File fflas-ffpack.changes of Package fflas-ffpack

Tue Dec 14 11:15:44 UTC 2021 - Jan Engelhardt <>

- Update to release 2.5.0
  * First support for quasiseparable matrices (Compact Bruhat generators)
  * Sub-cubic fsyrk (C <- a. A x A^T + b C)
- Drop reproducible.patch (merged)

Sat Aug 24 16:11:22 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <>

- Update to new upstream release 2.4.3
  * New features:
  * fsytrf: a symmetric triangular factorization
  * fsyrk, fsyr2k, ftrssyr2k, ftrstr:
    subroutines for symmetric operations.
  * parallelization of fgemm-rns, fsytrf, echelon forms,
    det, rank, etc.
  * API for parallel routines outside of par-block
    (for e.g. SageMath)

Fri Jul 13 04:38:53 UTC 2018 -

- Add reproducible.patch to disable compile-time CPU detection (boo#1100677)

Tue Jun 19 15:49:54 UTC 2018 -

- Add option to build without openblas
- Use %license for COPYING.LESSER

Mon Dec 25 17:03:23 UTC 2017 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.3.2
  * new specialization for fgemv over recint
  * improved fttrtri (triangular matrix inverse)
  * clean-up and update all random matrix generator so they can
    be seeded.
  * new pfgemv routine (parallel matrix vector product)
  * new fpotrf routine (Cholesky factorization) and symmetric
    rand generator
  * Gauss-Jordan inverse made to work
  * change signature for CharPoly (now takes a polynomial domain
    as input)
  * change the signature of ftrtrm

Sat Sep  9 21:42:47 UTC 2017 -

- For the BLAS implementation, switch from cblas to openblas.

Tue Nov 29 10:46:23 UTC 2016 -

- Add --disable-simd to fix spurious failures

Mon Nov 28 00:07:45 UTC 2016 -

- From time to time, configure fails to find lapack when built in
  openSUSE:Factory. Emit config.log when that happens.

Thu Oct 20 18:34:24 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.2.2
* new feature: checkers for Freivalds based verification
* improved performance of permutation application

Fri Jun 17 09:38:25 UTC 2016 -

- Drop gone libatlas3-devel

Wed Jun  8 09:56:35 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.2.1
* fixes all remaining issues for the integration in SageMath
* numerous minor fixes to the parallel code

Mon May 30 14:26:57 UTC 2016 -

- Switch from ATLAS to CBLAS

Sat Mar 12 21:38:30 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.2.0
* improvements and API change for the parallel code
* new random matrix generators

Tue Jan 19 13:00:33 UTC 2016 -

- New homepage and SCM URLs

Sat Nov 14 10:36:30 UTC 2015 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.1.0
* New features include: parallel PLUQ
* computation of rank profiles and rank profile matrices
* echelon and reduced echelon forms form both LUdivine and PLUQ
* getters to the forms and the transformation matrices
* igemm routine for BLAS like gemm on 64-bit ints
* support of Modular<int64_t> and ModularBalanced<int64_t> using
  igemm, to support fields of bitsize between 25 and 31
* support of Modular<rint<K> > for Z/pZ with p of size > 32 bit
  (based on Givaro's RecInt multiprecision integers)
* support of RNS based gaussian elimination on multiprecision fields
* Paladin: DSL for parallel programming adressing OMP, TBB and Kaapi

Mon Dec 29 17:49:09 UTC 2014 -

- Remove unneeded xz BuildRequire

Sat Nov  1 00:05:57 UTC 2014 -

- Fix build error on 32bit architecture:
  * add atlas macro
- Do not compile in DATE and TIME:
  * HTML_TIMESTAMP tag set to NO

Sun Aug 10 11:53:26 UTC 2014 -

- Update to new upstream release 2.0.0
* New features: new pluq 2x2 recursive algorithm; leftlooking;
  parallel OMP and KAAPI fgemm, ftrmm, ftrsm;
  fadd, fsub, finit, fscal, etc.; vectorisation using AVX(2);
  in place schedules; new Echelon code; spmv kernels

Mon May 20 11:02:40 UTC 2013 -

- Initial package (version 1.6.0) for
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