File of Package ant-contrib

 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import junit.framework.TestCase;

 * A BuildFileTest is a TestCase which executes targets from an Ant buildfile
 * for testing.
 * This class provides a number of utility methods for particular build file
 * tests which extend this class.
public abstract class BuildFileTest extends TestCase {

    protected Project project;

    private StringBuffer logBuffer;
    private StringBuffer fullLogBuffer;
    private StringBuffer outBuffer;
    private StringBuffer errBuffer;
    private BuildException buildException;

     * Default constructor for the BuildFileTest object.
    public BuildFileTest() {

     * Constructor for the BuildFileTest object.
     * @param  name string to pass up to TestCase constructor
    public BuildFileTest(String name) {

     * Automatically calls the target called "tearDown"
     * from the build file tested if it exits.
     * This allows to use Ant tasks directly in the build file
     * to clean up after each test. Note that no "setUp" target
     * is automatically called, since it's trivial to have a
     * test target depend on it.
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        final String tearDown = "tearDown";
        if (project.getTargets().containsKey(tearDown)) {

     * run a target, expect for any build exception
     * @param  target target to run
     * @param  cause  information string to reader of report
    public  void expectBuildException(String target, String cause) {
        expectSpecificBuildException(target, cause, null);

     * Assert that only the given message has been logged with a
     * priority <= INFO when running the given target.
    public void expectLog(String target, String log) {
        String realLog = getLog();
        assertEquals(log, realLog);

     * Assert that the given substring is in the log messages.
    public void assertLogContaining(String substring) {
        String realLog = getLog();
        assertTrue("expecting log to contain \"" + substring + "\" log was \""
                   + realLog + "\"",
                   realLog.indexOf(substring) >= 0);

     * Assert that the given substring is in the output messages.
     * @since Ant1.7
    public void assertOutputContaining(String substring) {
        String realOutput = getOutput();
        assertTrue("expecting output to contain \"" + substring
                   + "\" output was \"" + realOutput + "\"",
                   realOutput.indexOf(substring) >= 0);

     * Assert that the given message has been logged with a priority
     * <= INFO when running the given target.
    public void expectLogContaining(String target, String log) {

     * Gets the log the BuildFileTest object.
     * Only valid if configureProject() has been called.
     * @pre logBuffer!=null
     * @return    The log value
    public  String getLog() {
        return logBuffer.toString();

     * Assert that the given message has been logged with a priority
     * >= VERBOSE when running the given target.
    public void expectDebuglog(String target, String log) {
        String realLog = getFullLog();
        assertEquals(log, realLog);

     * Assert that the given substring is in the log messages.
    public void assertDebuglogContaining(String substring) {
        String realLog = getFullLog();
        assertTrue("expecting debug log to contain \"" + substring 
                   + "\" log was \""
                   + realLog + "\"",
                   realLog.indexOf(substring) >= 0);

     * Gets the log the BuildFileTest object.
     * Only valid if configureProject() has been called.
     * @pre fullLogBuffer!=null
     * @return    The log value
    public String getFullLog() {
        return fullLogBuffer.toString();

     * execute the target, verify output matches expectations
     * @param  target  target to execute
     * @param  output  output to look for
    public void expectOutput(String target, String output) {
        String realOutput = getOutput();
        assertEquals(output, realOutput.trim());

     * Executes the target, verify output matches expectations
     * and that we got the named error at the end
     * @param  target  target to execute
     * @param  output  output to look for
     * @param  error   Description of Parameter
    public void expectOutputAndError(String target, String output, String error) {
        String realOutput = getOutput();
        assertEquals(output, realOutput);
        String realError = getError();
        assertEquals(error, realError);

    public String getOutput() {
        return cleanBuffer(outBuffer);

    public String getError() {
        return cleanBuffer(errBuffer);

    public BuildException getBuildException() {
        return buildException;

    private String cleanBuffer(StringBuffer buffer) {
        StringBuffer cleanedBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        boolean cr = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) {
            char ch = buffer.charAt(i);
            if (ch == '\r') {
                cr = true;

            if (!cr) {
            } else {
        return cleanedBuffer.toString();

     * Sets up to run the named project
     * @param  filename name of project file to run
    public void configureProject(String filename) throws BuildException {
        configureProject(filename, Project.MSG_DEBUG);

     * Sets up to run the named project
     * @param  filename name of project file to run
    public void configureProject(String filename, int logLevel)
        throws BuildException {
        logBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        fullLogBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        project = new Project();
        File antFile = new File(System.getProperty("root"), filename);
        project.setUserProperty("ant.file" , antFile.getAbsolutePath());
        project.addBuildListener(new AntTestListener(logLevel));
        ProjectHelper.configureProject(project, antFile);

     * Executes a target we have set up
     * @pre configureProject has been called
     * @param  targetName  target to run
    public void executeTarget(String targetName) {
        PrintStream sysOut = System.out;
        PrintStream sysErr = System.err;
        try {
            outBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new AntOutputStream(outBuffer));
            errBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            PrintStream err = new PrintStream(new AntOutputStream(errBuffer));
            logBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            fullLogBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            buildException = null;
        } finally {


     * Get the project which has been configured for a test.
     * @return the Project instance for this test.
    public Project getProject() {
        return project;

     * Gets the directory of the project.
     * @return the base dir of the project
    public File getProjectDir() {
        return project.getBaseDir();

     * Runs a target, wait for a build exception.
     * @param  target target to run
     * @param  cause  information string to reader of report
     * @param  msg    the message value of the build exception we are waiting
     *         for set to null for any build exception to be valid
    public void expectSpecificBuildException(String target, String cause, String msg) {
        try {
        } catch ( ex) {
            buildException = ex;
            if ((null != msg) && (!ex.getMessage().equals(msg))) {
                fail("Should throw BuildException because '" + cause
                        + "' with message '" + msg
                        + "' (actual message '" + ex.getMessage() + "' instead)");
        fail("Should throw BuildException because: " + cause);

     * run a target, expect an exception string
     * containing the substring we look for (case sensitive match)
     * @param  target target to run
     * @param  cause  information string to reader of report
     * @param  contains  substring of the build exception to look for
    public void expectBuildExceptionContaining(String target, String cause, String contains) {
        try {
        } catch ( ex) {
            buildException = ex;
            if ((null != contains) && (ex.getMessage().indexOf(contains) == -1)) {
                fail("Should throw BuildException because '" + cause + "' with message containing '" + contains + "' (actual message '" + ex.getMessage() + "' instead)");
        fail("Should throw BuildException because: " + cause);

     * call a target, verify property is as expected
     * @param target build file target
     * @param property property name
     * @param value expected value
    public void expectPropertySet(String target, String property, String value) {
        assertPropertyEquals(property, value);

     * assert that a property equals a value; comparison is case sensitive.
     * @param property property name
     * @param value expected value
    public void assertPropertyEquals(String property, String value) {
        String result = project.getProperty(property);
        assertEquals("property " + property,value,result);

     * assert that a property equals "true".
     * @param property property name
    public  void assertPropertySet(String property) {
        assertPropertyEquals(property, "true");

     * assert that a property is null.
     * @param property property name
    public  void assertPropertyUnset(String property) {
        assertPropertyEquals(property, null);

     * call a target, verify named property is "true".
     * @param target build file target
     * @param property property name
    public  void expectPropertySet(String target, String property) {
        expectPropertySet(target, property, "true");

     * Call a target, verify property is null.
     * @param target build file target
     * @param property property name
    public  void expectPropertyUnset(String target, String property) {
        expectPropertySet(target, property, null);

     * Retrieve a resource from the caller classloader to avoid
     * assuming a vm working directory. The resource path must be
     * relative to the package name or absolute from the root path.
     * @param resource the resource to retrieve its url.
     * @throws junit.framework.AssertionFailedError if the resource is not found.
    public  URL getResource(String resource){
        URL url = getClass().getResource(resource);
        assertNotNull("Could not find resource :" + resource, url);
        return url;

     * an output stream which saves stuff to our buffer.
    private static class AntOutputStream extends {
        private StringBuffer buffer;

        public AntOutputStream( StringBuffer buffer ) {
            this.buffer = buffer;

        public void write(int b) {

     * Our own personal build listener.
    private class AntTestListener implements BuildListener {
        private int logLevel;

         * Constructs a test listener which will ignore log events
         * above the given level.
        public AntTestListener(int logLevel) {
            this.logLevel = logLevel;

         * Fired before any targets are started.
        public void buildStarted(BuildEvent event) {

         * Fired after the last target has finished. This event
         * will still be thrown if an error occurred during the build.
         * @see BuildEvent#getException()
        public void buildFinished(BuildEvent event) {

         * Fired when a target is started.
         * @see BuildEvent#getTarget()
        public void targetStarted(BuildEvent event) {
            //System.out.println("targetStarted " + event.getTarget().getName());

         * Fired when a target has finished. This event will
         * still be thrown if an error occurred during the build.
         * @see BuildEvent#getException()
        public void targetFinished(BuildEvent event) {
            //System.out.println("targetFinished " + event.getTarget().getName());

         * Fired when a task is started.
         * @see BuildEvent#getTask()
        public void taskStarted(BuildEvent event) {
            //System.out.println("taskStarted " + event.getTask().getTaskName());

         * Fired when a task has finished. This event will still
         * be throw if an error occurred during the build.
         * @see BuildEvent#getException()
        public void taskFinished(BuildEvent event) {
            //System.out.println("taskFinished " + event.getTask().getTaskName());

         * Fired whenever a message is logged.
         * @see BuildEvent#getMessage()
         * @see BuildEvent#getPriority()
        public void messageLogged(BuildEvent event) {
            if (event.getPriority() > logLevel) {
                // ignore event

            if (event.getPriority() == Project.MSG_INFO ||
                event.getPriority() == Project.MSG_WARN ||
                event.getPriority() == Project.MSG_ERR) {

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