File global.changes of Package global

Sat Mar 28 11:12:51 UTC 2015 -

- Use url for source
- Add gpg signature

Fri Mar 27 13:23:48 UTC 2015 -

- update to 6.4
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/global/NEWS for complete list
  of changes since 6.3.2  

Mon Sep  8 15:06:07 UTC 2014 -

- update to globa-6.3.2
- see /usr/share/doc/packages/global/NEWS for complete list
  of changes since 6.2.4

Thu May 31 09:45:15 UTC 2012 -

- update to global-6.2.4 
  - Built-in parser: When attribute specifier appeared immediately
    after the `struct', `union' or `enum' keyword, GLOBAL could not
    pick up tag name.  Now it works correctly.
 - New facilities:
  - gtags: --single-update option support addition of a file.
  - global: New --single-update option.
  - gtags.el: New custom variables:
    - gtags-ignore-case
    - gtags-auto-update.
  - gtags.vim: New custom variables 'Gtags_Auto_Update' (default 0).

Mon May 28 06:37:21 UTC 2012 -

- update to global-6.2.2 
  - configure: The --disable-gtagscscope option didn't avoid
    building gtags-cscope completely. So, ./configure failed when
    there is no curses library.  Now it avoids building
    gtags-cscope completely.
  - htags: Imported a patch to fix htags on Windows Vista+ (tmpfile
    wants to create its file in the root directory, which is not
    writable by normal users).

Fri Feb 24 08:53:46 UTC 2012 -

- update to global-6.2.1 
  - gtags: New --accept-dotfiles option.
  - gtags.el: Key mapping was changed to follow "Key binding
    conventions" of Emacs Lisp.
  - global: The -L option with '-' didn't work. Now it works.
  - Pick up symbols in expression in enumerator-list as "reference
    or other symbol".
  - C/C++ parser couldn't handle typedef of the form of 'typedef
    enum tag_name TYPEDEF_NAME;' correctly. Now, it works.

Mon Jan 23 12:42:36 UTC 2012 -

- update to global-6.2 
  - gtags.el: Added support for TRAMP. Now gtags.el works almost
    transparently with TRAMP.
  - gtags-cscope: Enables an environment variable EDITOR allow
  - gtags-cscope: New -i option.
  - gtags-cscope.vim: New custom variable GtagsCscope_Kepp_Alive.
  - globash: Added long name options
  - gtags: Add keywords introduced in ISO/IEC 9899:2011.
  - less-global: Quoting is required for the pattern which should be
    interpreted by the shell.
  - The icase_path config variable didn't affect the -c command with
    the -P option of global. Now it works.

Sat Oct 15 04:47:08 UTC 2011 -

- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable

Fri Oct 14 12:26:01 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-6.1 
  - Now GLOBAL allows path names which include blanks.
  - Now GLOBAL refuses looping symbolic links.
  - global: the -c command accepts -T option.
  - global: the -c command locates symbols in the directories in
  - global: New --match-part option.
  - global: New environment variable GTAGSTHROUGH. If this variable
    is set, the -T option is specified.
  - global: New output format 'ctags-mod'. It is used in gtags.vim.
  - global: New environment variable GTAGSBLANKENCODE.
  - htags: Changed the cflow loader to accept "_' and HTML special
    chars (&XXXX;).
  - gtags.vim: Now allows the use of the -s and -r option at the
    same time.
  - gtags.vim: Now custom variables: 'Gtags_Auto_Map' (default 0).
  - gtags.el: New custom variable 'gtags-grep-all-text-files'.
  - gtags-cscope: New -a option.
  - gtags-cscope.vim: New custom variables:
    'GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map', 'GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case',
  - gtags.el: gtags-mode-hook and gtags-select-mode-hook were not
    the last thing run when entering the mode. It has been fixed.

Thu Sep  8 15:22:27 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-6.0 
  - Now GLOBAL allows path names which include blanks.
  - Now GLOBAL refuses looping symbolic links.
  - global: the -c command accepts -T option.
  - global: the -c command locates symbols in the directories in
  - global: New --match-part option.
  - global: New environment variable GTAGSTHROUGH. If this variable
    is set, the -T option is specified.
  - global: New output format 'ctags-mod'. It is used in gtags.vim.
  - global: New environment variable GTAGSBLANKENCODE.
  - htags: Changed the cflow loader to accept "_' and HTML special
    chars (&XXXX;).
  - gtags.vim: Now allows the use of the -s and -r option at the
    same time.
  - gtags.vim: Now custom variables: 'Gtags_Auto_Map' (default 0).
  - gtags.el: New custom variable 'gtags-grep-all-text-files'.
  - gtags-cscope: New -a option.
  - gtags-cscope.vim: New custom variables:
    'GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map', 'GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case',
  - gtags.el: gtags-mode-hook and gtags-select-mode-hook were not
    the last thing run when entering the mode. It has been fixed.
- do not install INSTALL file

Fri Jul  1 11:03:20 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-5.9.7 
  * global: the -c command accepts new -P and -r option.
  * gozilla: Now support firefox.
  * globash: Added two commands: d and rs.
  * globash: The -l option in each search command was removed.
  * gtags.el: Removed the default mouse key mapping in gtags-mode
    and gtags-select-mode.

Tue Jun  7 11:08:16 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-5.9.6 
  * global: New option --literal
  * htags: New --fixed-guide option
  * htags: didn't make FILEMAP file which is referred by Doxgen
  * gtags-cscope: 'Find this text string:' didn't work correctly in
    some cases
  * gtags-cscope/Makefile: setting of gtags_cscope_DEPENDENCIES was
- use spec-cleaner

Wed May 18 07:56:08 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-5.9.5 
  * The processing of the --ncol option was missing.
  * gtags-cscope: re-implemented using cscope's code.
    Now, it is almost compatible with cscope itself.
  * Config variable 'suffixes' was completely removed.
    Instead, config variable 'langmap' was actualized.
  * Removed GPATH,GTAGS,GRTAGS,GSYMS and html/ from the skip
    variable in gtags.conf file. From now on, gtags unconditionally
    ignore the tag files. Though 'html/' was added for Windows, it
    brought troubles for UNIX.

Tue Mar 15 09:56:53 UTC 2011 -

- update to global-5.9.4 
  * htags: A certain kind of files which does not end with newline
    bring segmentation fault.
  * global: --from-here option didn't locate definitions in the
  * htags: Htags with the -g and -d option didn't work correctly.
  * gtags.el: New custom variables:
    'gtags-disable-pushy-mouse-mapping' and
  * gtags.el: Command gtags-parse-file was rewritten.
  * gtags.vim: New custom variable Gtags_Use_Tags_Format.
  * global: New optional files arguments for the -g command.
  * global: New -V(--invert-match) option for the -g command.
  * global: New --print0 option.
  * global: New --file-list=file option.
  * htags: New --html-header option.
  * gtags.vim: Activate input completion also on the prompt 'Gtags
    for pattern:'.
  * htags: Ceases making ID database arbitrarily when the -g option
    is specified.
  * htags: The --no-map-file option was removed. Instead, new
    --map-file option was added. Htags doesn't make the mapping
    files (FILEMAP, MAP) any longer.
  * htags: The -c (--compact) option was deleted from the option list of the
  --suggest2 option.
  * GLOBAL's commands locates gtags.conf also in the sysconfdir.
- drop global-5.9.2-fix-htags-makefile.patch (in upstream)

Thu Mar 10 15:32:55 UTC 2011 -

- switch to autoreconf for better libtool support

Fri Sep 17 15:21:20 UTC 2010 -

- update to global-5.9.2 
  o gtags.vim: Added -m(--vim) option to the show command.
  o Renamed the -S(--secure-cgi) option to --system-cgi. This is
    because the parameter of the --secure-cgi was changed in
  o The site key directory for the --system-cgi option was moved
    from datadir(/usr/local/share) to localstatedir(/usr/local/var)
    because datadir should be used for read-only data.  By default,
    you must execute "cd HTML; sh" as a root user, since the
    site key directory can not be written except for root user.
- added global-5.9.2-fix-htags-makefile.patch (fixes build)

Tue Jul 20 19:55:39 UTC 2010 -

- update to global-5.9.1 
 - notable changes since global-5.8 
  o Caution:
    This version of GLOBAL doesn't support tag files of the former
    version.  If you install this version, you should remake all
    tag files again using gtags(1) in this package. Though new
    gtags's speed has improved very much, you need not hurry up to
    upgrade it if you have a lot of tag files of former version.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
  o gtags: New gtags.files file.
    If a file called 'gtags.files' exists in the current directory,
    gtags(1) treats it as a list of files which are candidates of 
    the target.
  o Safe-CGI mechanism was modified.
  o globash: New command.
  o gtags, global, htags: Allows path name which includes blanks.
  o gtags, htags: Changed the algorithm for detecting binary file.
  o gtags: Added support of function layer plug-in parser by 
    Hideki IWAMOTO.
  o htags: Added call-tree facility using cflow(1).
- clean up specfile
- add global-disable-plugin-example.patch

Fri Feb  5 15:05:11 UTC 2010 -

- update to global-5.8 
 o gtags: Built-in parser by Hideki IWAMOTO.  This improvement has
   shortened the processing time to about 1/3.  Built-in parser is
   not effective by default in this version.  To use built-in parser,
   please define 'use_builtin_parser' in your configuration file
 o gtags.el: Single 'GTAGS SELECT MODE' buffer of gtags.el by Yushi
   Oka.  If "gtags-select-buffer-single" is non-nil, then 'GTAGS
   SELECT MODE' buffer is kept single.
 o gtags-cscope.vim: Plug-in script which integrates GLOBAL and vim
   editor using cscope interface. Since this script makes vim think
   GLOBAL is cscope, you can use the tag stack facility of vim like
   cscope. Gtags-cscope can coexist with gtags.vim.
 o gtags.el: the completion read in the gtags-find-file fails into
   endless loop when the input string is NULL.
 o gtags(built-in parser): In the existing parser (gtags-parser),
   some symbols were stored in both GRTAGS and GSYMS. In the built-in
   parser, all the symbols defined in GTAGS have been moved from
   GSYMS to GRTAGS. New specification is more consistent, and useful
   for efficiency improvement. If you feel this a problem, please
   inform bug mailing list of your insistence.

Mon Jan  4 13:35:47 UTC 2010 -

- update to global-5.7.7
  o htags: More accurate statistics mechanism using gettimeofday(2) 
    and getrusage(2).
  o gtags: New --statistics option.
  o gtags.el: Added completion support for the 'gtags-find-file'.
  o global: Allows tag files in the system's root directory.
    This does not recommend tag files to be put on the system's 
	root directory.
    In some systems except UNIX, putting tag files there might be 
  o The --from-here option didn't work with compact format 
    GTAGS (gtags -c).

Fri Nov 13 16:07:55 UTC 2009 -

- update to 5.7.6
 - New options:
  o gtags: --single-update=file
    Update tag files for single file. It is considered that the file was updated,
    and other files were not updated. This option implies the -i option.
    If the file is new then --single-update is ignored, and the processing is
    automatically switched to the normal incremental updating.
  o gtags: --dump=tag-files
    Dump a tag file. Output format is 'key<tab>data'.

Mon Mar 16 16:16:59 CET 2009 -

- update to 5.7.5
 - Change of gtags:
  - Revived the -c option.
    If this option is specified, gtags uses compact format for GTAGS.
    This option does not influence GRTAGS and GSYMS, because they are always
    made using compact format.
    If you think that GTAGS is too big, please use this option.
  - Removed the limitation of the depth of the directory hierarchy.
  - Changed not to do useless inspection for the files in the directories
    which are listed in the skip list.
- rebased patches

Mon Jan  5 15:37:05 CET 2009 -

- update to 5.7.4
  - in compact format, operation to non-existent lines was changed
    to avoid needless abnormal termination
  Fixed bugs
  - gtags-parser now correctly parses some declarations that were 
    overlooked before

Thu Dec  4 17:07:35 CET 2008 -

- update to 5.7.3
  - gtags-parser: Pick up symbols in #{if,elif,ifdef,ifndef} line in assembly 
  - gtags.conf: Added new skip files: cscope.po.out,
  - gtags: New -O(--objdir) option added
  - gtags.el: New gtags-select-tag-other-window and gtags-find-tag-other-window 
    command added
  - htags: Supported 'include', 'required' and 'required_once' statement in PHP

  Fixed bugs
  - fixed imperfect symbolic link support
  - gtags: Gtags causes segmentation fault if it read its input file names from
    a file list (use -f option), and the input files aren't in the working
    directory or its sub-directories

Wed Mar 26 08:12:11 CET 2008 -

- updated to version 5.7
  o gtags: Allows the symbolic links which point to directories.
    In older version, such symbolic links were ignored with warning messages.
  o gtags-parser: Pick up the names of struct, union, enum and enum member
    as definitions.
  o gtags.el, gtags.vim, More accurate, language independent context jump.

  Fixed bugs
  o gtags: Failed to process new GCC source code.
  o gtags.vim: Completion facility didn't work with the -f option of Gtags.
  o htags: Self-referred links.

Tue Oct 30 11:45:30 CET 2007 -

- updated to version 5.6.2
  * gtags-parser: In C++, ignore forward definitions of classes (e.g. "class name;")
  * gtags.conf: Added '.git/' to the DEFAULTSKIP list.
  * global: Global(1) with the -t option didn't print correct line number.
    Gtags.vim also didn't work correctly due to this bug. This bug was
    introduced in GLOBAL-5.4.

Mon Jul  9 08:11:25 CEST 2007 -

- updated to version 5.6
  * All commands: According to the GNU coding standard,
    the --version option shows always verbose message without
    --verbose option.
  * gtags-parser: Added support of assembler directive ".macro"
    and ".equ".
  * global(1): Fix memory leak.

Mon May  7 17:45:24 CEST 2007 -

- updated to version 5.5
  * gtags-parser: Support of 'enum' (java).
  * gtags.el: Changed to work without event-point function.

Fri Mar 30 15:11:20 CEST 2007 -

- add emacs site-lisp directories

Tue Mar 13 08:44:42 CET 2007 -

- updated to version 5.4.1
  * htags: Added new --item-order option.
    Specify order of items in the top page. The spec is a string
    consists of item signs in order. Each sign means as follows:
    c: caution, s: search form, m: mains, d: definition, f: files.
    The default is 'csmdf'.
  * fixed: htags: didn't extract some '#include' correctly.

Mon Jan 29 08:41:24 CET 2007 -

- updated to 5.4
  * Further compression of tag file (format version 5).
    Though new global can read older tag file since version-5.0,
    older global cannot read new format.
  * global: Improved performance when the -x option
    is not specified.
  * globash.rc: Added new option -l for tag search command
    (x,r,s,g,P,I,f). This option invokes less(1) directly
    without tag stack.
  * global: Changed not to locate other symbols (-s)
    in GTAGSLIBPATH. This is the original specification of GLOBAL.
  * global: Stop sorting when the -I(--idutils) option specified.
    The output of gid(idutils) is sorted by the suitable way.
    Though the order is slightly differ from global(1), it need
    not be sorted again.
  * global:  Added new option -O(--only-other).
  * htags: Added some new options and new arguments which are
    synonyms of config variable. This decreases dependence
    on configration file
  * gtags.el:
    - Shorten path names in [GTAGS SELECT MODE]:
      If project directory is specified using
      'gtags-visit-rootdir', gtags.el print path using the relative
      path name from the project directory, else print absolute
      path name.
    - Support dynamic completing-read of tag name.
      gtags-make-complete-list is deprecated. You can enjoy
      tag name completetion without invoking this command.

Fri Sep  8 14:51:29 CEST 2006 -

- updated to 5.2
  * htags: Added new options:
    - -h(--func-header) option.
    - -I(--icon) option.
    - -T(table-flist[=fields]) option.
  * htags: Always enable 'Grep pattern' form when the -f(--form)
    option specified. Removed config variable 'enable_grep'
    since it became meaningless. Instead, added a new variable
  * htags: Removed config variable 'enable_grep' since it is meaningless.
    Instead, added a new variable 'disable_grep'.
  * Changed the priority about the --result option to make the format
    specification easy. The --result option is given to priority more
    than the -t and -x option. (This option appeared in version 5.0.)
  * Added new program 'gtags-cscope'.
    Gtags-cscope is a pseudo cscope which implements the line-oriented
    interface. You can use this command for various clients instead of
    true cscope.
  * Moved to new tag format. (GTAGS, GRTAGS, GSYMS, GPATH)
    Hereafter, older tag format is not supported.
    Compact format was progressively canceled with the adoption of
    the new tag format. The -c(--compact) option of gtags(1) 
    was removed.

Wed Jan 25 21:36:13 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Mon Oct 10 14:16:53 CEST 2005 -

- update to 4.8.7

Mon Aug  1 16:43:46 CEST 2005 -

- update to 4.8.6

Thu Apr 21 18:08:21 CEST 2005 -

- fixed for gcc 4.0

Fri Jan 21 14:07:22 CET 2005 -

- updated to version 4.8.2

Mon Oct 25 15:14:25 CEST 2004 -

- switched heimdal-* to kerberos-devel-packages in #needforbuild

Thu Aug 12 18:33:57 CEST 2004 -

- updated to version 4.7.2

Fri Feb 13 16:45:59 CET 2004 -

- updated to version 4.7
- added gtags.conf config file

Sat Jan 10 18:30:33 CET 2004 -

- build as user

Thu Nov 20 00:41:16 CET 2003 -

- added heimdal-lib to neededforbuild (postgres) 

Mon Jul 28 18:27:17 CEST 2003 -

- updated to version 4.6
  * the default value of the config variable 'definition_header' was changed
    to 'no', because the definition header is unsightly according to the place,
    especially in class definition
  * support for PHP language
  * support for SCM_DEFINE macro which is part of guile-snarf
  * added 'right' as a value of config variable 'definition_header'

Thu Apr 24 12:20:23 CEST 2003 -

- fix install_info --delete call and move from preun to postun

Thu Feb 13 01:13:21 CET 2003 -

- Use %install_info_macro [#23413]

Thu Jan 09 16:15:57 CET 2003 -

- updated to version 4.5.1
  * btreeop was replaced with gtags and was removed
  * a lot of new options and bug fixes

Wed Apr  3 20:51:00 CEST 2002 -

- fixed to compile with autoconf-2.53 (fix DJGPP conditional)
- gozilla return to GLOBAL
- fixed security hole in the CGI program generated by htags(1)
- path conversion optimized and bug fixed

Wed Jan 16 15:13:01 CET 2002 -

- update to version 4.2:
  * bug fixes
  * nvi-1.81.5 support added
  * DJGPP support added
  * Documentation added

Thu Nov 29 13:00:43 CET 2001 -

- update to version 4.2:
  * bug fixes and improvements
  * postgres support added

Wed Jul 25 14:07:27 CEST 2001 -

- update to version 4.1

Thu Nov  2 14:15:12 CET 2000 -

- update to version 4.0.1
- bzipped sources

Thu Aug 10 10:57:49 CEST 2000 -

- added BuildRoot
- added gtags.el
- fixed bug in htags

Mon Jun 19 17:58:13 CEST 2000 -

- Added Group: tag.

Thu Feb  3 10:01:02 CET 2000 -

- Oops!  I forgot to include gozilla to the filelist.

Mon Jan 31 15:52:02 CET 2000 -

- upgraded to version 3.55, fixed
- don't require emacs (fixes Bug #281)
- added gozilla
- /usr/man -> /usr/share/man

Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 -

- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.

Mon Nov 16 17:59:08 MET 1998 -

- use libdb for now (glibc-2.0)
- include sys/types.h in global.c

Mon Oct  5 01:32:56 MEST 1998 -

- use libdb1 and usr/include/db1 for glibc

Fri Jul 17 15:06:23 MEST 1998 -

- don't include gctags (is in ge_exec).

Fri Jun  5 15:14:53 MEST 1998 -

	- new package (version 2.24)
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