File cuneiform.1 of Package cuneiform

.TH CUNEIFORM 1 "2009-06-01" "0.7.0" "multi-language OCR system"

cuneiform \- multi-language OCR system

\fBcuneiform\fR [\-\-dotmatrix] [\-f \fIFORMAT\fR] [\-\-fax] [\-l \fILANGUAGE\fR] [\-o \fIOUTPUT\fR] \fIINPUT\fR

Cuneiform is an OCR system. In addition to text recognition it also does layout analysis and text format recognition. Cuneiform supports several languages.

.IP "\-\-dotmatrix" 4
Undocumented option.
.IP "\-f \fIFORMAT\fR" 4
By default Cuneiform outputs plain text. There are several other output formats. To get a list run the command "cuneiform -f".
.IP "\-\-fax" 4
Undocumented option.
.IP "\-l \fILANGUAGE\fR" 4
By default Cuneiform recognizes English text. To change the language use the command line switch -l followed by your language string. To get a list of supported languages type "cuneiform -l".
.IP "\-o \fIOUTPUT\fR" 4
If you do not define an output file with the -o switch, Cuneiform writes the result to a file "cuneiform-out.[\fIFORMAT\fR]". The file extension depends on your output format.

More information about cuneiform can be found at <\fI\fR>.

cuneiform was written by Cognitive Technologies and Jussi Pakkanen <\\fR>.
This manual page was written by Daniel Baumann <\\fR>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
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