File xdg-terminal.patch of Package rofi

Index: rofi-1.7.4/config/config.c
--- rofi-1.7.4.orig/config/config.c
+++ rofi-1.7.4/config/config.c
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ Settings config = {
     .show_icons = FALSE,
     /** Terminal to use. (for ssh and open in terminal) */
-    .terminal_emulator = "rofi-sensible-terminal",
+    .terminal_emulator = "xdg-terminal",
     .ssh_client = "ssh",
     /** Command when executing ssh. */
-    .ssh_command = "{terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host} [-p {port}]",
+    .ssh_command = "{terminal} {ssh-client} {host} [-p {port}]",
     /** Command when running */
     .run_command = "{cmd}",
     /** Command used to list executable commands. empty -> internal */
     .run_list_command = "",
     /** Command executed when running application in terminal */
-    .run_shell_command = "{terminal} -e {cmd}",
+    .run_shell_command = "{terminal} {cmd}",
     /** Command executed on accep-entry-custom for window modus */
     .window_command = "wmctrl -i -R {window}",
     /** No default icon theme, we search Adwaita and gnome as fallback */
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