File suse-bitmaps.conf.template of Package fonts-config

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

<!-- Generated by SuSEconfig.fonts, don't edit, your changes will get lost. -->
<!-- Edit /etc/sysconfig/fonts-config instead.                              -->
<!-- Or put rules into your personal config file ~/.fonts.conf.             -->

<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Bitmap related stuff                                         -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->


 As rendering of outlines is often not perfect at small sizes, some
 TrueType or OpenType fonts contain "embedded" bitmaps for small sizes.
 This is very common in CJK fonts.

    (By the way, apparently there are some western fonts which have
    embedded bitmaps as well. Recently I found that "Courier New"
    also has embedded bitmaps. But, for reasons unknown to me,
    the embedded bitmaps in "Courier New" are not used, even when
    embedded bitmaps are unconditionally enabled for all fonts.
    On top of that, the embedded bitmaps in "Courier New" appear
    to be of far lower quality than the results achieved when rendering
    "Courier New" with the byte code interpreter enabled and the
    antialiasing turned off. I.e. the existance of these low quality
    embedded bitmaps in "Courier New" is quite mysterious).

 Using embedded bitmaps usually gives clearly readable results as the bitmaps
 are handtuned for good readability and do not suffer from imperfections
 of the rendering algorithms.

 On the other hand, anti-aliasing is only possible when the outlines
 are used.

 Often, using the outlines with anti-aliasing looks more "beautiful".
 But using the embedded bitmaps is often better readable.
 It is a matter of taste, decide by yourself which style you prefer.

 To use embedded bitmaps in TrueType fonts always when available
 put the following rule in your personal ~/.fonts.conf file:

        <match target="font">
                <edit name="embeddedbitmap">

 To avoid using the embedded bitmaps and always use the outlines,
 put the following rule in your personal ~/.fonts.conf file:

        <match target="font">
                <edit name="embeddedbitmap">

  It is also possible to enable embedded bitmaps only for fonts
  which support certain languages. For example, if you want to
  enable embedded bitmaps only for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean
  fonts, put the following rule in your personal ~/.fonts.conf file:

        <match target="font">
                <edit name="embeddedbitmap">
        <match target="font">
                <test name="lang" compare="contains">
                <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign">



    The IPA fonts have bitmaps only in 12, 14, and 16 pixels.
    That is rather useless, it is not nice to see a bitmaps at 12
    pixels, antialiased glyphs at 13 pixels and bitmaps at 14
    pixels again.
       <match target="font">
               <test name="family">
               <edit name="autohint">
               <edit name="embeddedbitmap">

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