File retext-add-appdata-description.patch of Package retext
Index: data/me.mitya57.ReText.appdata.xml
--- data/me.mitya57.ReText.appdata.xml.orig
+++ data/me.mitya57.ReText.appdata.xml
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
<summary xml:lang="zh_TW">簡單高效的 Markdown 與 reStructuredText 編輯器</summary>
<url type="homepage"></url>
+ <description>
+ <p>ReText is a text editor for plain text markup languages, such as Markdown and reStructuredText.</p>
+ <p>It supports tabs, live text preview, synchronized scrolling (for Markdown) and syntax highlighting.</p>
+ <p>ReText can export to HTML, ODT and PDF formats. It is also possible to write custom export extensions.</p>
+ </description>