File README.packaging of Package influxdb

All deps have to be vendored. The source tarball is obtained as the following:

1. Install godep (skip if already installed)

# osc getbinaries devel:languages:go golang-github-golang-dep $distribution $arch
# rpm -Uvh binaries/golang-github-golang-dep*rpm

2. Obtain influxdb source codes

# mkdir ~/go/src/
# cd ~/go/src/
# git clone --branch v1.7.8 influxdb-1.7.8

3. Obtain vendor dependencies

# cd influxdb-1.7.8
# dep ensure -vendor-only

4. Create archive

# cd ..
# tar -Jcf influxdb-1.7.8.tar.xz --exclude-vcs influxdb-1.7.8
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