File sysklogd-1.4.1-forw.patch of Package syslogd

--- sysklogd.8
+++ sysklogd.8	Wed May 23 18:59:26 2001
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 .RB [ " \-s "
 .I domainlist
+.RB [ " \-t " ]
 .RB [ " \-v " ]
@@ -149,6 +150,11 @@
 is specified and the host logging resolves to
 no domain would be cut, you will have to specify two domains like:
 .BR "\-s" .
+.B "\-t"
+Tag forwarded messages with the sending hosts name as seen by the forwarder.
+Useful for relaying syslog from DMZs through the firwall to an internal
 .B "\-v"
 Print version and exit.
--- syslogd.c
+++ syslogd.c	Wed May 23 19:01:21 2001
@@ -417,6 +417,13 @@
  *	file is defined in the used libc and should not be hardcoded
  *	into the syslogd binary referring the system it was compiled on.
+ * Mon Oct 18 19:23:00 CEST 1999: Andreas Siegert <>
+ *	Added -t flag that triggers tagging of forwarded messages with 
+ *	the sending hosts name as seen by the forwarder.
+ *	Useful for relaying syslog from DMZs through the firwall to an 
+ *	internal loghost.
+ *	Format is "<""hostname"
+ *
  * Sun Sep 17 20:45:33 CEST 2000: Martin Schulze <>
  *	Fixed some bugs in printline() code that did not escape
  *	control characters '\177' through '\237' and contained a
@@ -731,6 +738,7 @@
 int	MarkSeq = 0;		/* mark sequence number */
 int	NoFork = 0; 		/* don't fork - don't run in daemon mode */
 int	AcceptRemote = 0;	/* receive messages that come via UDP */
+int	TagForward = 0;	        /* afx: tag remote messages with the hostname they came from */
 char	**StripDomains = NULL;	/* these domains may be stripped before writing logs */
 char	**LocalHosts = NULL;	/* these hosts are logged with their hostname */
 int	NoHops = 1;		/* Can we bounce syslog messages through an
@@ -829,7 +837,7 @@
 		funix[i]  = -1;
-	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "a:dhf:l:m:np:rs:v")) != EOF)
+	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "a:dhf:l:m:np:rs:tv")) != EOF)
 		switch((char)ch) {
 		case 'a':
 			if (nfunix < MAXFUNIX)
@@ -874,6 +882,10 @@
 			StripDomains = crunch_list(optarg);
+/* afx  add -t for hostname tagging */
+		case 't':
+			TagForward = 1;
+			break;
 		case 'v':
 			printf("syslogd %s.%s\n", VERSION, PATCHLEVEL);
 			exit (0);
@@ -1771,8 +1783,19 @@
 			dprintf("Not sending message to remote.\n");
 		else {
 			f->f_time = now;
-			(void) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "<%d>%s\n", f->f_prevpri, \
-				(char *) iov[4].iov_base);
+/* afx: add <sourcehost 
+ */
+			if ((TagForward == 1) && 
+			    strncmp(f->f_prevhost,LocalHostName,MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1)) {
+				(void) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "<%d><%s: %s\n", 
+						f->f_prevpri, f->f_prevhost, 
+						(char *) iov[4].iov_base);
+			} else {
+				(void) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "<%d>%s\n",
+						f->f_prevpri, 
+						(char *) iov[4].iov_base);
+			}
+/* end afx */			
 			l = strlen(line);
 			if (l > MAXLINE)
 				l = MAXLINE;
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