File colorhug-client.changes of Package colorhug-client
Sun Apr 22 05:19:11 UTC 2012 -
-add proper copyright to the spec file
Fri Apr 20 11:03:37 UTC 2012 -
- Change BuildRequires to pkgconfig() style:
+ Old ones: glib2-devel, gtk3-devel, libcanberra-devel,
libcolord-devel, libgusb2-devel, liblcms2-devel, libsoup-devel.
+ New ones: colord, gio-2.0, glib-2.0, gmodule-2.0, gobject-2.0,
gtk+-3.0, gusb, lcms2, libcanberra-gtk3, libsoup-2.4.
- Remove unneeded BuildRequires: gettext, libcanberra-gtk3-0,
- Change license tag from GPL-2.0 to GPL-2.0+.
- Split translations in a lang subpackage.
- General cleanup of spec file for inclusion in Factory.
Wed Apr 18 07:23:10 UTC 2012 -
- Version 0.1.8
Released: 2012-04-17
New Features:
- Add a libusb0.1 example program that can run on RHEL5
- Add a simple colorhug-ccmx icon
- Make a sound when colorhug-flash fails or completes the update
- Add gmodule-2.0 to the GLib configure check
- Automatically use the correct proxy server using glib-networking
- Check the buffer size before attempting to parse
- Don't assume const data is available when verifying firmware
- Keep track of the device state in ChDeviceQueue
- Prevent critical warnings when doing 'colorhug list-calibration'
- Use the device state to work out if there are pending commands
Fri Mar 16 07:16:34 UTC 2012 -
- Version 0.1.7
Released: 2012-03-15
New Features:
- Add a class responsible for async-queued-operations to multiple
- Allow the user to update to test firmware if enabled in GSettings
- Create a libcolorhug library that is designed for low level
access to the device
- Add self test code to test the new incomplete-request functionality
- Convert colorhug-ccmx to using ChDeviceQueue to decrease the
startup delay
- Convert colorhug-flash to using ChDeviceQueue to increase the
flash speed
- Convert the colormgr tool to using ChDeviceQueue
- Correctly detect the failure to re-enumerate
- Do not hardcode the server path, instead set it in the GSettings
- Do not show an empty warning box if there is no firmware flash
- Do not use g_usleep() when waiting for a device reconnect
Mon Mar 5 07:44:57 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 0.1.6
Released: 2012-03-04
New Features:
- Add a flash-firmware-force command (Richard Hughes)
- Add a new icon for colorhug-flash (Lapo Calamandrei)
- Add a new inactive colorimeter-colorhug icon for future use (Lapo
- Add support for getting and setting the PCB errata value
(Richard Hughes)
- Add support for TakeReadingArray and plot a simple graph with the
results (Richard Hughes)
- Allow the user to set the default LED correction matrix (Richard
- Check the calibration determinant before writing to the device
(Richard Hughes)
- Do not write temp files with predictable names to /tmp (Richard
- Implement loading CCMX from file (Michal Čihař)
- Increase the device reconnect timeout after flashing (Richard
- Intialize leds to 0 in ch_device_cmd_get_leds() (Jussi Kukkonen)
- Recognise TYPE_FACTORY in the ccmx loader (Richard Hughes)
- Remove all locale dependent string parsing functions (Richard
- Repair device only once while forced (Michal Čihař)
- Set correct return value (Michal Čihař)
- set_leds/get_leds() argument is not ChStatusLed, but guint8
(Jussi Kukkonen)
- Use G_GSIZE_FORMAT when printing gsize values (Jussi Kukkonen)
Fri Jan 27 07:49:22 UTC 2012 -
- Update to 0.1.5
Released: 2012-01-26
- We've now switched to a XML manifest format which allows us to check
the size and sha1sum of the firmware file, and also to show the user
any warnings about the new firmware.
New Features:
- Add an interactive version of 'colorhug set-dark-offsets'
(Richard Hughes)
- Add a --repair command line argument to colorhug-ccmx (Richard
- Add a simple HID client example (Richard Hughes)
- Added name and email fields in client (Matthew Hirsch)
- Add icons for the application/x-ccmx mime type (Richard Hughes)
- Add some raw EEPROM commands to the command line tool (Richard
- Allow the user to flash stand alone files with colorhug-flash
(Richard Hughes)
- Check the SHA1 of the firmware before using it (Richard Hughes)
- Show warning messages about firmware in a modal dialog box
(Richard Hughes)
- Always pad the flash .bin file to a 64 byte chunk (Richard Hughes)
- Fix handing device endianess (Michal Čihař)
- Increase the USB timeout for dark reads (Richard Hughes)
- Show the user the sensor conditions before showing CLI results
(Richard Hughes)
Wed Jan 11 07:47:33 UTC 2012 -
- Version 0.1.4
New Features:
- A massive number of new translations from Transifex, thanks!
- Add a missing manpage for colorhug-ccmx (Michal Čihař)
- Add transifex integration (Richard Hughes)
- Add some button tooltips (Richard Hughes)
- Move the command helpers out of ChClient (Richard Hughes)
- Ensure we never delete the factory calibration matrix in
colorhug-ccmx (Richard Hughes)
- Allow the user to repair a device without a factory calibration
matrix (Richard Hughes)
Mon Jan 2 09:27:11 UTC 2012 -
- Initial package release, version 0.1.3