File froxlor.changes of Package froxlor

Mon Jan 18 22:41:44 CEST 2021 -
- fixed build (openSUSE_Tumbleweed,openSUSE_Factory) dir conf.d owner 

Mon Jan 18 10:26:22 CEST 2021 -
- Upstream upgrade to version 0.10.23 (bsc#846355)
  Spec file clean up
Mon Dec 21 11:59:12 CEST 2020 -

- Upstream upgrade to version 0.10.22 (bsc#846355)
Wed Dec  9 18:54:44 UTC 2020 - Arjen de Korte <>

- Use system apache rpm macros

Tue Aug 20 11:41:42 CEST 2019 -

- BuildRequire cron as this contains now the cron directories
- Use %license for COPYING file instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]

Thu Jul 11 18:02:30 CEST 2019 -
- removing froxlor-suse-config.diff not needed

Thu Jul 11 16:13:46 CEST 2019 -

patch froxlor-suse-config.diff and 
patch froxlor-pdns.diff
added for update the froxlor configuration documentation in UI

Tue Jul  9 16:05:58 CEST 2019 -

- Upstream upgrade to version (bsc#846355)
  new features besides API that found their way in:
    - 2FA / TwoFactor Authentication for accounts
    - MySQL8 compatibility
    - new implementation of Let's Encrypt (
    - customizable error/access log handling for webserver (format, level,
      pipe-to-script, etc.)
    - lots and lots of bugfixes and small enhancements

Thu Jun  7 13:05:40 CEST 2018 -

- Upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
- Dropping froxlor from future distributions and (bnc#958100)
- PHP rand function for random number generation fixed in previous
  version (bnc#1025193) CVE-2016-5100

Thu Feb  8 16:28:23 CET 2018 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.39 (bnc#846355)

Wed Aug 30 13:51:38 CEST 2017 -

- Add and change of froxlor config files and manual

Wed Jan 25 10:50:50 CET 2017 -

- Change Requires to enable use with php7

Wed Jan 25 08:45:29 CET 2017 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)

Tue Jan 17 14:29:14 CET 2017 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)

Mon Nov 28 12:04:53 CET 2016 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)

Thu Aug 18 13:59:08 CEST 2016 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.37 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1642: Froxlor(php) Freezes when trying to configuring dovecot-smtp 
Bug #1606: systemd bootsettings
Bug #1618: Cron lock file handling error
Bug #1634: wrong intervals in SOAs served by pdns
Bug #1635: Installatio
Bug #1637: gentoo Repository down_
Feature #53: Manage DNS Zones
Feature #731: Rework DNS with power dns like table schema
Feature #1196: [bind] Custom DNS settings field
Feature #1624: [Feature Request] OPcache Einstellungen in den
Feature #1638: Possibility of changing the dirfix_nofcgid.conf for mod_php
Feature #1639: Separeted deactivation of warn-level for webspace and traffic 

Thu Jun 23 13:43:04 CEST 2016 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.36 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1570: Customer DOCROOT not accesable / forbidden in fresh Debian 8 w/ Apache 2.4
Bug #1605: add insserv overrides for nscd and apache
Bug #1613: Password reset link wrong behind nginx proxy
Bug #1614: php5-curl requirement missing for debian
Bug #1615: bind configuration broken since 0.9.35 if zonefiles are used
Bug #1616: SSl Redirect
Bug #1617: Domains with Custom Zone Files Not Being Built
Bug #1619: Error setting termination_date
Bug #1620: Error: Table ftp_users after new installation of froxlor is missing
Bug #1621: Include nginx's default_server parameter within the default vhost config file
Bug #1622: Missing /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf - could cause potential issues with future package upgrades
Bug #1623: not empty zonefiles missing in froxlor_bind.conf
Feature #786: [Backup] Mailbackup
Feature #975: "Backup now" Option
Feature #1544: Backup möglichkeit
Feature #1574: customer selectable php version
Feature #1576: Backup system
Feature #1597: LE: support SNI and certs with multiple SANs
Feature #1607: make webserver ssl protocols configurable like ssl ciphers
Feature #1612: OPCache mit mod_itk

Tue Apr 26 10:42:41 CEST 2016 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.35 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1519: Deleting and recreating a mail account ends up with no mail account
Bug #1543: Customer cant create subdomain
Bug #1564: Redirect-Code unveränderbar
Bug #1569: Selection of custom PHP config has no effect once FCGID is enabled
Bug #1599: vHost Template not work
Bug #1600: ssl_cert_chainfile should only contain the intermediate certificate #334
Bug #1601: FTP-SubUser kann Ordner "lib" nicht erstellen/löschen
Bug #1603: Apache Configuration for Wheezy contains an error in acme.conf
Bug #1604: Wrong acme configuration for Apache 2
Bug #1609: Sometimes PHP Warning in letsencrypt cronjob Feature #1484: add missing directives in apache-config for php-fpm on freebsd 10.1
Feature #1611: Show if a domain uses LetsEncrypt in domainlist (admin-account)

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.35-rc1 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1522: ProFTPd - relax TLS Options to prevent clients from failing at upload
Bug #1585: Cannot login after timeout
Bug #1586: Directory protection (apache basic auth) broken
Bug #1588: FreeBSD: /scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.php - pw user mod -> pw usermod und loop
Bug #1589: mail clients
Bug #1590: Letsencrypt + Custom SSL
Bug #1591: Entering an IPv6-Adress in the list of allowed AXFR servers leads to an error
Bug #1595: insufficient error handling in admin_configfiles.php
Bug #1598: specialsettingsforsubdomains doesn't get passed along if security question is asked while editing a domain
Feature #1470: Please support for fully automatic DV TLS certificate issuance / revocation
Feature #1509: Mehrere Standard-IPs
Feature #1594: Make keysize for LE CSRs configurable

Wed Feb 10 12:44:49 CET 2016 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
Bug #611: fixed function.findDirs stops after first unreadable directory
Bug #1517: fixed SUSE config files not accessible
Bug #1550: fixed Read config file in panels
Bug #1553: fixed frische Installation auf openSuSE 13.2
Bug #1554: fixed Password Reset defect / MD5 hashed password recalculated to faulty hash
Bug #1555: fixed PHP Notice: Undefined variable: domain in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/ on line 321
Bug #1556: fixed libnss-mysql might return wrong username
Bug #1559: fixed incorrect Mail Path
Bug #1565: fixed vhosts f?r deaktivierte user werden erstellt
Bug #1568: fixed ssl settings werden bei rewrite nicht angewendet
Bug #1575: fixed Debian Wheezy postfix wrong sql statements or wrong
Bug #1578: fixed Warnung bei Standard FTP-User
Bug #1582: fixed Install prompt in Froxlor incorrect - Bind9 Start Error rndc: connect failed: #953: connection refused
Bug #1583: fixed SSL aktiv obwohl kein Zertifikat hinterlegt wurde
Feature #1562: added always_populate_raw_post_data when create php-fpm config file
Feature #1566: added Apache 2.4 als Auswahl im Setup
Feature #1567: added orange/warning color in web- and traffic-progress bars (admin/customer overview)

Wed Sep 16 09:32:05 CEST 2015 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.34 (bnc#846355)
Bug #545: add access to older statistics when using awstats
Bug #957: added managesieve/sieve to configuration-templates of dovecot
Bug #1400: added support for apache mpm-itk
Bug #1485: check for existence of ssl-files and if not, do not create ssl-related vhost-settings
Bug #1486: added possibility to specify umask when using FCGID
Bug #1488: fixed css issues
Bug #1491: fixed changing of webserver-user/group in the users-table when they were changed in the settings
Bug #1492: fixed missing LSB tags for php-fcgi on debian based distros
Bug #1503: fixed database-connection when using sockets, do not replace 'host' value but use 'socket'
Bug #1507: fixed open_basedir-path when using mod_php
Bug #1512: enhanced domain-import, see
Bug #1535: fixed problem when using sub-subdomain (or deeper) with apache due to file-naming
Bug #1541: enhanced default ssl-cipher-list to be more secure
-      removed webftp-script a possible security issue and not necessary.
-      removed, upstream removed deprecated configuration templates
       including SUSE Linux Enterprise. Removed OpenSUSE templates incldung

Fri Jul 31 11:39:26 CEST 2015 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
  security issue in the database logging system 

Tue Apr 14 12:09:08 CEST 2015 -

- update and typo fix in documentation template suse_linux_1x_x
- update Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.

Mon Apr 13 10:34:59 CEST 2015 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
Bug #1489: MySQL externe Datenbank
Bug #1498: Problem with nginx vhost block merging
Bug #1499: 0.9.33 wants to connect to host as socket
Bug #1500: "Global PEAR directories" settings value in php-fpm settings ignored in php.ini settings variable "{PEAR_DIR}"
Support #1494: new customer | webaccess Forbidden

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.33 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1479: Update of password hash leads to security hole
Bug #1483: Lockfile from crashed cronjob does not get deleted

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.33-rc2 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1427: [nginx] OwnCloud Requires PHP alterations
Bug #1459: [configs] Debian postfix templates are in deprecated format
Bug #1462: [configs] Ubuntu 14.04 does not use SystemV
Bug #1465: [configs] Dovecot/Postfix Config says to use dovecot as transport but does not
Bug #1469: Misleading "PHP compiled without pcntl" error message
Feature #1289: Passwords in panel_customers always MD5 encrypted
Feature #1335: [database] Froxlor should also use MySQL-Socket to connect to db
Feature #1414: [configs] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS support
Feature #1471: Zusätzliches Feld für Notizen in den Kundenstammdaten
Feature #1477: Ability to set the path of a (sub)domain to a file

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.33-rc1 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1216: suggested password should match to password restriction in settings
Bug #1280: DKIM: define custom user and group in the settings
Bug #1399: [proftpd] quota support OFF but working qoutas at FTP upload
Bug #1418: [php-fpm] Fix for CVE-2014-0185 needed (php5-fpm vulnerability)
Bug #1426: Umlaute problem
Bug #1428: Creating SSL enabled Alias Domain -> SQL Integrity constraint violation
Bug #1430: [nginx] If in location ~ \.php$
Bug #1435: Nach entfernen aller Daten im root-Verzeichnis erscheint folgender Fehler (Froxlor WebFTP)
Bug #1437: 0.9.32 - FreeBSD - crontab
Bug #1440: Validation check for AXFR server failing
Bug #1445: Froxlor cron du's /proc
Bug #1446: nginx auto index is not working
Bug #1447: Dateirechte beim Anlegen neuer Kunden falsch
Bug #1450: [nginx] Directory protection duplicate directives
Bug #1455: [apache] Directory protection not working (froxlor 0.9.31, Apache 2.4.6)
Bug #1456: dns entry for "system_hostname" breaks dns if the domain is manually configured
Bug #1458: Security check too strict on mailboxsize cronscript
Bug #1464: class.Settings.php
Bug #1466: CSS: Overview pages without add-button missing float-clear
Bug #1467: Progressbars on admin_customers.php?page=customer
Bug #1468: MYSQL: BLOB and TEXT columns cannot have DEFAULT values.
Feature #496: [panel] Import default subject/body for e-mails templates
Feature #1036: Improve the montly traffic report
Feature #1166: [panel] Allow customer transfer between admins
Feature #1332: mehrzeiliger SPF support
Feature #1408: Eigener Newsbereich im Kunden-Dashboard
Feature #1410: Verschieben von Kunden unter Admins
Feature #1425: Php-fpm custom listen
Feature #1452: Massenupdate beim Hinzufügen von Domains

Wed Mar 19 09:13:01 CET 2014 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.32-rc2 (bnc#846355)
#1090: bind doesn't create entry for system setting "system_hostname"
#1342: add option to automatically run database-updates instead of dying with "version mismatch" in cronjob
#1389: fixed minor sql-query variable-issues
#1392: fixed setting default-theme if != Sparkle when adding new customers
#1377: fixed FS-quota on FreeBSD

Tue Feb 25 11:44:42 CET 2014 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.32-rc1 (bnc#846355)
#69: calculate/show mail-traffic
#433: redirect to last URL after session-timeout
#1321: log faulty login-attempts
#1340: add 'description' to ftp-users
#1378: added database validation in the admin menu to check for its integrity
#858: runtime of cronjobs
- APS (complete)
- Autoresponder (complete)
- Backup (complete)

Fri Jan 31 11:26:32 CET 2014 -

- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
 bugfix-release ( Due to a tiny bug in the installer, which did not add a new php-configuration correctly.
  #1331	High ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 718: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '2, 'Froxlor Vhost Config'
 bugfix release ( Due to wrong usage of a recently changed function which resulted in wrong default path-values in textfields. 
  #1329 Parse error bei aufruf Cronjob-Einstellungen

Thu Dec 19 12:21:26 CET 2013 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.31 (bnc#846355)
Completely redesigned dashboard in Sparkle-theme
#432: added new template-variables for the 'customer welcome email' template: SERVER_HOSTNAME, SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT and DOMAINNAME
#722: added logical operators (<, > and =) which can be used when searching for numeric values, e.g. Webspace: ">100", "<2048" or "=1234"
#729: Usage of an activation code instead of password reset
#1051: Enable usage of php-slowlog for FPM users
#1287: Switch database implementation to PDO
#701: split tickets in pages on overview and correct sorting
#1295: make vhost-query of webserver-crons mariadb-compatible
#1314: when using DKIM and no MX server is given, also add a dkim-TXT entry for the 'mail' a-record
#1323: fix hardcoded sendmail_path config option in PHP-FPM pool config
Mon Dec  2 13:44:13 CET 2013 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.30 (bnc#846355)
#365 SSL certificates should be settable per domain
#581 Allow multiple IPs (IPv4/IPv6) to be used on one domain
#1007 Userpanel: Show size of mail accounts
#1270 Show phpinfo() in the admin-panel
#201 fix SSL-redirect on non-standard SSL-ip/ports
#1147, #1194 Improve wildcard/www-alias domain-settings for admins and customers
#1271 remove build-in logrotate feature - provide logrotate-config-template instead
- fix wrong alias in default-froxlor-server.conf to froxlor

Fri Oct 11 13:24:33 CEST 2013 -

- added configuration files openSUSE 12.x (at Server Configuration)

Tue Oct  8 14:51:43 CEST 2013 -

- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.29 (bnc#846355)
Bug #1139: Froxlor package for armhf doesn't show up in aptitude
Bug #1258: unable to register 'memcache' SSL session cache: Memcache support not enabled
Bug #1260: Cron Domain-SSL Zertifikat
Bug #1261: Fehler Apache mod_write
Feature #587: Provide php.ini Konfiguration for php-fpm

Mon Apr 15 12:20:54 CEST 2013 -

- upstream upragde to version
Due to a syntax-error in the updater we had to re-release as version
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28
#536 Use complete domain name as default path for DocumentRoot
#1150 added possibility to add random prefixes to a customers database-name
#668 fixed FreeBSD 8.2: Bind 9 is missing from list of Daemons
#758 fixed bug in "Amount of APS installations" counter
#916 fixed webserver-specific default vHost settings don't work in ligHTTPd
#1023 fixed Redirect with SSL Enabled Domain
#1058 fixed bug in "Amount of autoresponders" counter
#1085 fixed incorrect configuration command for awstats under Gentoo
#1127 fixed falsely used e-mail sender name
#1134 updated default parameter list of sendmail-program in php.ini-template
#1136 fixed falsely added specialsettings to a ssl-redirect
#1160 fixed usage of empty value for CertificateChainFile (it's allowed)
#1172 cleaned up language files
#1173 fixed redirect to "ip:port"
#1180 fixed clean-up if fcgid/php-fpm configurations

Thu Mar 14 12:46:28 CET 2013 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28-rc1
#1064 customers are now able to search their email-addresses in the overview (like domains, etc.)
#1103 new directory-structure for e-mail accounts.  New added accounts will be stored in a new maildir-structure (e.g.   
  An explanation why this makes sense can be found in the ticket-description. Note: no configuration changes are necessary 
  and existing accounts do not need to be updated, as the homedir/maildir is read from the database.
#1107 the default language for users without a language-setting is now determined via HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
#1138 added support for apache-2.4 (note: mod_log_sql is not compatible to apache-2.4)
#1153 path to nginx's fastcgi_params-file is now customizable (as other distributions/systems do not have it in /etc/nginx/)
#1067 fixed alias generation when the docroot of a (sub)domain was below the customerdocroot
#1068 Apply settings for all subdomains in now deactivateable (but will be checked when you re-open the domain-edit view, this is intended!)
#1075 the default php-cgi listener for nginx is now editable as intended 
#1079 php-fpm files are generated correctly - due to a double "cleaning" of the php-cgi-configdir, they were created and later removed in the cronjobs
#1089 + #1118 fixed php-fpm usage on apache-webserver
#1095 fixed incorrect display of used traffic in admin-overview
#1097 fixed falsey used private class property in database-class
#1104 fixed endless-loop in readdir() when bind is not installed but php-fpm is activated
#1108 fixed problems when disabling a customer / the customer removes one of his database with mysql version >4.1
#1117 froxlor is now completely using UTF-8 encoding.
#1119 The classic theme has been removed.  Maintaining two very different themes and the goal to gain usability and simplicity lead to that decision.

Important information: 
    support for mod_log_sql will drop in the final 0.9.28 release. If you still use it, please switch to webalizer or awstats
    support for dovecot-1 on Gentoo will be dropped in 0.9.29 as Gentoo's tree does not include it anymore.
    support for Debian Lenny has been removed as it is EOL since 6.2.2012.
    support for Ubuntu Hardy will be deprecated in 0.9.28 and removed in 0.9.29 as it will be unsupported in april 2013.
    php's safe_mode setting will be removed in the final 0.9.28 release as it is deprecated.

Tue May  8 11:36:19 CEST 2012 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.27
Bug #700: APS template errors
Bug #992: Can't enable FTP Backup
Bug #1022: Remove php-fpm-specific configuration (files) correctly
Bug #1025: cron_traffic.php causes mysql error
Bug #1027: Unavailable repository 'gentoo_prefix' referenced by masters entry in layman
Bug #1028: Traffic-Cron - missing php-extension?
Bug #1032: Error while creating a new customer in 0.9.26 (posix_getpwuid())
Bug #1033: Natural sorting function for customers doesn't work
Bug #1034: Froxlor Install / Upgraded SysCP: Unknown tables
Bug #1037: [Security Bug] Customers can access all tickets
Feature #1010: Provide setting for special logfiles after creating domains
Feature #1017: Fast CGI Idle Timeout
Feature #1030: Use the name "Administrator" in the mail body instead of Froxlor-Team
Feature #1031: Improve customer default index.html file
Bug #1019: Debian GPG keyserver unreachable
Bug #1061: Current froxlor ebuilds needs non-existant php use flag "pcre" to build

Thu Jan 19 13:04:05 CET 2012 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.26
Bug #430: Updating debian packages resets owner (Froxlor FCGID)
Bug #705: traffic reports are malformed
Bug #723: Debian package depends on apache2-mpm-prefork
Bug #788: Gentoo ebuild requires inexistent useflag
Bug #962: Froxlor customer change the owner of the linux home dir
Bug #977: Traffic takes a long time to calculate
Bug #979: Debian Squeeze: Dovecot quota SQL config
Bug #982: alias.url directive invalid for awstats using lighttpd
Bug #983: Official Debian packages is missing /js folder
Bug #987: typo within german lng file - webserver settings
Bug #990: nginx: Missing configuration data within virtual host files
Bug #993: [eBuild] Wrong directory permissions on gentoo
Bug #999: awstats config file error, incl. bugfix
Bug #1001: Classic theme, wrong icon path in backup.tpl. incl bug fix
Bug #1002: classic theme, customer backup can not be enabled and disabled in gui, incl bug fix
Bug #1004: Cron scripts won't be executed successfully if nameserver is disabled
Bug #1012: Apache: ServerAlias length limit not obeyed
Bug #1013: Wrong rc-update command in Gentoo configfiles in DKIM section
Feature #964: Disable Nameserver
Feature #976: Allow 100% or more as value for the limit warning message
Feature #980: nginx configuration: security improvement
Feature #985: Improve PHP default config of Froxlor

Tue Nov 15 11:10:42 CET 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.25 bnc#730415
Bug #696: Traffic overview: display error and problems with the value
Bug #779: froxlor-0.9.19 ebuild sandbox ACCESS VIOLATION
Bug #781: Bind forgets to add www. for Subdomains
Bug #869: Customer search does not work if there is a underscore in the searchtext
Bug #924: FreeBSD: Postfix missing mydestination
Bug #926: Small qouta fix
Bug #928: "Access Froxlor directly via the hostname" activation fails
Bug #929: User unknown in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command) after changed
Bug #930: Froxlor/location/auth basic duplicates
Bug #932: Ubuntu (lucid) missing config files for nginx
Bug #940: Missing field content on some configuration instructions
Bug #946: Changing the hostname fails
Bug #954: Froxlor package for armel doesn't show up in aptitude 
Bug #967: "backup_dir" is not in the expected format
Bug #970: Cron PHP notice
Bug #974: Customer can change password to something not matching minlength and/or Password Regex
Feature #111: APS instances overview should display domain, DB and folder
Feature #948: Disable backup feature by default

Tue Sep 20 11:05:27 CEST 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.24
(bnc#718819) adapt in spec file License: to GPL-2.0+ as Smarty-3.0.8 is under GPL-3.0 
Bug #714: Malformed "priority" in ticket archive search
Bug #727: Support tickets eats html codes
Bug #743: Very confusing overview in admin panel
Bug #749: wrong location declaration in nginx 1.0 - freebsd 8.2, php-fpm, php 5.3.5
Bug #761: [Backup] Unnecessary text
Bug #762: [Backup] FTP password is in plain text
Bug #787: Display error on traffic bar
Bug #791: 'Unknown User' at traffic calculation if user is locked
Bug #799: Bind9 zone files on ipv6
Bug #859: Froxlor saves backups in customer directory
Bug #870: Empty "ServerName" possible
Bug #872: Deleting a customer fails if a MySQL-User is already deleted
Bug #879: Completely suspend/disable a email client
Bug #880: Webserver user-name label missing in Settings (English)
Bug #889: Modernize bash init-script (/etc/init.d/php-fcgi for nginx)
Feature #16: Rotate customer logs
Feature #834: Database size in Froxlor
Feature #848: create a domain, which will only relay mail is not possible
Feature #875: favicon for froxlor

Fri Sep 16 13:32:47 CEST 2011 -

- fixed some rpmlint warnings 

Wed Aug 10 12:57:26 CEST 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.23 
Bug #469: Prevent autocompletion for new customer dialog
Bug #728: temp folder is not deleted
Bug #780: Checkbox doesn't "check" if domain is a wildcard
Bug #793: catchall checkbox bei "E-Mail-Adresse anlegen" funktionslos
Bug #842: webftp.php file upload fails, Typo
Bug #846: PHP-FPM tmpdir permission bug
Bug #851: Add "--force" option to mysql backups, to prevent empty sql backups
Feature #814: Use filesystem quota to enforce limit of diskspace - usage by customer

Tue Jul 12 13:47:11 CEST 2011 -

- upstream release to version 0.9.22 nearly same as 0.9.22-rc1
Added security relevant HTTP - headers (X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame-Options, Strict-Transport-Security and X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)
Generate all links with a new linker - object for easier link - management
Updated the included jQuery to version 1.6.1
Moved all inline - JavaScript to external file
Added WebFTP
Bug #756: Natural sorting function for customers doesn't work
Bug #768: small improvement in proftp config
Bug #800: Broken apache permissions in directories
Bug #802: Wrong copyright in default page
Bug #813: Language fixes (typo/hyperlinks/HTML)
Bug #815: Panel session timout = 0: No timeout expected but login impossible.
Bug #817: French translation encoding removed all accents
Bug #819: webFTP missing images/css
Feature #214: Do not display SQL Errors, write them to error log instead.
Feature #556: Safe Mode deprecated in PHP >= 5.3
Feature #737: FTP- and Mailquotas
Feature #812: Bitte Warnmeldung bei der Abschaltung von safe_mode abschalten

Tue Jun 28 13:26:56 CEST 2011 -

- upstream release to version 0.9.22-rc1
Added security relevant HTTP - headers (X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame-Options, Strict-Transport-Security and X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)
Generate all links with a new linker - object for easier link - management
Updated the included jQuery to version 1.6.1
Moved all inline - JavaScript to external file
Added WebFTP
Bug #756: Natural sorting function for customers doesn't work
Bug #768: small improvement in proftp config
Bug #800: Broken apache permissions in directories
Bug #802: Wrong copyright in default page
Bug #813: Language fixes (typo/hyperlinks/HTML)
Bug #815: Panel session timout = 0: No timeout expected but login impossible.
Bug #817: French translation encoding removed all accents
Bug #819: webFTP missing images/css
Feature #214: Do not display SQL Errors, write them to error log instead.
Feature #556: Safe Mode deprecated in PHP >= 5.3
Feature #737: FTP- and Mailquotas
Feature #812: Bitte Warnmeldung bei der Abschaltung von safe_mode abschalten

Tue May 31 10:23:53 CEST 2011 -

- upstream emergency-release to version 0.9.21
Bug #741: Error when there is a white space in field "registration date"
Bug #760: [german] incorrect translations
Bug #775: [Backup] Reloading webserver for each users causes SIGTERM and shutting down (apache2)
Bug #778: Cannot set domain to use SSL without SSL redirect
Bug #784: Allow continuing of uploads in ProFTPd by setting a conf value in proftpd.conf
Bug #790: Fix char-errors in Italian language file
Feature #280: Kunden Anrede
Feature #785: Allow active FTP uploads in backup

Fri Apr 29 15:28:35 CEST 2011 -

- upstream emergency-release to version
Bug #730: Debian 6.0
Bug #738: 0.9.20 (fresh install): could not create customer
Bug #740: Git (/lib/configfiles/ change "lenny" to "squeeze" (2x)
Bug #742: SQL error while creating a new client

Wed Apr 27 11:30:10 CEST 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.20
Bug #167: Domains should be able to listen on every interface
Bug #467: Mail quota should be in the client's limits
Bug #655: exim4 should be configured to issue a permanant error on non-existing user
Bug #678: Falsche Formatierung bei Passwort-Zurücksetzung
Bug #687: PHP and fcgid: Files containing ".php" anywhere in the filename are executed as PHP scripts
Bug #690: ungünstige Fehlermeldung bei Hostname als Domain
Bug #698: Froxlor doesn't create none-existing directory when changing FTP-homedirectory
Bug #699: Recalculate resource usage
Bug #704: "Resend password" language variable partly wrong
Bug #711: Warning: Division by zero in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_usage_report.php on line 211
Bug #712: Typo "SysLinks" in
Bug #718: Domain with TLD-Suffixes of more than 6 characters not possible
Bug #722: FreeBSD 8.2 , nginx 0.9.6, php 5.3.5, php-fpm, mysql 5.5.9 - htpasswd generation
Bug #725: Froxlor ohne FCGID (mod_php5) setzt User/group falsch
Feature #186: Backup-function for Admin and Customer
Feature #346: Kennwort Generator oder vorgeschlagene Kennwörter
Feature #492: Admin Traffic summary
Feature #600: Replace "Webspace (MB): 11.10938 (3000)" with "Webspace (used/max) [MB]: 11.10938 / 3000"
Feature #645: General form usability improvements
Feature #677: Passwortanforderung für gesperrte Benutzer deaktivieren

Tue Mar 29 10:24:02 CEST 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.19
Bug #592: missing build-dependancy on cdbs
Bug #618: Sortierung der Kunden
Bug #647: froxlor relies on being installed in docroot/froxlor
Bug #649: undefined variable $entry in cron_autoresponder.php
Bug #653: Froxlor-Passwort zurücksetzen: Fehlermeldung trotz erfolgreicher Durchführung
Bug #654: Install script error
Bug #656: Vorlage "Hinweis zum Speicherverbrauch" wird nicht beachtet
Bug #657: [Design] Falscher Pfad bei Domains mit URLs
Bug #658: Doppel-Slash bei Domain-Redirects
Bug #659: Inhalt von CGI-BIN wird beim SuExec Workaround gelöscht
Bug #660: Skripte werde beim SuExec Workaround nicht ausgeführt (403-Fehler)
Bug #662: Es wurde eine falsche Id übergeben
Bug #663: FreeBSD aps installer
Bug #669: Redirect Code wird via mod_rewrite nicht gesetzt
Bug #670: FreeBSD 8.2 , php 5.3.5, php-fpm, mysql 5.5.9 - aps installer
Bug #671: Leeres Feld "Eigene vHost-Einstellungen" in "IPs und Ports"
Bug #674: Suchfunktion von Ticket-Archiv funktioniert nicht
Bug #675: Rechtschreibfehler: Einstellungen->Log Einstellungen
Feature #550: Please adjust the package recommendations for Exim4 as MTA
Feature #627: Fehlender Eintrag in der Postfix Vorlage für TLS
Feature #651: Variabeln für E-Mail-Vorlage "Hinweis zum Speicherverbrauch"
Feature #661: "Kunden anlegen" Schaltfläche über die Tabelle
Feature #666: Gesperrt lassen was gesperrt gehört
Feature #667: AWStats Ordner der Standarddomain löschen wenn diese entfernt wird
Feature #672: Werte für Formular beim Auftreten von Fehlern beibehalten
Feature #676: Add checkbox support to formfield generator

Tue Mar  8 09:42:29 CET 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version
~ Creating a mail forwarder: Only white site after creation and no success
~ no traffic bars in customer view
~ PHP Configurations in new thems is damaged
~ Can not create absence-messages
~ image loading problem
~ Unable to view configuration page
~ domain path is not displayed
~ Confusing row design in customers/admins/domains list
~ FTP-user can't be changed
~ Customer Frontend -> Creating email account
~ HTTP Config on SUSE
~ [nginx|php-fpm] Wrong ip and port setting for default vhost

Tue Mar  1 10:48:26 CET 2011 -

- Requires postfix-mysql added

Mon Feb 28 22:20:54 CET 2011 -

- fixing configuration files of postfix

Mon Feb 28 14:02:19 CET 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.18
+ Complete new design
+ Theme - switcher
+ Feature #579: Ability to add idna domains that contains the German "ß"
~ Bug #543: Customer details get cut when entering special characters
~ Bug #553: Heimatverzeichnis des FTP-Benutzers löschen
~ Bug #562: open_basedir settings are ignored when using php-fpm
~ Bug #563: Round values for {DISKAVAILABLE}, {DISKUSED}... in mails
~ Bug #564: resolve php warnings when using php-5.3 and greater
~ Bug #566: Placeholder on sendmail fail
~ Bug #568: dovecot-sql.conf incorrect in gentoo ebuild
~ Bug #569: /etc/postfix/ doesn't get copied to config dir
~ Bug #592: missing build-dependancy on cdbs
~ Bug #571: Domain deletion fails
~ Bug #572: Unable to start Dovecot with configuration from froxlor panel
~ Bug #573: Wrong pathes at Postfix MX-Access (anti spam) configuration
~ Bug #574: Wrong path at PowerDNS configuration
~ Bug #575: Wrong path at Crond (cronscript) configuration
~ Bug #578: du -s shows wrong size
~ Bug #599: php-fcgi Docroot anpassung bei gesperrten Usern
~ Bug #610: phpMyAdmin doesnt work with nginx php-fpm https vhost
~ Bug #611: function.findDirs stops after first unreadable directory
~ Bug #612: function.findDirs gives a warning about not executable directories
~ Feature #544: cron_traffic.php: mysql error number: 2006 - MySQL server has gone away

Fri Jan 28 15:28:50 CET 2011 -

- adding awstats and roundcubemail howto in file README.INSTALL.SUSE

Thu Jan 27 15:04:43 CET 2011 -

- awstats fix in configuration file for openSUSE 11.X

Wed Jan 26 16:59:29 CET 2011 -

- adaption in pure-ftp Configuration template setting froxlor as 
  user and MySQL db name

Wed Jan 26 10:50:44 CET 2011 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.17
+ Rebuilding configurations after a setting is changed (bug #535)
+ Added notification by email about client/reseller limits (bug #153)
+ Added notification mail for customers when 90% percent of disk space is exhausted (bug #466)
~ FTP: fixed wrong sorting method in "Create Account" (bug #534)
~ Configuration: various freebsd-config enhancements (bugs #537, #538)
~ Webserer: fixed SSL Redirect vhost container (bugs #541, #542)
~ UI: fixed undefined index when editing a MySQL-database (bug #554)
~ UI: fixed editing admin mail quota is limited to 3 character (bug #559)

Mon Jan 24 16:00:30 CET 2011 -

- optimizing build spec file and patching froxlor.sql file 
  changing apache DocumentRoot to srv  

Thu Jan  6 00:46:10 CET 2011 -

- fix visibility of configuration files in admin back end

Wed Jan  5 21:50:05 CET 2011 -

- fix froxlor.sql database file for opensuse (bug #539)

Tue Dec 28 21:20:11 CET 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.16 
+ Froxlor now supports php-fpm (bug #482)
~ Update for the dutch language file (bug #506)
~ Fixed newlines in "reset-password"-mail (bug #507)
~ Fixed some issues with gentoo and emerge (bug #510 #511 #512)
~ Fixed install.sql to work with mysql 5.5 (bug #529)
~ Added check for php-xml extension (bug #530)
Fri Dec  3 15:31:14 CET 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version
+ Quickfix dovecot-sql.conf 

Mon Nov 29 17:06:43 CET 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.15 
+ Webserver: Froxlor now supports the NGINX webserver (bug #103)
+ Unlocking of locked accounts via the panel (bug #473)
+ Added --force parameter for the master-cronjob
+ Tickets: pre-set the next available number for logical order when adding a new category (bug #464)
~ AWstats: fix undefined variable in webserver-cronjob (bug #454)
~ Configuration: determine own path for cronjob-configuration-template (bug #455)
~ Fixed issue if 'store default-index' is 'no' (bug #459)
~ Ebuild: fixed typo when setting permissions (bug #463)
~ Fixed possible wrong vhost-order for standard-subdomains (bug #465)
~ Corrected mailserver configs so they check for imap-allowed and pop3-allowed (bug #475)
~ Autoresponder: fixed sender if the receiver of the original mail is not the owner of the autoresponder (bug #476)
x Configuration-templates and support for Debian Etch

Mon Oct 25 17:12:45 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.14 
+ Allow login to panel using domains (bug #374)
+ Added configuration templates for DKIM for Debian/Ubuntu systems (bug #384)
+ Allow custom documentroot for IP/Port vHosts (bug #417)
+ Added SSLCertificateChainFile-directive to Apache-SSL configuration (bug #418)
+ Allow domains with port-statement as documentroot/redirect (bug #431)
~ AWstats: fix multiple calculation of traffic (bug #246)
~ AWstats: add images to created stats-pages (bug #257)
~ AWstats: chown stats directories after creation (bug #258)
~ Fixed resource calculation for APS-packages (bug #425)
~ Various improvements of language files (bugs #434 and #439)
~ Fixed order of domains in single-vhost-file (bug #437)
~ Corrected descriptions for edit-database view (bug #444)
x Realtime update-feature has been removed due to problems and possible skipped/unfinished tasks

Fri Oct  1 11:09:41 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version
  * Allow selection of php-configuration for Froxlor vhost [FCGID-Mode] (bug #414)
  * Added missing $smtpd_sender_login_maps in [FreeBSD] (bug #420)
  * Fixed Autoresponder if Reply-To header is present (bug #423)
Wed Sep 29 16:21:22 CEST 2010 -

- adding apache alias for froxlor roundcubemail squirrelmail to config file

Wed Sep 29 14:00:34 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.13
  * Fix monthly Awstats generation (bug #240)
  * Improve behavior of security-questions (bug #332)
  * Added checkbox to prevent creation of index.html in home directory (bug #369)
  * Added checkbox to prevent creation of unneeded statistics directories (bug #370)
  * Control amount of autoresponders per customer (bug #377)
  * Restrict sender address to logged-in SMTP user in postfix (bug #379)
  * Removed display of RegEx within the password-complexity error-message (bug #392)
  * Correction of domain-list view (bug #394)
  * Fixed SQL-query in customer management (bug #397)
  * Fixed autoresponder when automatically answered mails being received (bug #399)
  * Fixed postfix-dovecot configuration-templates for Ubuntu Lucid (bug #401)
  * Added support for CGI APS-packages (bug #404)
  * Fixed usage of usernames instead of uid/gid when fcgid is not enabled (bug #407)
  * Fixed up irritating texts on the panel (bug #408)
  * [Gentoo Ebuild] Added php.ini creation for own vhost (bug #411)
  * Fixed deletion of files when a domain gets deleted (bug #415)

Wed Aug 25 01:20:43 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.12
  * Allow files to be set as 40x & 500 error-handler (bug #267)
  * Added possibility to use FCGID also for the Froxlor-panel itself (bug #305)
  * Improved/Reviewed autoresponder-source (bug #308)
  * Fixed various file-permission-commands in the configuration-area (bug #309, #310)
  * Added pure-ftpd to Gentoo, fixed configuration for debian-based systems (bug #311)
  * Added possibility to use Perl/CGI for Apache+SuExec users (bug #319)
  * Fixed editing of mysql-databases in customer-panel (bug #325)
  * Added possibility to add a subdomain of another domain as "full"-domain in admin-interface (bug #329)
  * Fixed issues when saving settings with attribute "dir" (bug #331)
  * Set default path for FTP-accounts to customerroot (bug #338)
  * Fixed usage of chattr under FreeBSD, it is named chflgs there (bug #339)
  * Added possibility to customize the description of a directory-protection via htpasswd (bug #345)
  * Added e-mail notification template for 'forgot password' (bug #354)
  * Remove fcgi-starter if domain has been deleted (bug #367)
  * Added '{COMPANY}' template variable for all e-mail templates (bug #376)

Mon Jul 26 12:57:29 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.11
  New features / Bugfixes and more:
  * Adminpanel: [feature-request] Renice error message for froxlor mail notification
  * Configfiles: Set umask in php-fcgi-starter script 
  * Adminpanel: Password strengt for new customer accounts 
  * Userpanel: Optional: Bei löschen von FTP-User abfragen ob Home-DIR löschen 
  * Configfiles: Rename the xinetd.d template file
  * Adminpanel: redirect code always "---" if you edit domain 

Mon Jun 28 12:33:36 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.10
  New features / Bugfixes and more:
  * Uninstalling  an APS package does not delete the installed files (bug #273)
  * Database does not show in  client database (bug #272)
  * When APS contingent for  customer is reached, no hint is shown (bug #278)
  * Lighttpd   auth.backend: If more than one directory is protected, the users of them  are not saved in the htpasswd file (bug #281)
  * spelling error in german  language file (bug #279)
  * Create  customer task not deleted if customer is deleted (bug #276)
  * language selector does not work on login - page (bug #277)
  * Default path for AWStats (bug #275)[
  * ipandport_xxx.conf DocumentRoot now manageable in settings (bug #270)
  * A variable name leading to invalid paths was corrected

Fri Jun 18 16:04:04 CEST 2010 -

- upstream upragde to version 0.9.9
  New features / Bugfixes and more:
  * implemented APS-1.2 standard (bug #232)
  * fixed DNS mail A record is not created when using external MX servers (bug #242) 
  * added possiblility for customer to get its e-mail account data deleted from the filesystem when removing an account from the panel (bug #245)
  * fixed duplicate config variable in lighttpd.conf (bug #254)
  * fixed incorrect form field in autoresponder form (bug #256)
  * corrected chown'ing of awstats-directory (bug #258)
  * fixed incorrect (additional) directory-creation in webserver-cron (bug #259)
  * fixed sed expressions in the configuration manual (bug #263)

  *Thu Jul 09 09:00:00 CEST 2010 Andrej Semen <> 
  * initial build of froxlor version 0.9.8
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