File glib-sentinel.patch of Package glib

--- glib-1.2.10/glib.h.xx	2005-01-20 16:13:43.340417282 +0100
+++ glib-1.2.10/glib.h	2005-01-20 16:17:14.209582522 +0100
@@ -268,6 +268,11 @@
 #define	G_GNUC_UNUSED
 #endif	/* !__GNUC__ */
+#if     __GNUC__ >= 4
+#define G_GNUC_SENTINEL(x) __attribute__((__sentinel__(x)))
+#define G_GNUC_SENTINEL(x)
 /* Wrap the gcc __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and __FUNCTION__ variables with
  * macros, so we can refer to them as strings unconditionally.
@@ -1493,9 +1498,9 @@
 gchar*	 g_strnfill		(guint	      length,
 				 gchar	      fill_char);
 gchar*	 g_strconcat		(const gchar *string1,
-				 ...); /* NULL terminated */
+				 ...) G_GNUC_SENTINEL(0); /* NULL terminated */
 gchar*   g_strjoin		(const gchar  *separator,
-				 ...); /* NULL terminated */
+				 ...) G_GNUC_SENTINEL(0); /* NULL terminated */
 gchar*	 g_strescape		(gchar	      *string);
 gpointer g_memdup		(gconstpointer mem,
 				 guint	       byte_size);
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