Disk" instead of "initrd" (#143673)
- Fixes in the Full Virtualization mode
- Propose sparse images
- Create extra disk image for AutoYast profile
- 2.13.12

Tue Jan 17 11:07:32 CET 2006 -

- fixed .spec file (missing inst_xen_mode.ycp in the file list)
- 2.13.11

Fri Jan 13 15:55:27 CET 2006 -

- no network interfaces possible in virtual machine
- AutoYast profile selection is part of the proposal
- export selected installation source as URL in AutoYast
- configure Xen virtualization mode (paravirtualization or
  full virtualization) (GUI only)
- 2.13.10

Wed Jan 11 12:53:53 CET 2006 -

- AutoYast client
- 2.13.9

Wed Jan  4 13:03:28 CET 2006 -

- install xen-tools package
- check whether kernel-xen and install-initrd packages
  are available (#116395)
- fixed $URL_INSTALL macro expansion
- 2.13.8

Mon Dec 19 14:18:36 CET 2005 -

- merged proofed texts
- 2.13.7 

Fri Dec 16 15:11:11 CET 2005 -

- new client for Xen domain0 configuration (#117215)
- spelling fixes
- 2.13.6

Mon Dec 12 17:07:25 CET 2005 -

- removed UML support
- 2.13.5

Mon Dec 12 09:49:05 CET 2005 -

- custom kernel and RAM disk configuration
- workflow update for custom kernel
- renamed search variable
- new help texts + updates
- xen - configure more virtual network interfaces, allow to use
  physical partition as storage, use existing disk image
- 2.13.4

Tue Nov 22 11:08:39 CET 2005 -

- installation boot parameter - boot option has been splitted into
  two parts: boot option and additional installation boot option
  (used only at the first stage, e.g. autoyast option)
- xen - configure restart option
- fixed error message (part of #117215)
- version 2.13.3

Fri Nov 11 10:30:05 CET 2005 -

- added command line mode support
- merged UML functionality (yast2-uml package can be dropped)
- uml - configure UMID option, um-host-install-initrd package
  is not used any more (#96323)
- version 2.13.2

Fri Oct 14 09:30:02 CEST 2005 -

- moved generic code to VM_Common::
- proposal definition is part of the package
- version 2.13.1

Tue Sep 27 11:21:31 CEST 2005 -

- install required X packages (xorg-x11, xterm) (#117660)
- write option ioemu for emulated disk (#117711)
- version 2.13.0

Mon Sep 19 09:34:47 CEST 2005 -

- fixed 'Xen' spelling (#117226)

Fri Sep  9 11:32:13 CEST 2005 -

- write vif option properly into VM configuration file (#115791)
- don't start an installatinon without network source (#114740) 
- 2.12.4

Fri Aug 26 13:30:30 CEST 2005 -

- fixed layout of the tables (#112971)
- use arch dependend kernel-xen and install-initrd package
- reinitialize installtion sources
- fixed logging
- 2.12.3

Fri Aug 19 12:46:23 CEST 2005 -

- use properly custom installation source
- mount partitions in virtual disk image
- search for kernel files, copy them to domain0
- search for root device name
- update VM configuration file before starting the 2nd stage
- create link in /etc/xen/auto when 'on boot' start
  mode is selected
- add TERM=xterm kernel option (to have colours in 2nd stage)
- 2.12.2

Fri Aug 12 12:24:14 CEST 2005 -

- fixed creating of an installation initrd (#104339)
- fixed configuration update after reboot (after first
  installation stage)
- 2.12.1

Fri Aug 12 09:08:10 CEST 2005 -

- fix textdomain 

Fri Aug  5 12:34:43 CEST 2005 -

- initial release
- 2.12.0

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