File REC-html40-19980424-errata.html of Package html-dtd

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<title>Errata in REC-html40-19980424</title>
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<H1 align="center">HTML 4.0 Specification Errata</H1>
<p align="center">24-April-1998</p>

<dt>This document:
<dd><a href=""></a>
<dt>The latest version of the HTML 4.0 specification:
<dd><a href=""></a>

<dt>This document records known errors in the document:
<dd><a href=""></a>

<P>Please email error reports to <a

<h2>Known Errors</h2>

<dt><a href="interact/scripts.html#h-18.2.3">Section 18.2.3</a>
<dd>The onfocus and onblur events may
also be used with the <samp class="einst">A</samp> and
<samp class="einst">AREA</samp> elements.

<dt><a href="sgml/sgmldecl.html">Section 20</a>
<dd>The SGML Declaration for HTML 4.0 must be modified slightly
to support hexadecimal numeric character references.
The lines:
               GENERAL SGMLREF
               SHORTREF SGMLREF

<P>must be changed to:
               GENERAL SGMLREF
               HCRO "&amp;#38#x" -- 38 is the number for ampersand --
               SHORTREF SGMLREF

<P>And the initial <tt>&lt;!SGML "ISO 8879:1986"</tt> must be changed
to <tt>&lt;!SGML "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)"</tt>.

<dt><a href="sgml/dtd.html">Section 21</a>
<dd>The <samp class="einst">HR</samp> element should
also take the <samp class="ainst">lang</samp>
and <samp class="ainst">dir</samp> attributes. These are
noted as being defined elsewhere at the element's definition,
but were left out of the DTDs.

<dt><a href="sgml/dtd.html">Section 21</a>
<dd>The <samp class="einst">OBJECT</samp> element's
<samp class="ainst">archive</samp> attribute is defined
in the DTD as taking a value of type %URI". This is
incorrect: the value may be a space-separated list
of URIs (as indicated in the definition of the
attribute and in the DTDs comment).

<dt><a href="sgml/dtd.html">Section 21</a>
<dd>The <samp class="einst">FORM</samp> element's
DTD fragment should include a definition for the
<samp class="ainst">accept</samp> attribute, which is
listed in the element's definition. The definition
should be the following:</p>

 accept-charset  %Charsets;  #IMPLIED  -- list of supported charsets --

<samp class="ainst">archive</samp> attribute is defined
in the DTD as taking a value of type %URI". This is
incorrect: the value may be a space-separated list
of URIs (as indicated in the definition of the
attribute and in the DTDs comment).

<dt><a href="appendix/notes.html#h-B.4.1.1">Section B.4.1.1</a>
<dd>The specification reads, "Blank lines are not permitted."
Blank lines are permitted in the robots.txt file, just not within
a single "record". Note that the specification doesn't define

<P>Further down the page, the specification reads, "There must
be exactly one "User-agent" field per record."
In fact, there can be more than one User-Agent field
in the robots.txt file, just not more than one per record.

<P>For information about search robots, please consult, for example:</p>

<li><a href=""></a>
<li><a href=""></a>
<li><a href=""</a>


<h2>Minor typographical errors</h2>

<dt><a href="intro/intro.html#h-2.1.1">Section 2.1.1</a>
<dd>The phrase "accessible via the path "/TR/REC-html4/".
should end with "/TR/REC-html40/".

<dt><a href="struct/objects.html#h-13.7.1">Section 13.7.1</a>
<dd>In the definition of the <samp class="ainst">height</samp>
attribute, the phrase "Image and object override" should
read "Image and object height override".

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