File rmovf.patch of Package open-ovf

Index: open-ovf-0.1/py/scripts/rmovf
--- open-ovf-0.1.orig/py/scripts/rmovf
+++ open-ovf-0.1/py/scripts/rmovf
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
 import os
 import sys
 from stat import ST_SIZE
-from optparse import OptionParser
+from ovf.commands import cli
+from ovf.commands import VERSION_STR
 from ovf.OvfFile import OvfFile
 from ovf.OvfReferencedFile import OvfReferencedFile
 from ovf import Ovf
@@ -644,31 +645,9 @@ def checkRequiredArgs(cmd, options):
     return ret
 def main():
-    usage = "usage: %prog command -f <Ovf file path> [options]"
-    command = None
-    parser = OptionParser(usage)
-    for longOpt in commands.keys():
-        parser.add_option("--" + longOpt, help = commands[longOpt]['help'],
-             action="store_true")
-    #do the help stuff up here....
-    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-        for longOpt in commands:
-            if sys.argv[1] == "--" + longOpt or sys.argv[1] == longOpt:
-                command = longOpt
-                break
-    if command == None or sys.argv[1] == "--help" or sys.argv[1] == "-h":
-        parser.parse_args(['--help'])
-        exit(command != None)
-    parser = OptionParser(usage)
-    for opt in commands[longOpt]['args']+common:
-        parser.add_option(*opt['flags'], **opt['parms'])
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:])
+    usage = "usage: rmovf command -f <Ovf file path> [options]"
+    cliParser = cli.CLI(commands, common, usage=usage, version=VERSION_STR)
+    command, options, args = cliParser.parseArgs()
     missing = checkRequiredArgs(command, options)
     if missing:
@@ -701,22 +680,22 @@ commands = {
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--ovfID' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'file_id',
-                      'help' : 'Defines the unique ID within the OVF.' }
+                      'help' : "Defines the unique ID within the OVF." }
          { 'flags' : [ '-n', '--href' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'href','help':'Remove the href for this file.'
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'href','help' : "Remove the href for this file."
          { 'flags' : [ '-s', '--size' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'size',"help":"Remove the size attribute from"
-            +"the file",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'size',"help" : "Remove the size attribute from "
+            "the file",'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-c', '--compression' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'compression','help': "Remove the compression"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'compression','help' : "Remove the compression "
            "attribute from the file.",'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-C', '--chunksize' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'chunksize','help':"Remove the chunksize"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'chunksize','help' : "Remove the chunksize "
             "attribute from the file.",'action':"store_true"}}
@@ -725,10 +704,10 @@ commands = {
       'help' : 'Removes a disk section.',
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--diskID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'disk_id','help': 'The id for the disk.'}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'disk_id','help' : "The id for the disk."}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-c', '--capacity' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'capacity','help' : 'Remove the capacity of'+
-                      ' the given disk.','action':"store_true" }},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'capacity','help' : "Remove the capacity of "
+                      "the given disk.",'action':"store_true" }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-F','--format' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'format','help' : "Remove disk format."
                       ,'action':"store_true" }},
@@ -737,23 +716,23 @@ commands = {
          { 'flags' : [ '-s', '--size' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'populatedSize',
-                      'help': "Remove populated Size.",
+                      'help' : "Remove populated Size.",
                       'action':"store_true" }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-u', '--capacityAlloc' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'capacityAllocUnits','help' : "Remove "+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'capacityAllocUnits','help' : "Remove "
                       "capacity allocation Units.",'action':"store_true" }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-p', '--parentRef' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'parentRef','help' : "Remove parent ref."
                       ,'action':"store_true" }},
         { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information"+
-                      " that describes the section.",'action':"store_true" }},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information "
+                      "that describes the section.",'action':"store_true" }},
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
         { 'flags' : [ '-q','--required'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'required','help' : "Removes if the section"+
-                    " is required or not. Boolean values only. ",
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'required','help' : "Removes if the section "
+                    "is required or not. Boolean values only.",
                     'action':"store_true" },
@@ -761,227 +740,227 @@ commands = {
   "net" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove a Network Section.',
+      'help' : "Remove a Network Section.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--netID' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'networkID', 'action':'store','help' :
                     "Defines the unique ID for the network within the OVF." }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Removes the information that"+
-                      " describes the section.", 'action':"store_true" }},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Removes the information that "
+                      "describes the section.", 'action':"store_true" }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"+
-                    " information."}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
+                    "information."}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-e', '--networkName' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'networkName',"help":"Remove the name of the"+
-                      " network.", 'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'networkName',"help" : "Remove the name of the "
+                      "network.", 'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-d', '--description' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help': "Remove the description"+
-                    " of the Network.", 'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : "Remove the description "
+                    "of the Network.", 'action':"store_true"}},
         { "flags" : [ "-c", "--descID" ],
-           "parms" : { "dest" : "descID","help": "The ID for the description"+
-                    " of the network."}},
+           "parms" : { "dest" : "descID","help" : "The ID for the description "
+                    "of the network."}},
    "deploy" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove a Deploymen Options Section.',
+      'help' : "Remove a Deploymen Options Section.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--configID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'configID', 'action':'store','help' : 'Defines'
-                     +' the unique ID for the configuration within the OVF.' }},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'configID', 'action':'store','help' : "Defines "
+                    "the unique ID for the configuration within the OVF." }},
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "The information to describe"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "The information to describe "
                     "the section.", 'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"+
-                    " information."}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
+                    "information."}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-l', '--label' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'label',"help":"The label used to describe"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'label',"help" : "The label used to describe "
                     "the configuration.", 'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-b', '--labelID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'labelID','help': "The ID for the label"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'labelID','help': "The ID for the label "
          { 'flags' : [ '-d', '--description' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help': "The description for the"
-                    +" given configuration.", 'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : "The description for the "
+                    "given configuration.", 'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-c', '--descID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'descID','help': "The ID for the description"
-                    +" of the configuration created."}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'descID','help' : "The ID for the description "
+                    "of the configuration created."}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-r', '--default' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'default','help': "Specifies if the"
-                    +" configuration is a default one. This is a Boolean"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'default','help' : "Specifies if the "
+                    "configuration is a default one. This is a Boolean "
                     "(True,False)", 'action':"store_true"}},
    "vsc" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove a Virtual System Collection',
+      'help' : "Remove a Virtual System Collection",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information that"+
-                      " describes the section.", 'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information that "
+                    "describes the section.", 'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"+
-                    " information."}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
+                    "information."}},
    "vs" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove a Virtual System.',
+      'help' : "Remove a Virtual System.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information that"+
-                      " describes the section.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information that "
+                      "describes the section.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"
-                    +" information."} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
+                    "information."} },
    "virthw" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove a Virtual Hardware Section.',
+      'help' : "Remove a Virtual Hardware Section.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '--instanceID' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instanceID', 'action':'store','help' :
-                      'Defines the ID of the instance of the System.' },
+                      "Defines the ID of the instance of the System." },
            'required':True },
          { 'flags' : [ '-s','--sysID' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'sysID', 'action':'store','help' :
-                      'Defines the ID for the System. It should be the same ID'
-                       +' as the Virtual System the section is in.',
+                    "Defines the ID for the System. It should be the same ID "
+                    "as the Virtual System the section is in.",
                         'action':"store_true" } },
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "The information to describe"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "The information to describe "
                     "the section.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's"+
-                    " information.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "The id of the section's "
+                    "information.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-t','--transport'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'transport','help' : "Transport that specifies"
-                    +" how properties are passed to the virtual machine."
-                    , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'transport','help' : "Transport that specifies "
+                    "how properties are passed to the virtual machine.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-d', '--description' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help': "The description for the"
-                    +" given configuration.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : "The description for the "
+                    "given configuration.", 'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-c', '--caption' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'caption','help': "Caption used to describe"+
-                    " the Virtual Hardwre.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'caption','help' : "Caption used to describe "
+                    "the Virtual Hardwre.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-p', '--type' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'type','help': "The type of the Virtual System"
-                    +" being described.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'type','help': "The type of the Virtual System "
+                    "being described.", 'action':"store_true"} },
    "resource" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove resources.',
+      'help' : "Remove resources.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '--virtHwID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'virtHwID','help' : "Specifies the type for"+
-                    " the virtual hardware to attach the resources to."} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'virtHwID','help' : "Specifies the type for "
+                    "the virtual hardware to attach the resources to."} },
          { 'flags' : [ '--elementName'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'elementName','help' : "If flag is present"+
-                      " remove this element.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'elementName','help' : "If flag is present "
+                    "remove this element.", 'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-k','--resourceType'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceType','help' : "If the flag is"
-                +" present it will remove the resource type.",
-                'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceType','help' : "If the flag is "
+                    "present it will remove the resource type.",
+                    'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-i' ,'--resourceID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceID','help': 'Remove id for the'+
-                    ' resource.', 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceID','help' : "Remove id for the "
+                    "resource.", 'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-d', '--description' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : 'Remove the'+
-                    ' human-readable description of the meaning of the'+
-                     ' information.', 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : "Remove the "
+                    "human-readable description of the meaning of the "
+                    "information.", 'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-a','--address' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'address','help' : "Remove the address for an"+
-                    " Ethernet adapter, this will be the MAC address."
-                    , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'address','help' : "Remove the address for an "
+                    "Ethernet adapter, this will be the MAC address.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-p', '--addressOnParent' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'addressOnParent','help' : "Remove the address"
-                    +" on parent, which is the location on the controller."
-                    , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'addressOnParent','help' : "Remove the address "
+                    "on parent, which is the location on the controller.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-u', '--allocUnits' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'allocUnits','help': "Remove the units of"+
-                    " allocation used. Example: 'MegaBytes'"
-                    ,'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'allocUnits','help' : "Remove the units of "
+                    "allocation used. Example: 'MegaBytes'",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-t', '--automaticAllocation' ],
            'parms' : { 'action':"store_true",'dest' : 'automaticAllocation',
-                    'help' : "Remove automatic Deallocation"
-                    , 'action':"store_true"} },
+                    'help' : "Remove automatic Deallocation",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-o', '--autoDealloc' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'autoDealloc','help' : "Remove deallocate."
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'autoDealloc','help' : "Remove deallocate.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-c', '--caption' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'caption','help' : "Remove caption."
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'caption','help' : "Remove caption.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-n','--connection'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'connection','help' : "Remove connection."} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-v','--consVis'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'consVis','help' :"Remove consumer visibility."
-                      ,'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'consVis','help' :"Remove consumer visibility.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-r','--hostResource'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'hostResource','help' : "Remove the host"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'hostResource','help' : "Remove the host "
                        "resource.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-l','--limit'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'limit','help' : "Remove the limit."
-                    , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'limit','help' : "Remove the limit.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-m','--mapBehavior'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'mapBehavior','help' : "Removf map behavior."
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'mapBehavior','help' : "Removf map behavior.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
          { 'flags' : [ '-e','--otherResourceType'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'otherResourceType','help' : "Remove other"+
-                       " resource type.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'otherResourceType','help' : "Remove other "
+                    "resource type.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-j','--parent'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'parent','help' : "Remove parent."
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'parent','help' : "Remove parent.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-w','--poolID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'poolID','help' : "Remove the pool id."
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'poolID','help' : "Remove the pool id.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-z','--reservation'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'reservation','help' : "Remove the"+
-                        "reservation.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'reservation','help' : "Remove the "
+                    "reservation.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-b','--resourceSubtype'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceSubtype','help' : "Remove the" +
-                       " resource sub type."
-                    ,'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'resourceSubtype','help' : "Remove the "
+                    "resource sub type.",
+                    'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-g','--virtualQuantity'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'virtualQuantity','help' : "Remove the virtual quantity"
-                      , 'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'virtualQuantity','help' : "Remove the virtual "
+                    "quantity ", 'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-s','--weight'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'weight','help' : "Remove the weight"
-                      , 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'weight','help' : "Remove the weight",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--required'],
            'parms' : { 'action':"store_true",'dest' : 'required','help'
                     : "Remove if it is required.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['--config'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'config','help' : "Remove the comma-separated"+
-                    " list of configuration names.", 'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'config','help' : "Remove the comma-separated "
+                    "list of configuration names.", 'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-x','--bound'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'bound','help' : "Remove ranges of the Item"+
-                    "element. The ONLY valid values are" +
-                      "'min','max','normal'.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'bound','help' : "Remove ranges of the Item "
+                    "element. The ONLY valid values are 'min','max','normal'.",
+                    'action':"store_true"} },
    "resAlloc" : {
-      'help' : "Remove a Resource Allocation Section. ",
+      'help' : "Remove a Resource Allocation Section.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to"+
-                    " describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to "
+                    "describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the"+
-                    " section's information.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the "
+                    "section's information.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : ['-c','--config'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'config','help' : "Remove the comma-separated"+
-                      " list of configuration names.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'config','help' : "Remove the comma-separated "
+                      "list of configuration names.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-x','--bound'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'bound','help' : "Remove ranges of the Item"+
-                    " element. The ONLY valid values are"+
-                      "'min','max','normal'.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'bound','help' : "Remove ranges of the Item "
+                    "element. The ONLY valid values are "
+                    "'min','max','normal'.",'action':"store_true"} },
    "annotate" : {
@@ -1005,23 +984,23 @@ commands = {
       'help' : "Remove the Product Section.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to"+
-                    " describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to "
+                    "describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remov the id of the"+
-                    " section's information.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remov the id of the "
+                    "section's information.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : ['-p','--product'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'product','help' : "Remove where the product"+
-                    " being described in the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'product','help' : "Remove where the product "
+                    "being described in the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['-v','--productVersion'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'productVersion','help' : "Remove the version"+
-                    " of the product.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'productVersion','help' : "Remove the version "
+                    "of the product.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['-c','--classDesc'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Remove the class"+
-                    " description.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Remove the class "
+                    "description.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['-n','--instance'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Remove the instance of"+
-                   " the product section. Example:",
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Remove the instance of "
+                   "the product section. Example:",
                    'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['-d','--vendor'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'vendor',
@@ -1049,96 +1028,94 @@ commands = {
    "property" : {
-      'help' : "Remove a Property for the Product Section. ",
+      'help' : "Remove a Property for the Product Section.",
       'args' : (
         { 'flags' : [ '-r', '--req' ],
            'parms' : { 'action':"store_true",'dest' : 'required',
                       'help' : "Remove if the section is required.",
                       'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['-s','--classDesc'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Used to specify product"+
-                    " section"},'rquired':True},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Used to specify product "
+                    "section"},'rquired':True},
         { 'flags' : ['-n','--instance'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Used to specify product"+
-                    " section"},'required':True },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Used to specify product "
+                    "section"},'required':True },
         { 'flags' : [ '-t','--type'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'type','help' : "Remove the type.",
         { 'flags' : ['-v','--value'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'value','help' : "Remove the value for the"+
-                   " section.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'value','help' : "Remove the value for the "
+                   "section.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-c','--userConfig'],
            'parms' : {'action':"store_true", 'dest' : 'userConfig',
-                    'help' : "Remove boolean value that specifies if this"+
-                    " section is user configurable.",'action':"store_true"} },
+                    'help' : "Remove boolean value that specifies if this "
+                    "section is user configurable.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-l', '--label' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'label',"help":"Remove the label used to"+
-                   " describe the configuration.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'label',"help" : "Remove the label used to "
+                   "describe the configuration.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-b', '--labelID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'labelID','help': "REmove the ID for the"+
-                   " label created.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'labelID','help' : "Remove the ID for the "
+                   "label created.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-d', '--description' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help': "Remove the description"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description','help' : "Remove the description "
                    "for the given configuration.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-e', '--descID' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'descID','help': "Remove the ID for the"+
-                   " description of the configuration created.",
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'descID','help' : "Remove the ID for the "
+                   "description of the configuration created.",
             { 'flags' : [ '-k', '--key' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'key','help': "Remove the key.",
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'key','help' : "Remove the key.",
    "category" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove the category that helps define a product'+
-                ' section.',
+      'help' : "Remove the category that helps define a product section.",
       'args' : (
         { 'flags' : ['-s','--classDesc'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Must be provided to"+
-            " identify Product Section. Unique identifier for the software"+
-            " product using the reverse domain name convention. Example:"+
-            " If more than one product section is present then"+
-            " classDesc and instance must be defined."},'required': True },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Must be provided to "
+            "identify Product Section. Unique identifier for the software "
+            "product using the reverse domain name convention. Example: "
+            " If more than one product section is present then "
+            "classDesc and instance must be defined."},'required': True },
         { 'flags' : ['-n','--instance'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Must be provided to"+
-            " identify Product Section. The instance of the product section."+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Must be provided to "
+            "identify Product Section. The instance of the product section. "
              "Example:"},'required':True },
         { 'flags' : ['-c','--category' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'category', 'action':'store',
-                      'help' : 'Remove description of the category.',
+                      'help' : "Remove description of the category.",
    "icon" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove the icon that helps define a product'+
-                ' section.',
+      'help' : "Remove the icon that helps define a product section.",
       'args' : (
         { 'flags' : ['-n','--fileRef'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'fileRef','help' : "Remove the file reference"+
-                " for the given icon.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'fileRef','help' : "Remove the file reference "
+                    "for the given icon.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : ['--height'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'height','help' : "Remove the height of the"+
-                   " image.",'action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'height','help' : "Remove the height of the "
+                    "image.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : ['-w','--width' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'width','help' : 'Remove the width'+
-                    ' of the image.','action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'width','help' : "Remove the width "
+                    "of the image.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : ['-t','--mimeType' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'mimeType','help' : 'Remove the mimeType of'+
-                   ' the image.','action':"store_true"}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'mimeType','help' : "Remove the mimeType of "
+                   "the image.",'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : ['-s','--classDesc'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Must be provided to"+
-            " identify Product Section. Unique identifier for the software"+
-             " product using the reverse domain name convention."+
-             " Example: If more than one product section is"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'classDesc','help' : "Must be provided to "
+            "identify Product Section. Unique identifier for the software "
+             "product using the reverse domain name convention. "
+             "Example: If more than one product section is "
              "present then classDesc and instance must be defined."},
            'required': True },
         { 'flags' : ['--instance'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Must be provided to"+
-            " identify Product Section. The instance of the product section."+
-             " Example:"},'required':True },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'instance','help' : "Must be provided to "
+            "identify Product Section. The instance of the product section. "
+             "Example:"},'required':True },
     "license" : {
@@ -1159,29 +1136,29 @@ commands = {
                       'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-i','--licenseID'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'licenseID',
-                      'help' : "Remove the unique ID for the given license"+
-                      " agreement.",'action':"store_true"} },
+                      'help' : "Remove the unique ID for the given license "
+                      "agreement.",'action':"store_true"} },
    "startup" : {
-      'help' : "Remove the startup section for either a Virtual System or a"+
-               " Virtual System Collection. ",
+      'help' : "Remove the startup section for either a Virtual System or a "
+               "Virtual System Collection. ",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to"+
-                   " describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to "
+                   "describe the section.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the section's"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the section's "
         { 'flags' : ['-n','--entityName'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'entityName','help' : "Remove the entity name"+
-                   " within a collection.",'action':"store_true"} },
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'entityName','help' : "Remove the entity name "
+                   "within a collection.",'action':"store_true"} },
         { 'flags' : [ '-o','--order'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'order','help' : "Remove the oreder.",
                       'action':"store_true"} },
        { 'flags' : ['-s','--startDelay'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'startDelay','help' : "remove the start delay",
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'startDelay','help' : "Remove the start delay",
                       'action':"store_true"} },
        { 'flags' : ['-w','--waitForGuest'],
            'parms' : { 'action': 'store_true','dest' : 'waitForGuest',
@@ -1200,24 +1177,24 @@ commands = {
    "os" : {
-      'help' : 'Remove the operating systems section for a Virtual System.',
+      'help' : "Remove the operating systems section for a Virtual System.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--descriptionID' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'descriptionID', 'action':'store',
-                      'help' : 'Remove the id for the description.',
+                      'help' : "Remove the id for the description.",
          { 'flags' : [ '-d','--description' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'description', 'action':'store',
-                      'help' : 'Remove the description of the operating'+
-                      ' system.','action':"store_true"}},
+                      'help' : "Remove the description of the operating "
+                      "system.",'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-n','--name' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'name', 'action':'store',
-                      'help' : 'Remove the unique name for the section.',
+                      'help' : "Remove the unique name for the section.",
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info',
-                      'help' : "Remove the information to describe the"+
-                      " section.",'action':"store_true"}},
+                      'help' : "Remove the information to describe the "
+                      "section.",'action':"store_true"}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID',
                       'help' : "Remove the id of the section's information.",
@@ -1226,53 +1203,53 @@ commands = {
     "install" : {
-      'help' : 'Removes the install section used to describe a virtual system'
-               +' in a virtual system collection.',
+      'help' : "Removes the install section used to describe a virtual system "
+               "in a virtual system collection.",
       'args' : (
          { 'flags' : [ '-i','--initBoot' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'initBoot', 'action':'store_true',
-                      'help' : 'Remove the init boot.','action':"store_true"}},
+                      'help' : "Remove the init boot.",'action':"store_true"}},
          { 'flags' : [ '-b','--bootStopdelay' ],
            'parms' : { 'dest' : 'bootStopdelay', 'action':'store',
-                      'help' : 'Remove the boot stop delay.',
+                      'help' : "Remove the boot stop delay.",
          { 'flags' : [ '-m', '--info' ],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to"+
-                   " describe the section."}},
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'info','help' : "Remove the information to "
+                   "describe the section."}},
         { 'flags' : [ '-y','--infoID'],
-           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the"+
+           'parms' : { 'dest' : 'infoID','help' : "Remove the id of the "
                       "section's information.",'action':"store_true"}},
 common = (
     { 'flags' : [ '--node-number' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'nodenumber', 'help': 'Define the node number to'+
-                ' remove.'}
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'nodenumber', 'help' : "Define the node number to "
+                "remove."}
    { 'flags' : [ '--strict' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'strict', 'help': 'If present show errros such as'+
-                ' an attribute not being found.',
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'strict', 'help' : "If present show errros such as "
+                "an attribute not being found.",
                 'action':"store_true" }
    { 'flags' : [ '--node' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'node', 'help': 'Remove a specific node with a'+
-                ' given id.',
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'node', 'help' : "Remove a specific node with a "
+                "given id.",
                 'action':"store_true" }
    { 'flags' : [ '--section' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'section', 'help': 'Remove entire section.',
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'section', 'help' : "Remove entire section.",
                 'action':"store_true" }
    { 'flags' : ['--id','--secID' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'secID','help':'OVF id of the section.'} ,
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'secID','help' : "OVF id of the section."} ,
    { 'flags' : [ '--v', '--version' ],
      'parms' : { 'dest' : 'ovfVersion','action':"store_true",'default': False,
-                'help':'OVF specification used.'} ,
+                'help' : "OVF specification used."} ,
    { 'flags' : [ '-f', '--file' ],
-     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'ovfFile', 'help': 'Target OVF.' },
+     'parms' : { 'dest' : 'ovfFile', 'help' : "Target OVF." },
      'required': True
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