File macros.godot of Package godot-rpm-macros

# Macros for godot
%__godot %{_bindir}/godot-headless

# Macro: Prepare an export_presets.cfg file in the game's source.
#        It will replace any of the custom_template/release fields
#        with one that has a value of /usr/bin/godot-runner.
# usage: %godot_prep [-f]
#   -f: Copy the installed export_presets.cfg file to game's source 
#       even if one is already provided.
%godot_prep(f) \
%__mkdir_p $HOME/.config/godot $HOME/.cache \
if [ ! -f export_presets.cfg ] || [ -n "%{!-f:''}%{-f:"1"}" ]; then \
  %__cp -fp %{_datadir}/godot/export_presets.cfg export_presets.cfg \
fi \
%__sed -i '/template\/release/ s/=\"\"/=\"\/usr\/bin\/godot\-runner\"/g' export_presets.cfg \

# Macro: Export game's data into PCK file. The file will be saved in the
#        source directory with the name <package name>_<preset name>.pck.
#        usage:   %godot_export [-e preset]
#        preset:  Name of export preset within export_presets.cfg config.
#                 Default value is 'Linux/X11'
%godot_export(e:) \
preset="$(echo %{-e:%{-e*}})" \
[ -z $preset ] && preset="Linux/X11" \
suffix=$(echo "$preset" | tr '/' '_' | tr -d '[:space:]') \
if grep "$preset" export_presets.cfg; then \
  %__godot -v --path ./ --export "$preset" "%{name}_${suffix,,}.pck" \
else \
  echo "Export preset does not exist" \
  exit 1 \
fi \
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