File gnome-subtitles.changes of Package gnome-subtitles

Tue Aug 23 18:07:41 CEST 2011 -

- Update to version 1.2:
  + Support for merging and splitting subtitle lines
  + Allow to view character counts in the subtitle list and editing
  + Allow to apply a reaction delay when timing start/end on video
  + Video slow and fast motion options
  + New shortcuts for quick timings change:
    - Increase/decrease subtitle start time: Ctrl+Plus/Minus
    - Increase/decrease subtitle end time: Alt+Plus/Minus
    - Shift subtitles: Shift+Plus/Minus
  + Automatically seek the video when subtitle times are changed,
    with an option to rewind it some milliseconds
  + Added support for the Fab Subtitler subtitle format
  + Allow to insert a new subtitle at the current video position,
    applying a reaction delay if set
  + Other changes:
    - Translation filenames are now based on the original filename
      plus language
    - Added support for buggy SubRip files that use dots instead of
    - Fixed bug with the subtitle overlay not being updated on
      times change
    - Detect when selecting a video file as the subtitle file
    - Updated preferences dialog with different structure and more
    - Fixed special characters (<,>,&,etc) not being shown in the
      subtitle list
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#453469, bgo#607227, bgo#607228, bgo#607229,
    bgo#620776, bgo#621145, bgo#621943, bgo#625485, bgo#634230,
    bgo#636766, bgo#636767, bgo#638238, bgo#638484, bgo#642674,
    bgo#648461, bgo#651958
  + Updated translations.
- Drop patches:
  + gnome-subtitles-desktop-entry.patch: fixed upstream.
  + gnome-subtitles-module.patch: fixed upstream.

Mon Feb 14 18:23:52 CET 2011 -

- Added support for translation-update-upstream.

Sat Feb 12 18:44:41 CET 2011 -

- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
  + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
    least one desktop file.
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
  can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.

Wed Dec  8 13:16:59 CET 2010 -

- Improve description.
- Change mono Requires to mono-core.
- Add mention of upstream bug numbers for the patches.
- Simplify gnome-subtitles-desktop-entry.patch: the change in the
  Categories key does nothing.

Thu Nov 11 13:06:33 UTC 2010 -

- Initial build (version 1.1)

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