File cronie-1.4.7-disable_logging.patch of Package cronie

Index: cronie-1.4.7/man/crontab.5
--- cronie-1.4.7.orig/man/crontab.5
+++ cronie-1.4.7/man/crontab.5
@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ fields.  Use the first three letters of
 day or month (case does not matter).  Ranges or
 lists of names are not allowed.
+If the uid of the owner is 0 (root), he can put a "-" as first character of a crontab entry.
+This will prevent cron from writing a syslog message about this command getting executed.
 The "sixth" field (the rest of the line) specifies the command to be
 The entire command portion of the line, up to a newline or a "%"
Index: cronie-1.4.7/src/entry.c
--- cronie-1.4.7.orig/src/entry.c
+++ cronie-1.4.7/src/entry.c
@@ -105,13 +105,18 @@ entry *load_entry(FILE * file, void (*er
 	if (ch == '-') {
 	/* if we are editing system crontab or user uid is 0 (root) 
 	* we are allowed to disable logging 
+	* Otherwise log the attempt, but still execute the command.
 		if (pw == NULL || pw->pw_uid == 0)
 			e->flags |= DONT_LOG;
 		else {
-			log_it("CRON", getpid(), "ERROR", "Only privileged user can disable logging", 0);
-			ecode = e_option;
-			goto eof;
+			log_it("CRON", getpid(), "ERROR",
+				"Only privileged user can disable logging. "
+				"In future versions, user lines starting with a dash "
+				"will be treated as invalid and won't get executed.", 0);
+			/* throw an error when editing a crontab */
+			if (error_func)
+				(*error_func) (ecodes[(int) e_minute]);
 		ch = get_char(file);
 		if (ch == EOF)
@@ -371,9 +376,9 @@ entry *load_entry(FILE * file, void (*er
 	Debug(DPARS, ("load_entry()...returning successfully\n"))
-		/* success, fini, return pointer to the entry we just created...
-		 */
-		return (e);
+	/* success, fini, return pointer to the entry we just created...
+	 */
+	return (e);
 	if (e->envp)
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