File kdenetwork3-lisa.fillup of Package kdenetwork3

## Path:	Desktop/KDE/Lisa
## Description:	KDE network daemon called "LISa"
## Type:	list(local,server,none)
## ServiceRestart: lisa
## Default:	local
# start the KDE network daemon called "LISa".
# "local"  = start LISa, the standard KDE network daemon for 
#            NFS, FTP, HTTP and NMB services
#            LISa only accept querys from your localhost
# "server" = LISa can be used from your local network connections
#            You should enable a firewall, if this system is 
#            also connected on non trusted networks or configure it
#            in /etc/lisarc on your own.
# "none"   = do not start LISa
# a standard configuration will be created in /etc/lisarc
# by SuSEconfig.lisa

## Type:	string
## Default:	localhost;
# specify additional hosts, beside the local network connections.
# each hostname must be separetad by a ";"

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