File CVE-2011-2725.patch of Package kdeutils4

--- a/ark/part/part.cpp.orig	2012-03-12 00:05:06.635813071 +0100
+++ b/ark/part/part.cpp	2012-03-12 01:59:23.088136607 +0100
@@ -476,6 +476,11 @@
         const ArchiveEntry& entry =  m_model->entryForIndex(m_view->selectionModel()->currentIndex());
         QString name = entry[ FileName ].toString().split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts).last();
         QString fullName = m_previewDir->name() + '/' + name;
+        // Make sure a maliciously crafted archive with parent folders named ".." do
+        // not cause the previewed file path to be located outside the temporary
+        // directory, resulting in a directory traversal issue.
+        fullName.remove(QLatin1String("../"));
         ArkViewer::view(fullName, widget());
     } else {
         KMessageBox::error(widget(), job->errorString());
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