File cgns.changes of Package cgns

Thu Dec 28 14:28:20 UTC 2023 - Dmitry Roshchin <>

- Fix library package name

Mon Dec 18 06:34:06 UTC 2023 - Wang Jun <>

- Update to version 4.4.0
  * Removed possible overflow in cgi_error, #343 #701
  * Increased maximum open file limit default
  * Added control for HDF5 tuning routine
    "H5Pset_elink_file_cache_size," which is useful when many
    external links are used, #351
  * Fixed backward compatibility issues #702 
  * Removed "NULL" and "UserDefined" Fortran parameters #349
  * More details:

Tue May 17 08:58:52 UTC 2022 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Update to version 4.3.0:
  * Add a context structure to handle cleanly cgio/hdf5 state
  * When opening a CGNS file with MLL the whole file is parsed.
  * Fix an uninitialized local array by copying m_dimvals to dimvals.
  * Set the default file_type in cg_open only when in write mode
  * Multiplication result converted to larger type fixes
- Update to version 4.2.0:
  * New C and Fortran APIs that allows for reading/writing datatypes 
    that are different from cgsize_t
  * Added a diskless option for creating a CGNS file in memory and
    then to optionally persist the memory to disk.
  * Mapping of X4/X8 was lost when moving from ADF to HDF5.
    This fix reintroduces it as an experimental feature.
  * Tuned the parallel library algorithms to improve metadata type operations
  * Experimental support for conversion of FamilySpecified BC for
    AFLR3 file format, PR#247
  * Added check on node names according to SIDS
  * added warning if ZoneBC_t is missing while zone surfaces are
    present in a 3D mesh.

Thu Nov 12 02:11:00 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Update to version 4.1.2:
  * Fixed the Compatibility issue between v3.4.0 and v4.1.1 (CGNS-214).
  * Change a wrong check in cg_poly_element_read to load older CGNS
    file section with CGNS 4.x API (CGNS-219).

Tue Apr  7 15:30:23 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Fix last change (typo in spec file, should be %_lib not %lib).

Tue Apr  7 08:33:36 UTC 2020 - Andreas Schwab <>

- Handle all architectures with %_lib != lib

Fri Apr  3 18:05:36 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Update to version 4.1.1:
  * (CGNS-196) Fixed the compilation of cgnstools, which still
    made use the Removed APIs in 4.1.0
- Update to version 4.1.0:
  * Added CPEX42 Storing bounding box of a grid (CGNS-149).
  * Added CPEX43 Family hierarchy as a tree (CGNS-180).
- Update to version 4.1.0:
  * Added CPEX 41 NGON modification proposal (CGNS-121).
- The removal of CPEX 41 NGON in 3.4.1 broke gmsh and Paraview

Sun Mar 29 00:20:54 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 3.4.1:
  * Restore backward compatibility by removing CPEX 41 NGON
    modification made in version 3.4.0.
- Update shlib package name to respect upstream's so version.
- Pass CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON to cmake to disable setting
  rpath on installed libs; prevents build failures on Leap 15.2.
- Use %{name}-%{version} naming scheme for source tarball.
- Use %cmake_build instead of invoking make directly.
- Minor cleanups using spec-cleaner.

Fri Aug  2 11:15:50 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Split static library into separate package.
- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library.

Sat Jul 27 20:38:41 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Update to 3.4.0
  For a list of changes between 3.3.1 and 3.4.0, see included Release.txt
- Set License tag SPDX "Zlib", attribution is appreciated but not required
- Spec file cleanup

Tue Jul 14 13:07:29 UTC 2015 -

- Fix building on ppc64le and aarch64

Thu Jul 17 15:45:58 UTC 2014 -

- fixed 64-bit core, HDF5, Legacy and fortran build flags.

Fri Mar 14 09:20:24 UTC 2014 -

- Update to 3.2.1
   - fixed problem with IS_FIXED_SIZE macro for cubic elements
   - added check for open file to routines that don't take
     a file number (suggestion from Marc Poinet)
   - added HTMLHelp interface to cmake scripts
   - added AdditionalFamilyName to UserDefinedData
   - fixed compiler complaint about comparison between int and enum
   - added routines to set MPI communicator for parallel I/O
   - updated CMake scripts to work within other scripts (remove conflicts)
   - updates to some cgnstools utility conversion routines
   - fixes and updates to tests and cgnscheck
   - updates to support CG_FILE_ADF2 (2.5 compatibility)
   - fix for point set subregions
- Update to  3.2
   - full integration of parallel I/O using HDF5 with MPI
   - implemented CPEX 0033 and 0034
   - compression (rewriting) of file to remove unused space is no
     longer automatically done, since may interfere with parallel I/O.
     Added cgnscompress program to tools to do this afterwards.
   - removed cgnsversion program from tools since support was getting
     out of hand (N squared problem with versions).
   - added routines to convert to and from AFLR3, FAST, and TetGen
   - implemented cubic elements (CPEX 0036)
   - CGNStools documentation no longer included with source.
     The NASA Glenn website (or local copy) is now used instead.
- Update to 3.1.4-2
   - fixes to cmake scripts for Fortran
   - added check for open file to routines that don't take
     a file number (suggestion from Marc Poinet)
   - CGNStools documentation no longer included with source.
     The NASA Glenn website (or local copy) is now used instead.
   - save window size for cgnsview
   - fix to computing path lists in CMake script
- Update to 3.1.4
   - added some const definitions to library
   - moved unlink of filename when using CG_MODE_WRITE on open to cgio
   - fixed goto for FamilyBCDataset for UserData, .etc
   - added cg_get_cgio_f and cg_root_id_f Fortran routines
   - fixed cmake and configure scripts to allow MPI with HDF5 and
     fixed bugs in those scripts
   - updated CGNSplot to handle all element types and 1-d and 2-d cases
   - fixes to cgnscheck
   - cleaned up some compiler warnings
   - added cgnsBuild.defs Makefile include to installation
   - removed unneeded tools directory from cgnstools
   - cgnstools no longer built automatically - need to set configure flag
   - allow CellCenter for BCs
   - added cg_precision and cg_precision_f functions to get integer
     size used to create the file (32 or 64)

Sun Oct 14 11:04:28 UTC 2012 -

- enable legacy and fortran interface 

Sat Oct 13 20:09:00 UTC 2012 -

- spec file reformating
- install shared librarie and put it in a separate package
- enable hdf5 support
- update to version 3.1.3
 * No changelog available

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