File godot.changes of Package godot

Mon Nov 21 15:03:48 UTC 2022 - Dominique Leuenberger <>

- Do not have the main package recommend the bash-completion
  sub-package, but rather have the subpackage supplement the
  combination of godot and bash-completion (already in place).

Fri Sep 30 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to 3.5.1

  * Expose Tabs "set/get_tab_button_icon()" to scripting

  * Include terminal indented comments for code folding in editor
  * Portals: Show RayCast debug helper

  * GNU ld detection for pck_embed linker script
  * CPUParticles initialize data on "set_amount"
  * Crash when playing SceneTreeTween right after finishing
  * "Time.get_unix_time_from_system()" not including msecs
  * Crash when pressing up on an empty PopupMenu
  * Exclude disabled StaticBody collisions from NavigationMesh baking
  * Prevent HTTPRequest from polling invalid client
  * Hotfix for Bullet's collision margin regression

  And more:

Mon Sep 12 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Heap-buffer-overflow in bundled thirdparty tool tinyexr
  * added tinyexr_thirdparty_upstream.patch from upstream tinyexr (boo#1203278)

Sat Aug 6 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to 3.5

  * NavigationServer with obstacle avoidance
  * Physics interpolation in 3D
  * SceneTreeTween
  * Time singleton
  * Label3D node and Sprite3D material render priority
  * Scene unique nodes
  * FlowContainer
  * Asynchronous shader compilation and caching
  * OccluderShapePolygon
  * "material_overlay" property for MeshInstance
  * Transparent background Viewports with post processing effects
  * Changing directional shadows at runtime
  * Setting visibility for CanvasLayer
  * push, pull, fetch and improved diff view to VCS UI
  * "global_translation" and "global_rotation"` to Spatial
  * Option to paste animation as duplicate
  * Configuring loop mode on WAV import
  * Pinning property values and Consistent property defaults
  * Deep comparison of Array and Dictionary
  * methods "OS.is_process_running()", "OS.crash()", "OS.has_clipboard()",
    "OS.get_processor_name()", "OS.get_screen_refresh_rate()",
    "OS.move_to_trash()", "Image.fill_rect()", "String.get_slice()",
    "String.join()", "Dictionary.merge()"
  * Search methods for PoolArrays: "has()", "count()", "find()", "rfind()"
  * Option to keep or skip carriage return (CR) in "File.get_as_text()"
  * GradientTexture2D
  * Signal to notify when children nodes enter or exit tree
  * Alt + Mouse wheel to adjust FOV in the 3D editor viewport
  * Make overridden properties link to parent definition
  * drag and drop for NodePaths
  * drag and drop to TextEdit, LineEdit, RichTextLabel
  * drag start/end signals for Slider
  * Option to make selection unique to TextEdit, LineEdit, RichTextLabel
  * alignment options to Button icons
  * WOFF2 font support and brotli decoder
  * RichTextLabel: "deselect()" and "get_selected_text()" methods
  * Binary MO translation file support
  * Proxy support for HTTPClient and the editor
  * "set_extra_headers()" to WebSocketServer
  * Support for primary clipboard
  * Viewport property to use full floating-point precision in HDR
  * Saving multiple Images in BakedLightmap
  * "max_distance" for VisibilityNotifier
  * "VERTEX_ID" and "INSTANCE_ID" to user created shaders
  * Random initial color feature for all Particles nodes

  * Create onready variables when dropping nodes and holding Ctrl
  * Don't switch to 2D/3D viewports when selecting nodes while in Script Editor
  * Re-enable input accumulation disabled by error in 3.4
  * Navigation and Navigation2D nodes were kept for compatibility but are now
    deprecated. Their functionality is replaced by the NavigationServer
    and Navigation2DServer.
  * WebSocket hostname resolution non-blocking
  * Use application name as PulseAudio device name

  And much more:

- "linker_pie_flag.patch" rebased

- Use bundled freetype, libpng and zlib for non-Tumbleweed builds.

Tue Aug 2 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to 3.4.5

  * Expose "tile_texture" property in TilesetEditorContext

  * XR: Update Meta hand tracking version

  * X11 "OS.is_window_maximized()"
  * Properly check for fullscreen toggle made through the Window Manager
  * Crash in AudioServer when switching audio devices
    with different audio channels count
  * EditorProperty icon overlapping text with checkbox
  * Custom class icon when it inherits from a script
  * UndoRedo in Gradient editor
  * Editor undo history for function name autocompletion
  * FileDialog: Fix support for changing directory in
    "user://" and "res://" modes
  * RichTextLabel: Fix implementation of "remove_line()"
  * glTF texture filename decoding
  * Document that accumulated input is disabled by default
    This is actually due to a regression in 3.4.
    It's kept disabled in this release for compatibility,
    but will be enabled by default in 3.5.
  * GLES2: Unpack blend shape arrays when necessary
  * GLES3: Unbind vertex buffer before calculating blend shapes
  * Portals: Force full check on adding moving object

  And more:

Wed Jun 29 11:22:45 UTC 2022 - Andreas Schwab <>

- Fix name of installable binaries

Sat Mar 26 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to 3.4.4

  * Audio: PitchShift effect quality for different pitch scale values
  * ProjectSettings "has_setting()" when used
    on a overriden setting with feature tags

  * CSG: visible seam on smoothed sphere, cylinder, and torus shapes
  * CSG: mixed smoothed and non-smoothed face normals computation
  * Portals: duplication of instanced scenes during conversion
  * Animation: cubic interpolate when looping
  * "UndoRedo::create_action()" invalid memory usage
  * RichTextLabel: shadow color when text has transparency
  * Editor: showing "Extend Script" option without script attached
  * Physics: Update joints on "NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE"
  * GLES2: compression on blend shapes
  * GLES2: "VersionKey" comparison in shader binding
  * GLES3: shader state caching when blend shapes used
  * GLES3: broken normals in meshes with blend shapes

Sat Feb 26 12:00:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to 3.4.3

  * TileMap: Expose "autotile_coord"` parameter in "TileMap.set_cellv"
  * Expose "AnimationNodeOneShot::mix_mode" as a property

  * GridMap: "Convert to MeshLibrary" not respecting collision transforms
  * GridMap: Editing MeshLibrary's Shapes array from the Inspector
  * Portals: gameplay monitor unloading and ticking
  * Portals: DYNAMIC particle systems
  * Potential infinite recursion crash in Variant decoding
  * Decoding UTF-8 filenames on unzipping
  * Replicate load-as-placeholder state on node duplication
  * "ProjectSettings.has_setting()" handle feature overrides
  * Editor: undo/redo operations in Input Map
  * Editor: Performance increase for opening the editor on big projects
  * GDScript: Clear pending function states when reloading script
  * GDScript: crash when "is" keyword is tested against a String variable
  * GUI: Release focus of Control node when exiting tree
  * GUI: LineEdit center and right alignment
  * GUI: PopupMenu bad item offset with custom vseparation
  * GUI: RichTextLabel underline appearance when inside fill tag
  * GUI: RichTextLabel underline prevents strikethrough from rendering
  * GUI: TabContainer not setting layout immediately
  * GUI: TextEdit blocking side scrolling in ScrollContainer
  * GUI: TextureButton focus texture logic
  * GUI: nine patch of circular TextureProgressBar
  * Import: glTF scene export crash on null normal texture
  * Increase joystick max button number
  * HTTPRequest support for requests with "content-length" above 2.1 GB
  * Fix tablet tilt values returning bad values
  * Rendering: blend shapes when octahedral compression is used
  * Rendering: nvalid read when using LightOccluder2D
  * GLES3: Fix visible background line in intersections in screen-space reflections

  And more:

Wed Dec 29 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.4.2

  * BaseButton's localization for tooltip text with shortcut
  * Size issue for ARVR managed viewport

  And more:

Sun Dec 19 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.4.1

  * Expose "ScriptEditor::edit" to scripting
  * TextEdit: Allow toggling bookmark gutter
  * TextEdit: methods to get position from column and line
  * "Input.is_physical_key_pressed()" method
  * Expose "intersect_point" in 3D physics server
  * BVH: option for expanded AABBs in leaves
  * Support for OpenXR export configurations

  * Remove editor splash screen with sponsors logo
  * Clamp rotation for up/down orbiting shortcuts
  * Sort and group theme properties in docs,
    improve formatting for theme and enums

  * TileSet editor workspace breaking
  * Only add light occlusion for visible TileMaps
  * Selecting next/previous subtile in TileSet editor
  * Swapped rest pose action names in the Skeleton2D editor
  * Theme Editor crash when clicking the element picker
  * Don't ignore the type mismatch in GDScript setter function
  * GDScript: Support multiline indexing with "[]"
  * Prevent LSP adding signal callbacks to non GDScripts
  * RichTextLabel: Right alignment regression
  * RichTextLabel: min/max line width calculation
  * Support for CSG and GridMap in glTF scene export
  * Crash when exporting meshes to glTF that have no skin
  * HTTP request headers being included in response
  * Potential infinite loop when connecting HTTPClient
  * WebRTC returning packets from peers too early
  * Volume calculation for cylinders in GodotPhysics
  * Errors in KinematicBody when floor is destroyed or removed
  * Double use of seed in random Particles shader variables
  * Update CanvasItem when MultiMesh instance transform changes
  * Portals: Allow user to set roaming expansion margin
  * Incorrect VisualServer RID cleanup in various locations

  And more:

Mon Nov 8 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.4

  * "AESContext", RSA public keys, encryption, decryption, sign, and verify
  * "HMACContext"
  * Revamped UI theme editor
  * Support for translating the class reference
  * Initial support for the RISC-V architecture
  * Rooms and portals-based occlusion culling
  * Ring emitter for 3D particles
  * Structs and fragment-to-light varyings in shaders
  * Global const arrays in shaders
  * Object validity checks
  * High quality tonemapper
  * Auto-reload scripts with external editor
  * Allow to create a node at specific position
  * Assign value to property by dropping to scene tree
  * Allow dropping property path into script editor
  * Save branch as scene by dropping to filesystem
  * Implement a "%command%" placeholder in the Main Run Args settin
  * Keyboard shortcuts to the project manager
  * History navigation in the script editor using extra mouse buttons
  * Focus font color for Button and derivatives
  * ButtonGroup: "pressed" signal
  * ColorPicker: Display previous color and allow selecting it back
  * DynamicFont: Allow using WOFF fonts
  * ScrollBar: "increment_pressed" and "decrement_pressed" icons
  * Theme: support for partial custom editor theme
  * Theme: API to retrieve the default font
  * Improved glTF module with scene export support
  * Lossless WebP encoding
  * Input: physical scancodes to fix non-latin layout scancodes 
  * Allow checking for exact matches with action events
  * Multiple address resolution in DNS requests
  * Enable setting the number of physics solver iterations
  * Heightmap collision shape support in Physics 3D
  * Expose collider RID in 2D/3D kinematic collision
  * Support for disabling physics on "SoftBody"
  * GLES2: Add basic support for CPU blendshapes
  * GLES3: Add support for contrast-adaptive sharpening in 3D
  * Soft shadows for the CPU lightmapper
  * High quality glow mode
  * Horizon specular occlusion
  * Shaders: "TIME" available in custom functions by default
  * Allow dropping custom node scripts in VisualScript editor
  * Frame delta smoothing
  * OS data directory getter methods exposed
  * Getter for the project data directory
  * BVH thread safety
  * Property "Engine.print_error_messages" to disable printing errors
  * Setting to configure number of threads for lightmap baking
  * Allow for platform "Thread" implementation override
  * Method "Thread.is_alive()" to check if the thread is still doing work
  * Method "String::parse_url()" for parsing URLs
  * Property "dtls_hostname" for ENet
  * Animation "reset" track
  * Options to clean/simplify convex hull generated from mesh
  * 2D Viewport scale factor property
  * LSP: support for custom host setting

  * Most recently added current "Camera2D" takes precedence
  * Add Node name to "print()" of all nodes
  * Thread callbacks can now take optional parameters
  * "AStar.get_available_point_id()" returns 0 instead of 1 when empty
  * Button: Don't change hovering during focus events
  * DynamicFont: Re-add support for kerning
  * LineEdit: Double click selects words, triple click selects all the content
  * Return RID instead of Object ID in "area"-/"body_shape_entered"/-"exited"
  * "VisualServer" now sorts based on AABB position
  * Default shader specular render mode to "SCHLICK_GGX"

  * Make all file access 64-bit
  * Ignore property groups and categories in GDScript code completion
  * LSP: "SymbolKind" reporting wrong types and better "get_node()" parsing
  * Breaking Compatibility: swapped axes in "OpenSimplexNoise.get_image()"

  And much more:

- "certs_fallback.patch" and "linker_pie_flag.patch" rebased

Tue Oct 5 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.3.4

  * AStar Error messages

  * Compare signal connections by ObjectID to avoid spurious
    reordering in .tscn files.
  * Remove deprecation warning for BaseButton.enabled_focus_mode
  * LinkButton's text is now automatically translated.

  * LocalVector crash on insert
  * Quote and escape ConfigFile keys when necessary.
  * invalid "Too many warnings!" error in remote script debugger
  * setting NodePath properties on multiple nodes at once
  * preview grid and preserve source texture margins
    in SpriteFrames editor
  * LSP: Fix completion crashing on scene-less scripts
  * CSG: Don't update CSGShape when not inside tree
  * drawing current tab when it's disabled
  * GLES3: Fix multimesh being colored by other nodes
  * GLES3: Properly clear cubemap filter state
    when texture array environment disabled
  * GLES3: Fix Light2D UBO initialization
  * Prevent shaders from generating code before the constructor finishes
  * Fix VisualScriptPropertySet value hint
  * LineEdit undo crash

  And more:

Fri Aug 20 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.3.3

  * "action_get_deadzone()" method to InputMap

  * GraphEdit: Allow higher and lower maximum zoom values
  * Copy the Godot version identifier by clicking it
  * Separate version hash from version number
  * Relationship lines draw on top of TreeItems
  * Allow reading shaders from .gdshader files

  * Audio: cubic resampling algorithm
  * Save binary "ProjectSettings" key length
  * Editor: Slow load/save of scenes with many instances of the same script
  * Editor: Logic for showing tilemap debug collision
  * LSP: Implement "didClose" notification
  * LSP: "SymbolKind" reporting wrong types
  * glTF Import: mesh nodes which are also bones
  * Import RLE compressed TGA files
  * Game controllers ignoring the last listed button
  * Parsing some IPv6 URLs for WebSocket
  * WebsocketPeer outbound buffer
  * IP address resolution incorrectly locking the main thread
  * PathFollow: Forward calculation for the position at the end of the curve
  * RichTextLabel: Fix auto-wrapping on CJK texts
  * SkeletonIK: Bones become detached if multiple SkeletonIK nodes are used
  * Physics: calculating inertias for bodies without mass/area
  * Physics: Ignore disabled shapes for mass property calculations
  * ALSA MIDI with PulseAudio
  * "Directory::get_space_left()"
  * VisualServer now sorts based on AABB position
  * Depth sorting of meshes with transparent textures
  * CanvasItem bounding rect calculation
  * Allow unclamped colors in Sprite3D

  And more:

Fri Aug  6 07:23:11 UTC 2021 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Use asimdrdm CPU flag for aarch64 to select only more powerful

Fri Jun 03 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Exclude currently failing %arm builds

Tue May 25 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.3.2

  * GDScript: Allow "warning-ignore" in the same line
    as the respective warning
  * Import: Print warning when importing a
    repeating NPOT texture in a GLES2 project

  * Remove high radiance sizes from the editor due to issues on specific GPUs

  * STL to Godot type conversion of polypartition
  * Duplicate close file when deconstructing ZipArchive
  * Swapped front/rear directions in viewport rotation control
  * Editor crash when exporting profiler data
  * glTF: Improved error handling around invalid images and invalid meshes
  * ragdoll simulation when parent was readded to scene
  * Crash on debug shapes update if CollisionObject is not in tree
  * Batching: "item_batch_flags" stale state causing glitches

Fri May 21 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.3.1

  * Expose "Shape.get_debug_mesh()" to the scripting API
  * Add Ctrl+Shift+A to instance scene in Scene Tree dock
  * Allow negative contrast values in the editor theme settings
  * TileMap: Apply modulate on autotile previews
  * Add support for ARM64 architecture for the Embree raycaster

  * Create "CollisionObject" debug shapes using VisualServer

  * SkeletonIK root bones being twisted incorrectly when rotated
  * Skinning initialization in "MeshInstance" when loaded from thread
  * Linux packaging fixes
  * ZIP files being opened with two file descriptors
  * CSG Path Polygon cache being removed after connect
  * LineEdit: Fix double click to select words
    and triple click to select whole line
  * Race condition in font preview generation
    could lock the editor on first edit
  * 3D scene preview generation
  * Handle having no sinks in the PulseAudio driver
  * Batching: GLES3 light pass modulates
  * Batching: Crash with wrong number of verts in translation
  * Batching: Fallback for 2D skinning with unrigged polygons
  * Lightmapper: Fixes to environment energy
  * Disable GIProbe emission when disabled on a material

- "use_system_zlib_for_fbx.patch" dropped - fixed upstream

- aarch64 and %arm: enable modules lightmapper_cpu_enabled and raycast_enabled

Thu Apr 29 12:37:28 UTC 2021 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Disable modules unsupported on aarch64 and %arm:
  * module_denoise_enabled
  * module_lightmapper_cpu_enabled
  * module_raycast_enabled

Thu Apr 22 12:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Update to 3.3

  * MP3 loading and playback support
  * AudioEffectCapture to access the microphone in real-time
  * New dynamic BVH for rendering and the GodotPhysics backends
  * Ability to restore RandomNumberGenerator state
  * "Array.append_array()" method to append an array
      at the end of another array
  * "OS.set_environment()" method to set environment variables
  * Infinite 3D editor grid
  * New 3D rotation gizmo
  * Support for copy-pasting nodes
  * Detect external modification of scenes and prompt for reloading
  * New editor to configure default import presets
  * 3D viewport's View Information pane displays viewport resolution
  * Minimap support in GraphEdit
  * New AspectRatioContainer Control node
  * Rewritten and greatly improved FBX importer
  * "Keep" mode to keep files as-is and export them
  * Mouse event pass-through support for the window
  * Support for pause-aware picking (breaks compatibility but only
      enabled by default for new projects)
  * CollisionObject can now display collision shape meshes
  * Cylinder collision shape support
  * PulseAudio and ALSA libraries are now dynamically loaded
  * Implement the "--no-window" command line argument
  * 2D batching for GLES3
  * Configurable amount of lights per object
  * New CPU lightmapper
  * Anisotropic filtering now works when using the GLES2 backend

  * Deleted object access now raises an error instead of a warning
  * Improved error messages when passing nonexistent node paths
      to "get_node()"
  * Modernized multi-threading APIs
  * SVG images can now be used as a project icon
  * Improved inspector subresource editing visibility
  * Pressed CheckButtons are now colored in blue for easier recognition
  * Rename Node is now bound to "F2" key
  * Search Help shortcut from keys "Shift + F1" changed to "F1"
  * The inspector now allows using a comma as a decimal separator
  * Drag-and-dropping a ZIP archive to the project manager window
    will now prompt for importing it
  * Increase the default HTTPClient download chunk size to 64 KiB
  * Binaries are now stripped of string and symbol tables,
    reducing their size significantly

  * ResourceImporterCSV importer superseded by the new "keep" import mode

  * Use higher-quality resampling for Ogg Vorbis and MP3 sounds
  * exporting if the temporary export directory doesn't exist yet
  * Export PCK/ZIP action now obeys the export path configured
    in the export preset as expected
  * UDP ports being silently reused without an error in PacketPeerUDP
  * keyboard input lag and clipboard delay issues

  And more:

- "linker_pie_flag.patch" rebased

- "upstream_fix_TGA_loader.patch" dropped - included in source now

- "use_system_zlib_for_fbx.patch" added to force using system zlib

Sat Feb 13 00:00:00 UTC 2021 -

- Fix a crash in the TGA loader with malformed input
  * added upstream_fix_TGA_loader.patch from upstream
  * integer overflow issue CVE-2021-26825 (boo#1182177)
  * stack overflow issue CVE-2021-26826 (boo#1182178)

Sun Nov  1 23:35:40 UTC 2020 - Yunhe Guo <>

- Fix AppStream file location to match latest standard

Fri Sep 18 16:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- Update to 3.2.3

  * Input: Support SDL2 half axes and inverted axes mappings
  * LineEdit: Add option to disable virtual keyboard for LineEdit
  * Rendering: Allow nearest neighbor lookup when using mipmaps

  * GDScript: Auto completion enhanced for extends and
    class level identifier
  * Physics: Better damping implementation for Bullet rigid bodies.
    If you're using damping with the Bullet backend,
    you may need to adjust some properties to restore
    the behavior from 3.2.2 or earlier.
  * Project Settings: Enable file logging by default on desktops
  * Script editor: Don't open dominant script in external editor
  * Sprite3D: Use mesh instead of immediate for drawing Sprite3D

  * Core: debugger error when Dictionary key is a freed Object
  * Core: leaked ObjectRCs on object Variant reassignment
  * GLES3: OpenGL error when generating radiance
  * Import: custom tracks causing issues on reimport
  * Import: regression causing crashes with some OGG files
  * Particles: 2D Particle velocity with directed emission mask
  * PathFollow3D: repeated updates of PathFollow3D Transform
  * Physics: Trigger broadphase update when changing collision layer/mask
  * Physics: laxist collision detection on one way shapes
  * Physics: Properly pass safe margin on initialization
  * Project Settings: overriding compression related settings
  * Rendering: images in black margins
  * Rendering: Properly calculate Polygon2D AABB with skeleton
  * Shaders: specular 'render_mode' for Visual Shaders

  And more:

- "certs_fallback.patch" rebased

Tue Jul 01 12:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- In .desktop file prefix "PrefersNonDefaultGPU" with "X-" only
  until package desktop-file-utils is up to date.

Fri Jun 26 21:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- In .desktop file "PrefersNonDefaultGPU" prefixed with "X-"

Fri Jun 26 17:23:58 UTC 2020 - Max Mitschke <>

- Update to 3.2.2

  * 2D batching for the GLES2 renderer
  * C# support for the iOS platform
  * Re-architecture of the Android plugin system
  * DTLS support and ENet integration
  * Better handling of Variants pointing to released Objects
  * Updated and localized documentation

  * 2D: MODULATE builtin for canvas item shaders
  * Editor: rotation widget in 3D viewport
  * Editor: Allow duplicating files when holding Control
  * GLES2/GLES3: support for OpenGL external textures
  * Import: support for glTF lights
  * Input: keyboard layout enumeration / set / get functions
  * Object: has_signal method
  * RegEx: Enable Unicode support for RegEx class
  * Shaders: shader time scaling
  * Add 'custom_modules' build option to compile external user modules
  * SCons: Allow to read 'custom_modules' option via a file
  * Provide the ability for clients of the Godot library
    to add their own command line arguments
  * Request the dedicated GPU when starting Godot from the '.desktop' file
  * set_frame, pause, and oneshot to AnimatedTexture
  * selection outline to locked nodes

  * Audio: volume interpolation in positional audio nodes
  * Import: changing the import type of multiple files at once
  * Particles: uninitialized memory in CPUParticles and CPUParticles2D
  * Physics: Make soft body completely stiff to attachment point
  * Physics: Normalize up direction vector in move_and_slide()
  * Account for file deletion and renaming in Export Presets
  * can't convert Transform -> Transform2D
  * Emit signal when animation ends by seek
  * Othographic camera in-editor now uses Z near/far settings
    instead of a hardcoded value
  * Editor 2D: Change pixel alignment strategy, jittering in high zoom
  * Allow single quotes in comments

  And more:

- "linker_pie_flag.patch" adjusted.

Tue Mar 10 16:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- Update to 3.2.1

  * Bullet: Fix detection of concave shape in Area.
  * Camera2D: Fix inverted use of Camera2D offset_v.
  * Debugger: Fix crash inspecting freed objects.
  * Expression: Fix parsing integers as 32-bit.
  * Particles: Fix undefined behavior with atan in GPU Particles.
  * TileSet: Hide TileSet properties from Inspector, fixing
    OOM crash on huge tilesets.
  * Video: Workaround WebM playback bug after AudioServer latency fixes.

  * Skin: Add support for named binds.
  * API documentation updates.
  * Editor translation updates.

  And more:

- "linker_pie_flag.patch" adjusted.

Wed Feb 12 12:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- Added "linker_pie_flag.patch" in order to link with "-pie".
    Replaces previous "fix-pie-warning.patch".

- "project_certs_fallback.patch" renamed to "certs_fallback.patch".
    Modified and adapted to Godot source code changes.

- Bash completion files "godot", "godot-headless", "godot-runner"
    and "godot-server" added.

- Package "godot-bash-completion" added.

- Location of documentation in man page adjusted.

- godot-rpmlintrc deleted with filter "no-manual-page-for-binary"
    because this warning doesn't seems to be thrown anymore.

- Build option "faster_build" introduced to speed up build
    during tests.

Sat Feb  1 04:33:27 UTC 2020 - Max Mitschke <>

- Removed patch "fix-pie-warning.patch"
- Removed export_presets.cfg file as games should supply this file

- Update to v3.2

  * Support for importing 3D scense using Assimp
  * Support for high-level multiplayer API and NAT traversal for 
  * Support for enabling / disabling parts of the editor or specific 
  * Added language server for GDScript
  * Added version control integration into the editor
  * Added a network profiler
  * Editor is now capped to 20FPS when the window is unfocused
  * Added MSAA support in the GLES2 renderer
  * Ability to define script templates on a per-project basis
  * Ability to limit the minimum and maximum window size
  * Minimap in the script editor
  * CSV files can now be imported as non-translation files
  * Multicast support in PacketPeerUDP
  * WebSocket improvements.
      * Support for SSL in WebSocketServer.
      * WebSocketClient can now use custom SSL certificates 
        (except on HTML5).
      * WebSocketClient can now define custom headers.
  * The editor now features a built-in Web server for testing HTML5 
  * Reimplemented support for embedding project data in the PCK file

  * Tabs and space indentation can no longer be mixed in the same 
    GDScript file
  * assert() in GDScript must now always be used with parentheses
  * UDP broadcasting is now disabled by default and must be enabled 
    by calling 
    set_broadcast_enabled(true) on the PacketPeerUDP instance
  * 3D collision shapes and RayCasts are now drawn in gray when disabled
  * The SCons build system now automatically detects the host platform
  * Exporting a project PCK or ZIP from the command line must now 
    be done with the new --export-pack command-line argument
  * Exported PCK files now contain the Godot patch version in their 
  * "Set as Main Scene" context option for scenes in the FileSystem dock


  * Unused Panel panelf and panelnc styles.
  * thekla_atlas dependency, as light baking now relies on xatlas 
    for UV unwrapping.
  * Rating icons in the Asset Library
  * Some editor languages are no longer available due to missing 
    support for RTL and text shaping in Godot.
      * Arabic
      * Bengali
      * Persian
      * Hebrew
      * Hindi
      * Malayalam
      * Sinhalese
      * Tamil
      * Telugu
      * Urdu
  * Android: ARMv6 support.
  * iOS: ARMv7 support.

  * The Project Manager now remembers the sorting option that was 
    previously set
  * Fixed issues with PBR environment mapping
  * Several fixes to the GLES2 renderer
  * Fixed importing BMP images
  * Exporting a project via the command-line now returns a non-zero 
    exit code if an error occurred during exporting
  * Fixed autocompletion in the script editor

  And more:

Mon Jan 13 16:00:00 UTC 2020 -

- Sources replaced by upstream without version bump
  to hotfix export templates for HTML5 platform

Tue Dec  3 05:46:01 UTC 2019 - Max Mitschke <>

- Updated bundled library versions within specfile
- Cleaned up specfile
  * Removed defattr directives
  * Use %license directive for license files

Sat Nov 30 19:18:39 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>

- Update to 3.1.2

  * Animation: Fixes for onion skinning support of Skeleton2D
  * AnimationTree: Fixes to AnimationTree and State Machine
  * Audio: Fix seemingly random crashes related to the audio engine misusing 
    internal processing
  * CPUParticles(2D): Various fixes
  * GLES2: Many bugfixes
  * GLES3: Many bugfixes
  * Editor: Fix issues when moving and renaming files
  * Export: Fix resetting editor settings when exporting from the 
    command line 
  * Import: Various improvements to BMP support
  * Internationalization: Various fixes to Control localization, 
    and fixes to support of some regional locales
  * iOS: Fix crash on resume/exit on iOS 13
  * macOS: Fix non-HiDPI mode on HiDPI displays on macOS Catalina
  * macOS: Fix locale detection when running from .app bundle
  * Object: Improve instance validation, mitigating thread-related issues
  * Shaders: Fix support for hint_range using integers

  * Editor: Allow to removing 2D editor limits
  * Mobile: Add vibration support on Android and iOS
  * TileMap: Add support for negative Y and X offsets
  * API documentation updates.
  * Editor translation updates.

  Third Party Libraries:
  * zstd upgraded to 1.4.4
  * libwebsockets downgraded to 3.0.1 (3.1 caused regressions)

Sun May 12 13:53:21 UTC 2019 - Max Mitschke <>

- Fixing packaging issues for submission to Factory
  * Changed python build requirement for python3
  * Removed no-version-in-last-changelog from rpmlintrc
  * Renamed rpmlintrc to godot-rpmlintrc per openSUSE packaging

Mon Apr 29 16:00:00 UTC 2019 -

- Use system certificates from /var/lib/ca-certificates/ca-bundle.pem
  by default and dynamically. Stop hard coding its content during build.
  These certificates are used by the editor to connect to the Asset Library.

- Added patch file "project_certs_fallback.patch" to use the previously
  defined system certificates as fallback for missing certificates in
  project setting "network/ssl/certificates".

Sun Apr 28 16:00:00 UTC 2019 -

- Changes in 3.1.1

  Fixed Security Issue:
  * to deserialize Object data. GDNative ABI was changed.

  * GLES 3 support for depth textures.
  * GLTF2 importer

  * HeightMapShape to the Bullet physics engine implementation
  * FPS snapping in the Animation player
  * audio features for 3.2 were backported
  * menu options for the Sprite editor: "Convert to Mesh2D",
    "Convert to Polygon2D", "Create CollisionPolygon2D Sibling"
    and "Create LightOccluder2D Sibling"
  * AnimatedSprite can now play backwards
  * Emission Mask to CPUParticles2D

  And more:

Sun Apr 28 09:20:19 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <>

- Trim filler wording from description.
- Require bash for the build due to use of [[ x > y ]].

Sat Apr 27 18:32:30 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>

- Update to 3.1.1

Sat Apr 27 06:53:41 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>

- Mention rpmlintrc as a source file.

Tue Apr 16 03:16:21 UTC 2019 - Max Mitschke <>

- Update to 3.1
  * See

Thu Mar  7 00:31:03 UTC 2019 - Max Mitschke <>

- Added export_presets.cfg to be used when one is not present in
  Godot game's source.

Tue Mar  5 00:29:36 UTC 2019 - Max Mitschke <>

- Added godot-headless package 

Tue Feb 26 10:05:26 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>

- Disable lto for anything older than openSUSE 15.0.

Tue Feb 19 12:24:19 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>

- Rename subpackages to godot-runner and godot-server in order
  to provide same names as in Fedora package
- Do not use -fno-strict-aliasing
- Make output verbose and use LTO (increase RAM requirements).

Mon Feb 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

- Added patches to use system certificates
- Added service file for local hash checking
- Added rpmlintrc file to silence warning of missing version in
    changelog and for missing manual-page for server package

Tue Feb  5 12:36:39 UTC 2019 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Use

Wed Jan 30 19:35:31 UTC 2019 -

- Updated spec file to better align with openSUSE package 

Sun Jul 29 12:00:00 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.6
  Fixed Security Vulnerability:
  * marshalls size checks

  * vsync initialization
  * can't set AudioStreamPlayer stream to null
  * Basis.Transposed()
  * Several editor crashes
  * GLTF import fixes
  and more

  * OpenSSL to 1.0.2o (not used in openSUSE build)

Wed Jul 11 18:00:00 UTC 2018 -

- spec changes:
  * build with more shared libraries from the distribution
    instead of bundled versions
  * make build of templates optional
  * unify repetive build arguments
  * include thirdparty/ in licenses section

Tue Jul 10 04:01:38 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.5
  * Android export templates no longer contain the placeholder
    permissions which Google Play started complaining about. Now
    only requested permissions will be written to the manifest when
  * Added 'android_add_asset_dir('...') method to Android module
    gradle build config
  * User defined signals in the exported C# projects were
    misbehaving, this is now fixed.
  * Fix CORS problems due to added headers on JS target
  * Lerp now consistent with Godot API. InverseLerp fixed.
  * Fix debugger focus stealing
  * Fix segfault at quiting editor

Sun Jul  1 22:40:12 UTC 2018 -

- Added openSUSE branding to build info
- Use upstream desktop file, appdata.xml and manpage
- Licenses relocated
- Require update-desktop-files post and postun
- desktop_database only updating explicitly for Leap < 15.0
- Update to 3.0.4

  * Updated documentation for particles, ViewportTexture, Vector2,
    skeleton docs, Rect.abs function
  * Make heightmap shape usable from PhysicsServer
  * Add NoCache wrapper to Command
  * Fixed crasher in asset library on systems with a low threadcount CPU

Sun Jun 17 12:39:57 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.3

  * C# projects can now be exported for Windows, Linux, and MacOS targets.
  * Universal translation of touch to mouse.
  * Dynamic fonts can now have a hinting mode set.
  * print_tree_pretty() was added allowing a graphical view of the scene tree.
  * Restore purchases feature for iOS.
  * AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D,
    and AudioStreamPlayer3D now have a pitch scale property.
  * Show origin and Show viewport setting in 2D editor.
  * You can now set Godot windows as 'always on top'.
  * print-fps options to print FPS to stdout.

  * Mono: Signal parameters no longer crash the engine.
  * Asset library thread usage, this makes the asset library more responsive.
  * Several GLTF import fixes.
  * Several memory leaks.
  * iPhone X support.
  * Several fixes to audio drivers (WASAPI and PulseAudio).
  * Several crashes.
  * Export PCK/ZIP now works again.

Sat Mar 10 20:00:00 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.2

Tue Feb 27 23:58:22 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.1

Tue Jan 30 23:08:53 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 3.0.0

Tue Sep  5 07:28:53 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.1.4

Fri Feb 10 00:56:05 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.1.2
- Add appdata.xml
- Remove fix-arch-detection.patch
- Remove fix-undefined-return.patch

Mon Jun 27 00:58:13 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 2.0.3
- Added fix-arch-detection.patch to fix ppc build
- Added fix-undefined-return.patch to fix functions with random

Mon Jun  1 07:39:45 UTC 2015 -

- add desktop file

Sun May 31 22:00:18 UTC 2015 -

- split examples into subpackage

Sun May 31 20:39:49 UTC 2015 -

- initial packaging 
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