File debian.control of Package system-user-gromox

Source: system-user-gromox
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Maintainer: Gromox <>
Standards-Version: 4.5.0

Package: system-user-gromox
Architecture: all
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
Provides: system-group-gromox, system-group-gromoxcf
Depends: adduser, ${misc:Depends}
Description: System user and group gromox
 This package provides:
 * the "gromox" user identity for running Gromox services as
 * the "gromox" group identity for marking data to be consumed by Gromox
   services but possibly created by AAPI, e.g. mailbox contents
 * the "gromoxcf" group identity for marking (possibly sensitive)
   configuration, to be consumed by Gromox services and select
   services (like saslauthd/keycloak dlopening
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