File pm-utils-1.3.0-suse-grub.patch of Package pm-utils.import5908

Index: pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/01grub
--- pm-utils-1.3.0.orig/pm/sleep.d/01grub	2010-03-30 13:01:02.069674802 +0200
+++ /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Ensure grub will load the correct kernel on resume from hibernate,
-# TODO: This is rather redhat specific, and very grub specific.
-        [ "$1" = "suspend" ] && return $NA
-	case $(uname -m) in
-		i?86|x86_64|athlon)
-	    		;;
-		*) # this is only valid for x86 and x86_64
-			return $NA
-	    		;;
-	esac
-	[ -x /sbin/grubby -a -x /sbin/grub ] || return $NA
-	[ -e "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" ] || return 1
-	out=$(/sbin/grubby --info /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) |grep index)
-	[ -n "${out}" ] || return 1
-	current=${out#index=}
-	echo "savedefault --default=${current} --once" | \
-		/sbin/grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ \
-		--batch --no-floppy --no-curses >/dev/null
-	return 0
-case "$1" in
-	hibernate|suspend)
-		default_resume_kernel $2
-		;;
-	*) exit $NA
-		;;
Index: pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/99Zgrub
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/99Zgrub	2010-03-30 13:01:16.839798542 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Stefan Seyfried, SUSE Linux Products GmbH 2006, GPL v2
+# mostly taken from the powersave project.
+# gets a list of available kernels from /boot/grub/menu.lst
+# kernels are in the array $KERNELS, output to stdout to be eval-ed.
+	# DEBUG "Running getkernels()" INFO
+	local MENU_LST="/boot/grub/menu.lst"
+	declare -i I=0 J=-1
+	# we need the root partition later to decide if this is the kernel to select
+	while read ROOTDEV MNT DUMMY; do
+		[ "$ROOTDEV" = "rootfs" ] && continue # not what we are searching for
+		if [ "$MNT" = "/" ]; then
+			break
+		fi
+	done < /proc/mounts
+	# build an array KERNELS with all the kernels in /boot/grub/menu.lst
+	# the array MENU_ENTRIES contains the corresponding menu entry numbers
+	# DEFAULT_BOOT contains the default entry.
+	while read LINE; do
+		case $LINE in
+		title*)
+			let J++ # increase for every menu entry, even for non-linux
+			# DEBUG "Found grub menu entry #${J}: '${LINE}'" INFO
+			;;
+		default*)
+			DUMMY=($LINE)                   # "default 0 #maybe a comment"
+			echo "DEFAULT_BOOT=${DUMMY[1]}" #  ^^[0]^^ 1 ^^[2]^ 3 ^^[4]^^
+			# DEBUG "Default boot entry is '${DUMMY[1]}'" INFO
+			;;
+		kernel*noresume*)
+			# we probably found the "failsafe" kernel that won't resume...
+			echo "  Skipping grub entry #${J}, because it has the noresume option" >&2
+			;;
+		kernel*root=*)
+			local ROOT
+			ROOT=${LINE#*root=}
+			ROOT=${DUMMY[0]}
+			if [ "$(stat -Lc '%t:%T' $ROOT)" != "$(stat -Lc '%t:%T' $ROOTDEV)" ]; then
+				echo "  Skipping grub entry #${J}, because its root= parameter ($ROOT)" >&2
+				echo "    does not match the current root device ($ROOTDEV)." >&2
+				continue
+			fi
+			DUMMY=($LINE) # kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz-ABC root=/dev/hda2
+			echo "KERNELS[$I]='${DUMMY[1]##*/}'" # vmlinuz-ABC
+			echo "MENU_ENTRIES[$I]=$J"
+			# DEBUG "Found kernel entry #${I}: '${DUMMY[1]##*/}'" INFO
+			let I++
+			;;
+		kernel*)
+			# a kernel without "root="? We better skip that one...
+			echo "  Skipping grub entry #${J}, because it has no root= option" >&2
+			;;
+		*)  ;;
+		esac
+	done < $MENU_LST
+# runs grubonce from the grub package to select which kernel
+# to boot on next startup
+	if [ -x "$GRUBONCE" ]; then
+		rm -f "$GRUBDEFSAVE"
+		if [ -e "$GRUBDEFAULT" ]; then
+			echo "  saving original $GRUBDEFAULT"
+		fi
+		echo "  running '$GRUBONCE $1'"
+	else
+		echo "WARNING: $GRUBONCE not found, not preparing bootloader"
+	fi
+# restore grub default after (eventually failed) resume
+	echo "INFO: running grub-once-restore"
+	rm -f "$GRUBDEFAULT"
+	if [ -e "$GRUBDEFSAVE" ]; then
+		echo "  restoring original $GRUBDEFAULT"
+	fi
+# try to find a kernel image that matches the actually running kernel.
+# We need this, if more than one kernel is installed. This works reasonably
+# well with grub, if all kernels are named "vmlinuz-`uname -r`" and are
+# located in /boot. If they are not, good luck ;-)
+	ARCH=`uname -m`
+	declare -i I=0
+	# DEBUG "running kernel: $RUNNING" DIAG
+	while [ -n "${KERNELS[$I]}" ]; do
+		if IMAGE=`readlink /boot/$BOOTING` && [ -e "/boot/${IMAGE##*/}" ]; then
+			# DEBUG "Found kernel symlink $BOOTING => $IMAGE" INFO
+		fi
+		case $ARCH in
+			ppc*)   BOOTING="${BOOTING#*vmlinux-}" ;;
+			*)      BOOTING="${BOOTING#*vmlinuz-}" ;;
+		esac
+		if [ "$RUNNING" == "$BOOTING" ]; then
+			echo "  running kernel is grub menu entry $NEXT_BOOT (${KERNELS[$I]})"
+			break
+		fi
+		let I++
+	done
+	# if we have not found a kernel, issue a warning.
+	# if we have found a kernel, we'll do "grub-once" later, after
+	# prepare_suspend finished.
+	if [ $NEXT_BOOT -eq -1 ]; then
+		echo "WARNING: no kernelfile matching the running kernel found"
+	fi
+# if we did not find a kernel (or BOOT_LOADER is not GRUB) check,
+# if the running kernel is still the one that will (probably) be booted for
+# resume (default entry in menu.lst or, if there is none, the kernel file
+# /boot/vmlinuz points to.)
+# This will only work, if you use "original" SUSE kernels.
+# you can always override with the config variable set to "yes"
+	echo "INFO: running prepare-grub"
+	eval `getkernels`
+	RUNNING=`uname -r`
+	find-kernel-entry
+	RET=0
+	if [ $NEXT_BOOT -eq -1 ]; then
+		# which kernel is booted with the default entry?
+		# if there is no default entry (no menu.lst?) we fall back to
+		# the default of /boot/vmlinuz.
+		[ -z "$BOOTING" ] && BOOTING="vmlinuz"
+		if IMAGE=`readlink /boot/$BOOTING` && [ -e "/boot/${IMAGE##*/}" ]; then
+		fi
+		BOOTING="${BOOTING#*vmlinuz-}"
+		echo  "running kernel: '$RUNNING', probably booting kernel: '$BOOTING'"
+		if [ "$BOOTING" != "$RUNNING" ]; then
+			echo "ERROR: kernel version mismatch, cannot suspend to disk"
+			echo "running: $RUNNING booting: $BOOTING"  >> $INHIBIT
+			RET=1
+		fi
+	else
+		# set the bootloader to the running kernel
+		echo "  preparing boot-loader: selecting entry $NEXT_BOOT, kernel /boot/$BOOTING"
+		T1=`date +"%s%N"`
+		sync; sync; sync # this is needed to speed up grub-once on reiserfs
+		T2=`date +"%s%N"`
+		echo "  grub-once: `grub-once $NEXT_BOOT`"
+		T3=`date +"%s%N"`
+		S=$(((T2-T1)/100000000)); S="$((S/10)).${S:0-1}"
+		G=$(((T3-T2)/100000000)); G="$((G/10)).${G:0-1}"
+		echo "    time needed for sync: $S seconds, time needed for grub: $G seconds."
+	fi
+	return $RET
+###### main()
+if [ "$1" = hibernate ] || [ "$1" = suspend -a "$2" = suspend_hybrid ]; then
+		prepare-grub
+if [ "$1" = thaw ] || [ "$1" = resume -a "$2" = suspend_hybrid ]; then
+		grub-once-restore
Index: pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/
--- pm-utils-1.3.0.orig/pm/sleep.d/	2010-03-30 13:01:02.069674802 +0200
+++ pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/	2010-03-30 13:01:16.839798542 +0200
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 sleep_SCRIPTS =			\
 	00logging		\
 	00powersave		\
-	01grub			\
+	99Zgrub			\
 	49bluetooth		\
 	55NetworkManager	\
 	75modules		\
Index: pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/
--- pm-utils-1.3.0.orig/pm/sleep.d/	2010-03-30 13:01:02.069674802 +0200
+++ pm-utils-1.3.0/pm/sleep.d/	2010-03-30 13:01:16.904797911 +0200
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 sleep_SCRIPTS = \
 	00logging		\
 	00powersave		\
-	01grub			\
+	99Zgrub			\
 	49bluetooth		\
 	55NetworkManager	\
 	75modules		\
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