File fvwm2.changes of Package fvwm2

Fri May 18 13:24:18 UTC 2018 -

- boo#1080494: Add update-alternative configuration
- Run spec-cleaner

Fri Feb 10 16:53:50 UTC 2017 -

- Update summary

Tue Feb  7 11:14:39 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.6.7 (06-Nov-2016)
  - dropped fvwm-icon-440d675d14412ec0a123d4c977534ab688229148.patch
  * New fvwm features:
    A new default configuration which is available when fvwm
    doesn't detect a configuration file to load.
    A new conditional command "Desk n" can restrict matching
    windows to a specific desk.
    A new conditional command "Screen n" to restrict matching
    windows on a given Xinerama screen.
    New expansion variable "w.screen" to ascertain the Xineram
    screen number a window is on.
    New command "InfoStoreClear" to remove all items in the
  * Removed features:
    The old and unmaintained debian/ and rpm/ directories have
    been removed; use the maintainers' copies where available.
    VMS support has been removed.
    GTK1.x support has been removed.
    GNOME-specific window hints (pre-EWMH) have been removed.
    Some fvwm modules have been removed:
      FvwmDragWell (no replacement)
      FvwmGTK (no replacement)
      FvwmSave (no replacement)
      FvwmSaveDesk (no replacement)
      FvwmScroll (no replacement)
      FvwmTabs (no replacement, never worked anyway)
      FvwmTaskBar (use FvwmButtons)
      FvwmTheme (in core of fvwm as colorsets)
      FvwmWharf (use FvwmButtons)
      FvwmWinList (use WindowList command)
      FvwmWindowMenu (use WindowList command)
      FvwmIconBox (use the IconBox style instead)
  * New module features:
    FvwmButtons learned a new option "Colorset" to its
    ChangeButton command.
  * fvwm-menu-desktop updated:
    Renamed default menu to XDGMenu and changed the name
    of the FvwmForm to FvwmForm-XDGMenu-Config to not conflict
    with someone already using FvwmMenu.
    fvwm-menu-desktop will now load defaults from the
    FvwmForm-XDGMenu-Config data file.
    Improved dynamic menus by regenerating them on-the-fly.
    Added new options: --regen-cmd, --dynamic, and more.
  * Bug fixes:
    A bug introduced in 2.6.6 could cause applications with
    negative coordinates to be placed at strange positions. This
    affected for example acroread when switching to fullscreen
    mode. This has been fixed.
    FvwmButtons "Silent" option for dynamic ChangeButton commands
    no longer loops infinitely.

Thu Aug 18 11:48:10 UTC 2016 -

- boo#877539 - wrong path in system.fvwm2rc:
  * Fix wallpaper path for 'init' and 'restart' commands.
  * Require default branding wallpaper package.

Tue Aug  2 14:18:11 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 2.6.6
  * fvwm features:
  - Support for Russian from Ivan Gayevskiy.
  - EnvMatch supports infostore variables.
  - The option "forget" to the Maximize command allows to
    unmaximize a window without changing its size and position.
  - Windows shaded to a corner (NW, NE, SW, SE) are reduced to a
    small square.
  - New option "!raise" to the WarpToWindow command.
  - The new extended variables $[wa.x], $[wa.y], $[wa.width],
    $[wa.height] can be used to get the geometry of the EWMH
    working area, and $[dwa.x], $[dwa.y], $[dwa.width],
    $[dwa.height] can be used to get the geometry of the EWMH
    dynamic working area.
  - The Resize commands accept "wa" or "da" as a suffix of the
    width or height value.  If present, the value is a percentage
    of the width or height of the EWMH working area or the EWMH
    dynamic working area.
  - Fvwm is much more resilient against applications that flood the
    window manager with repeated events.
  * New module features:
  - FvwmForm supports separator lines.
  - New FvwmIconMan options:
  * Bug fixes:
  - Provide a wrapper for the deprecation of XKeycodeToKeysym and
    use XkbKeycodeToKeysym() where appropriate.
  - fvwm-menu-desktop is re-written and provides better support of
    the XDG menu specification.
  - Fix fvwm-menu-desktop keyError bug.  Use "others" if no desktop
    environment found.
  - FvwmIconMan had problems displaying the hilight colour on some
    systems (64 bit issue?).
  - Globally active windows cannot take the focus if the style
    forbids programs to take focus themselves (style
  - Windows no longer jump from one position to the other which
    could happen in some cases with SnapAttraction.  Windows now
    snap to the closest window (or screen edge).
  - Removing bindings had several strange side effects that are
    fixed now (removing too many bindings; old bindings showing up
    again after another is removed; possibly other effects).
  - Windows sometimes did not get expose events (i.e. did not
    redraw properly) if they were uncovered by moving a window
    above them.  This has been fixed.
  - FvwmConsole now causes much less network traffic.
  - Suppress bogus events sent to the modules when a window is
    resized with the mouse.
  - Properly handle the has_ref_window_moved flag for ResizeMove and
  - Removed some unnecessary redraws in FvwmPager.
  - The option "NoDeskLimitY" option of the GotoPage command did
    not work.
  - Negative coordinates in the "rectangle" option to the Menu
    commend did not work correctly.  This has been fixed.
  - Removes a slight graphics problem whith the ResizeMaximize
    command being invoked from a window button menu.
  - When an attempt to reparent a client window (i.e. decorate
    it) fails, fvwm no longer throws away all events but only the
    events for that window.
  - The ChangeButton command of FvwmButtons used to strip
    whitespace from the beginning and end of button titles and
    image paths.  This is no longer done.
- Remove patches now upstream
- Add upstream patch
    Expose: don't flush accumulated events

Thu Mar  3 14:03:06 UTC 2016 -

- Clean up with spec-cleaner
- Remove 'system.fvwm2rc_' seems not to be used
- Fix module 'Command' see (boo#966650)

Wed Oct  8 13:43:30 UTC 2014 -

- Rename config file to not have underscore at begining

Tue Sep 30 20:11:27 UTC 2014 -

- fvwm-no-date-time.patch Do not include __DATE__ and __TIME__ 
  in binaries.
- Drop usage of xorg-x11-devel. pick only the needed packages.

Wed Jul 24 10:33:41 UTC 2013 -

- Add patch fvwm-2.6.5-eventcrash.patch which should avoid that not
  set icon names will be freed  (bnc#778347)

Thu Jul 18 11:58:36 UTC 2013 -

- Update to 2.6.5 + snpashot 2012/10/11
  - NEWS: Added FvwmForm Separators,
    fvwm-desktop-menu fixes.
  - libs/Bindings.c (AddBinding):
  - fvwm/builtins.c (FkeysymToKeycode):
  - fvwm/events.c (__handle_key):
    Add detection of XKeycodeToKeysym as deprecated, and provide a wrapper
    for it by way of fvwm_KeycodeToKeysym() to call the newer
    XkbKeycodeToKeysum() where needed.
  - libs/PictureImageLoader.c (PImageLoadSvg, PimageLoadXpm,
    Fix compilation errors.
  - fvwm/menu.c ( __scan_for_pixmap):
  - libs/PictureImageLoader.c (PImageLoadSvg, PimageLoadXpm,
    Add fvwm_msg() for hints about failed image load.
  - fvwm/events.c (HandlePropertyNotify):
    Fix XSizeHints problem with FVWM not correctly allowing resizing of
    windows when the hints are toggled with respect to FVWM processing
  - fvwm/placement.c ( __pl_position_get_pos_simple):
    When using "UnderMouse" for PositionPlacement, ensure we honor the EWMH
    working area by default if it's in use.
  - fvwm/fvwm.c (InstallSignals):
    Unblock signals when installing them.
    When signals are registered, ensure they're unblocked so as not to queue
    them up.
  - fvwm/infostore.c (get_metainfo_length):
  + fvwm/infostore.c (new_metainfo):
  + fvwm/infostore.c (insert_metainfo):
  + fvwm/style.c (style_parse_one_style_option):
    Make C90 compliant.
- Add patch fvwm-snapshot.patch for snpashot 2012/10/11
- Add patch fvwm-rsvg.patch to avoid internal rsvg-cairo.h included twice
- Add source bin/fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl as missed in 2012/10/11
- Modify patch fvwm-2.5.26-gcc-warnings.patch as fixed upstream

Sat Mar 30 18:05:26 CET 2013 -

- Add two missing build requires: librsvg-devel and libxslt-tools

Tue Feb  7 09:25:57 UTC 2012 -

- update to 2.6.4
  new features:
  - FvwmIconMan no longer allows for itself to be transient
  - New command InfoStore -- to store key/value pairs of information
    to relieve the burden of the SetEnv command.
  - Speed-up improvements for fvwm-menu-desktop when generating XDG
    menus by removing unnecessary stat(2) calls.
  - BusyCursor and CursorStyle have been set to make the cursor look
    like a dot during Read/PipeRead commands, by default.
  Bug fixes:
  - FvwmRearrange now understands the "ewmhiwa" option when placing
  - Client gravity for subwindows is honoured for reparenting
    windows, such as with XEmbed, when changing the parent's
  - Conditional command processing of !Layer n
    has now been fixed.
  - Fixed handling of swallowed windows for transient FvwmButtons'.
  - fvwm-menu-desktop now looks in /usr/share/applications for KDE
    legacy mode.
  - fvwm-config no longer accepts "--is-stable", "--is-released",

Tue Jan  3 09:21:43 UTC 2012 -

- update to 2.6.3
  dropped libpng patch
  New features over 2.5.26:
  * Support libpng 1.4 and 1.5.0's slightly newer APIs
  * New extended variable $[w.visiblename]
  * Style matching now honours the window's visible name
  * New style InitialMapCommand allows to execute any command when
    a window is mapped first.
  * New option to PrintInfo, "bindings" which prints out all of the
    Key, PointerKey, Mouse and Stroke bindings which fvwm knows about.
  * New differentiated options for SnapAttraction when snapping
    against screen edges:
  * New option to the BugOpts command
  * New BugOpts option QtDragnDropWorkaround to work around an oddity
    in handling drag-n-drop events to Qt applications.
  * New MenuStyle "UniqueHotkeyActivatesImmediate" and its negation
    "!UniqueHotkeyActivatesImmediate" to retain the menu until the
    user presses one of the menu keybindings to enact that change in
    the case where there's only one item defined in the menu at the
    specified hotkey.
  * New Style commands
  * New Resize argument to direction
  * Couple of changes to the Move command:
  * The EWMH working area is now honoured by default.
  * To move a window ignoring the working area, the option "ewmhiwa"
    can be used, similar to how the Maximize command works.
  * New expansion placeholder $[pointer.screen] to return the screen
    number the pointer is on.

Fri Dec  2 07:36:42 UTC 2011 -

- remove uncommented patch

Thu Dec  1 17:06:01 UTC 2011 -

- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency

Thu Sep  1 15:21:45 UTC 2011 -

- build with --no-copy-dt-needed-entries
  * no-copy-dt-needed-entries.patch

Fri Mar 11 20:26:21 UTC 2011 -

- use of %find_lang is a MUST

Mon Nov  8 12:57:56 UTC 2010 -

- remove support for pre-9.1

Sun Apr  4 18:55:54 CEST 2010 -

- fix build with libpng14 (replace long deprecated functions) 

Mon Dec 28 18:20:51 CET 2009 -

- Remove gnome-libs-devel, gtk-devel, gtkdoc, imlib-config,
  imlib-devel BuildRequires.
- Add xorg-x11-devel BuildRequires.
- Pass --disable-gtk to configure.
- Remove gtk subpackage: it's optional, and doesn't look that good.
- This is for fate#308601: remove gtk/gnome 1.x stack.

Tue Nov  3 19:09:16 UTC 2009 -

- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0

Tue Jun 24 16:34:14 CEST 2008 -

- update to version 2.5.26
* New features:
  - New MenuStyle option VerticalMargins.
* New module features:
  - FvwmButtons: New button alignment option: top.
* Bug fixes:
  - Fixed crash in ARGB visual detection code.
  - Fixed compilation without XRender support.
  - Fixed drawing of background pictures in menu items and titles.
  - Fixed hadling of shaped windows.
  - Fixed a 64-bit bug in the EWMH code.

Wed Feb 27 10:59:15 CET 2008 -

- update to version 2.5.25
 * New features:
  - Handle the STATE_ADD command of the EWMH _NET_WM_STATE
    message from version 1.3 of the EWMH spec.
  - Support transparency in ARGB windows
 * Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed problem with windows disappearing when created
    unless the style Unmanaged was used.
  - Edge move delay was used as resistance for the top edge.
  - Fixed a parsing problem of the screen argument of the
    SnapAttraction style.
  - Some html documentation files were not installed.
  - Fixed a memory leak in internationalized font handling.
  - Fixed a bug in MinOverlap placement.
  - Fixed the StickyAcrossPages style in the FvwmPager.
  - Fixed the determination of the X charset on UTF-8 systems.
  - Fixed a crash when certain EWMH messages were sent to
    unmanaged windows.
  - Fixed a memory leak in multibyte codepage code.
  - Ignore the EWMH staysontop and staysonbottom hints if the
    EWMHIgnoreStackingOrderHints style is used.
  - Fixed a sporadic crash when the root background set by gnome,
    fvwm-root, esetroot etc. changes and a root transparent
    colour set is used.
  - Fixed spradic crash in modules with root transparent
    background from colour sets.
  - Fixed a possible crash if the last active module fails.

Wed Jan 30 16:10:05 CET 2008 -

- adjusted system.fvwm2rc and _system.fvwm2rc files
 * checked and fixed menu entries
 * fixed missing wallpaper after restart
 * changed Control center execution for systems with < 7.0

Fri Jan 11 11:33:14 CET 2008 -

- update to version 2.5.24
 * New features:
   - Disabled paging during interactive resize operations by
     default (see 2.5.20) as it is annoying to many people.
   - New style command options:
     that replace the now obsolete commands EdgeResistance,
     SnapGrid and SnapAttraction.  The EdgeResistance command has
     a new syntax with only one argument.
   - New command MenuCloseAndExec for menu bindinngs that can be
     used to trigger certain commands from a menu without an
     associated item.  For example, with
       Key F1 MTI[]-_ A MenuCloseAndExec Menu RootMenu
     the RootMenu can be opened from any other menu by pressing
 * Bug Fixes:
   - Sometimes a window jumped by half the screen's size when
     moving with the mouse and hitting the border of the desktop.
   - Fixed the "screen w" argument of the Move and other commands.
   - Clicking on a menu title did not close the menu by default.
   - Temporary files in FvwmPerl overwrote each other.

Tue Oct 23 10:30:18 CEST 2007 -

- Removed librsvg from BuildRequires to keep the fvwm lightweight
  WM suitable for installation; keeping gnome-libs-devel which 
  affects only gtk subpackage [#335658]

Mon Oct 15 15:21:00 CEST 2007 -

- fixed wrong font for non ascii characters in titles of windows 
  especially for english locales (charset_in_title.patch) [#307361]

Tue Sep 25 16:23:14 CEST 2007 -

- excluding useless file README.vms 
- file list with %lang (macro find_lang is hard to use for fvwm)
- added gnome-libs-devel (/usr/bin/gnome-config) and librsvg into 
  BuildReq to enable more features

Tue Sep 25 14:16:47 CEST 2007 -

- update to version 2.5.23
  - obsoletes *string_compar.patch
  - fixes segfault on dual core processors [#304236]
- New Features in 2.5.23 cumulative with 2.5.22:
   - New Style command options: 
   - SVG (scalable vector graphics) image loading support.
   - New extended variables
   - Added suffix 'w' to the arguments of the Move command and
     similar.  It is now possible to add multiple shifts to a
     window position, e.g. "50-50w 50-50w" for the center of the
   - Removed UnderMousePlacement and CenterPlacement.  Use
     "PositionPlacement Center" and "PositionPlacement UnderMouse"
   - Documentation in HTML format.
   - Replaced "UseListSkip" with "UseSkipList" & "OnlyListSkip" with
     "OnlySkipList" in WindowList command. (Old options deprecated.)
   - New subject ImageCache for PrintInfo command.
   - The new commad EchoFuncDefinition prints a function's
     definition to the console for debugging purposes.
   - The CursorStyle command can now load PNG and SVG images as
     mouse cursors.  New x and y arguments to specify the
     hot spot.  Also, it is now possible to load non-monochrome
     cursors and cursors with partial transparency.
-  New module features:
   - FvwmScript: New instructions: ChangeWindowTitle and
- Bug Fixes:
   - Windows with aspect ratio no longer maximize past the screen
   - Fixed CenterPlacement with Xinerama screens.
   - Fixed CascadePlacement with title direction west and east
   - Windows no longer unstick when going to fullscreen mode.
   - Fixed crash when raising/lowering a destroyed window.
   - Fixed expansion of $[n-] and $[*], broken in 2.5.20.
   - Fixes for resizing shaded windows and windows with a gravity
     other than northwest.
   - Fixed CursorStyle POSITION, broken since 2.3.24.
   - The hi, sh and fgsh colors in colorsets are no longer replaced
     by computed values if not explicit set on the same line as the
     bg, or for fgsh fg, changes. (bug #3359)
   - FvwmButtons now redraws stretched button backgrounds correctly
     on partial expose.
   - Windows with circular transient for hints may no longer crash
     fvwm with StackTransientParent style.
   - FvwmPager now displays windows that are StickyAcrossPages
   - Fixed a possible crash with modules closing down.
   - Fixed broken demo script
   - The conditon following a comma separator without whitespace
     padding was previously ignored if the presiding condition was
   - Various FvwmButtons drawing problems.
   - Window movement or resizing triggered by an EWMH message now
     honours the FixedSize and FixedPosition window styles.
   - Properly generate leave_window and enter_window events for
     the root window in FvwmEvent.
   - Fixed crash in UTF8 code.
   - Fixed parsing of the PropertyChange command.
   - Fixed windowlist crash when combining CurrentAtEnd with
     IconifiedAtEnd and all windows are iconified.

Fri Aug 10 16:40:43 CEST 2007 -

- package size reduction (#217472)

Thu Jul 19 18:01:29 CEST 2007 -

- wiped susewmif from rc file because it's not available since 9.1 

Thu May 10 17:47:14 CEST 2007 -

- split off FvwmGtk to its own subpackage 

Wed Apr  4 21:17:21 CEST 2007 -

- Fix last change.

Wed Apr  4 16:48:44 CEST 2007 -

- fixed gcc warnings: comparing a char* pointer with a 
  string literal (string_compar.patch)

Fri Mar  9 18:40:31 CET 2007 -

- Fixed corrupted characters in sax2 test mode for some locales
  [#251639] (*utf_encoding.patch)

Wed Feb 28 14:58:04 CET 2007 -

- renamed sv_SE to sv, (sv_SE.patch) [#248751] 
- removed xorg-x11 from Requires and Buildrequires since 
  /usr/share/xsessions is part of filesystem [#229172]

Tue Feb 13 17:58:44 CET 2007 -

- adjusted fvwm2rc file, thanks to Thomas Adam [#242015] 

Tue Feb 13 17:16:11 CET 2007 -

- update to version 2.5.21 
 * New feature: The command Scroll can now be used for interactive
 * Bug Fix: Tile...Placement styles (SmartPlacement) that were
   broken in 2.5.20.

Wed Jan 24 13:42:03 CET 2007 -

- removed superfluous slashes ante macros 
- now building with icecream

Tue Jan 16 18:13:49 CET 2007 -

- fixed wrong path for icons in system.fvwm2rc [#223521] 
- changed titles to openSUSE
- created openSuSE.xpm icon for Button bar menu
- spec cleanup

Mon Jan 15 21:03:22 CET 2007 -

- update to 2.5.20
  - many bug fixes
  - fixed few memory leaks
  - some new functions and features:
    * "Mouse n M N" is no longer used to disable or remap the
      builtin tear off menu button. See the section Tear Off Menus.
    * Full support for menu context (M) key and mouse bindings.
    * New window conditions: StickyIcon, StickyAcrossPagesIcon 
      and StickyAcrossDesksIcon.
    * Hilighted menu backgrounds now use pixmaps gradients and
      transparency from their related colorset.

Fri Jan  5 18:10:37 CET 2007 -

- fixed missing background image [#223521] 

Tue Dec 19 20:00:44 CET 2006 -

- added xorg-x11 into Requires and Buildrequires and excluding
  /usr/share/xsessions directory from filelist [#229172]

Tue Dec 12 11:19:11 CET 2006 -

- update to version 2.5.19 including bugfix in FvwmWinList: problem 
  with window name/button mixups during Init/Restart of fvwm.
  * Many bugfixes:
   - fvwm no longer crashes on 1 and 4 bit displays.
   - Security fix in fvwm-menu-directory. (CVE-2006-5969) 
- which obsoletes *sec-fvwmname.patch
  * New features (from version 2.5.17): 
   - New MenuStyle options TitleFont, TitleColorset and
   - New command PressButton in module FvwmButtons for being able
     to emulate button press via other means than the mouse.
   - New wrap options to EdgeScroll command for wrapping with pixel
   - New Style option UnderMousePlacement.
   - Unused arguments to Style options generate warnings.
   - The name style names match against can be augmented by the
     X-resource "fvwmstyle".
   - New options, Reverse and UseStack, to All command.
   - WindowShade can now reshade windows using the Last direction.
   - Positional parameters to complex functions can now be expanded
     using $[n], $[n-m], $[n-] and $[*] expressions.
   - The width and height arguments of the Resize command now 
     accept the prefix 'w' to allow resizing relative to the
     current window size.
   - New command ModuleListenOnly. 
   - New "Periodic" option added to Schedule command.

Tue Nov 14 16:17:36 CET 2006 -

- fixed possible command execution (sec-fvwmname.patch) [#220708]

Tue Sep  5 14:35:24 CEST 2006 -

- distinquishing from version which config file to install
  (Source4 resp. Source5)

Mon Sep  4 17:39:49 CEST 2006 -

- omitting X11R6 in config file (which is Source4)
- specifying libs and headers

Sun Aug  6 22:18:50 CEST 2006 -

- major change in specfile instalation and file section to build 
  with Xorg 7

Mon Jul  3 17:08:19 CEST 2006 -

- Set mandir.

Tue May 30 15:03:29 CEST 2006 -

- updated to 2.5.16
  clean up in code see changelog
- patches (-64bit, -grab_pointer, -conf) are in upstream now  
- patch -ia64 is in upstream only partially

Fri Feb 17 12:19:30 CET 2006 -

- fixed menu entry #150221

Wed Jan 25 21:36:04 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Thu Oct 20 16:54:05 CEST 2005 -

- changed fvmw default theme to use diferent program to set background #106011
- fixed gcc warnings

Thu Aug 25 16:01:42 CEST 2005 -

- Remove obsolete patch.

Mon May 16 14:17:24 CEST 2005 -

- update to 2.5.12
- adapt patches

Thu Feb 10 15:04:43 CET 2005 -

- install session desktop file

Thu Jan 27 01:38:12 CET 2005 -

- add 64bit fix from lubos (#50203)

Fri May 07 15:39:24 CEST 2004 -

- added mktemp to requirements
- updated sources to 2.5.10

Thu Apr 08 10:19:27 CEST 2004 -

- fix button background (#37677)

Thu Mar 18 12:28:42 CET 2004 -

- fixed missing icons (#35551)
- fixed SUSE helpcenter command line
- reworked color scheme to match the current blueish design
- build the list of screensavers dynamically
- fixed the invocation of fvwm2 manpage
- build with -fno-strict-aliasing
- make Acroread work in fullscreen mode (#36189)

Mon Mar 15 11:29:43 CET 2004 -

- Provide/Obsolete xpmroot

Thu Mar 11 21:44:54 CET 2004 -

- SuSE -> SUSE
- use the default system wallpaper (#31644, #35687)

Tue Mar  9 17:30:49 CET 2004 -

- Don't require on xpmroot.

Thu Mar 04 15:11:20 CET 2004 -

- updated to 2.4.9

Wed Jan 28 12:09:24 CET 2004 -

- fix security problem with temp file handling (#34077)

Sat Jan 10 12:10:55 CET 2004 -

- build as user

Wed Dec 17 18:33:43 CET 2003 -

- enable building with Xft2 again (configure script had changed
  the way of detecting Xft2, therefore building with Xft2 was
  accidentally disabled again after the update).

Tue Nov 18 12:43:53 CET 2003 -

- update to latest stable version 2.5.8

Wed Sep 17 15:01:09 CEST 2003 -

- fix menu encoding (has to be UTF-8)
- fix RMB desktop menu

Mon Sep 15 11:42:34 CEST 2003 -

- adjusted default fonts and fixed some broken menu entries (#30521)

Sat Sep 13 20:10:59 CEST 2003 -

- Workaround broken module interface (it can't handle padding).

Fri Sep  5 19:55:36 CEST 2003 -

- enable Xft2 support to get better i18n support out of the box
  and to be able to finally fix Bugzilla #24765.
- change system.fvwm2rc to use only fonts via Xft2 by default
- specify "StringEncoding=UTF-8:" and ":encoding=iso10646-1"
  for all fonts (config file should be UTF-8 encoded!).
- remove my fvwm-nls-examples.tar.bz2 documentation, it is very
  obsolete now.
- add xpmroot to Requires because it is used to draw the
  background in system.fvwmrc.

Fri Sep 05 15:01:22 CEST 2003 -

- integrate common (XDG) menu, closes #29498

Tue Sep 02 11:37:44 CEST 2003 -

- created an implicit configuration to fix #29498

Wed Jul 30 13:40:58 CEST 2003 -

- Update to fvwm 2.5.7.
- Fix misalignment bug.

Tue Jul 15 09:28:12 CEST 2003 -

- updated sources to 2.4.16

Sat Mar  8 23:44:26 CET 2003 -

- add wallpaper background pixmap

Sun Feb 16 13:21:35 CET 2003 -

- do not require icon packages anymore, default config will be
  without icons due to dropped package. Let's see what breaks :/

Tue Feb  4 12:09:04 CET 2003 -

- updated to version 2.4.15 (many bug fixes)

Tue Sep  3 17:15:36 CEST 2002 -

- add fvwm-2.4.8-utf-8-font-load.patch.
  Thanks to Egbert Eich <>
  Without this patch, fvwm2 doesn't work in UTF-8 locales.
  It writes many "internal error" messages about missing fonts
  to stdout and the menus are empty because the fonts couldn't
  be loaded. I.e. without this patch fvwm2 is unusable in UTF-8

Sat Aug 17 16:27:13 CEST 2002 -

- don't duplicate README's in filelist 

Tue Jul  9 16:38:47 CEST 2002 -

- updated to version 2.4.8:
	* many bugfixes, some improvents
- removed obsolete ia64-prep patch

Tue Apr  2 13:09:32 CEST 2002 -

- fixed to compile with autoconf-2.53
	* added missing brackets into smr_SWITCH macro
	* removed redundant AC_SUBST(LIBOBJS)

Wed Mar  6 14:04:51 MET 2002 -

- Fixed permissions [Bug #14421]

Sun Feb 10 12:24:11 CET 2002 -

- new option for bz2 tar is "j" 

Tue Feb  5 17:04:07 CET 2002 -

- updated to version 2.4.5

Mon Jan 21 11:15:07 CET 2002 -

- updated to version 2.4.4

Tue Dec  4 11:07:38 CET 2001 -

- fixed too long time of deadlock when fvwm2 tries to grab mouse
  pointer but the mouse pointer is already grabbed by another
  application (#12167)

Thu Nov 29 16:52:41 CET 2001 -

- updated to version 2.4.3
	* many bug fixes
	* new commands and options

Thu Aug  9 13:48:48 CEST 2001 -

- updated to stable version 2.4.0
- fixed
	* forget cached value in readline tests

Thu Jun 14 09:00:02 CEST 2001 -

- fixed to compile with new automake

Wed May 16 15:53:39 CEST 2001 -

- fixed cast warnigs on ia64

Thu May 10 15:24:17 CEST 2001 -

- removed link:
  ln -sf system.fvwm2rc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc
  (because susewm generates right config file system.fvwm2rc now)
- /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc is right config file now

Tue Apr 24 08:31:47 CEST 2001 -

- fixed conversions int <-> poiter on ia64
- fixed preprocesor problems on ia64

Thu Apr 12 08:01:58 CEST 2001 -

- updated to version 2.3.31 

Mon Apr  9 08:38:39 CEST 2001 -

- added icons-xpm to Requires

Wed Apr  4 12:24:29 CEST 2001 -

- removed rplay again from "# neededforbuild" because a small
  fvwm2 is needed as a default windowmanager and rplay will not
  be in the default selection.

Wed Apr  4 10:37:36 CEST 2001 -

- added libstroke, libstroke-devel, and rplay to "# neededforbuild"
  (request of upstream fvwm2 authors)

Fri Mar 30 09:06:23 CEST 2001 -

- updated to version 2.3.30
- added URL
- compiled witk GTK and IMLIB
  * added gtk gtk-devel gtkdoc glib glib-devel imlib imlib-devel 
    imlib-config to neededforbuild
- fixed call of suse_update_config

Thu Mar 15 07:53:55 CET 2001 -

- fixed file list
- removed xselection, package xselect is better

Wed Mar  7 21:32:37 CET 2001 -

- repair packaging mistake, forgot to pack /usr/X11R6/share/

Wed Mar  7 13:20:48 CET 2001 -

- upgrade to fvwm2-2.3.29
- improve nls examples

Fri Feb 23 00:10:25 CET 2001 -

- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)

Sun Jan 28 05:37:53 CET 2001 -

- upgraded to "stable beta release" FVWM 2.3.28.
- added icons tarball (previously included in main tarball)
- added "--enable-multibyte" to ./configure
- added fvwm-nls-examples.tar.bz2 (explanation and examples
  for native language support, especially for Japanese)
- added symlink:
  ln -sf system.fvwm2rc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc
  (because fvwm2 now reads only /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc, but
  SuSEconfig generates /etc/X11/fvwm/.fvwm2rc)
- removed patches changing path of perl (handled by configure now)
- removed old i18n patch (already included upstream now)

Wed Dec 13 08:15:16 CET 2000 -

- fixed i18n patch [#4532]
- removed %preun

Mon Nov 20 12:53:32 CET 2000 -

- fixed neededforbuild
- requires: icons ...

Fri Oct 13 09:39:02 CEST 2000 -

- fixed i18n
- bzipped sources
- fixed configuration

Fri Aug 18 11:48:31 CEST 2000 -

- fixed to work with new pixmaps
- fixed config file

Tue Jun  6 18:44:02 CEST 2000 -

- Update to 2.2.4
- Move sysconfdir to /etc/X11/fvwm2

Mon Jun  5 01:08:33 CEST 2000 -

- doc relocation

Mon Dec 13 23:02:15 CET 1999 -

- use /usr/X11R6/bin instead of /usr/bin/X11
- use /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 instead of /usr/lib/X11 

Mon Sep 20 16:45:48 CEST 1999 -

- added Provides windowmanager

Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 -

- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.

Sat Jul 17 17:21:06 MEST 1999 -

- created package version 2.2.2 (based on and conflicting with fvwm-2.0)

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