File fuzzel.changes of Package fuzzel

Fri Sep 13 10:08:10 UTC 2024 - llyyr <>

- Update to 1.11.1:
  - Added:
    * New option --hide-before-typing for application launcher mode
      hides the list until the first character is typed
  - Changed:
    * Logging no longer reports "aborted" if dmenu mode is called with
      no input
  - Fixed:
    * Crash when the border size is larger than the border radius
    * Regression: cursor not centered when using a custom line height
    * Regression: selected background not rendered on top of the
      regular background
    * Regression: Supporting XDG_CONFIG_HOME as absolute path but not
      relative should be supported

Mon Sep  9 07:24:33 UTC 2024 - llyyr <>

- Update to 1.11.0:
  - Added:
    * Nanosvg updated to 93ce879dc4c04a3ef1758428ec80083c38610b1f
    * New options `--x-margin` `--y-margin` which place the launcher some
      distance away from the anchor point, in pixels. Default to 0
    * Support for the `StartupNotify` key in `.desktop` files.
    * Log output now respects the [`NO_COLOR`](
      environment variable.
    * Rounded corners without cairo. With this, the **only** time cairo is
      needed is when you want to use the librsvg SVG backend. For nanosvg
      builds, there is no longer any need to link against cairo.
    * Support for linking against a system provided nanosvg library. See
      the new `-Dsystem-nanosvg` meson option. Default's to `disabled`
      (i.e. use the bundled version).
    * Mouse support. Left click selects/launches, right click quits
      fuzzel, wheel scrolls (a page at at time). This is, for the time
      being, not configurable ([#131][131])
    * `--cache=PATH` command line option, and `cache` option to
      `fuzzel.ini`, allowing a custom cache location to be used
      ([#189][189], [#219][219]).
    * `expunge` key binding, to remove an entry from the cache. Mapped to
      shift+delete by default.
    * `--prompt-color` and `colors.prompt`, controlling the
      text/foreground color of the prompt ([#365][365]).
    * `--input-color` and `colors.input`, controlling the text/foreground
      color of the input string ([#365][365]).
    * Much improved performance with large amounts of input ([#305][305]).
    * Improved rendering performance, by using threads. See the new
      `--render-workers` command line option, and the new `render-workers`
      option in `fuzzel.ini`.
    * dmenu mode: `--prompt-only=PROMPT` command line option
    * dmenu mode: start rendering input before STDIN has been closed.
    * `--match-workers` command line option and the new `match-workers`
      option in `fuzzel.ini`.
    * `delayed-filter-ms`, `delayed-filter-limit` options to `fuzzel.ini`,
      and `--delayed-filter-ms` and `--delayed-filter-limit` command line
    * Match count can now printed at the right-hand side of the input
      prompt. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled with either
      the `--counter` command line option, or the `match-counter` setting
      in `fuzzel.ini`.
    * `--counter-color` and `colors.counter`, controlling the color of the
      match count. The default value is `93a1a1ff` (_base1_ in the
      solarized palette).
    * The currently selected entry may now be rendered with a bold
      font. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled either via the
      new `--use-bold` command line option, or by setting `use-bold=yes`,
      in `fuzzel.ini`.
    * `sort-result` option to `fuzzel.ini`, and `--no-sort` command line
    * Placeholder text (for the input box), controlled by the new
      `--placeholder`, `--placeholder-color` command line options, and the
      `placeholder` and `colors.placeholder` options in `fuzzel.ini`
    * `--search=TEXT` command line option, allowing you to "pre-filter"
      the result ([#][274][274]).
    * Support for pasting text into fuzzel. Both the regular clipboard,
      and the primary clipboard are supported. See the new
      `clipboard-paste` and `primary-paste` key bindings ([#200][200]).
  - Changed:
    * The cache now stores desktop file **IDs** instead of the application
      titles. This way, we do not store multiple cache entries with the
      same value (title) ([#339][339]).
    * Always fallback on the icon theme `hicolor`.
    * Quitting without executing an entry in dmenu mode now exits with
      code 2 instead of 1 ([#353][353]).
    * The default `layer` is now `overlay` instead of `top`. This means
      fuzzel now renders on top of fullscreen windows by default
    * `--no-fuzzy` option has been replaced with `--match-mode`.
      Default match mode is `fzf`. Other options are `fuzzy` and `exact`. See
      `man fuzzel.ini` for details.
    * Default text color of the prompt and the selected entry to
      `586e75ff` (_base01_ in the solarized palette).
    * Initial application sorting is now done case insensitive.
    * Background is no longer transparent by default. You can change this
      by setting `colors.background`.
    * Search string is now font shaped, improving support for e.g Arabic
  - Fixed:
    * PNG images being way too dark.
    * Crash when the cache contains strings that are not valid in the
      current locale ([#337][337]).
    * Crash when `tabs` (in `fuzzel.ini`) is set to `0` ([#348][348]).
    * Crash while loading the cache, when `--list-executables-in-path` is
      used ([#356][356])
    * Rounding of window size when fractional scaling is used.
    * Dmenu mode failing with _"failed to read from stdin: Resource
      temporarily unavailable"_.
    * First frame flickers when fractional scaling is used.
    * Borders, padding etc not updated on scale changes when
      `dpi-aware=yes`. This mostly affected setups using fractional
      scaling, but all setups were affected in one way or another.
    * Mouse selection not working correctly (wrong item selected) when
      `dpi-aware=yes` and desktop scaling was enabled.

Mon Apr 22 21:58:46 UTC 2024 - Joshua Smith <>

- Add keyring and signature for package.
- Remove patches (Fixed upstream):
  * 0001-shm-create-mfd-noexec-seal.patch
  * 0002-fix-breakage-mfd-noexec-seal.patch
- Update to 1.10.2:
  * Crash when terminal=yes (in fuzzel.ini), and a .desktop file
    has Terminal=True but no Exec key.
  * --anchor=center not working on some compositors.
- Updates from 1.10.1:
  * Crash when executing the command line as is, i.e. when there is
    no matching entry.
  * Crash when parsing a .desktop file with lines beginning with
- Updates from 1.10.0:
  * Support for the cursor-shape-v1 Wayland protocol.
  * New option --anchor allows setting the window position anchor
    (i.e. where on the screen the window should generally be
    positioned), such as top, top-left, bottom-right, center, etc.
    Defaults to center.
  * --check-config command line option.
  * New key binding: execute-input (mapped to shift+return by
    default). This key binding executes the raw input as is,
    regardless of whether it matches anything in the list or not.
  * --select=STRING command line option. Selects the first entry
    that matches the given string.
  * include=<path> option to fuzzel.ini.
  * New option --list-executables-in-path add executables presents
    in the $PATH variable to the list.
  * New key binding: delete-line-backward which corresponds to C-u
    in bash. Also renames delete-line to delete-line-forward.
  * The ID of the selected .desktop file, and executed command line
    are now logged, at info level.
  * Support for wp_fractional_scale_v1 (i.e. true fractional
  * Minimum required version of wayland-protocols is now 1.32
  * Selection color is now painted over background color.
  * Exact matches (of the application title) are now sorted first.
  * Set default log level to warning.
  * Rename delete-line binding to delete-line-forward.
  * password-character can now be set to the empty string.
  * Ignore whitespace in .desktop files’ key and name values.
  * Desktop entries with NoDisplay=true being ignored unless they
    also had Name and Exec set.
  * Crash when compositor sends a keyboard::modifiers event without
    first sending a keyboard::keymap event (with a valid keymap).
  * Quoted empty ("") arguments being ignored.
  * Log-level not respected by syslog.

Sun Oct 22 10:57:04 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Rename 0001-mfd-noexec-seal.patch to 0002-fix-breakage-mfd-noexec-seal.patch
- Add 0001-shm-create-mfd-noexec-seal.patch

Sun Oct 22 10:50:41 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Add 0001-mfd-noexec-seal.patch

Fri Jul 14 09:35:34 UTC 2023 - llyyr <>

- Update to 1.9.2:
  * Added a new option --filter-desktop
  * Added missing zsh+fish completions for --password
  * Output scaling is now applied to the border radius
  * Last line sometimes not being rendered
  * key-bindings.cursor-right-word not being recognized as a valid action
  * password-character being set in fuzzel.ini incorrectly enabling password mode

Tue Apr 11 03:14:43 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Fix specfile

Sat Apr  8 00:00:11 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Remove 0000-wayland-regression-dont-reference-app-when-null.patch
- Update to version 1.9.1
  - Fixed:
    * Regression: default font size was unintentionally changed from 12pt in 1.8.2, to 8pt in 1.9.0. The old default of 12pt has now been restored.
    * Regression: crash when pressing Enter and the match list is empty (e.g. when trying to execute a command line)
- Improvement of specfile

Thu Mar 30 13:28:52 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Add 0000-wayland-regression-dont-reference-app-when-null.patch

Tue Mar 28 03:17:55 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Update to version 1.9.0:
  - Added:
    * Add support for startup notifications via xdg activation.
    * Convert tabs to spaces when rendering.
    * --dmenu0 command line option. Like --dmenu, but input is NUL separated instead of newline separated.
    * Support for localized strings. If you want the old behavior, run fuzzel with LC_MESSAGES=C.
    * Export FUZZEL_DESKTOP_FILE_ID environment variable when setting the --launch-prefix in order to pass the Desktop File ID to the launch prefix.
    * New key bindings: [key-bindings].first and [key-bindings].last, bound to Control+Home and Control+End by default.
    * New key binding: [key-bindings].insert-selected, bound to Control+Tab by default. It replaces the current prompt with the selected item.
  - Changed:
    * Better verification of color values specified on the command line.
    * When determining initial font size, do FontConfig config substitution if the user-provided font pattern has no {pixel}size option.
  - Fixed:
    * Update nanosvg to f0a3e10. Fixes rendering of certain SVG icons.
    * Not being able to input numbers using the keypad.
    * Absolute path PNG icons not being loaded.

Sat Nov  5 23:22:10 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Update to version 1.8.2:
  - Added:
    * Fish completions
  - Fixed:
    * Unsupported icon formats not being skipped when loading application icons.
    * Wrong size of PNG icons selected (#182)

Fri Oct 28 12:11:39 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Update to version 1.8.1:
  - Fixed:
    * Regression: not able to input text with modifiers (e.g. Shift) pressed (#177).

Tue Oct 25 22:22:00 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Update to version 1.8.0:
  - Added:
    * Support for file based configuration.
    * Customizable key bindings.
    * "Custom" key bindings (like Rofi’s `kb-custom-N` key
    * If `argv[0]` is _dmenu_, fuzzel now starts in dmenu mode.
    * `--password=[CHARACTER]` command line option. Intended to be used
      with “password input”; all typed text is rendered as _CHARACTER_,
      defaulting to `*` if _CHARACTER_ is omitted.
    * `Ctrl+y` binding to execute selected entry.
    * `Ctrl+j`/`Ctrl+k` binding to move to the next/previous item.
    * Escape sequences in `Exec` arguments are now supported.
    * Quoted environment variables in `Exec` arguments are now supported.
    * Multiple space-separated search words can now be entered at the prompt.
    * `-M,--selection-match-color`, that lets you configure the color of
      matched substrings of the currently selected item
    * New config option `image-size-ratio`, allowing you to control the
      size of the large image displayed when there are only a “few”
    * Support for icons in dmenu mode, using Rofi’s extended dmenu
    * `--layer` command line option, allowing you to choose which layer to
      render the fuzzel window on (`top` or `overlay`).
    * `--no-exit-on-keyboard-focus-loss` command line option
      (`exit-on-keyboard-focus-loss` config option).
  - Changed:
    * `-i` is now **ignored**. This is to increase compatibility with
      other similar utilities. To set the icon theme, either use the long
      option (`--icon-theme=THEME`), or set it in the configuration file
      (default: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fuzzel/fuzzel.ini`).
    * Minimum required meson version is now 0.58.
    * libpng warnings are now routed through fuzzel’s logging
    * Nanosvg is now the default SVG backend. librsvg is still supported,
      and can be used by setting the `-Dsvg-backend=librsvg` meson option.
    * It is no longer necessary to close stdin when using fuzzel in dmenu
      mode, as long as `--no-run-if-empty` is **not** being used.
    * Improved performance of initial rendering of icons.
    * `--terminal` now defaults to `$TERMINAL -e`.
    * Font shaping is now applied to the prompt
    * The large image displayed when there are only a “few” matches is now
      smaller by default.
    * Swapped meaning of the command line options `-p` and `-P`; `-p` is
      now the short option for `--prompt`.
    * Do not add icon-sized padding on the left size in dmenu mode.
    * Color config values are now allowed to be prefixed with `#`.
  - Fixed:
    * User `.desktop` entries with `NoDisplay=true` not overriding system
    * Icon lookup is now better at following the XDG specification.
    * Backspace removes not only the previous character, but also
      everything **after** the cursor.
    * Crash on exit in dmenu mode when selection list is empty.
    * Keypad `enter` not executing the selected entry
- Fix build for meson having issue with c18 standard in spec by
  setting it to none. C18 standard is already supported in
  meson long before version 0.58.

Fri Apr 22 00:08:14 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- remove librsvg-2.0 as build dependency:
  * we use nanosvg that is bundled with the package instead with flag '-Dsvg-backend=nanosvg'

Mon Mar  7 12:33:28 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>

- Initial spec file for fuzzel (1.7.0)

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