File perl-Plack.spec of Package perl-Plack

# spec file for package perl-Plack
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%define cpan_name Plack
Name:           perl-Plack
Version:        1.0051
Release:        0
License:        Artistic-1.0 OR GPL-1.0-or-later
Summary:        Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (PSGI toolkit)
URL:  {cpan_name}
Source1:        cpanspec.yml
BuildArch:      noarch
BuildRequires:  perl
BuildRequires:  perl-macros
BuildRequires:  perl(Apache::LogFormat::Compiler) >= 0.33
BuildRequires:  perl(Cookie::Baker) >= 0.07
BuildRequires:  perl(Devel::StackTrace) >= 1.23
BuildRequires:  perl(Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML) >= 0.11
BuildRequires:  perl(File::ShareDir) >= 1.00
BuildRequires:  perl(File::ShareDir::Install) >= 0.06
BuildRequires:  perl(Filesys::Notify::Simple)
BuildRequires:  perl(HTTP::Entity::Parser) >= 0.25
BuildRequires:  perl(HTTP::Headers::Fast) >= 0.18
BuildRequires:  perl(HTTP::Message) >= 5.814
BuildRequires:  perl(HTTP::Tiny) >= 0.034
BuildRequires:  perl(Hash::MultiValue) >= 0.05
BuildRequires:  perl(Pod::Usage) >= 1.36
BuildRequires:  perl(Stream::Buffered) >= 0.02
BuildRequires:  perl(Test::More) >= 0.88
BuildRequires:  perl(Test::Requires)
BuildRequires:  perl(Test::TCP) >= 2.15
BuildRequires:  perl(Try::Tiny)
BuildRequires:  perl(URI) >= 1.59
BuildRequires:  perl(WWW::Form::UrlEncoded) >= 0.23
BuildRequires:  perl(parent)
Requires:       perl(Apache::LogFormat::Compiler) >= 0.33
Requires:       perl(Cookie::Baker) >= 0.07
Requires:       perl(Devel::StackTrace) >= 1.23
Requires:       perl(Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML) >= 0.11
Requires:       perl(File::ShareDir) >= 1.00
Requires:       perl(Filesys::Notify::Simple)
Requires:       perl(HTTP::Entity::Parser) >= 0.25
Requires:       perl(HTTP::Headers::Fast) >= 0.18
Requires:       perl(HTTP::Message) >= 5.814
Requires:       perl(HTTP::Tiny) >= 0.034
Requires:       perl(Hash::MultiValue) >= 0.05
Requires:       perl(Pod::Usage) >= 1.36
Requires:       perl(Stream::Buffered) >= 0.02
Requires:       perl(Test::TCP) >= 2.15
Requires:       perl(Try::Tiny)
Requires:       perl(URI) >= 1.59
Requires:       perl(WWW::Form::UrlEncoded) >= 0.23
Requires:       perl(parent)

Plack is a set of tools for using the PSGI stack. It contains middleware
components, a reference server and utilities for Web application
frameworks. Plack is like Ruby's Rack or Python's Paste for WSGI.

See PSGI for the PSGI specification and PSGI::FAQ to know what PSGI and
Plack are and why we need them.

%autosetup  -n %{cpan_name}-%{version}

find . -type f ! -path "*/t/*" ! -name "*.pl" ! -path "*/bin/*" ! -path "*/script/*" ! -path "*/scripts/*" ! -name "configure" -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644

perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

make test


%files -f %{name}.files
%doc Changes README
%license LICENSE

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