File debian.control of Package ooRexx

Source: oorexx
Section: unknown
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Perry Werneck <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), autotools-dev, autoconf, gettext, lsb-base

Package: oorexx
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: Open Object Rexx
 Open Object Rexx is an object-oriented scripting language. The language
 is designed for both beginners and experienced Rexx programmers. It is 
 easy to learn and use, and provides an excellent vehicle to enter the
 world of object-oriented programming without much effort.
 It extends the procedural way of Rexx programming with object-oriented
 features that allow you to gradually change your programming style as
 you learn more about objects.
 For more information on ooRexx, visit
 For more information on Rexx, visit

Package: oorexx-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, oorexx (= ${binary:Version})
Description: oorexx development files.
 This package contains the files needed for development of oorexx extensions

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