File python-uncompyle6.changes of Package python-uncompyle6

Thu Dec 31 08:08:08 UTC 2020 -

- update to 3.7.4
  * Fragment parsing was borked. This means deparsing in trepan2/trepan3k was broken
  * 3.7+: narrow precedence for call tatement
  * del_stmt -> delete to better match Python AST
  * 3.8+ Add another forelsestmt (found only in a loop)
  * 3.8+ Add precedence on walrus operator
  * More files blackened
  * bump min xdis version
  * __doc__ = DocDescr() from was getting confused as a docstring.
  * detect 2.7 exchandler range better
  * Add reduce check for 2.7 augmented assign
  * Add VERSION in a pydoc-friendly way

Thu Jul 23 11:45:46 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- update to 3.7.2
  * Use newer xdis
  * Docstrings (again) which were broken again on earlier Python
  * Fix 2.6 and 2.7 decompilation bug in handling "list if" comprehensions
  * Handle 3.7+ "else" branch removal adAs seen in `_cmp()` of `python3.8/distutils/` with optimization `-O2`
  * 3.6+ "with" and "with .. as" grammar improvements
  * ast-check for "for" loop was missing some grammar rules

Mon Jun  8 13:23:58 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <>

- update to 3.7.0
  * The main impetus for this release is to pull in the recent changes from xdis. We simplify imports using xdis 4.6.0.
  * There were some bugfixes to Python 3.4-3.8. See the ChangeLog for details

Mon May 18 09:10:38 UTC 2020 - Petr Gajdos <>

- %python3_only -> %python_alternative

Fri Apr 17 09:26:00 UTC 2020 -

- version update to 3.6.5
  * Handle nested async for in for... and better async comprehension detection via xdis. Still more work is needed.
  * include token number in listings when -g and there is a parser error
  * remove unneeded Makefiles now that remake 4.3+1.5dbg is a thing that has -c
  * Bug in finding annotations in functions with docstrings
  * Fix bug found by 2.4 testing
  * Fix transform module's ifelseif bugs
  * Fix bug in 3.0 name module detection
  * Fix docstring detection

Tue Mar 10 13:13:18 UTC 2020 -

- version update to 3.6.4
  * The main focus in this release was fix some of the more glaring
    problems creapt in from the last release due to that refactor.
  * See ChangeLog for details.

Fri Feb  7 16:32:32 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- update to 3.6.3
  * Fix fragment bugs
  * Preliminary support for decompiling Python 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.6 
  * Pypy 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.6.9 support
  * Improve 3.0 decompilation 
  * Fix unmarshal incompletness detected in Pypy 3.6
  * more accurate decompilation especially for 3.7 and 3.8.
  * runing in 3.9-dev is tolerated
  * Numerous bugs around handling lambda with keyword-only fixed.
  * binary_expr and unary_expr have been renamed to bin_op and unary_op
  * TL;DR, but nothing important

Tue Sep 10 09:34:20 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.4.0:
  * The main change is to add a tree-transformation phase
  * Various bugfixes

Mon Jul 22 11:54:48 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.3.5:
  * No upstream changelog

Fri Jun 28 11:10:52 UTC 2019 - Andreas Färber <>

- Initial (v3.3.4)
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