File 01-eaglemode.patch of Package eaglemode

diff -Naurd orig/ mod/
--- orig/	2010-05-04 09:26:13.000000000 +0200
+++ mod/	2010-05-04 16:48:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -621,30 +621,30 @@
 				for (my $again=1; $again eq 1;) {
-					my $ln=readline(*STDIN);
-					$.=0; # for that a call to die will not print an input line number.
-					if ($ln =~ /^\s*[nN]/) {
-						exit(1);
-					}
-					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[yY]/) {
-						$again=0;
-					}
-					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[aA]/) {
+#					my $ln=readline(*STDIN);
+#					$.=0; # for that a call to die will not print an input line number.
+#					if ($ln =~ /^\s*[nN]/) {
+#						exit(1);
+#					}
+#					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[yY]/) {
+#						$again=0;
+#					}
+#					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[aA]/) {
-					}
-					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[rR]/) {
+#					}
+#					elsif ($ln =~ /^\s*[rR]/) {
 						# *** secret option: "retry" ***
 						# I'm not satisfied with this, because:
 						#  - The maker scripts are not reloaded (no effect if edited).
 						#  - It's only for non-essential projects...
-						pop(@failedNonEssentialMakers);
-						$i--;
-						$again=0;
-					}
-					else {
-						print("Say yes, no or always: ");
-					}
+#						pop(@failedNonEssentialMakers);
+#						$i--;
+#						$again=0;
+#					}
+#					else {
+#						print("Say yes, no or always: ");
+#					}
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