File LICENSE of Package pari-nflistdata

                Optional PARI/GP packages

                This page lists all optional PARI/GP packages made available by
                the PARI group. These packages use up a nonnegligible amount of
                disk space and will be useless for most users, hence they are
                distributed separately and maintained independently. They are
                rarely upgraded so most of them will only be downloaded once.
                All packages are © the PARI group, distributed under the terms
                of the GNU General Public License (GPL version 2 or any later

                  • Installation instructions
                  • Available packages


                A. To use a package with the daily Windows GP binary

                Extract the archive in same folder as gp.exe (this will create
                a 'data' subfolder).

                B. To install a package from a source distribution.

                Extract the archive in the toplevel pari directory before
                running ./Configure. Then run make install as usual. To test
                the distribution before installing, you can follow the
                following three-step procedure

                 1. make install-data, which will only install the packages
                    extracted in the toplevel pari directory as above, and
                    nothing else.
                 2. make test-all will fully test the distribution, including
                    the newly installed packages.
                 3. make install to fully install the new distribution.

                Of course, if the needed packages are already installed on this
                particular machine, you can omit the first step. If some
                packages are in fact missing, the second step will output
                warnings of the form

                Skipping test-name: optional package package-name not
PARI/GP         installed.
Main            If you need the corresponding feature, you can then install the
  Download      needed package.
  GP in your    C. To install a package into an existing PARI/GP installation.
  Funding       This is in particular the only method available to users of the
  SEARCH        Windows self-extracting binary.
Help /           1. Type default(datadir) in the gp interpreter to determine
Community           the directory where it expects its architecture independent
  FAQ               files.
  Documentation  2. Extract the archive anywhere you like, which will create a
  Tutorials         'data' folder.
  Mailing Lists  3. Open 'data' and move the folder it contains, e.g. elldata,
  Bugs              to the datadir determined above.
  Timeline       4. You may delete the now empty 'data' folder.
  Ateliers PARI
/GP             D. To test whether a package is available.
Library         Here are sample commands that will fail if a given package is
  Publications  not available:
GP scripts        ellinit("11a1")     /* package: elldata */
  Links           galoisgetpol(8)     /* package: galpol */
  Fun!            galoisgetname(12,1) /* package: galpol 4.0 and up */
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ellmodulareqn(11)   /* package: seadata */
Development       polgalois(x^8-2)    /* package: galdata */
  Latest          nflist("A5")        /* package: nflistdata */
  Version       Available Packages
  Coding          • elldata.tgz (54.8 MB), Mar 1 2021
Guidelines          md5sum: 32cd84098418d75f521c840ae5c4bd01 / PGP signature:
  PariDroid         elldata.tgz.asc
  Logo              PARI/GP version of J. E. Cremona Elliptic Curve Data,
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━     needed by ellsearch and ellidentify.
Tests &             Require PARI/GP 2.2.11 and up.
benchmarks        • galpol.tgz (9.6 MB), Jun 25 2018
  Buildlogs         md5sum: 6ebd6057f1b252f7f9b77525c27f447d / PGP signature:
  Coverage          galpol.tgz.asc
Report              PARI package of the GALPOL database of polynomials defining
  Doc Coverage      Galois extensions of the rationals, accessed by
  Refcards test     galoisgetpol, galoisgetgroup, galoisgetname.
  Benchmarks        Require PARI/GP 2.4.3 and up
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   • seadata.tgz (18.3 MB), Jun 18 2009
  WWW Stats         md5sum: 6e9c119ccb3c65916a48e1a8cd899558 / PGP signature:
                    Needed by ellap for large primes.
                    Require PARI/GP 2.4.3 and up. These polynomials were
                    extracted from the ECHIDNA databases and computed by David
                    R. Kohel. This covers finite fields of cardinality q up to
                    750 bits. PARI/GP 2.9 contains fallback code to go on when
                    all modular polynomials in the database have been exhausted
                    and can handle larger fields (with an important slowdown).
                    Other versions:
                      □ seadata-small.tgz (655 KB), Jun 18 2009
                        md5sum: 705b51f147872895a7307ed4e57f55f2 / PGP
                        signature: seadata-small.tgz.asc
                        The second one is a much smaller version that should be
                        suitable for fields up to 350 bits.
                      □ seadata-big.tar (98.7 MB), Apr 18 2017
                        md5sum: c0da412320804de3e31c90179afee9be / PGP
                        signature: seadata-big.tar.asc
                        The third one is huge and contains extra modular
                        polynomials of level between 500 and 800. This is
                        suitable for fields up to 1100 bits.
                  • nftables.tgz (8.0 MB), Sep 29 2008
                    md5sum: 82788524f36bbbba886785c940c859db / PGP signature:
                    Repackaging of the historical megrez number field tables
                    (errors fixed, 1/10th the size, easier to use). This
                    package requires no installation: extract it where desired
                    and look at the [README]. Individual tables from the
                    package are available separately.
                    Require PARI/GP 2.2.11 and up (need readvec).
                  • galdata.tgz (52 KB), Apr 11 2008
                    md5sum: f9f61b2930757a785b568e5d307a7d75 / PGP signature:
                    Needed by polgalois to compute Galois group in degrees 8
                    through 11.
                    Require PARI/GP 2.2.7 and up.
                  • nflistdata.tgz (3.8 MB), Mar 26 2022
                    md5sum: 227029dc39aea52bbf7909fb47583798
                    Needed by nflist to list fields of small discriminant
                    (currently needed by the single Galois groups A5 and A5(6))
                    or to list regular extensions of Q(T) in degree 7 to 15.
                    Require PARI/GP 2.14.0.


PARI/GP Development
Last Modified: 2022-04-04 16:26:01
Copyleft © 2003-2021 the PARI group.

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