File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.1596

  <issue id="815596" tracker="bnc">icedtea-web: CVE-2013-1926, CVE-2013-1927: bypass same origin policy</issue>
  <issue id="CVE-2013-1927" tracker="cve" />
  <issue id="CVE-2013-1926" tracker="cve" />
  <description>- update to 1.3.2 (bnc#815596) 
- Security Updates
  * CVE-2013-1927, RH884705: fixed gifar vulnerability
  * CVE-2013-1926, RH916774: Class-loader incorrectly shared for applets with same relative-path.
- Common
  * Added new option in itw-settings which allows users to set JVM arguments
    when plugin is initialized.
- NetX
  * PR580: loads improperly
- Plugin
  * PR1260: IcedTea-Web should not rely on GTK
   obsoletes icedtea-web-remove-gtk-dep.patch
  * PR1157: Applets can hang browser after fatal exception
  <summary>update for icedtea-web</summary>
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