File gfan-automake.diff of Package gfan

From: Jan Engelhardt <>
Date: 2011-09-27 03:33:14.793222451 +0200
Upstream: dead?

Use much simpler Makefiles.

---  |  241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |    8 +
 2 files changed, 249 insertions(+)

Index: gfan0.5/
--- /dev/null
+++ gfan0.5/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wuninitialized
+libgfan_la_LIBADD = -lcddgmp
+libgfan_la_LDFLAGS = -release ${PACKAGE_VERSION}
+libgfan_la_SOURCES = \
+	gfanlib_polyhedralfan.cpp \
+	gfanlib_polymakefile.cpp \
+	gfanlib_symmetriccomplex.cpp \
+	gfanlib_symmetry.cpp \
+	gfanlib_zcone.cpp \
+	gfanlib_zfan.cpp
+bin_PROGRAMS = gfan
+app_sources = \
+	app_buchberger.cpp \
+	app_combinerays.cpp \
+	app_commonrefinement.cpp \
+	app_composepermutations.cpp \
+	app_doesidealcontain.cpp \
+	app_evaluate.cpp \
+	app_exponentlattice.cpp \
+	app_facets.cpp \
+	app_fancoarsening.cpp \
+	app_fancones.cpp \
+	app_fanhomology.cpp \
+	app_fansubfan.cpp \
+	app_fiberpolytope.cpp \
+	app_genericlinearchange.cpp \
+	app_groebnercone.cpp \
+	app_groebnerfan.cpp \
+	app_homogeneityspace.cpp \
+	app_homogenize.cpp \
+	app_idealintersection.cpp \
+	app_idealproduct.cpp \
+	app_initialdeterminant.cpp \
+	app_initialforms.cpp \
+	app_integergb.cpp \
+	app_interactive.cpp \
+	app_intsinpolytope.cpp\
+	app_isconnected.cpp \
+	app_isgroebnerbasis.cpp \
+	app_ismarkedgroebnerbasis.cpp \
+	app_issmooth.cpp \
+	app_krulldimension.cpp \
+	app_lattice.cpp \
+	app_latticeideal.cpp \
+	app_leadingterms.cpp \
+	app_librarytest.cpp \
+	app_link.cpp \
+	app_lll.cpp \
+	app_lpsolve.cpp \
+	app_main.cpp \
+	app_markpolynomialset.cpp \
+	app_matrixproduct.cpp \
+	app_minimalassociatedprimes.cpp \
+	app_minkowski.cpp \
+	app_minors.cpp \
+	app_mixedvolume.cpp \
+	app_multiplymatrix.cpp \
+	app_nbody.cpp \
+	app_normalfancleanup.cpp \
+	app_padic.cpp \
+	app_pointconfiguration.cpp \
+	app_polynomialsetunion.cpp \
+	app_product.cpp \
+	app_realroots.cpp \
+	app_regularsubdivision.cpp \
+	app_render.cpp \
+	app_renderstaircase.cpp \
+	app_representatives.cpp \
+	app_saturation.cpp \
+	app_scarfcomplex.cpp \
+	app_scarfisgeneric.cpp \
+	app_scarfvisualize.cpp \
+	app_secondaryfan.cpp \
+	app_smalessixth.cpp \
+	app_smalessixth2.cpp \
+	app_spolynomial.cpp \
+	app_stats.cpp \
+	app_sturmsequence.cpp \
+	app_substitute.cpp \
+	app_supportindices.cpp \
+	app_symmetries.cpp \
+	app_test.cpp \
+	app_tolatex.cpp \
+	app_topolyhedralfan.cpp \
+	app_transposematrix.cpp \
+	app_traversetropicalintersection.cpp \
+	app_triangulate.cpp \
+	app_tropicalbasis.cpp \
+	app_tropicalbruteforce.cpp \
+	app_tropicalevaluation.cpp \
+	app_tropicalfunction.cpp \
+	app_tropicalhypersurface.cpp \
+	app_tropicalimage.cpp \
+	app_tropicalintersection.cpp \
+	app_tropicallifting.cpp \
+	app_tropicallinearspace.cpp \
+	app_tropicalmultiplicity.cpp \
+	app_tropicalrank.cpp \
+	app_tropicalstartingcone.cpp \
+	app_tropicaltraverse.cpp \
+	app_tropicalweildivisor.cpp \
+	app_volume.cpp \
+	app_walk.cpp \
+	app_weightvector.cpp
+app_delete_sources = \
+ 	app_add.cpp \
+	app_berndssuggestion.cpp \
+	app_grassmanndata2.cpp \
+	app_grassmanndata3.cpp \
+	app_construction.cpp \
+	app_checkridges.cpp \
+	app_edwinsconjecture.cpp \
+	app_fvector.cpp \
+	app_grassmanndata.cpp \
+	app_groupfacetbinomials.cpp \
+	app_istriangulation.cpp \
+	app_latticetest.cpp \
+	app_markpolynomialset.cpp \
+	app_moeckel.cpp \
+	app_polytopetopolynomial.cpp \
+	app_rendernewtonpolytope.cpp \
+	app_tropical.cpp \
+	app_xfigconstruction.cpp \
+	app_liststandardmonomials.cpp
+# needs to be fixed so that it compiles with gcc version 2.96 (
+#app_delete_sources += app_isrefinement.cpp
+cats_sources = \
+	binomial.cpp \
+	codimoneconnectedness.cpp \
+	continuedfractions.cpp \
+	determinant.cpp \
+	determinantpoly.cpp \
+	field_rationalfunctions.cpp \
+	field_rationalfunctions2.cpp \
+	fieldlp.cpp \
+	ge_gfan.cpp \
+	graph.cpp \
+	groebnerengine.cpp \
+	halfopencone.cpp \
+	integergb.cpp \
+	intsinpolytope.cpp\
+	lattice.cpp \
+	latticeideal.cpp \
+	linalg.cpp \
+	linalgfloat.cpp \
+	lll.cpp \
+	log.cpp \
+	matrix.cpp \
+	minkowskidual.cpp \
+	minors.cpp \
+	mixedvolume.cpp \
+	multiplicity.cpp \
+	nbody.cpp \
+	padic.cpp \
+	polymakefile.cpp \
+	polynomialring.cpp \
+	primarydecomposition.cpp \
+	regularsubdivision.cpp \
+	restrictedautoreduction.cpp \
+	saturation.cpp \
+	scarf.cpp \
+	substitute.cpp \
+	symmetriccomplex.cpp \
+	symmetrictraversal.cpp \
+	traverser_groebnerfan.cpp \
+	traverser_secondaryfan.cpp \
+	traverser_sphere.cpp \
+	traverser_stableintersection.cpp \
+	traverser_tropical.cpp \
+	triangulation.cpp \
+	tropical_weildivisor.cpp \
+	tropicalbasis.cpp \
+	tropicaldeterminant.cpp \
+	tropicalmap.cpp \
+	tropicaltraverse.cpp \
+	xfig.cpp
+#cats_sources += restrictedgfan.cpp
+gcats_sources = \
+	application.cpp \
+	bergman.cpp \
+	breadthfirstsearch.cpp \
+	buchberger.cpp \
+	dimension.cpp \
+	division.cpp \
+	enumeration.cpp \
+	ep_standard.cpp \
+	ep_xfig.cpp \
+	field.cpp \
+	field_rationals.cpp \
+	field_zmodpz.cpp \
+	genericwalk.cpp \
+	gfanapplication.cpp \
+	gmpallocator.cpp \
+	lp.cpp \
+	lp_cdd.cpp \
+	minkowskisum.cpp \
+	monomial.cpp \
+	newtonpolytope.cpp \
+	parser.cpp \
+	polyhedralcone.cpp \
+	polyhedralfan.cpp \
+	polynomial.cpp \
+	printer.cpp	\
+	renderer.cpp \
+	reversesearch.cpp \
+	subspace.cpp \
+	symmetry.cpp \
+	term.cpp \
+	termorder.cpp \
+	timer.cpp \
+	tropical.cpp \
+	tropical2.cpp \
+	vektor.cpp \
+	wallideal.cpp
+gfan_LDADD = -lgmp -lcddgmp
+gfan_SOURCES = ${gcats_sources} ${cats_sources} ${app_sources}
+include_HEADERS = \
+	gfanlib.h \
+	gfanlib_matrix.h \
+	gfanlib_polyhedralfan.h \
+	gfanlib_polymakefile.h \
+	gfanlib_q.h \
+	gfanlib_symmetriccomplex.h \
+	gfanlib_symmetry.h \
+	gfanlib_vector.h \
+	gfanlib_z.h \
+	gfanlib_zcone.h \
+	gfanlib_zfan.h
Index: gfan0.5/
--- /dev/null
+++ gfan0.5/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+AC_INIT([gfan], [0.5])
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall foreign])
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