File of Package netcfg

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $sfile = 'services';
my $snewfile = '';

my %s;
my %snew;

parse_services_file($sfile, \%s);
parse_services_file($snewfile, \%snew);

my @preserved_pairs;
my @services_changing_port;
my @services_renamed;
my @removed_pairs;
my @new_pairs;

BEGINLOOP: foreach my $port (keys %s)
  if (exists($snew{$port}) and $snew{$port} eq $s{$port})
    # service port pair preserved
    push(@preserved_pairs, "$snew{$port} $port");
    next BEGINLOOP;

  foreach my $portnew (keys %snew)
    if ($snew{$portnew} eq $s{$port} and protocol($portnew) eq protocol($port))
      push(@services_changing_port, "$snew{$portnew} $port -> $portnew");
      next BEGINLOOP;

  if (exists($snew{$port})) # and $snew{$port} ne $s{$port} and service don't use another port
    push(@services_renamed, "$s{$port} -> $snew{$port} ($port)");
    push(@removed_pairs, "$s{$port} $port");

my $string_scp = join(" ", @services_changing_port);

foreach my $portnew (keys %snew)
  if (not exists($s{$portnew}))
    if (index($string_scp, $snew{$portnew}) == -1)
      push(@new_pairs, "$snew{$portnew} $portnew");

print_pairs("Removed pairs", sort (@removed_pairs));
print_pairs("Renamed or replaced services", sort (@services_renamed));
print_pairs("Services, that changed port", sort (@services_changing_port));
print_pairs("New pairs", sort (@new_pairs));
print_pairs("Preserved pairs", sort (@preserved_pairs));

sub print_pairs
  my $heading = shift;
  my @pairs = @_;
  print "\n";
  print "$heading\n";
  my $underline = ('-' x length($heading));
  print $underline, "\n";
  foreach my $pair (@pairs)
  { print $pair,"\n"; }

sub protocol
  my $port = shift;
  $port =~ s/.*\///;
  return $port;

sub parse_services_file
  my $filename = shift;
  my $hashref = shift;

  open(FILE, $filename) or die "cannot read $filename\n";
  while (<FILE>)
    $_ =~ s/#.*//;
    if ($_)
      # my ($service, $port) = split(/[ \t]+/, $_); is not sufficient because of errors in xml like 
      #       Apple Remote Desktop (Net Assistant) 3283/tcp     # Net Assistant (updated 2011-11-09) [Michael_Stein]
      my $service = my $port = $_;
      $service =~ s:[ \t]+[0-9]+/[a-z]+.*$::;
      $port =~ s:^.*[ \t]+([0-9]+/[a-z]+).*$:$1:;
      $hashref->{$port} = $service;
#      printf "[%s] [%s]\n", ($service, $port);


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