File qtractor.changes of Package qtractor

Wed Oct 12 07:53:32 UTC 2011 -

- update to 0.5.1
  - More LADISH support: SIGTERM signal is now trapped for graceful 
    application close.
  - Improved paste-repeat snap precision when dealing with large 
    repeat counts.
  - Czech (cs) translation added, by Pavel Fric.
  - Added a few snap-to-beat divisors (unusual Beat/5, Beat/7, 
    Beat/9 and Beat/10) for completeness sake.
  - Such a simple change of mind with a visual twist: the "A" track 
    automation button/menu has now been
  - moved to the right-most, as it belongs ;)
  - Auto-connection of dedicated audio outputs is now optional 
    for default audio master bus, metronome, player and MIDI 
    instrument plugin dedicated audio outputs.
  - Finally, after a pitiful large brain-dead period, generic plugin 
    forms are now showing all possible controllable plugin 
    parameters featuring a paged, tabbed dialog, whenever applicable.
  - Special hack/fix for JUCE based native VST plugins, which are 
    the most actually found with a GUI editor, skipping explicit 
    shared library unloading and thus avoiding some mysterious 
    crashes on session close and/or application exit.
  - Support for MIDI-fx plugins (native VST and/or LV2) is now 
    implemented and functional (intra-chain only).
  - Instrument plugin bank/program selection was found broken or 
    dead in the water, specially on VSTi, now finally fixed again.
  - VST plugin parameter value display on generic form is now 
    back in business (were dead regarding value changes).
  - All plugin's provided GUI editors are now honored by being 
    popped up first, instead of the usual but good old generic 
    plugin form.
  - Long overdue implementation of a dedicated MIDI file player is 
    now accessible from the MIDI files widget; one can play the 
    whole SMF or just a single track or channel.
  - Update to a newer VeSTige header, probably fixing an old 32 vs. 64 
    bit mismatch.
  - Avoid JACK session filenames/paths to be ever shown; also avoid 
    all buses ports (re)connections when JACK sessions are (re)loaded, 
    given the fact that session management will take care of just that; 
    more also, untitled/default session names are now also picked up to 
    match current LADISH project name, obviously given by LADISH_PROJECT_NAME 
    environment variable, whenever present (as suggested by Nedko Ardaunov).
  - Paste-repeat floating selection has been fixed (was showing only the 
    last repeated selection).
  - Coherence of tempo changes on audio and MIDI clips, whether automatic 
    time-stretching is in effect, has been slightly improved, hopefully fixed.
  - Bold attempt to get linked (aka. ref-counted) audio and MIDI 
    clips into practice (EXPERIMENTAL).
  - Main track view now showing all clips above the grid.
  - Added support for both new and older (deprecated URI) lv2_external_ui 
    extension (by Nedko Ardaunov).
  - Following yet another great idea, and implementation, by Holger 
    Dehnhardt, who already brought us the new aux-send insert plugin, 
    thanks again, the so-called direct access control option is now 
    featured for any plugin parameter right from plugin listings eg. mixer strips.
  - General resource consumption and management has been slightly 
    improved, due to internal buses allocation optimization.
  - Fixed nasty crash-bug that was severely affecting all sessions 
    that had at least one insert (pseudo-)plugin on any audio input bus.
  - All automation curve nodes are now relocated whenever disparate 
    session sample-rate is detected on load.
  - New aux-send/insert pseudo-plugin is now introduced, allowing to 
    route any track audio output to any other audio output bus 
    besides the nominal one -- thanks to an original implementation from Holger Dehnhardt.
  - New immediate edit/loop-range settings from current clip extents, 
    accessible on the main menu (Clip/Range Set, Loop Set) and from 
    MIDI clip editor menu as well (File/Range Set, Loop Set).
  - MIDI Names XML files (*.midnam) may now be imported into MIDI 
    instrument definitions. (EXPERIMENTAL)
  - Avoid cursor reset while editing MIDI events list (fixes bug #3380259,
    reported by Frank Neumann).
  - Just some typos fixing (patch #3378382 by c-korn).
  - Track view automation curve editing mode has been slightly fixed, 
    now allowing for other previously existing point-and-click mouse operations.
  - Default automation curve mode is now preserved (following a 
    suggestion by Alexandre Prokoudine, thanks).

Fri Aug  5 07:34:22 UTC 2011 -

- update to 0.5.0
  - MIDI controller learn/catch-up sees the way in:
    MIDI controller changes are now only effective
    after catching-up with their respective program
    parameters, avoiding abrupt jumps and keeping a
    safe and continuous behavior. (EXPERIMENTAL)
  - Track/Height menu is now featured, giving access
    to Increase, Decrease or Reset the current track
  - All changes to audio gain and panning on tracks
    and buses are now applied following a piece-wise
    linear ramp, reducing the old nasty clicks, pops
    or zipper artifacts that might be awfully audible
    on some situations, most specially on automation.
  - All zooming in/out is now relative to either the
    viewport center or current mouse cursor position
    if found laying inside.
  - TYOQA! the underground sources have emerged:...
    after years in the making, track automation, or
    dynamic curves as some like to call, is finally
    a reality, tricky but real ;)
  - Audio clip anti-glitch/ramp-smoothing effect is
    now slightly independent of current buffer-size
    period (mitigating bug #3338113 effect).
  - Once buried under the Edit menu, Clip menu has
    been finally promoted to top main menu.
  - Debugging stacktrace now applies to all working
  - Fixed muted loop playback on audio clips ending
    coincidentally with the loop-turn/end point.
  - Old/deprecated JACK port latency support added
    to audio recording latency compensation.
  - Audio clip merge/export lock-ups now untangled
    (fixes bug #3308998).
  - LV2 extension headers update.
  - Fixed configure of newer LV2 host implementation
    stack (LILV) when older (SLV2) is not present.
- see
  for all changes since 0.4.7

Sun Oct  3 22:10:16 UTC 2010 -

- Applied patch - qtractor- from upstream to fix 11.2

Sat Oct  2 11:49:39 UTC 2010 -

- Update to version 0.4.7
- Upstream changes are too numerous to list for changes go to

Wed Jun 16 09:58:05 UTC 2010 -

- Update to version 0.4.6
- Introducing a non-painting edit sub-mode on the MIDI clip
  editor's piano-roll (see Edit/Select Mode/Edit Draw menu).
- The MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) is now a lot more
  quiet about saving its own dirty content, delegating all
  salvage questions to main session control.
- Don't show session restart message box when changing JACK
  transport mode option anymore.
- Dedicated MIDI control bus switching fixed. Was closing
  the wrong bus eventually and crashing the whole show with
  it (fixes bug #2989590).
- MIDI bank/program backout has been corrected on MIDI track
  properties dialog rejection (ie. user cancellation).
- MIDI bank select method has been corrected for tracks with
  no instrument defined (probably fixing bug #2987071).
- LV2 UI Instance and Data Access extension support added;
  reduce LV2 external UI parameter value update flickering.
- JACK session infrastructure support. (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Initial widget geometry and visibility persistence logic
  has been slightly revised as much to avoid crash failures
  due to wrong main widget hidden state.
- Initial mixer widget extents are now set reasonably larger.
- General source tree layout and build configuration change.
- See /usr/share/doc/packages/qtractor/ChangeLog for more.

Mon Jan 25 10:25:27 UTC 2010 -

- updated to version 0.4.5
  - Changing loop points while playback is rolling, with the
    play-head any near, was leaving audio clips out-of-sync.
  - MIDI event list view was missing some selected items with
    the very same onset time, now fixed.
  - When failing to detect a SSE enabled build, the CFLAGS
    variables are now properly restored to their previous
    sane state, preventing all subsequent dependency tests
    from false positives (bug# 
  - MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) multiple selection has
    been fixed (again) re. move/paste-snapping consistency.

Mon Jan 18 14:47:00 UTC 2010 -

- updated to version 0.4.4
  - For all the DSSI plugins that have output control ports,
    a host feedback/update process cycle is now being finally
    provided: all output control ports are now marshaled to
    their respective GUI process, rather often and when found
  - MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) snap-to-beat behavior on
    edit mode is now kind of more like 'filling-in-the-blanks'
    (as Frank Neumann et al. wishes ;)
  - Fixed MIDI clip editor mistake when reverting to initial
    clip length, before closing and discard changes (thanks
    to Frank Neumann, for spotting this one).
  - LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap
    just makes it a shortcut to File/Save.
  - Avoid parameter value flickering, due to duplicate command
    invocation, most evident when changing values massively on
    native Linux VSTi plugin editor GUIs (thanks to a detailed
    report on this odd behavior, from Mike of
  - Another TODO item bites the dust: MIDI event list editor,
    now acessible from the MIDI clip editor menu (View/Events) 
  - Last used session directory is now made current on startup
    only when no filename is given on the command line (solving
    bug #2920244).
  - Current snap-to-beat setting (time quantization) now affects
    the anchor event only, while dragging, moving and/or pasting
    multiple events over the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).
  - Make anti-glitch audio clip micro fade-in/outs independent
    from current buffer size as much as possible.
  - Audio/MIDI engine drift correction gets really sophisticated,
    with the help of (now old) ALSA MIDI tempo skew facility.
  - Edit/Clip/Import... menu option is now available for expedite
    clip insertion from audio and MIDI file requesters.
  - Set default session directory effective to file's location.
  - Audio track/clip recording process has been target to special
    refactorization across the internal audio engine process cycle,
    in a late attempt to get self-bounce/recording effective and
    working consistently for all track layouts.
  - All session related dialogs are now set to window modality,
    (were set to default application modality before) allowing
    for continued input focus and interaction on all plugin/tool
  - An off-by-one nasty old bug fixed in audio clip drawing, was
    causing instant crashes on certain zoom levels of the main
    track view.
  - Graphical MIDI clip representation regarding note/pitch range is
    now kept as much as possible across clip edits (cut, copy, paste,
    drag, move, delete, etc.)
  - LV2 plug-in hosting has finally come into actual implementation;
    only some and the most basic LV2 plug-in features are supported
    at the moment; probably there's no big advantage against the old
    LADSPA ones; there's some support for external UIs though; also,
    LV2 MIDI/Event bare-bones support is included but chances are it
    won't build nor work right on most of the setups out there. It's
    a WIP host implementation anyways, as is the whole LV2 spec. for
    that matter ;)
  - Connections filter is now reset when widget is shown through the
    View/Connections main menu or toolbar button.
  - Audio bus auto-connection option is now applied when creating or
    updating, newer or existing buses, respectively.
  - Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to
    disk whenever View/Options... dialog changes are applied or when
    a session is loaded or saved.
  - Audio ramping spin-locking makes its smooth stuff, in an attempt
    to reduce glitching and crackling when editing (due to its own
    pseudo spin-locking) and toggling playback states.
  - JACK Transport, MMC Device, and MIDI Song Position pointer (SPP)
    control modes are now made optional (View/Options...), allowing
    for discretionary configuration: None/Disabled, Slave/Input,
    Master/Output or Full/Duplex (default).
  - Session files may now be dragged and dropped over the main track
    view and get loaded for business as usual (once quietly ignored).
  - In an attempt to mitigate potential stack corruption and sudden
    crashes, old commented out session pseudo-locks are now back in
    business while executing clip editing commands (cut, paste, drag,
    move, insert, delete) and playback is currently rolling.
  - Adjusted first-time application window size to fit into 800x600
    screen size and with reasonable initial dockables layout.
  - Avoid duplicate snap-to-grid effect when changing the length of
    MIDI clip editor events across non-zero clip offsets (after a
    glitch reported by Ralf Mardorf).
  - Late audio track processing optimization, suppressing all plugin,
    mixer and monitor pass-through activity when given track is muted,
    either explicitly or implicitly (ie. other track is in solo state).
  - Entering System Exclusive events (SysEx) on the MIDI clip editor
    (aka matrix/piano-roll widget), yet something not fully supported
    anyway, even though allowed in edit mode, doesn't crash the whole
    damn thing anymore, while saving the clip to a file.
  - Strict aliasing avoidance, with plain and demanded use of 'union',
    as much as to stop nagging warnings from gcc >= 4.4.1 (last seen
    on src/qtractorMidiEvent.h hackery).
  - Visual correct play-head position while changing zoom levels,
    applicable to both main track and MIDI clip editor views.
Thu Nov  5 08:28:00 UTC 2009 -

- updated to 0.4.3
 * External preset files are not removed nor deleted from the file-system anymore.
 * Connections support for UTF-8 encoded client/port names.
 * Force track and clip properties dialog widget to be modal as it should from their beginning dawn.
 * Audio effect send/return aux. inserts are implemented as special pseudo-plugins (Plugins/Inserts).
 * Reset play-head position on auto-backward and keep playback rolling when continue past end transport option is not set.
 * MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll/matrix aditor) gets better on the virtual piano keyboard eye-candy side of things ;).
 * Plugins are now also referenced by label, avoiding plugin index clash/misses eg. when plugin object file/path changes or is moved externally.
 * Keyboard focus is now cleared/reset from the main toolbar time and tempo spin-boxes when editing gets finished (eg. Enter key is pressed).
 * First audio metronome beat/bar now played back correctly (fixes bug #2841437).
 * Client to/from port (dis)connections now found consistent as good ol'QjackCtl behavior (fixes bug #2834657).
 * All dirty open MIDI clip editors are now prompted to save before the main application closes (fixes bug #2835516).
 * Mixer level meters get their long deserved gradient look.
 * Fixed any ghost clip selections that were haunting the main track view, specially after undo/redo.
 * Increased tolerance on reading corrupt MIDI files (SMF).
 * A MIDI SysEx manager is being finally introduced, in some primordial rather basic form though.
 * A default MIDI instrument name may now be assigned to any MIDI output bus (see View/Buses.../MIDI).
 * More legacy headers, stdio.h and stdlib.h, are yet again necessary to build with gcc/g++ >= 4.4 (as patch noted by Alexis Ballier on Gentoo bug report #274168, thanks).
 * Bus manager dialog (View/Buses...) gets new columns on the left pane buses list as for displaying number of channels and bus mode.
 * Crash when updating bus probably fixed (bug #2811630).
 * Fixed glitch displaying beat snap/grid lines on MIDI clip editor, incidental to clips located at absolute zero time.
 * Overlapped MIDI clips were rendering garbled note events to DSSI/VSTi plugins, now fixed.
 * New MIDI Playback/Queue timer (resolution) option is now available (see View/Options.../MIDI).
 * MIDI instrument definitions may now be imported from plain SoundFont files.

Tue Oct  6 06:07:18 UTC 2009 -

- updated to 0.4.2
 * External preset files are not removed nor deleted from the file-system anymore.
 * Connections support for UTF-8 encoded client/port names.
 * Force track and clip properties dialog widget to be modal as it should from their beginning dawn.
 * Audio effect send/return aux. inserts are implemented as special pseudo-plugins (Plugins/Inserts).
 * Reset play-head position on auto-backward and keep playback rolling when continue past end transport option is not set.
 * MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll/matrix aditor) gets better on the virtual piano keyboard eye-candy side of things ;).
 * Plugins are now also referenced by label, avoiding plugin index clash/misses eg. 
   when plugin object file/path changes or is moved externally.
 * Keyboard focus is now cleared/reset from the main toolbar time and tempo spin-boxes 
   when editing gets finished (eg. Enter key is pressed).
 * First audio metronome beat/bar now played back correctly (fixes bug #2841437).
 * Client to/from port (dis)connections now found consistent as good ol'QjackCtl behavior (fixes bug #2834657).
 * All dirty open MIDI clip editors are now prompted to save before the main application closes (fixes bug #2835516).
 * Mixer level meters get their long deserved gradient look.
 * Fixed any ghost clip selections that were haunting the main track view, specially after undo/redo.
 * Increased tolerance on reading corrupt MIDI files (SMF).
 * A MIDI SysEx manager is being finally introduced, in some primordial rather basic form though. MIDI System 
   Exclusive (SysEx) event strings may now be freely assigned to MIDI output buses only, allowing for proper 
   setup of external outboard MIDI equipment. Each bus may have an unlimited SysEx queue that gets sent out on every
   connection change (see View/Buses.../MIDI/SysEx...).
 * A default MIDI instrument name may now be assigned to any MIDI output bus (see View/Buses.../MIDI).
 * More legacy headers, stdio.h and stdlib.h, are yet again necessary to build with gcc/g++ >= 4.4 (as patch noted 
   by Alexis Ballier on Gentoo bug report #274168, thanks).
 * Bus manager dialog (View/Buses...) gets new columns on the left pane buses list 
   as for displaying number of channels and bus mode.
 * Crash when updating bus probably fixed (bug #2811630).
 * Fixed glitch displaying beat snap/grid lines on MIDI clip editor, incidental to clips located at absolute zero time.
 * Overlapped MIDI clips were rendering garbled note events to DSSI/VSTi plugins, now fixed.
 * New MIDI Playback/Queue timer (resolution) option is now available (see View/Options.../MIDI).
 * MIDI instrument definitions may now be imported from plain SoundFont files.

Mon Aug 31 11:41:09 CEST 2009 -

- added jack to Requires section

Fri Jul 31 11:24:09 CEST 2009 -

- added librubberband2-devel to buildrequires (for 11.2 and higher)

Fri Jul 24 13:06:20 CEST 2009 -

- fix buildrequires: dssi -> dssi-devel

Tue Jun  9 10:42:12 CEST 2009 -

- updated to version 0.4.2
 * The MIDI clip editor (piano-roll/matrix editor), the main track
   view as well, have been subject to usability fixing.
 * MIDI tracks channel bank/program and controller stuff are now 
   only issued when the respective bus connections have changed, 
   seldom on every playback start.
 * MIDI controller mapping infrastructure, with file based 
   configuration management (see View/Controllers...), is now 
   in place, following an original contribution from gizzmo aka Mathias Krause.
 * Plugin chain buffer reset on playback start/stop is not 
   guarded by a momentary plugin de/activation anymore.
 * Clip export may now be applied to multiple clips, sharing 
   common refactored code and same semantics as merging of 
   current selected clips.
 * Improved, may be just fixed yet again, audio track export 
   synchronization and reliability.
 * Clip merge is now featured both for audio and MIDI tracks.
 * Fixed the precision of multi-clip final positioning as result
   of drag/move and paste operations in main track view (as in bug #2741611).
 * MIDI track program number is now listed in 1-128 range.
 * MIDI editor snap grid lines get slight different color 
   then regular beat divisions.
 * Reset local tempo map cursor on newer MIDI file imports 
   in a tentative to fix incidental but random crashes.

Thu May  7 14:36:00 CEST 2009 -

- updated to 0.4.1

Wed Nov 26 15:19:59 CET 2008 -

- updated to version 0.2.2:
  * too much to list updates since 0.0.8...

Wed Nov 28 14:19:21 CET 2007 -

- updated to version
- fix build with gcc 4.3
- build properly with RPM_OPT_FLAGS

Tue Sep 18 11:30:23 CEST 2007 -

- created package (initial version

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