File ifolder3.changes of Package ifolder3

Mon Oct  4 04:16:16 UTC 2010 -

- bnc#642817 : Removed libeel dependency from ifolder3 builds completely. 
  Added ifolder3-libeel.patch. 

Tue Sep 21 12:32:54 UTC 2010 -

- bnc#419106 : Support for multibyte user names.
  Bumped version of client to
- bnc#559623, bnc#558332 : Changes are done to fix Linux, Mac and Windows 64 bit
  upgrade issue.

Tue Jul 27 12:29:59 CEST 2010 -

- drop glitz-devel from buildrequires (glitz backend was dropped
  from cairo two years ago)

Fri Apr  2 16:11:19 UTC 2010 -

- Add ifolder3-devel package.

Fri Apr  2 15:38:37 UTC 2010 -

- Use find_lang macro in spec file.

Fri Apr  2 15:27:16 UTC 2010 -

- Update to and merge changelogs.

Mon Mar 29 11:39:48 CEST 2010 -

- drop gdk-pixbuf from BuildRequires (unused) 

Tue Feb 23 00:24:33 CET 2010 -

- remove leftover libstcd++-32bit from buildrequires 

Mon Feb 22 15:12:37 CET 2010 -

- re-add fixes from may2009 and before
- properly call ldconfig in post and postun scripts

Mon Dec 28 00:03:49 MST 2009 -

- Changes are done to fix Linux upgrade issue.
- When a file is deleted on client machine, its not being deleted on
  server as well as on client. When user deletes it on client, the issue
  is that for first sync, initially server files are verified with
  client and so no entry in client which makes the server to download,
  then  client files are processed to server which deletes on server.
  Now for second sync, this file is uploaded back to server which
  creates illusion that file is not deleted. Fix is that when ever a
  file is being downloaded from server, it checks in work array delete
  nodes whether same node is there or not. if there, it won't download,
  else downloads.
Mon Nov 16 09:51:57 UTC 2009 -

- Require simias-devel for building on openSUSE 11.3.

Mon Nov 16 09:26:58 UTC 2009 -

- Regenerate patches so that they apply with patch --fuzz=0.

Mon Oct 26 06:49:55 MDT 2009 -

- Added ifolder_client_crash.patch to fix Bug bnc#549454.

Wed Oct 21 19:11:53 UTC 2009 -

- Do not package .la files.
- Add ifolder-Makefile.patch to compile ifolder.c and iFolderClientLib.c
- Add ifolder-gtk-sharp.patch to fix setting of gtk-sharp variables.

Wed Oct 21 16:47:10 UTC 2009 -

- Use fdupes.

Wed Oct 21 16:26:50 UTC 2009 -

- Fix file list to only list files once.

Wed Oct 21 14:21:06 UTC 2009 -

- Fix permissions of include and pkgconfig files.
Wed Sep 23 22:30:59 MDT 2009 -

- Account gets removed while any exception in Check for Update. 
  This issue resolved by catching the exception and logging the message. 
- Name conflict resolution feature exists only for linux
  and windows. So the fix is applicable only for these platforms.. Fix:
  When name conflict occurs, only the local file is displayed in the GUI
  for renaming(Since server side file renaming is not implemented for
  any of the platforms). The user simply has to select the local file
  name displayed in the GUI, give a diff name and click rename. Thats
  it. users job is done.

Wed Sep 16 23:05:59 MDT 2009 -

- Implements server names filter option from the list of users in
  sharing dialog.
- client install script is updated in such a way that the error 
  messages sent to log are also printed on the current shell.
- Rename "pt" to "pt-BR" for both help files and l10n DLLs

Wed Sep  9 21:33:46 MDT 2009 -

- Changes are done to disable revert option when selected ifolder is
- Server down exception handled.
- Default account now appears selected in security menu options window.
  Default account now at the top of the list. Added object for Simias
  web service.

Tue Sep  8 05:53:37 MDT 2009 -

- Changes are done to handle client upgrade issue
- Changes are done to handle space between file name.
- Version bumped to 3.8.0.
- Preventing the user from accessing preferences menu
  which contains account creation dialog when simias is loading.
Mon Aug 24 23:46:42 MDT 2009 -

- Checked in localized files after adding missing items in "iFolder
  preferences" dialog on "General" tab
- Checked in localized files after adding missing items in menu
- Changes are done to verify the server and client version and prompt
  for upgrade.
- Changes are done to enable/disable revert menu option and share button
  based on ifolder condition.
- Encrypted iFolders will not sync files if there is only change in the
  timestamp. Touching will not cause a upload. Merging conflict will not
  be seen if the files are uploaded from a web access and synced back to
  the same folder using thick client.

Thu Aug 20 00:54:23 MDT 2009 -

- Changes are done to enable conflict resolution button when
  ifolder with conflict has been selected.
- Changes are done to enable ifolder open/download functionality on
  double click.
- Changes made to handle encryption = no case
- changes are done to restrict synchronization of encrypted ifolder, if
  passphrase is not provided.

Wed Aug 12 23:18:11 MDT 2009 -

- Updated localized po and resx files.
- Linux client will be able to comeup when all files except .local.if
  files are deleted from datapath.
- Fix for ArgumentNullException when server is not reached because of
- The fix provided: Click delete for shared ifolders on server(not on
  local box); an alert panel comes up saying membership would be
- Updated localized files.
- Some strings were wrongly pulled from localized files, issue is fixed.
- Fixed: Right click options for few ifolder were not working, when
  multiple domains are added and few of them are in disconnected state.
- Solved the problem by checking whether domain is authenticated or not
  before prompting for password.

Thu Aug  6 01:45:46 MDT 2009 -

- Updated localized files.  
- Width of labels and Button in Add Account dialog were increased.  
- Fixed 75 warnings in iFolder Linux Client Application  and UI code.
- Updated the version of iFolder to 3.7 and later in help files
- Updated localized client help files under UI directory.

Mon Aug  3 01:49:16 MDT 2009 -

- Checking whether or not the iFolder is disabled before starting with
  the iFolder sync. Checking for the iFolder disabled state before
  uploading data to an iFolder.
- New strings are removed, instead existing Localized strings are used.  
- To prevent the widget to overlap. Changes are done to apply minimum
  size to ifolder main window.
- iFolder creation is not supported on CDRom drive on Linux.
- Remember the Passphrase is pulled in correctly in to UI. Works well in
  all languages.
- Changes made to display email address of CA in key recovery wizard.
  Changes also made to display default RA as first in drop down menus.
- Changes are done in label, functionality to make Linux client
  consistent with windows client.
- Untranslated strings in Set new passphrase dialog Strings were being
  pulled in wrongly . Issue has been fixed.
- iFolder newly started process failed to get access to FLAIM database
  as previous instance of simias still holds the resource issue is
- Changes are done to verify Domain Authneticated status before
  prompting LoginWindow.
- Added string, prompting user about error occurred and to exit client.
- Next button always is enabled on first page. When user clicks the next
  button, different messages are displayed to enhance usabilty.
- When ifolder is shared from client, now default rights will be "Read
  Only". It is made compatible in all clients and web access.
- Error in /root was hard coded, it is replaced
  with $HOME.
- Added "_Location" and "_Account" strings to en.po for localization.
- Added hot keys to buttons of ifoldermsg dialog in linux.
- String was wrongly being pulled from mo files . Issue has been
  resolved . A new string has been added to en.po for l10n.
- Revert to Normal folder checks for domain connection and then
  enables/diables remove from server checkbox.
- Handled all exceptions and display appropriate messages for key
  recovery utility .
- Untranslated strings in Change Passphraze dialog
- untranslated strings in Select account dialog
- Save as... string was not localized . This string has been added to
- Updated localized help files.
- untranslated strings in ifolder client
- untranslated message in Congratulations dialog.
- untranslated strings in Default ifolder screen . Strings
  were being imported in correctly. Location: string has been added to
  en.po for localization .
- Strings were being picked up wrongly from linux client . This issue
  has been resolved . _Download default ifolder string has been added to
- changes made to key recovery wizard to update login status once wrong
  credentilas are entered. Same done for reset password for successful
  change of password.
- Changes are done to show file status (upload,download,delete) and
  progress bar at same time.
- Changes done to maintain compatiblity between Linux and Windows client
  with respect to Disabled iFolder state ("Wait Sync").
- Changes are done to hide Tool tip for selected iFolder as soon as
  mouse moves out.

Wed Jul 22 07:30:10 MDT 2009 -

- Prompt for login while trying to create an encrypted iFolder in
  offline mode.
- Changed the enhanced conflict resolution window to render properly on
- Fix for handling the exception while trying to resolve a name
- Windows and Linux client take the changed sync values from server.
- changes are done to update Client Synchronization Log with,
  information of iFolder whose Synchronization is Disabled.
- Clinet Key Recovery wizard will all browse/selection of non .p12
- Error message when trying to connect to nonifolder server does not
  have exception show issue is fixed.
- GTK package will be checked only if --with-clientplugins is passed to
  autogen during build.
- Changes are done to set proper (5 min) Reschedule time, while syncing
  disabled ifolder. Hence, Log will not be filled with Sync Disabled
- Added additional files in the UI folder of all non-english help files.
- Changes are done to fix exception, new ifolder is created and is
  syncing and at the same time, ifolder view is being changed between
  listview and thumbnail view.
- Changes are done to fix exception, new ifolder is created and is
  syncing and at the same time, ifolder view is being changed between
  listview and thumbnail view.

Thu Jul 16 02:07:04 MDT 2009 -

- Localized strings added.
- This issue has been fixed. Both Nautilus and linux client po files
  were updated.
- Changes are done to handle random exception, while making web call to
  get List of All ifolder, when domain is in disconnected state. Fixed
  for Linux Client.
- Delete button show correct image and text for both Delete and Remove
  my membership as per the state of selected folder.
- Changed all the dialogs of the security menu to display only logged in
  doamins in drop down box.Changes made to 1.Export 2.Import 3.Change
  password 4.Reset passphrase 5.Forgot passphrase.

Wed Jul  8 11:25:46 MDT 2009 -

- Changes made in forgot passphrase dialog to store passphrase locally
  in server_default case.

Wed Jul  1 09:41:03 MDT 2009 -

- Repackaged with correct shell script.
- Exception thrown when account removed.
- When user dont provide PP while login, encrypted ifolder status is
  updated as "Passphrase not provided". Also a message to sync log is
- the code which was trying to set the disk quota policy as 0 after
  sharing is now removed because thick client user does not have right
  to set disk quota policy. fixed on all clients.

Thu Jun 25 00:51:12 MDT 2009 -

- Added server_default RA to list and made code changes to cater to
- UI update happens on every start or stop sync. This fix has been done
  on both windows and Linux Clients.

Thu Jun 18 00:30:35 MDT 2009 -

- Linux client is crashing in list view of ifolders Refresh has been
  called using Glib Idle hence refresh does not crash and kill X.
- Fixed linux client hangs after a while issue.

Thu Jun 11 00:32:25 MDT 2009 -

- UT bug fixes for Usability Enhancements. Updated the resources files.
  Updated the images. Added new images.
- Changes are done to update server informaiton 
- Linux Client : In List view small icons are used.
- changes are done to add option in Prefrence dialog to hide SyncLog and
  Policy Voilation notification.
- Default view in Linux Client is made to list view
- Changed background color for key recovery wizard on linux
- Enabling and disabling of buttons,adding host ip to domain name, more
  message boxes added to key recovery wizard, changes to reset
  passphrase and change password dialog to add host name,better
  navigation among pages of wizard.
- Added message boxes for key recovery wizard, made usability changes,
  removed warnings, added host url for reset passphrase and change
  password, linked to some missing resources for wizard.
- Changed the if condition of saving the exported file on m/c
  -exportifoldercryptokeys -Member.cs.
- Built all the client help files after an updation to one of the
  additional .js file.
- Added help file link to key recovery wizard on linux password and
  reset pasphrase dialog - linux client.
- Added some more messages to the wizard as pop ups for better
  usability. In both windows and linux client.
- Changed the following strings of the security menu 1.Key recovery to 
  forgot passpharse 2.reset to change passphrase

Thu Jun  4 08:39:18 MDT 2009 -

- In list view for domain login event UI is updated. Icon is changed on
  Connect Button.change on connect button .Client should logout from
  current domain after successful password change.
- Usability enhancements, this is done as per HF recommendation and the
  feedback that we got from various iFolder users across all sections.
  New files were incorporated to take care of client help file display
  problem. changes are done to resize ViewChanger combobox.
- Added keyrecovery wizard for linux client, made changes in enter
  passphrase and reset passphrase dialog, changes to po files. Made
  changes to textbox sensitivity. Sensitivity changes, error handling.
- Made changes related to ifolder session expiration after successfull
  password change.Changes to show the help link for the change password
- client help files were updated to incorporate content related to
  passphrase recovery wizard.

Tue Jun  2 00:19:01 MDT 2009 -

- #507245 : Updated with GPL v2 license text file
- #507461 : Cleaned up Windows & Mac sources from tarball.
- Added patch to build only linux client.

Mon May 25 17:40:42 CEST 2009 -

- Make it build on every platform by compiling the helper
  tools. (may 2006)
- fix lib64 hacks in

Fri May 22 05:57:21 MDT 2009 -

- Cleaning up post and preun section. 

Thu May 21 10:10:13 MDT 2009 -

- Added ldconfig for %post. 

Wed May 20 07:21:22 MDT 2009 -

- Changes are done to remove the delay in moving ifolder from server space
  to local ifolder space. while performing Download and Merge
- #491452 : Fix the sequence of the InstallUtil_Simias custom action so
  that Simias.exe gets installed correctly. Autorestart of ifolder now
  works correctly.
- changes are done to handle Linux UI hang issue
- Allow the package name to be overridden through env variable
- Use the current working directory as the source directory
- Handle situation where a package is checked out with a different name
- Checking the client help file. 
- Changes are done to handle client hang issue. 
- Adding check not to display/log .DS_Store/Thumbs.db policy restriction
- During client startup, some time GetProcessByName throws Exception. This
  has been handled.
- Added spec file for ifolder to build on Build Service. on 11.0 and 11.1
- Updated spec files to work with autobuild . Removed etcdi dependency
- Added lof messages during null check
- Reset password update
- Incorrect license due to copy error - apologizes
- Owner check during upgrade - server is old error
- Some null checks
- Updated to work with SLED 11 with mono 2.x 
- Proper error messages
- Changes are done to provide option for user to Hide ifolder main window
  while start up.
- Fixed the download path for Auto Account creation. Made the feature
  consistent by providing option to user to merge if download is selected
  and folder already exists
- Hide main window functionality implemented
- HF recommendations implemented in Linux
- Changes are done to handle random Exception while performing
  operation Revert ifolder with delete from server
- Changes for change password feature 
- Merge wsdl command in ifolder code to work with all linux platform
- Chagnes are done to handle Exception while adding account
- Updated for latest libtool
- Checking in updated project files to enable 64bit compilation
- Namespace change for RevertiFolder to iFolderCom
- Revert iFolder changes
- The client on initial startup, just initializes the GUI and sits in the
  trayicon. The backend simias starts either on a timer event, or on user
  action upon the iFolder tray icon.
- Changes are done to make compatiblity for OpenSuse
- Patch from Mathew O'Gorman <>
- Patch to make client work in Debian :-)
- Trunk code update from 3.6 to 3.7.2
  Major features:
	- iFolder Merge
	- Improved file conflict management
- #287119: Key recovery corrupting the iFolder data. UTF8 was used
  instead of Base64, causing this issue
- #295009: When user is having account on different iFolders and logged
  into any one of them, it shows headings of unlogged iFolders like
  “ifolders on .....” issue is fixed.
- #277714: Changes to script file for client upgrade.
- #301346: Usability fixes such as displaying email-id and raagent name
  in the export key dialog box , modifying credits and removing size
  from tooltip.
- #295009: All issues found in the iFolder usability testing issues are
- #296464: Fix for validating the passphrase properly at the time of
  account creation. Changes to resetpassphrase Dialog.
- #285797: Fix to create the non-existing path when the Default iFolder
  is created during initial connection.
- Updated certificate in Mac and Linux UI source code.
- #296310: Added warning when no recovery agent is selected during
  setting of passphrase.
- #290977, 285797, 297718, 296386: Changes to strings for localization.
- #295002, 295005: Fix for unlocalized strings in "General" tab of
  iFolder Properties dialog
- #297300: Administrator was not able to log in until any user logs in
  to through thick client. Issue is fixed.
- #294387: Linux client fixes emerging after code review. must fix
  category of linux client is fixed now.
- #255244: Modified the GUI with Image
- #296016: Read write membership deletes the ifolder. This issue found
  only in linux client. If a user(user1) create a ifolder and share
  with another user(user2) with read/write access, then the user2 is able
  to delete the ifolder. this has been fixed
- #294996: Repositioned the security options to allow foreign characters
- #294998: Changed the hotkey for "Add" as it is clashing with another
- #287459: Changed the Certificate Dialog box size so that it does not
  exceed the size of the parent window from which it is displayed.
- #200489: Default parent folder is changed from ~/Desktop to Users Home
- #293747, 256595: Fix for remove membership and delete iFolder in
  multi-server environment.
- #289989: Rename property was originally added for files Now addes for
  files under a directory also, this solves the file corruption when dir
  is renamed.
- #294387: Changes based on review comments. Localized strings.
- #288125: RA PublicKey is checked for null and as well as empty string
  solves this problem
- #291265: Fix for using internal identity store.
- #290323: linux client where not selecting passphrase was resulting in
  improper UI
- #280399: Multiple file synchronization fails in client - if the number
  of files are in the order of 100000.
- #289676: sharable icons are put for linux thick client
- #275031: "3.2 Server Upgrade:Shared iFolders, Remove Membership throws
  exception" issue is fixed.
- #287410: domain force synced while passphase set/reset Compilations
  warnings removed
- #287799: Changes to strings for localization. Changes to provide
  notification message after importing the keys.
- #288727: Accept RAName during reset passphrase Changes to some
  strings. Missing strings added to en.po file.
- #288727, 284683: Fix for removing domain from the thick clients. Fix
  for addressing the exception while connecting to a server,even though
  the domain is created.
- #290718: Problem 1: Sync doesnot work after the import key operation.
  It says the ket doesnot match Description: Encryption key hash is re
  assigned with the hash of original key, which was not required causes
  this issue. This is fixed Problem 2: RA agent reselection is enabled in
  the reset passphrase.
- #287473: Linux thick client related changes for displaying proper info
  in export key dialog boxes .
- #260442: now no need to do a refresh on linux thick client to show all
  the iFolders.
- #81615: Versioning mess for dll was sorted & updated. Related files
  are updated. It is done for both iFolder and simias modules.
- #235305: AccountWizardCompletionPage.cs and FormsTrayApp.resx - Add
  user information for finish page
- #284654: Removing the Console.WriteLine statements on Linux. Change in
  top-level to show the new help files.
- #285501,285499: New help files has been added to svn
- #283124: client version rolled back to previous version for data
  change conflicts.
- #277699: Added new apis for Upgrade and version handshake between
  client and server. Changes to collectionInfo objest to hold User id
- #277699, 278152: Changes to use version handshake apis for client
  updates. Changes to default ifolder related issues. Fix for migration
  UI issue.
- #287175: Enabled File Monitoring in Linux, so that the file system
  will not be dredged always during synchronization. This is for
  performance enhancement.
- #285797, 256595, 277699, 261216, 278152, 285828, 283747: Changes to
  use new api for version handshake and client updates. Fix for removing
  membership and deleting an iFolder from thick client. Fix for
  default iFolder issues.
- #272132: Bug related to AssemblyInfo.cs. Now no need to do a make
  clean before doing make for iFolder client.
- #273097, 274479, 277698: Fix for accepting certificate and setting
  passphrase when no recovery agent is selected. creation of Default
  iFolder. Error message when iFolder is not completely synced.
- #256381: MoreOptions expanded by default
- Recovery utility changes in simias will give later
- #272132: Build problem in ifolder - AssemblyInfo.cs
- #272273: Added startup screen and new encryption icon for Linux
  client. Restored the export and import key bindings
- #275042: Only the account wizard should be shown if there are no
  accounts present on the client. Fix is on thick client.
- #267289: Logout still shows iFolders on the domain.
- #270300, 272615: Conflict fixes and slave provisiong exception fix
- #259792,272615: Export import key bindings. Refresh on timeout, domain
  logged in logout. Encryption icon change. Splash screen.
- #261222: Changes for displaying a pop-up message to disconnect from
  2.x server after migration
- #265132: First 16K is not synced to the server. Other sizes are synced
  happily, this happens if the simias server runs behind apache. If the
  simias server runs behind the problem doesnot appear. As a work around
  16K is broken into two eight 8k and sent to the server. sine the work
  around is available moving the priority to low
- #256364: Filter out host nodes out of user list in the client
- #267021: Discovery code is optimized for fetching the catalog
- #266095:  * Added CertificateDialog.cs to show certificate while
  setting passphrase * Changes for migration wizard and account wizard
  for accepting certificate * Prompt for migration at the time of
  initial login
- #257380: Changed the help link in migration wizard
- #255243: Linux UI - During download Action, UI will update
- #254910: Fixes the bug "iFolder properties throwing an exception."
- #257951: Fix for removing the limitation upon length of passphrase.
- #259270: Fix for Migration from 2.x to 3.x for sharable folder upon
  Linux Client.
- #257471: Success icon changed
- Updated help files for ifolder UI.
- #257380: Changed the help link in migration wizard
- #254790: Fix for creation of encrypted iFolders through nautilus
- #251264: Fixes for passphrase related errors while creating encrypted
- #251265: Changing the store version for new client and server.
- #251273, 251270: Fix for revert ifolder and delete ifolder
- #248180: Changes for handling passphrase from Linux thick client
- #249258: Fix for creating sharable iFolder. Fix for Creating an
  iFolder by dragging a folder from file explorer.
- Fix for remove membership issues
- #248928: Monopath fix for enabling sharing from nautilus
- #249258: Fix for creating sharable iFolder. Fix for Creating an
  iFolder by dragging a folder from file explorer.
- #248180: Changes for passphrase management for LinuxClient
- #241485: The web access list and the Thick client list will be
  consistent with this fix. UI will get the updated list of ifolders
  from the simias client.
- #236120: Invalid iFolder ID issue. The collection ID was not in
  sync across various UI actions. Now it is made to be sync. There
  will be a delay between actions but does not affect the actual
  Sync performance
- #244679: ifolder never starts and complains it has no access to
- #239744: Fix for sharing in Linux UI issue
- Changes to remove eel dependencies. Replaced eel dialogs with gtk.
  Removed the eel dependency in file
- Simias.wsdl update.
- Changes to linux thick client UI for accepting passphrase storing
  it on local machine
- Updated Account creation wizard - Encryption pages.
  1. Correcte strings
  2. HandleException incase of wron passpharse.
  3. Dont read available ifolders from subscription.
- Encryption page in add account wizard.
- Fix for enabling nautilus-plugin
- Bumping version to 3.5.

Thu May 14 07:48:58 MDT 2009 -

- Initial submission to SLE11 and openSuSE11.1.   

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