File xmoto.changes of Package xmoto
Mon Aug 17 15:49:05 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <>
- update to 0.6.1
* macOS and FreeBSD support is back!
* Automated release builds for Linux/macOS/Windows
* Added support for macOS Bundles
* Improved level load times
* Improved Russian translation
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed a locale bug where the game would crash with
locales using comma (,) as the decimal separator
* No more crashing on non-existent db entries
when migrating from an old version
* Build system changed from autotools to CMake
* Support for both cross-compilation and native builds for Win32
* Easy packaging for each supported platform
* FreeBSD and macOS support temporarily dropped
* Minor changes:
* Chat history is now shown when the chat box is opened
* Checkpoint color in ugly mode matches minimap
* Some code fixes
* glext.h dropped in favor of a proper GL loader
* Bug fixes:
* Favorite levels can be viewed again
* Safe mode now stays on after restarting a level
* remove several warnings (including replacing hash_map by unordered_map)
- remove xmoto-0.5.11-pointer-comparison.patch xmoto-0.5.5-basedir.patch xmoto-nobuild_date.patch
Fri Aug 25 09:44:47 UTC 2017 -
- Explicitly BuildRequire lua 5.1 on Tumbleweed to fix build
Sun Jun 11 15:31:57 UTC 2017 -
- Add xmoto-0.5.11-pointer-comparison.patch to fix build with GCC7,
patch taken from Fedora (boo#1041253)
Fri Jun 10 14:19:48 UTC 2016 -
- COPYING installed.
Thu May 26 12:19:48 UTC 2016 -
- BuildRequires tags were fixed up (pkgconfig).
- Introduced data noarch subpackage.
- Prevented usage of bundled ode library.
Sat May 21 08:26:19 UTC 2016 -
- Add xmoto-nobuild_date.patch: Do not add build date and time
to the binaries.
Thu May 19 15:26:14 UTC 2016 -
- Add appdata.xml file in order to show in Software Centers.
Wed May 13 15:33:51 UTC 2015 -
- Do not use _service to fetch the game but stick to upstream url
- Update to version 0.5.11:
* Various small tweaks
- Drop obsolete patch:
* xmoto-0.5.10-gcc47.patch
Sat Jul 14 07:39:43 UTC 2012 -
- Build version 0.5.10
- Added a gcc 4.7 patch
- Cleaned the spec file up
Sat Sep 24 20:00:00 UTC 2011 -
- xmoto 0.5.7
* fix a bug that make xmoto crashes
* improve network performances
Sat Jul 2 14:58:57 UTC 2011 -
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building
- Strip %clean section (not needed on BS)
Tue Mar 29 18:58:41 UTC 2011 -
- xmoto 0.5.6
* dark background behind the chat messages
* add ctrl+p to prefill chat box with previous private recipients
* new options : --serverPort and --serverAdminPassword
* server rules system (points in slave mode)
* possibility to send a report on the website when a level crashes
* monospace font for the admin console (DejaVuSansMono.ttf)
* performances improvements (mainly for the server)
* update munin plugins
* fix some bugs (if you win and lost at exactly the same time, you lost)
- removed xmoto-0.5.3-libpng14.patch - fixed upstream
- cleaned up BuildRequires tags
- added FAKE_BUILDDATE and FAKE_BUILDTIME substitution
Sat Mar 12 23:58:27 UTC 2011 -
- xmoto 0.5.5
* replay support for physics levels
* improve network mode performances
* private message support on network interface
* several keys are now customizable via the options
* GetPlayerProfileName script function is now deprecated
* some minor fixes
- xmoto 0.5.4
* Add a button in the network tab to join levels played by other people
* Remove the downloading ghost screen (background download)
* Add a button to watch the replay just after death or finish
* Add a configuration checkbox to be able to connect to the server at startup
* Add 2 configuration control keys to change the chat history
* Display time required for the next medal in game
* Completion for chat box and server console
* Change default chineese font name from wqy-zenhei.ttf to wqy-zenhei.ttc
* fix played time counted 2 times when using checkpoints
* minor bugs fixed
Sun Jul 18 04:41:31 UTC 2010 -
- fixed build with libpng14
- xmoto 0.5.3
* Ugly Mode heavily improved (Menu GFX and Scripted Sprites)
* xdg-basedir implementation
* bugfix: Compile with ode 0.11
* bugfix: Rendering no more stalls on level restart
* bugfix: Messages System (also for multiplayer)
* bugfix: Multiplayer: Screen Shadow
* bugfix: Multiplayer: Minimap
* bugfix: Multiplayer: Time Panel & Game Status
* bugfix: Multiplayer: Death Sound for all Players
* bugfix: libode compatibility
* bugfix: edge rendering order improved
* bugfix: better Quickstart behaviour
* graphics: Death Zones, Teleport Zones and Particles rendered in low level gfx modes
* graphics: modes toggle by using F10
* graphics: 3 graphics modes now: Contrast mode, light graphics, full graphics
* graphics: animated textures
* Checkpoints implementation
* audio: new music foxrun
* new level pack: Whatshisname Cup
* control options: separate tabs for players
* munin plugin
Sat Oct 24 16:33:25 UTC 2009 -
- xmoto 0.5.2
Sun Apr 6 09:24:03 CEST 2008 -
- xmoto 0.4.2
* several rooms possible in configuration
* option to remove levels not suitable for children
* man page is no more gunzipped
* AddPenaltyTime(), PlaySound(), PlayMusic(), StopMusic(),
AddForceToPlayer(), SetCameraRotationSpeed() script functions
(patches by gaivota)
* ctrl + down/up in replays to adjust speed
* --cleanNoWWWLevels to clean levels which are no longer available
on the website (move them into ~/.xmoto/Trash)
* biker interact with world when dead
* fix layers while autozoom
* major string printing speedup
* some other minor modifications
* dynamic camera while playing
Mon Mar 10 00:29:49 CET 2008 -
- xmoto 0.4.1
* remove svnversion dependency for compilation
* fix .desktop file
* fix sqlite troubles
* some new options to make videos
* ctrl+s : enable/disable sound
Thu Feb 7 02:41:46 CET 2008 -
- xmoto 0.4.0
* lot of code rewritten/cleaned
* multi-threading (mainling for www connexions ; require that g++
uses posix thread model (g++ -v to check))
* chineese translation, ttf font is
"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bkai00mp.ttf", it can be
changed via the configure script (--with-asian-ttf-file) ;
(this font is required to be able to play if locale is cn_CN)
=> chineese translation is finally reported for 0.4.1
* patch by Antti Harri and Lasse Collin (extracted from extreme
tuxracer) to manage maximum texture size load
* filter on list is for all columns
* multiscenes mode for multiplayers (each player has his own
* ctrl+b to add/remove from blacklisted levels list
* ctrl+m to use mirror mode
* resource use reduced when xmoto is iconified or focus is lost
* tab to autozoom
* smoother replay interpolation
* some command line options to generate pictures (so that you can
convert easily replays to videos (transcode command line is
written in the log))
* new "length" packs by Mig
Tue Nov 20 23:44:27 CET 2007 -
- xmoto 0.3.4
* add a shadow to some text to make it more readable
* crappy flag : crappy levels are hidden in the packs (but are
visible in the crappy pack)
* danish translation
* bugs fixed
Mon Nov 19 18:10:28 CET 2007 -
- another fix was necessary to build the package for gcc 4.3;
credits go to Takashi Iwai
Sat Nov 17 19:19:33 CET 2007 -
- gcc 4.3 fixes
Fri Aug 10 14:26:07 CEST 2007 -
- Buildrequires: removed bzip2; added libbz2-devel for web transfer
- make use of %find_lang macro
Tue Aug 7 20:53:11 CEST 2007 -
- xmoto 0.3.2
* improved internationalization
* bugfixes
Thu May 24 15:07:50 CEST 2007 -
- use libode-devel for Buildrequires
Fri Mar 23 05:44:23 CET 2007 -
- updated to release 0.2.7
* add ghost while replaying
* correct the second layer of static blocks
* particle sources are no longer clipped out of the screen
* man page fixed
* and more bugs fixed ...
Tue Mar 13 11:11:25 CET 2007 -
- updated to release 0.2.6
* performances improved (better framerate)
* SDL-GFX rendering in option (instead of OpenGL, beta code,
16 bpp only)
* a randomize button to puzzle any package list
* you can associate a rpl to xmoto (ie xmoto replay.rpl play the
rpl file)
* filter on lists
* problem with 64bits architecture should be fixed
* texture of the level border can be changed
* more options to draw the sky
* you can associate a music to a level
* mingw supported ; visual studio c++ no longer supported
* votes from the website as packs (pack easiest levels, hardest
levels, nicest levels)
* Sprites of flowers, strawberries and wreckers can be changed
specially for a level
* sounds are themable
* add support for multi layer (parallax scrolling) rendering
* gettext for windows
* adding levels and sprites from the website
* some important bugs fixed
Fri Dec 29 18:30:54 CET 2006 -
- updated to release 0.2.4
* Much shorter start-up time.
* Built-in levels are now a level pack.
* Spanish and catalan translations.
* xmoto-edit is no longer part of the main xmoto package.
* Some changes on the user interface.
* Virtual packages (random levels, etc).
* "New levels" not cleared when you quit xmoto.
* Favorite levels tab.
* Misc. bug fixes and updates.
Thu Oct 12 16:07:58 CEST 2006 -
- updated to release 0.2.2
* X-Moto is no more ALPHA!
* ppc computer can now read and write x86 replays (patch by Dave
* upload highscores from the game
* webrooms configuration
* Man pages (from debian package)
* desktop files and icon for kde/gnome (by SnowBear)
* -nowww option to force xmoto to not connect on the web
* -testTheme option to test your themes
* new functions for scripted levels
* grip parameter for blocks (to make ice blocks for example)
* auto-adaptation of the camera (depending on the gravity/wind)
* uglier ugly mode (for slower computer; press F1 to switch ugly
* translations [french] (for unix only)
* collision between body and sprites
* level preview animation before playing (patch by Frederic
* Some minor improvements
* Several bugs fixed.
* IMPORTANT: People with big-endian CPUs (PowerPC, etc) should
clean their level cache when upgrading; that is, the first
time you start the game, use the -cleancache command-line
argument. Alternatively delete all files in your LCache/
* Minimap now visible in -ugly mode again.
* Entity colors in -ugly mode adjusted.
* F9 to toggle -ugly mode from inside the game, F10 to toggle
theme testing mode.
* More in-game options.
* German translation (for unix only).
* New built-in level.
* Bug about undisplayed entities on big-endian computers
* Some other bugs fixed.
Fri Sep 8 20:59:03 CEST 2006 -
- fixed build for SUSE 9.3
Tue Aug 1 12:27:54 CEST 2006 -
- updated to release 0.2.0
* Yet a new version numbering policy: Last number incremented for
bug-fix releases, middle one is even for official releases and
uneven for development (CVS) versions.
* No longer fancy ghost graphics in -ugly mode.
* Ghost now visible on minimap.
* New optional "rversion" <level> attribute, which allows level
designers to specify the X-Moto version required to play a level.
* Bug with in-game ghost information display fixed.
* Player statistics.
* New textures, sprites, and edge effects (RedBricks, GrayBricks,
and BlueBricks).
* You can now keep the up and down arrows of lists pressed to list
the levels.
* Various new script functions (see MotoGameL.cpp for details).
* Added dependency for libbz2 (for web transfer compression).
* Menu music and new sound effects by Jens Erler.
* More graphics.
* Better collision detection. Bike behaviour is affected slightly.
* Custom themes (replacable graphics).
* Press character keys to quickly navigate through level lists.
* Several minor improvements and some bugs fixed.
* Joystick patch by Christoph Sommer applied.
Fri Jun 16 08:47:19 CEST 2006 -
- updated to release 0.1.16
* Ghost replays while playing.
* Game should work with AMD64 again now. The long standing
corrupted fonts in editor-bug on AMD64 has also been fixed.
* Automatic list of screen resolutions (patch by Emmanuel
* Scripted levels are now recordable.
* PreDraw() in script is not good because it depends on
framerate, use Tick() instead.
* Hitting "return" while playing now restarts the level
* A sound is played when you make a new highscore.
* Optional automatic saving of replays if it's a highscore.
* Mouse buttons can now be used to control the bike.
* A button to view a highscore's replay easily, and downloads
it if it is missing.
* Updated to support the new Lua 5.1.
* Faster scanning of replays.
* Game no longer crashes if a level is using an unknown
* Some bugs fixed.
* Editor: Supports use of < and > instead of < and > in
embedded scripts.
Fri May 19 22:18:19 CEST 2006 -
- updated to release 0.1.14
* New version numbering policy: If the last number is even it's
a stable X-Moto release, otherwise it's an unstable development
version (from CVS).
* Major bug in the player head/entity collision detection code fixed.
* Level files are now cached for much faster loading time.
* Integration with Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre's website; World records
can now be seen inside the game, and new levels can be downloaded
* New (optional) library dependency: libcurl. If library isn't found
by ./configure, the online high-score system is disabled, so please
install libcurl (version 3) before upgrading to X-Moto 0.1.14.
(This does not affect X-Moto on Windows, libcurl is included with
the game there).
* Slight physics adjustment: It should no longer be possible to fall
through the ground when standing still. Stay calm, this should NOT
affect the gameplay.
* Alpha-testing enabled for sprites; which are less fuzzy looking
now. Also looks better with anti-aliasing.
* Lots of new UI stuff, including context help.
* It's now possible to see what level you're playing.
* Less retarded usage of SDL_Delay(), UI more responsive.
* Fixed bug that made it difficult to click tabs in level info
* "Next Level" button also for external levels now.
* 8 new built-in levels, including 4 by Torben Green, and one by
Thomas Kjaerulff.
* More control over playback of replays: Up/down to increase/decrease
speed and space to pause.
* External levels ordered alphabetically.
* Automatic replay naming.
* Various minor changes and several other small bugs fixed.
* Windows specific: Upgraded to SDL 1.2.10 and SDL_mixer 1.2.7.
Sat Apr 15 17:45:42 CEST 2006 -
- updated to release 0.1.12
* Fixed a bug that prevented the game from compiling with g++ 4.1.
* Removed unfinished joystick configuration interface from the
* New LUA (script) functions. See src/MotoGameL.cpp for details.
* Files in xmoto.bin are now prioritized lower when loading.
* Tutorials updated.
* New built-in levels.
* Scripts can now be encapsulated directly in .lvl-files.
* Now you'll see an icon beside the clock, indicating the the
current objective.
* Added a "Next Level" button to the in-game menus.
* You can now have several levels of sub-directories in your
Levels/ directory.
* Introduced the concept of "level packs", i.e. logical
groupings of levels. The tutorials are now considered a
level pack. Note that levels which are in a level pack can't
be seen in the "External Levels" list.
* Various minor changes and some small bugs fixed.
Thu Feb 16 14:25:49 CET 2006 -
- add GenericName to .desktop file
Mon Feb 6 10:51:10 CET 2006 -
- updated to release 0.1.11
* Major optimization of collision detection. The framerate should
be many-doubled when playing geometry-heavy levels.
* Game no longer quits if a level specified by the user or a
replay isn't found.
* Made a change that hopefully should make mouse movement less
inresponsive on some systems.
* Integrated a patch by Eric Piel that makes the game play more
smooth, most notable on lower end systems.
* Added a (hopefully) better set of build configuration scripts,
also by Eric Piel. Please notify me if some compatibility is
broken by this, and I'll try to fix it as fast as possible.
* New -benchmark option to play with.
* The user is now warned if he's entering a level with
geometrical errors.
* The -replay option now accepts replays regardless of their
* It should now longer be possible to move head through level
geometry at high speed or by flipping.
* A couple of new built-in levels.
* Level limits are now not invisible when using -ugly.
* Various minor changes and several small bugs fixed.
Sun Jan 29 22:21:46 CET 2006 -
- fix BuildRequires
Wed Jan 25 21:43:17 CET 2006 -
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Sat Dec 3 16:29:28 CET 2005 -
- updated to release 0.1.10
* Nasty (and very stupid) bug that prevented new replays
from being shown, has been fixed.
* Spamming your console is no longer default behaviour.
If you want to enable it, use the new -v command-line
* Log messages are now written to xmoto.log (also on
Windows, so there's no longer a stdout.txt).
* Fixed an bug that prevented the game from compiling
on Mac OS X (thanks again Maxime Biais).
* The game now defaults to listing all levels, not only
the ones made by the current player.
Thu Dec 1 22:58:19 CET 2005 -
- updated to release 0.1.9
Thu Nov 17 00:51:07 CET 2005 -
- updated to current CVS (2005-11-17)
* Better handling of events in replays (for instance,
picked-up strawberries are no longer gone when
* Applied MacOS X patch by Maxime Biais.
* Replays can no longer be recorded for levels that
include scripting.
* Older releases will not be able to read the new
replays, but this version can read old replays
without any problems (in which case the new event
features will be missing).
* Faster building procedure on Windows.
* New built-in levels, one of them by Clive Crous.
* New tutorial levels. These are now considered external
levels, so you'll find them under that tab.
* Smoother playback of replays.
* Note that I have given up ordering the built-in levels
by difficulty. The current order will be kept until
Sat Nov 12 20:55:49 CET 2005 -
- updated to current CVS (2005-11-12)
* Added a level information viewing user interface,
including in-menu shortcuts to best times and replays
for a specific level.
* Fixed a bug that caused the game to misbehave if
escape was pressed while entering the name of a replay
to save.
Fri Nov 11 11:42:24 CET 2005 -
- fixed build on various archs
Thu Nov 10 22:54:48 CET 2005 -
- created package