File xinetd.uucp of Package uucp

# The Internet UUCP service.
# Find UUCP config examples at
#     /usr/share/doc/packages/uucp/cfg_example/taylor_config/
service uucp
    disable	= yes
    socket_type	= stream
    protocol	= tcp
  # bind        = localhost
    wait	= no
    user	= uucp
    group       = uucp
    server	= /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
    server_args	= -l

# The config needs to be adjusted by the admin, see example file in /etc/uucp/
# Just an proposal without any without obligation, without any warranty, and
# at your own risk:
# Creation of /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem used in /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf
# > su - uucp
# > test -e suucp-server.conf || cp -p suucp-server.conf.example suucp-server.conf
# > openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -utf8 -nodes -keyout stunnel.pem -out stunnel.pem
# > dd if=/dev/urandom count=4 | openssl dhparam -rand - 1024 >> stunnel.pem
# Fingerprint and hash
# > su - uucp
# > openssl x509 -text -subject -dates -fingerprint -noout -in stunnel.pem
# > ln -sf stunnel.pem /etc/uucp/$(openssl x509 -hash -noout -in stunnel.pem).0 

service suucp
    disable     = yes
    socket_type = stream
    protocol    = tcp
    wait	= no
    user	= root
    group       = root
    server      = /usr/sbin/stunnel
    server_args = /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf
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