File conf.sysconfig.ptpd of Package ptpd

## Path:           Network/PTPD
## Description:    Precision Time Protocol (PTP) daemon options
## Type:           string
## Default:        AUTO-2
## ServiceRestart: ptpd
## Type:           string
## Default:        ""
# Additional arguments when starting ptpd. The most important ones would be
# -x                do not reset the clock if off by more than one second
# -t                do not adjust the system clock
# -g                run as slave only
# -p                make this a preferred clock
# -b NAME           bind PTP to network interface NAME
# -n NAME           specify PTP subdomain name (not related to IP or DNS)
# -a NUMBER,NUMBER  specify clock servo P and I attenuations
# -w NUMBER         specify one way delay filter stiffness
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