File kmymoney.changes of Package kmymoney

Sun Sep 15 19:33:16 UTC 2013 -

- Added 0001-Fixed-linking-with-Gwenhywfar-4.6.0.patch, fixes build
  with newer Gwenhywfar versions

Sun Mar 10 15:55:17 UTC 2013 -

- fix build with gmp 5.1.0 (file fix-build-with-gmp-510.diff)

Tue Sep 11 10:25:35 UTC 2012 -

- Update to 4.6.3:
  Most important changes:
  * The online statement balance is highlighted if it's different
    from current file balance
  * Correct the post date of the opening balance transaction when
    the opening date of the account changes
  * The header state (adjusted column sizes) is now always
    restored correctly
  * Can be built with Qt 4.8 without patching KDChart
  * Fix a crash on opening SQLite databases
  * MZN as new Mozambique Metical as well as an entry for MZM as
    the old Mozambique Metical were added
  * Attempt to reconnect to the database (once) on accidental
  * Allow the creation of 'Equity' accounts when
   "Show equity accounts" is checked
  * In the 'Find transactions' dialog trigger a search when return
    is pressed and there is text entered in the filter
  * Reports related fixes
  * Fixed a large minimum ledger size when using some fonts
  * Fixed SQL sintax in a certain usecase
  * CSV importer plugin related fixes
- dropped kmymoney-qdebug.patch (fixed upstream)

Sat Feb  4 21:51:54 UTC 2012 -

- Update to 4.6.2:
  Most important changes:
  * OFX files with UTF-8 data can now be imported correctly
  * Fix displaying the 'Enter/Skip schedule' action icons in the homepage on
  * Fixed the initial size of the schedule entry dialog in some use cases
  * Fixed a hang in reports in some scenarios
  * Fixed some Finance::Quote related problems on Windows
  * Allow editing the memo of multiple transactions
  * Fix schedule handling
  * Make the QIF import on Windows usable
  * Fix GnuCash file import
  * Improve item navigation using the keyboard
  * Scheduled transactions can now be correctly skipped or ignored when
    automatic entry is enabled
  * Fix the budgets that somehow still reference invalid accounts

Wed Nov 30 12:55:52 UTC 2011 -

- Fix build with Qt 4.8 

Wed Nov  9 20:16:05 UTC 2011 -

- Update to 4.6.1:
  * Fixed schedules moved to the next processing day
  * Fixed a crash with an uncaught exception when closing the current file
    before a GNUCash import
  * Fixed the split window redraw when resizing
  * Fixed a crash caused by an invalid budget
  * Fixed a crash when deleting an account
  * The date can now be modified when editing multiple transactions
  * The balance in the payees view is now computed correctly even if the payee
    has transactions with different currencies
- Spec file updates:
  * Renamed License: to GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0 (SPDX style).
  * Changes based on spec-cleaner run.
  * Removed libpth-devel from BuildRequires: (not needed).
  * Removed -DUSE_HTML_HANDBOOK=YES from cmake arguments (not needed for the
    generation of the user documentation).
  * Fixed "non-etc-or-var-file-marked-as-conffile" rpmlint warning for
    the "kmymoney.kcfg" file.
- Removed patch for import of gnucash files (bnc#723728) (fixed ustream).

Tue Oct 18 07:47:06 UTC 2011 -

- change lang and doc subpackages to recommends

Thu Oct 13 18:16:50 UTC 2011 -

- Allow import of gnucash files (bnc#723728)

Fri Sep 16 13:00:21 UTC 2011 -

- Split translation package (fix for RPMLINT warning)
- Split documentation package (fix for RPMLINT warning)
- Changed descriptions
- Added pth gpgme backend support
- Enabled building of HTML handbook
- Cleaned up spec file formatting

Thu Aug 11 06:00:00 UTC 2011 -

- re-enabled the ofx import plugin

Tue Aug  9 19:53:38 UTC 2011 -

- Update to 4.6.0:
  * New CSV import plugin
  * The application is translated in 36 languages (Bosnian and Uyghur added)
  * The user documentation is available in 7 languages (French translation
  * Many fixes for the OS X and Windows platform
  * Performance improvements
  * Many fixes in the import and online banking modules
  * Over 100 bugs have been fixed since the latest bugfix release alone
  * Since the OFX institution listing service run by Microsoft (TM) stopped
    working, we switched to the service run on which is
    provided on a voluntarily basis by Jesse Liesch. With his support it was
    easy to make the switch in KMyMoney
  * Added Serbian Dinar as a standard currency
  * Allow entering an interest rate with three decimal places when editing a
  * Improved wording when transaction editing is canceled by selecting another
    transaction in the ledger
  * Make FID an optional field during definition of an OFX account mapping
  * Allow to base the payee name from either the PAYEEID, NAME or MEMO field in
    an OFX transaction
- Spec file updates:
  * Added boost-devel, glib2-devel, gmp-devel, libalkimia-devel and
    libxml2-devel and removed libassuan-devel in BuildRequires:.
  * Minor other updates.
- No need for the rpmlint warning "wrong-icon-size" fix (fixed upstream).
- Removed the patch for the installation of the icons in the hicolor directory
  (fixed upstream).

Sat Jun  4 20:45:43 UTC 2011 -

- Spec file updates:
  * Changes based on spec-cleaner run.
  * Added libical-devel and shared-mime-info in BuildRequires:.
  * Removed support for openSUSE < 11.2.
  * Added update-mime-database in %post/%postun scripts for the mime file
    installed by the package.
  * Minor other updates.
- Fixed rpmlint warning "wrong-icon-size".
- Added a patch (taken from Fedora) to install icons to hicolor instead of
  oxygen (removes also the need to install an icon in /usr/share/pixmaps to
  avoid the "Icon file not installed" rpm post-build check error).

Sun Feb 20 12:54:46 UTC 2011 -

- Update to 4.5.3:
  + Improve performance with investment account balance calculation
  + Switch to AqBanking5
  + Don't select the character that starts the split editor #263319
  + Support "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych" as price source #261803

Mon Jan 24 22:00:24 UTC 2011 -

- fixed missing libassuan-devel requirement for compilation on

Sat Jan 15 11:04:47 UTC 2011 -

- backported new aqbanking5 patch from
  + fixes #253151

Wed Dec 29 11:32:37 UTC 2010 -

- added patch to make kmymoney compatible with aqbanking5
- Update to 4.5.2:
  + fixed several crashes, for example:
    * when adding transactions directly into the register
      on Qt 4.7.1 (#258355)
    * when cancelling the QIF importer date selection dialog
    * when importing GnuCash files with zero valued prices
  + fixed a problem with Finance::Quote (#257260)
  + it is now possible to use KMyMoney with small resolutions (1024x600)
    (#258460 and #256769)
  + improved some small user interface issues
    (#259437, #258466, #257986, #257761, #257369)
  + fixed a usability issue when using the Include sub-accounts
    feature with budgets (#255135)
- Update to 4.5.1:
  + fixed several crashes, for example:
    * when adding a default category to a payee (#248448)
    * when activating the schedules calendar on certain languages
    * when back-tabbing in the split editor (#244962)
  + fixed some report configuration bugs (#255532 and #249119)
  + improved some small user interface issues
    (#252598, #249609, #241044, #255433, #251212)
  + added the new Bulgarian Lev as a currency (#255491)

Tue Aug 17 19:32:19 UTC 2010 -

- Update to 4.5:
  + first stable release for KDE platform 4
  + improved usability of the online banking features
  + uses KWallet to store online banking passwords
  + the consistency check runs automatically before saving your data,
    it now checks for a wider range of problems, and it automatically
    corrects many of them
  + better documentation

Thu Jul  8 05:23:14 UTC 2010 -

- update to version 1.0.5:
  * Fixed the way to calculate balance variation for the linear 
    regression forecast method (backported from KDE4)
  * Fixed a crash when a budget selected for a report is no longer
  * replace all new line characters because we only have one line
    available for the displayed data (backported from KDE4)
  * Don't allow import of investment transactions that don't have
    a share amount. This used to end in a div by zero when 
    calculating the price. (Backported from KDE4)
  * Add all overdue schedules when calculating forecast
  * Do not show accounts of institutions if it has been selected
    in the general settings to Do not show closed accounts
  * Do not show an institution if it has no visible accounts and
    it has been selected to not show closed accounts
  * Backported fix from Ian Neal to solve problems when opening 
    the ledger with specific scheduled transactions
  * Fixed loop in payments of the home page when a schedule is set
    to end by date
  * Backported encoding patch from KDE4 version

Sun Apr 11 08:20:24 UTC 2010 -

- update to version 1.0.4:
    * Backported encoding patch from KDE4 version
    * Updated Finnish translation by Mikael Kujanpaa
    * Use users character set encoding for reports
    * Fixed OFX plugin X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name setting
    * Applied backport patch provided by Ian Neal
    * Improved anonymizer
    * Fixed transaction loader for XML file
    * Added testcases
    * Don't preset date in currency calculator to today in all cases
    * Fixed iterator problem in loop
    * Optimized MyMoneyMoney(QString) ctor

Mon Feb 15 12:52:21 UTC 2010 -

- update to version 1.0.3: various bugfixes
- build with gcc-4.5

Sat Dec  5 14:00:56 UTC 2009 -

- disabled pdf generation for openSUSE >= 11.2 (breaks build)

Sun Oct  4 05:09:22 UTC 2009 -

- update to version 1.0.2: QIF importer and other bug fixes

Mon Sep 14 12:46:34 UTC 2009 -

- update to version 1.0.1:
  * Allow moving investment transactions
  * Fix Yahoo UK stock quotes
  * Improved layout of printed reports
  * Fix potential loop in Gnc importer
  * Fixed icon resolution problems with oxygen icon set
  * Updated Brazilian homepage and whatsnew file from Marcus Gama
  * Fixed crash on new Credit Card a/c  with reminder schedule

Tue Sep 1 10:21:00 UTC 2009 -

- added static libraries to the -devel sub-package again
  (needed for the kmm_kbanking plugin)
- added sqlite3 dependency so SQLITE3 support is enabled
- added dependencies so that "PDF document generation" is enabled
- use parallel make
- fixed traces of RPM_BUILD_DIR or RPM_BUILD_ROOT in .la files  (from PackMan)
- splitted off lang-sub-package (from PackMan)
- added slqite3-plugin sub-package (from PackMan)

Wed Aug 26 20:49:48 UTC 2009 -

- don't %if %suse_version the "Patch: foo" line

Wed Aug 26 19:12:52 UTC 2009 -

- Update to version 1.0
    * A new look and feel, and a new set of icons
    * Added investment price reports, investment moving average price
    * Added GUI option for expert mode
    * Improved scheduled occurrences support
    * Improved support for CMake
    * Improved text filter for transactions
    * Improved charts look and feel
    * Improved DB support and performance
    * Improved QIF and OFX support
    * Updated documentation
    * Updated translations
    * A lot of bug fixing and polishing rough edges to make this an outstanding release

Thu Feb 19 13:45:20 CET 2009 -

- fix build with gcc 4.4

Thu Apr  3 18:01:18 CEST 2008 -

- update to 0.8.9:
   * translation update
   * fixed a string problem when reading an OFX statement
   * fixed crash when pressing ctrl-w while transaction editor is 

Thu Dec 20 09:02:29 CET 2007 -

- update to version 0.8.8:
   * Use two digit month and day values in QIF export
   * Fix QIF export problem where it was hampered by having the KDE
     locale's negative sign position set to "Parens Around"
   * Force trust-model when writing GPG encrypted file
   * improved GnuCash importer to support version 2.2 files
   * Modified OFX importer to use Qt::UTC as dateformat
   * Force usage of GPG agent with set GPG_AGENT_INFO variable

Wed Oct 24 12:08:05 CEST 2007 -

- gcc 4.3 fixes 

Sun Jul 22 19:53:35 CEST 2007 -

- update to 0.8.7: many bug fixes; ui, i18n and l10n improvements

Thu Jun 21 11:04:00 CEST 2007 -

- add missing requires, run kde_post_install, fix .desktop file

Wed May 23 23:07:27 CEST 2007 -

- split off -devel package

Sun Mar 11 11:23:38 CET 2007 -

- update to version 0.8.6
  * Added ability to print home page
  * Added Yahoo France web price source
  * Added new price source "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych"
  * Improved detection of KBanking support
  * New and updated translations
  * Several GUI, scheduled transactions and other problem bug fixes

Sat Dec  9 21:29:59 CET 2006 -

- fix undefined operation

Thu Aug 31 16:03:46 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 0.8.5
   * Improved online stock quotes so the  'Update all'  continues 
     even if one stock is unable to be updated.
   * Added a dialog to prompt the user whether he wants to disable
     online quotes for this stock in this case.
   * GnuCash importer changes
     - Add non UTF-8 support (manual selection)
     - Remove unnecessary  'Unknown payee'  references
     - Support for GnuCash V2.0 files (maybe incomplete)
     - Handle some additional account and schedule types
     - Preserve account's tax-related status
     - Minor coding changes
   * Correct currency code for Mexican Peso to MXN
   * Don't show price/value if price information is invalid
   * Allow to read GNC V2 files (N.B. not full support)
   * Added %m-%d-%yyyy date format to QIF profile
   * Added a file filter (e.g.  *.qif ) to QIF profile when an input
     filter is used. (Addresses RFE #1172030)
   * Added chapter 'Making most of KMyMoney'  to manual
   * Fixed tax transaction report, which was erroneously including 
   * Modified bank ID handling for QIF files so the ID s are handled
     the same as other imported statements.
   * Fixed Zero-amount transfer transaction leads to crash
   * Fixed Frequent crash on changing/opening file
   * Fixed more GPG problems in KGPGFile::GPGAvailable and
     KGPGFile::keyAvailable by applying the same fix as on 2006-06-05
   * Modified the anonymizer so that the autoCalc value is not modified
   * Fixed problem in KGPGFile::open which reported an error when a read
     operation was finished before open gets around to check for the 
     presence of the process. Synced with version of CVS HEAD.
   * several translation updates

Thu Aug 24 16:44:03 CEST 2006 -

- build OFX plugin

Wed Jun 14 23:12:19 CEST 2006 -

- build parallel 

Tue May 30 07:15:06 CEST 2006 -

- fix build for < 10.1

Mon May 22 09:24:19 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 0.8.4
   * everal bug fixes and some improvements to the entry of
     scheduled transactions
   * some new translations

Mon Apr 24 15:21:02 CEST 2006 -

- Avoid undefined C code (#159361) 

Wed Feb 22 14:34:07 CET 2006 -

- update to version 0.8.3
   * Sourceforge and other bug report fixes 
     Fixed 1390918 (Can't use more than 2 decimal places in manual
                    price update)
     Fixed 1393899 (Add support for new Russian Ruble - RUB)
     Fixed 1397412 (Investment transactions counted twice)
     Fixed 1400746 (Entering scheduled transaction for a loan
     Fixed Debian 347698 (Account tree collapses without user 
     GUI improvements 
     Add field descriptions for new transactions when transaction
       form off
     Check all data present before entering schedule
   * Internationalization issues 
     Updated en-GB translation provided by Neil Williams via
        Mark Purcell
     Fixed a translation error in the German version (thanks to
        Karin Capey for reporting)
     Added new Danish translation as provided by Anders EllenshÃ
     Added new French translation as provided by Vincent ?
     Updated Italian translation as provided by Vincenzo Reale
   * Build changes 
     Fixed build system to better support FreeBSD
     Added missing include of locale.h
     Adjusted build system to new layout

Wed Feb 15 11:27:33 CET 2006 -

- add GenericName to .desktop file

Wed Jan 25 21:33:19 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Mon Jan  2 10:45:24 CET 2006 -

- update to version 0.8.2

Mon Nov  7 10:33:05 CET 2005 -

- update to version 0.8.1

Mon Oct 24 11:20:09 CEST 2005 -

- fix wrong include hints for Qt 3.3.5 compilation

Thu Oct 13 13:40:42 CEST 2005 -

- remove extra qualification for gcc 4.1 compilation

Sat Aug 13 14:02:57 CEST 2005 -

- update to stable version 0.8
- online banking is not enabled yet, since kbanking is still
  at version 0.9.9

Thu Feb 17 13:25:05 CET 2005 -

- update to version 0.6.4
- menu entry moved to xdg dir

Thu Jul 29 09:52:36 CEST 2004 -

- update to version 0.6.1

Mon Jun  7 15:55:02 CEST 2004 -

- update to version 0.6 final

Thu Apr 15 19:29:01 CEST 2004 -

- build without unsermake

Sun Feb 29 12:28:44 CET 2004 -

- update to 0.6rc3

Wed Feb 18 16:54:24 CET 2004 -

- update to 0.6rc2

Mon Jan 19 15:51:47 CET 2004 -

- update to version 0.6rc1

Sat Jan 10 11:44:05 CET 2004 -

- cleanup spec file

Sun Aug 24 15:06:13 CEST 2003 -

- fix compile with gcc 3.3.1

Wed Jul 30 08:16:32 CEST 2003 -

- update to version 0.5.1
- add Categories

Sat Jun 14 14:14:51 CEST 2003 -

- use %find_lang

Fri Nov  8 11:09:52 CET 2002 -

- compiling with KDE3 (expecting a real port soon looking at the
  upstream Changelogs)

Fri May 24 01:24:52 CEST 2002 -

- use update_admin

Thu May 23 01:55:41 CEST 2002 -

- update admin directory and use common_options

Sun Apr  7 13:03:33 CEST 2002 -

- initial packaging (version 0.4 for KDE 2)

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