File rss2email.changes of Package rss2email

Mon Dec  5 07:33:36 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 3.14:
  * New `digest-type` configuration adds optional more widely supported `multipart/mixed` format
  * New argument `--only-new` on the `add` command to ignore entries in feed
    when added, so only new entries will be sent.
  * Fix exception when parsing a feed with a linebreak in its title
  * Add a new `subject-format` setting, customise the subject line
  * Removed '$' interpolation in config file to allow URLs containing dollar
    signs. Interpolation was not fully supported, and the placeholder would not
    survive a second save. Config files with ${...} placeholders will need to be
    manually edited after upgrading, or a save forced by adding and removing a fake
    feed before upgrading.
  * Fix default HTTP User-Agent to use `rss2email` instead of `feedparser`, and
    fix `user-agent` setting to consistently apply to both outgoing emails and
    HTTP requests. This introduces a couple of potentially breaking changes:
    o Configurations that came to rely on the `feedparser` UA string should adjust to the updated UA string going forward.
    o Configurations that came to rely on the unintended behaviour, that
      configuring the User-Agent header in emails does not affect HTTP requests,
      should use a custom `post-process` hook instead.

Tue Apr 26 05:44:30 UTC 2022 - Steve Kowalik <>

- No longer skip python310, feedparser is now available. 

Sat Feb  5 16:55:56 UTC 2022 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Skip python310: no sgmlli3k and thus no feedparser for Python3.10

Tue Jan  4 18:28:42 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 3.13.1:
  * Fix crash on html-mail entries with no URL 

Mon Apr 12 16:19:42 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * removed patch rss2email-3.12.2-feedparser-6.patch (fixed upstream)
  * fix requirements

- update to version 13.3:
  * Switch to feedparser 6
  * Switch to poetry instead of requirements.txt
  * Make the `verbose` flag in the config file actually have an
    impact, and have it default to `info
  * Improve log messages
  * Remove documentation of `smtp-ssl-protocol` as this option was
    dropped in 2016
  * Stop forging SMTP and sendmail envelope sender (#134)
  * Add sendmail_config option
  * Upgraded to feedparser v6.0
  * Drop support for Python 3.5, add support for Python 3.9
  * Log sendmail output
  * Support multipart/alternative emails with both HTML and plain text
    parts with option `multipart-html`
  * Add inline-links option, allowing links to be sent to the bottom
    of the paragraph
  * Add wrap-links option, preventing links from be wrapped over
    multiple lines
  * Stop looking in $XDG_DATA_DIRS for the database, and only look in
  * Warnings about HTTP content-type being unexpected now properly
  * Make the proxy parameter also affect https connections
  * Add a --clean argument on the run command to reduce the database
  * Set body element attribute dir=auto in HTML mail
  * Store the lock file in XDG_RUNTIME_DIR instead of /tmp

Mon Mar 29 23:04:53 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * update patch
  * add __pycache__ files
  * update to newer python macros
  * skip python2

- update to version 3.12.3:
  * *Improve log messages
  * Remove documentation of `smtp-ssl-protocol` as this option was
    dropped in 2016
  * Stop forging SMTP and sendmail envelope sender (#134)
  * Add sendmail_config option
  * Fix verbose configuration setting
  * Upgraded to feedparser v6.0
  * Drop support for Python 3.5
  * Log sendmail output
  * Support multipart/alternative emails with both HTML and plain text
    parts with option `multipart-html`
  * Add inline-links option, allowing links to be sent to the bottom
    of the
  * paragraph
  * Add wrap-links option, preventing links from be wrapped over
    multiple lines
  * Stop looking in $XDG_DATA_DIRS for the database, and only look in
  * Warnings about HTTP content-type being unexpected now properly
  * Make the proxy parameter also affect https connections
  * Add a --clean argument on the run command to reduce the database

Sun Nov  8 13:22:23 UTC 2020 - Andreas Stieger <>

- fix failure with Feedparser 6 [boo#1178085]
  adding rss2email-3.12.2-feedparser-6.patch from upstream
- clean up spec file to current python Macros, run tests

Thu Sep  3 02:19:30 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 3.12.2:
  * Fix bug `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
    'close'` (#126)

- changes from version 3.12.1 :
  * Fix calling opmlexport without arguments

- changes from version 3.12:
  * Drop support for EOL Python 3.4, add support for Python 3.8
  * Add List_ID and List_Post headers to the generated emails
  * Add a new `reply-changes` setting
  * Improve configurability of text wrapping for the emails
  * Use `platform.node()` instead of "dev.null.invalid" in
    "Message-ID" header
  * Improve locking support for when multiple rss2email instances are
    run in parallel
  * Fix handling of __VERSION__ and __URL__ in user-agent strings
  * Fix opmlexport

Sun Dec 29 22:19:38 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 3.11:
  * Add new `user-agent` attribute for configuring email User-Agent

Sat Sep 21 20:19:07 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 3.10:
  * Catch and warn for invalid Content-Types
  * Add a manually extracted list of config options to r2e.1
  * Add a redirect post-process module
  * Follow symlinks of datafiles
  * Add zsh completion
  * Add support for maildir
  * Fix `r2e new` overwriting an existing config
  * Add new `feed-name` and `feed-url` attributes for the
    `name-format` setting
  * Change logging format
  * Allow multiple SMTP recipients
  * Fix SMTP security issues
  * Fix test suite
  * Drop support for Python 3.2 and 3.3
  * Remove `__contributors__` from the `rss2email` module
  * Stop using deprecated `html2text.unescape`
  * Fix locking issues when data file is on NFS
  * Add `same-server-fetch-interval` setting for rate-limiting fetches
    to a server
  * Update to setuptools

Wed Apr  5 15:26:23 UTC 2017 -

- switch requires from outdated python3-distribute to setuptools

Tue Sep  2 05:36:33 UTC 2014 -

- update to v3.9 (2014-09-01)
  * Catch and error out if a user adds a feed with a duplicate name.
  * Split sender into both sendmail's -F and -f.
  * Fix an error with SMTPConnectionError inheritance order ("does not
    take keyword arguments").
  * Add a new `smtp-ssl-protocol` setting, to select acceptable
    protocols for SMTP connections.
  * Fix non-compliant User-Agent header for HTTP/1.1.
  * Fix an error in the NoToEmailAddress invocation.
  * Add a new 'trust-link' setting, to prefer the 'link' attribute over
    the 'id' attribute for identifying entries.

Sun Feb  2 21:11:35 UTC 2014 -

- license update: GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0
  This is a dual license of either GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0. It does not allow
  updating to beyond GPL-3.0

Mon Jan 20 06:47:42 UTC 2014 -

- updated to v3.8 (2014-01-18)
  * Sluggify feed names on opmlimport.
  * Allow Unicode letters and digits in feed names, instead of just ASCII lettters and digits. 

Fri Oct 11 16:55:54 UTC 2013 -

- updated to version 3.7

  * Fix fallback for titles that contain malformed HTML [1].
  * Fix atomic saves to avoid garbling config and data files if the
    disk is full [2].  Reported by Etienne Millon [3,4].
  * Convert the `friendly-name` boolean to the new `name-format`
    setting.  This allow users to customize how the friendly name is
    constructed [5].  Requested by Joey Hess [6,7].
  * Demote guessed encodings logs from 'error' to 'warning' [8].
    Patch by J. Lewis Muir [9,10].


Fri Sep 20 00:15:49 UTC 2013 -

- updated to version 3.6

  Changes since 3.5 (from CHANGELOG)
  v3.6 (2013-09-09)
    * Fix missing port argument for IMAPAuthenticationError.
    * Fix `<div id="entry>` syntax error in HTML mail.

Thu Jun  6 21:53:38 UTC 2013 -

- updated to version 3.5

  Changes since 3.4 (from CHANGELOG)
  v3.5 (2013-06-05)
    * Added digest generation and post-processing hooks.
    * Fix html2text configuration (ignored since 2012-10-04).
    * Fix opmlexport crash due to orphaned feed data.
    * Use feed names in OPML 'text' attributes.

Tue May 14 20:46:29 UTC 2013 -

- updated to version 3.4

  Changes since 3.3 (from CHANGELOG)
  v3.4 (2013-05-14)
    * Added post-processing hooks for user-specified message manipulation.
    * Added settings for IMAP delivery. The old `use-smtp` boolean has 
      been replaced by a new `email-protocol` setting. Non-IMAP users
      should adjust their configuration to set `email-protocol`
      to either `sendmail` or `smtp`.

Sun Apr 14 04:56:54 UTC 2013 -

- updated to version 3.3 
  Changes since 3.2 (from CHANGELOG):
  v3.3 (2013-04-13)
    * Fix SMTP message submission logic.
    * Fix error inheritence (super() calls).
    * Convert html2text parsing errors to `ProcessingError`s.
    * Cleanup html2text error handling.
    * Drop Google Reader rel-via manipulation.
    * Drop the wrapping <table> elements from HTML mail

Thu Mar 14 17:42:14 UTC 2013 -

- updated to verson 3.2
 Changes since 3.1 (from the CHANGELOG):
* Use extended interpolation in configuration files, to allow percent
  signs (%).
* Added .as_string() fallback to email flattening (only used if
  `use-smtp = False` and `use-8bit = True`).
* Added sendmail configuration option.  Change this if you want to use
  an alternative, sendmail-compatible mailer. 

Sun Mar  3 06:26:46 UTC 2013 -

- added some missing dependencies: python3, python3-xml,
  python3-feedparser, python3-html2text

Fri Feb 15 20:13:06 UTC 2013 -

- update to version 3.1, use tar.gz instead of zip 

Fri Feb 15 20:09:56 UTC 2013 -

- fixed spec file according to comments on pull request

 * removed double install of doc files
 * don't zip man page 

Wed Jan 23 20:11:04 UTC 2013 -

- initial version from current git (933dc46f6af3fb5473da93e02c9a90c1e4b4ae5f) 

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