File netpbm-10.35.77-manpages.patch of Package netpbm

--- buildtools/makeman
+++ buildtools/makeman
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/bin/env python
 # makeman -- compile netpbm's stereotyped HTML to troff markup
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n *</PRE>", "\", indoc)
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n *<BLOCKQUOTE>", "\", indoc)
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n *</BLOCKQUOTE>", "\", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n *<code>", "\", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n *</code>", "\", indoc)
     # Highlight processing
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)<B>", r"\\fB", indoc)
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)</B>", r"\\fP", indoc)
@@ -114,7 +116,10 @@
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)</SUP>", r"\\d", indoc)
     # Paragraph handling
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)\n*<P>\n*", r"\n.PP\n", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub("(?i)<br */>", r"\n.PP\n", indoc)
     indoc = re.sub("(?i)</P>", "", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub("(?i)<!--[^>]*-->", "", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub("(?i)<meta[^>]*>", "", indoc)
     lines = indoc.split("\n")
     listdepth = 0
     for i in range(len(lines)):
@@ -131,13 +136,14 @@
     indoc = re.sub('(?i)<A[ \n]+HREF="mailto:[^>]+">([^<]+)</A>', r'\\fI\1\\fP', indoc)    
     # Format manual crossreferences
     def xrefmatch(match):
-        xrefto =
-        xrefsection = sectmap.get(xrefto, 1)
+        xrefto =
+        xrefurl =
+        xrefsection = sectmap.get(xrefurl, 1)
         if xrefsection == 0:
             return "\n.I " + xrefto
-            return "\n.BR %s (%d)" % (xrefto, xrefsection)
-    indoc = re.sub(r'(?i)\n* *(?:\\fB)?<A[ \n]+HREF="[^>]+.html">([^<]+)</A>(?:\\fP)?',
+            return "\n.BR %s (%d)\n" % (xrefto, xrefsection)
+    indoc = re.sub(r'(?i)\n* *(?:\\fB)?<A[ \n]+HREF="?([^>]+.html)"?>([^<]+)</A>(?:\\fP)?',
                    xrefmatch, indoc)
     # Format URLs
     def urlmatch(match):
@@ -151,7 +157,7 @@
     indoc = indoc.replace("&#215;", r"\(mu")
     indoc = indoc.replace("&#174;", r"\*R")
     # Turn anchors into .UN tags
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<A NAME *= *"#?([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)">(?:&nbsp;)*</A>\s*', ".UN \\1\n", indoc)
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<A NAME *= *"#?([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9.-]+)">(?:&nbsp;)*</A>\s*', ".UN \\1\n", indoc)
     # Strip off the index trailer
     trailer = re.compile('<HR */*>.*', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
     indoc = re.sub(trailer, "", indoc)
@@ -159,17 +165,17 @@
     indoc = indoc.replace("</BODY>", "").replace("</HTML>", "")
     indoc = indoc.replace("</body>", "").replace("</html>", "")
     # Recognize sections with IDs
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H2><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</A></H2>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H2><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</A></H2>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.SH \\2", indoc)
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H3><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</A></H3>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H3><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</A></H3>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.SS \\2", indoc)
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H4><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</A></H4>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H4><A (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</A></H4>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.B \\2", indoc)
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H2 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</H2>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H2 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</H2>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.SH \\2", indoc)
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H3 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</H3>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H3 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</H3>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.SS \\2", indoc)
-    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H4 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z]+)">([^><]*)</H4>',
+    indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H4 (?:ID|NAME)="([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)">([^><]*)</H4>',
                    ".UN \\1\n.B \\2", indoc)
     # Sections without IDs
     indoc = re.sub('(?i)<H2>([^><]*)</H2>', ".SH \\1", indoc)
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