File seccheck-2.0_find_mount_arg.diff of Package seccheck.import5707

diff -Epru seccheck-2.0.orig/ seccheck-2.0/
--- seccheck-2.0.orig/	2006-03-06 12:54:03.000000000 +0100
+++ seccheck-2.0/	2006-03-06 12:59:50.000000000 +0100
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ if [ -s "$OUT" ] ; then
 # suid/sgid check
-( nice -n 1 find $MNT \( -perm -04000 -o -perm -02000 \) -mount -type f | sort | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
+( nice -n 1 find $MNT -mount \( -perm -04000 -o -perm -02000 \) -type f | sort | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
 diff -uw "$SEC_DATA/sbit" "$SEC_DATA/" | \
 	egrep -v '^\+\+\+ |^--- |^$|^@@' | sed 's/^[+-]/& /' > "$OUT"
 if [ -s "$OUT" ] ; then
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fi
 mv "$SEC_DATA/" "$SEC_DATA/sbit"
 # writeable executable check
-( nice -n 1 find $MNT \( -perm -30 -o -perm -3 \) -mount -type f | sort | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
+( nice -n 1 find $MNT -mount \( -perm -30 -o -perm -3 \) -type f | sort | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
 diff -uw "$SEC_DATA/write-bin" "$SEC_DATA/" | \
 	egrep -v '^\+\+\+ |^--- |^$|^@@' | sed 's/^[+-]/& /' > "$OUT"
 if [ -s "$OUT" ] ; then
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ fi
 mv "$SEC_DATA/" "$SEC_DATA/write-bin"
 # world writable check
-( nice -n 1 find $MNT -perm -2 \( -type f -o -type d \) -not -perm -01000 -mount | sort > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
+( nice -n 1 find $MNT -mount -perm -2 \( -type f -o -type d \) -not -perm -01000 | sort > "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
 diff -uw "$SEC_DATA/write" "$SEC_DATA/" | \
 	egrep -v '^\+\+\+ |^--- |^$|^@@' | sed 's/^[+-]/& /' > "$OUT"
 if [ -s "$OUT" ] ; then
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ mv "$SEC_DATA/" "$SEC_DATA/rp
 # device check
 # warning: bug #51004 ls output depends on root's locale and may be less
 # then 10 tokens!
-( nice -n 1 find $MNT -type c -or -type b -mount | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- | \
+( nice -n 1 find $MNT -mount -type c -or -type b | xargs ls -cdl --time-style=long-iso -- | \
 	awk '{print $1 " \t" $3 " \t" $4 " \t" $5 " \t" $6 " \t" $9}' | sort +5 \
 	> "$SEC_DATA/" ) 2> /dev/null
 diff -uw "$SEC_DATA/devices" "$SEC_DATA/" | \
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