File ksh.spec of Package ksh

# spec file for package ksh (Version 93t)
# Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

# norootforbuild

Name:           ksh
BuildRequires:  bind-libs bind-utils bison flex gdbm-devel glibc-devel ncurses-devel procps psmisc pwdutils zlib-devel
%if %suse_version > 1020
BuildRequires:  libbz2-devel
License:        Common Public License Version 1.0 (CPL1.0)
Group:          System/Shells
PreReq:         /bin/ln /bin/rm /etc/bash.bashrc /bin/true
AutoReqProv:    on
Version:        93t
Release:        3
Summary:        Korn Shell
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Source:         INIT.2008-10-09.tar.bz2
Source1:        ast-ksh.2008-10-09.tar.bz2
Source2:        ast-open-locale.2008-07-25.tar.bz2
Source20:       Agreement
Source21:       Warning
Source22:       libast.cflags
Source30:       rpmlintrc
Patch:          ksh93.dif
Patch1:         workaround-stupid-build-system.diff
Patch2:         ksh-qemu.patch
Patch3:         ksh93-shift_ijs.dif
Patch4:         ksh93-gmt2utc.dif
Patch5:         ksh93-uname.dif
Patch6:         ksh93-vi.dif
Patch7:         ksh93-profile.dif
Patch8:         ksh93-test.dif
Patch9:         ksh93-compat.dif
Patch10:        ksh93-suid_exec.dif
Patch11:        ksh93-signals.dif
Patch12:        ksh93-limits.dif
%global         use_suid_exe 0
%global         use_locale 0

The original Korn Shell.  The ksh is an sh-compatible command
interpreter that executes commands read from standard input or from a

    David Korn <>
    Glenn Fowler <>
    Phong Vo <>

%package -n ksh-devel
License:        Common Public License Version 1.0 (CPL1.0)
Summary:        Korn Shell development environment
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires:       ksh = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv:    on

%description -n ksh-devel
The package includes C header files and the static libraries together
with the shared libraries for linking with other projects.  Please be
aware that the CPL licensed code can not be used within GPL licensed

    David Korn <>
    Glenn Fowler <>
    Phong Vo <>

%setup -n ksh93 -c -a 0 -a 1 -a 2
find share/ \( -name chef -o -name fudd -o -name piglatin -o -name valley \) -a -type d |\
  xargs -r rm -vrf
find share/ ! \( -name libast -o -name libcmd -o -name libdll -o -name libshell \) -a -type f |\
  xargs -r rm -vf
find share/ -type d -a -empty | xargs -r rm -vrf
find share/ -type d -a -empty | xargs -r rm -vrf
%ifarch %arm

  test -n "${!LC_*}" && unset "${!LC_*}"
  cflags ()
      local flag=$1; shift
      case "${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" in
      *${flag}*) return
      if test -n "$1" && gcc -Werror $flag -S -o /dev/null -xc   /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
	  local var=$1; shift
	  eval $var=\${$var:+\$$var\ }$flag
      if test -n "$1" && g++ -Werror $flag -S -o /dev/null -xc++ /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
	  local var=$1; shift
	  eval $var=\${$var:+\$$var\ }$flag
  export LANG
  # If _you_ are knowing how to fix this in the autogenerated
  # sources of ksh/ast without breaking them, then let me know.
  IGNORE="-Wno-missing-braces -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-parentheses"
  IGNORE="$IGNORE -Wno-char-subscripts -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-implicit"
  # Do not use -DSHOPT_SPAWN=1 and/or -DSHOPT_AMP=1 this would cause
  # errors due race conditions while executing the test suite.
  FEATURE="$FEATURE -DSH_CMDLIB_DIR=\\\"/%{_lib}/ast/bin\\\""
  FEATURE="$FEATURE -DDEFSHELL=\\\"/bin/ksh\\\""
  FEATURE="$FEATURE -DTHISPROG=\\\"/%{_lib}/ast/bin/suid_exec\\\""
  echo 'int main () { return !(sizeof(void*) >= 8); }' | gcc -x c -o test64 -
  if ./test64 ; then
  rm -f ./test64
  RPM_OPT_FLAGS=$(echo "${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}"|sed -r 's/ +-g[0-9]?//')
  cflags -fno-strict-aliasing CCFLAGS
  cflags @%{S:22} CCFLAGS
  bin/package make CC=$CC cc=$CC
  root=$(echo ${PWD}/arch/linux*)
  test -d $root || exit 1
  test -s $log || exit 1
  for lib in libast libcmd libdll libshell ; do
      obj=$(grep -E "ar *cr *${lib}.a" $log | sed "s@+ *ar *cr *${lib}.a@@")
      test $? -eq 0 || exit 1
      case "$lib" in
	  vers=$(grep ^VERSION  ${base}/Makefile | sed "s@.*\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*@\1@")
	  link="-L${root}/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast -ldll -lcmd -last -lm -ldl"
	  vers=$(grep :LIBRARY: ${base}/Makefile | sed "s@.*\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*@\1@")
	  link="-L${root}/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast -ldl -last"
	  vers=$(grep :LIBRARY: ${base}/Makefile | sed "s@.*\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*@\1@")
	  link="-L${root}/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast -last"
	  vers=$(grep :LIBRARY: ${base}/Makefile | sed "s@.*\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*@\1@")
	  link="-L${root}/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast"
      pushd ${root}/${base}
      $CC -shared $soname -o ${root}/lib/${lib}.so.${vers} ${obj} $link
      ln -sf ${lib}.so.${vers} ${root}/lib/${lib}.so.${vers%.*}
      ln -sf ${lib}.so.${vers} ${root}/lib/${lib}.so
  nm -D ${root}/lib/ | \
      grep -E 'T[[:blank:]](str|mem|(get|put|set)env|(c|m|re|v)alloc)' | \
      awk '{print "-fno-builtin-"$3}' | \
      sort -u | \
      diff -u %{S:22} - || true
  pushd ${root}/${base}
      rm -f libshell.a
      rm -f ${root}/bin/ksh
      rm -f ${root}/bin/shcomp
      ksh=$(grep -e '-o ksh' $log | tail -n 1 |\
	    sed "s@+ g\?cc@gcc@;s@-o ksh@-o ${root}/bin/ksh@;s@[a-zA-Z0-9_/\.-]*lib\([a-z]\+\)\.a@-l\1@g;s@'@@g")
      test -n "${ksh}" || { echo build of ksh failed; exit 1; }
      shcomp=$(grep -e '-o shcomp' $log | tail -n 1 |\
	    sed "s@+ g\?cc@gcc@;s@-o shcomp@-o ${root}/bin/shcomp@;s@[a-zA-Z0-9_/\.-]*lib\([a-z]\+\)\.a@-l\1@g;s@'@@g")
      test -n "${shcomp}" || { echo build of shcomp failed; exit 1; }
      suidex=$(grep -e '-o suid_exec' $log | tail -n 1 |\
	    sed "s@+ g\?cc@gcc@;s@-o shcomp@-o ${root}/bin/suid_exec@;s@[a-zA-Z0-9_/\.-]*lib\([a-z]\+\)\.a@-l\1@g;s@'@@g")
      test -n "${suidex}" || { echo build of suidex failed; exit 1; }
      ${ksh}    -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast
      ${shcomp} -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast
      ${suidex} -Wl,-rpath-link,${root}/lib -Wl,-rpath,/%{_lib}/ast
      pushd ${test}
	  sleep 5
 	  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${root}/lib SHELL=${root}/bin/ksh ${root}/bin/ksh shtests
      pushd ${root}/bin
	  set -- $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${root}/lib PATH=$PATH:. shcomp --version 2>&1)
	  eval version=\${$#}
	  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${root}/lib PATH=$PATH:. shcomp --nroff 2>&1 | \
	      sed 's/\(\.TH .*\)/\1 "2003-03-02" "" "Korn shell utilities"/' > ../man/man1/shcomp.1

  root=$(echo ${PWD}/arch/linux*)
  test -d $root || exit 1
  pushd $root || exit 1
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}/bin
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/bin
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ast
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ast
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
  mkdir    %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
  mkdir    %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man3
%if %use_locale
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ksh/fun
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/permissions.d
  install bin/ksh       %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/bin/
  install bin/shcomp    %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/bin/
%if %use_suid_exe
  install bin/suid_exec %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/bin/
  ln -sf  bin/ksh       %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/ksh
  ln -sf /bin/true %{buildroot}/bin/ksh
  ln -sf /bin/true %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ksh
  ln -sf /%{_lib}/ast/bin/ksh    %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/rksh
  ln -sf /%{_lib}/ast/bin/shcomp %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/shcomp
  cp -a lib/*.so.*  %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/
  cp -a fun/*       %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ksh/fun/
  for so in %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/ast/*.so.*.* ; do
      ln -sf /%{_lib}/ast/$so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ast/${so%%%%.*}.so
  rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ast/*.so.*
  install -m 0644 lib/*.a		%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ast/
  install -m 0644 man/man1/sh.1		%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/ksh.1
  install -m 0644 man/man1/shcomp.1	%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/shcomp.1
  for man in man/man3/*.3 ; do
      install -m 0644 man/man3/${man}	%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man3/${ast}
  install -m 0644 include/ast/*		%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ast/
%if %use_locale
  for msg in share/lib/locale/* ; do
      test -d $msg || continue
      mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/${msg##*/}/LC_MESSAGES
      cp -vp ${msg}/LC_MESSAGES/* 	%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/${msg##*/}/LC_MESSAGES/
  echo %%dir %{_datadir}/locale/C > ksh.lang
  echo %%dir %{_datadir}/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES >> ksh.lang
  find %{buildroot}/ -type f -o -type l | sed -r '
      s:(%{_datadir}/locale/)([^/_]+)(.*$):%%lang\(\2\) \1\2\3:
      s:%%lang\(C\) ::
      /^ *$/d' >> ksh.lang
  > ksh.lang
  cp lib/package/LICENSES/ast LICENSE
  mv  src/cmd/ksh93/OBSOLETE src/cmd/ksh93/
  cat src/cmd/ksh93/ | sed 's/\\f5/\\fB/g;s/^\.H/\.P\n\.H/g' | troff -Tascii8 -t -mm | grotty -bou > Builtins
  cat src/cmd/ksh93/    | sed 's/\\f5/\\fB/g;s/^\.H/\.P\n\.H/g' | troff -Tascii8 -t -mm | grotty -bou > PROMO
  cat src/cmd/ksh93/ | sed 's/\\f5/\\fB/g;s/^\.H/\.P\n\.H/g' | troff -Tascii8 -t -mm | grotty -bou > OBSOLETE
  cat src/cmd/ksh93/sh.memo     | sed 's/\\f5/\\fB/g;s/^\.H/\.P\n\.H/g' | troff -Tascii8 -t -mm | grotty -bou > MEMORANDUM
  cp %{S:21} .
%if %use_suid_exe
  (cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/permissions.d/ksh) <<-EOF
	/%{_lib}/ast/bin/suid_exec		root:root	4755
  (cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/permissions.d/ksh.paranoid) <<-EOF
	/%{_lib}/ast/bin/suid_exec		root:root	0755

test -e etc/bash.bashrc && ln -sf bash.bashrc etc/ksh.kshrc || true
if test -x  %{_lib}/ast/bin/ksh ; then
    rm -f bin/ksh
    ln -sf /%{_lib}/ast/bin/ksh bin/ksh
    rm -f usr/bin/ksh
    ln -sf /%{_lib}/ast/bin/ksh usr/bin/ksh

if test ! -x %{_lib}/ast/bin/ksh ; then
    if test ! -x bin/pdksh ; then
	rm -f etc/ksh.kshrc
    if test ! -e bin/ksh ; then
	rm -f bin/ksh usr/bin/ksh

%files -f ksh.lang
%if %use_suid_exe
%doc LICENSE src/cmd/ksh93/COMPATIBILITY src/cmd/ksh93/RELEASE*
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/*.1.gz
%ghost %verify(not link) /bin/ksh
%ghost %verify(not link) %{_bindir}/ksh
%dir /%{_lib}/ast
%dir /%{_lib}/ast/bin
%if %use_suid_exe
%attr(4755,root,root) /%{_lib}/ast/bin/suid_exec
%dir %{_datadir}/ksh
%dir %{_datadir}/ksh/fun

%files -n ksh-devel
%doc LICENSE Warning
%dir %{_libdir}/ast/
%doc %{_mandir}/man3/*

* Mon Oct 13 2008
- Switch to 2008-10-09 beta test of ksh93t to fix a hang caused by
  a subshell command substitution with redirection and a crash in
  typeset with types that contain arrays of other types a members
* Thu Oct 09 2008
- Switch to 2008-10-01 beta test of ksh93t to fix several crashes
- Do not install locale data as this do not work (bnc#433739)
* Mon Sep 22 2008
- Switch to 2008-09-21 beta test of ksh93t as this fix a crash
- Change manual page: ksh uses socketpair(2) for pipes (bnc#422675)
* Fri Sep 19 2008
- Switch to 2008-09-17 beta test of ksh93t as this fix a crash
- Install the shell functions pushd, popd, and dirs
- Set FPATH accordingly to last change
* Fri Sep 12 2008
- Add compiler flags -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks and -fno-tree-vrp
  to avoid miss-compile at least of strdup(ast3) maybe caused by a
  missing volatile modifier
- Update to release 2008-07-25 of ksh93t
  Changes in ksh
  08-07-09  The typeset -C option can be used with arrays to indicate that
  each element should default to a compound variable.
  08-07-08  The %%B format now outputs compound variables and arrays.  The
  alternate flag # can be used to cause output into a single line.
  08-06-23  KSH_VERSION added as a name reference to .sh.version.
  08-06-20  type now outputs 'special builtin' for special builtins.
  08-06-16  When typeset -p is followed by variable names, it now displays
  the attributes names and values for the specific names.
  08-06-13  The .sh.lineno variable has been added.  When .sh.level is changed
  inside a DEBUG trap, the .sh.lineno contains the calling line number
  for the specified stack frame.
  08-06-13  The .sh.level variable has been documented and now works.
  08-06-11  The -C option has been added to read for reading compound command
  definitions from a file.
  08-06-11  The . command is now permitted inside a compound command definition.
  The dot script can contain declaration commands and dot commands.
  08-06-09  Add -C option to typeset so that typeset -C foo, is equivalent
  to foo=().
  08-06-09  Added -n warning message for typeset option orderings that are valid
  with ksh88 but not valid with ksh93, for example Lx5.
  08-06-02  When defining a type, the typeset -r attribute causes this field
  to be required to be specified for each instance of the type and
  does not allow a default value.
  08-05-22  The ceil function has been added to the math functions.
  08-05-19  The array expansions ${array[sub1..sub2]} and ${!array[sub1..sub2]}
  to expand to the value (or subscripts) for array between sub1 and
  sub2 inclusive.  For associative arrays, the range is based on
  location in the POSIX locale.  The .. must be explicit and cannot
  result from an expansion.
  08-05-15  The trap on SIGCLD is no longer triggered by the completion of
  the foreground job as with ksh88.
  08-05-12  The unset built-in now returns non-zero when deleting an array
  subscript that is not set.
  08-05-08  Changing the value of HISTFILE or HISTSIZE will cause the old
  history file to be close and reopened with the new name or size.
  08-05-08  When FPATH is changed functions that were found via a path search
  will be searched for again.
  08-05-07  The typeset -S option was added for variables outside type
  definitions to provide a storage class similar to C static
  inside a function defined with function name.
  08-05-01  In multiline edit mode, the refresh operation will now clear
  the remaining portion of the last line.
  08-04-30  The emacs and vi editors have been modified to handle window
  change commands as soon as they happen rather than waiting for
  the next command.
  08-04-04  Choose the name _ as the sub-variable that holds type or instance
  specific data used by discipline functions.
  08-03-20  Associative array assignments of the form ([name]=value ...)
  now allow ; as well as space tab and new line to separate elements.
  08-03-17  --default option added to set(1) to handle set +o POSIX semantics.
  set --state added as a long name alias for set +o.
  08-03-10  The new ${...} command substitution will treat the trailing }
  as a reserved word even if it is not at the beginning of a command,
  for example, ${ date }.
  08-03-10  If the name of the ENV begins with /./ or ././ then the
  /etc/ksh.kshrc file will not be executed on systems that support
  this interactive initialization file.
  08-02-29  The redirection operator >; has been added which for non-special
  files, generates the output in a temporary file and writes the
  specified file only of the command has completed successfully.
  08-02-14  The typeset -a option can now optionally be followed by the name
  of an enumerication type which allows subscripts to be enumerations.
  08-02-14  The enum builtin which creates enumeration types has been added.
  08-02-12  The backoff logic when there are no more processes has been fixed.
  08-02-07  The -X option has been added to typeset.  The -X option creates
  a double precision number that gets displayed using the C99 %%a
  format.  It can be used along with -l for long double.
  08-01-31  The -T option to typeset has been added for creating typed
  variables.  Also the -h and -S options have been added to
  typeset that are only applicable when defining a type.
  08-01-31  The prefix expansion operator @ has been added.  ${@name}
  expandes to the type of name or yields the attributes.
  07-09-19  In both emacs and vi edit mode, the escape sequence \E[A (usually
  cursor up, when the cursor is at the end of the line will fetch
  the most recent line starting with the current line.
  07-09-18  The value of ${!var} was correct when var was a reference to an
  array instance.
  07-09-18  The value of ${!var[sub]} was not expanding to var[sub] and this
  was fixed.  It also fixed ${name} where name is a name reference
  to var[sub].
  07-09-18  It is now legal to create a name reference without an initialization.
  It will be bound to a variable on the first assignment.
  07-08-30  A discipline function can be invoked as ${} and is equivalent
  to ${;} and can be invoked as inside ((...)).
  07-07-03  The command substitution ${ command;} has been added.  It behaves
  like $(command) except that command is executed in the current
  shell environment.  The ${ must be followed by a blank or an
* Mon May 05 2008
- Fix patch for option handling of echo builtin (bnc#385986)
* Tue Mar 25 2008
- Add missing link to file list
* Mon Mar 17 2008
- Work around a bug in former postun script
* Thu Feb 14 2008
- Add locale for ksh and libraries in ast format
- Update to official bugfix release 2008-02-02 of ksh93s+
  *  A bug in which command substitution inside ((...)) could cause
  syntax errors or lead to core dumps has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which discipline functions could be deleted when invoked
  from a subshell has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which a command substitution consisting only of
  assignments was treated as a noop has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which discipline functions invoked from withing a
  compound assignment could fail has been fixed.
  *  Incomplete arithmetic assigments, for example ((x += )), now
  generate an error message.
  *  A bug in which a set discipline defined for a variable before
  an array assignment could cause a core dump has been fixed.
  *  A bug in on some systems in which exit status 0 is incorrectly
  returned by a process that catches the SIGCONT signal is stopped
  and then continued.
  *  libast: string/strmatch.c: fix str="" pat="" sub values
  *  libast: comp/, handle /bin/sh \ in read data, redir subshell
  *  libast: misc/ amd-x68, 64-bit => x86-64
  *  libast: string/strnton.c,strntonll.c: add
  *  libcmd: expr.c: fix <=0 type that broke substr * 1 *
* Sun Jan 27 2008
- fix changelog
* Tue Jan 08 2008
- Update to private bugfix release 2008-01-06 ksh93s+
  *  A bug in on some systems in which exit status 0 is incorrectly
  returned by a process that catches the SIGCONT signal is stopped
  and then continued.
* Fri Dec 21 2007
- Update to private bugfix release 2007-12-15 of ksh93s+
  *  A race condition in which a program that has been stopped and then
  continued could loose the exit status has been fixed.
  *  Code to check for file system out of space write errors for all
  writes has been added.
  *  A bug in the macro expander for multibyte characters in which
  part of the character contains a file pattern byte has been fixed.
  *  A bug in the emacs edit mode when multiline was set that output
  a backspace before the newline to the screen has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which using <n>TAB after a variable name listing expansion
  in the edit modes would cause the $ to disappear has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which setting IFS to readonly could cause a subsequent
  command substitution to fail has been fixed.
  *  A work around for a gcc 4.* C99 "feature" that could cause a job
  control shell to go into an infinite loop by adding the volatile
  attribute to some auto vars in functions that call setjmp().
  *  A bug in which the shell could read ahead on a pipe causing the
  standard input to be incorrectly positioned has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which compound variable UTF-8 multibyte values were not
  expanded or traced properly has been fixed.
  *  A bug where an unbalanced '[' in a command argument was not treated
  properly has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which compatibility mode (no long option names) getopts(1)
  incorrectly set the value of OPTARG for flag options has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which "hash -- name" treated "--" as an invalid name operand
  has been fixed.
  *  typeset now handles "-t -- [-r] [--]" for s5r4 hash(1) compatibility.
  *  A bug in which the umask builtin mis-handled symbolic mode operands
  has been fixed.
  *  Bugs in which shell arithmetic and the printf builtin mis-handled the
  signs of { -NaN -Inf -0.0 } have been fixed.
  *  The full { SIGRTMIN SIGRTMIN+1 ... SIGRTMAX-1 SIGRTMAX } range
  of signals, determined at runtime, are now supported.
  *  A bug in which creating an index array with only subscript 0 created
  only a simple variable has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which appending to an indexed array using the form
  name+=([sub]=value) could cause the array to become an associative
  array has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which typeset without arguments could coredump if a
  variable is declared as in indexed array and  has no elements has
  been fixed.
  *  A bug in which creating a local SECONDS variable with typeset in
  a function could corrupt memory has been fixed.
  *  A bug which could cause a core dump when a script invoked by name
  from a function used compound variables has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which printf %%d "'AB" did not diagnose unconverted
  characters has been fixed.
  *  printf %%g "'A" support added for all floating point formats.
  *  A bug in which typeset -f fun did not display the function
  definition when invoked in a subshell has been fixed.
  *  The sleep builtin was fixed so that all floating point
  constants are valid operands.
  *  A bug in which the locale was not being restored after
  LANG=value command has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which a nameref to a compound variable that was
  local to the calling function would not expand correctly
  when displaying is value has been fixed.
  *  A bug which cause cause a core dump if .sh.edchar returned
  80 characters or more from a keyboard trap has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which could cause a core dump when more than 8 file
  descriptors were in use has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which creating a name reference to an instance of an
  array when the array name is itself a reference has been fixed.
  *  The file completion code has been modified so that after an
  `=' in any word, each : will be considered a path delimiter.
  *  A bug in which subprocess cleanup could corrupt the malloc()
  heap has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which a name reference to an associatve array
  instance could cause the subscript to be evaluated as an
  arithmetic expression has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which the value of an array instance was of a
  compound variable was not expanded correctly has been fixed.
  *  A bug which could cause a core dump when a compound assignment
  was made to a compound variable element with a typeset -a
  attribute has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which a trap ignored in a subshell caused it to be
  ignored by the parent has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which the set command would generated erroneous
  output for a variable with the -RZ attribute if the variable
  name had been passed to a function has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which read x[1] could core dump has been fixed.
  *  A second bug in which after read x[sub] into an associative
  array of an element that hasn't been assigned could lead to
  a core dump has been fixed.
  *  A bug in which a pipeline that completed correctly could have
  an exit status of 127 when pipefail was enabled has been fixed.
  *  The SHOPT_AUDIT compile option has been added for keyboard
  *  libast: string/strelapsed.c: "0" is a valid elapsed time!
  *  libast: sfio/sfreserve.c: preserve SF_SHARE sfrd() via sfreserve(f,0,0)
  *  libast: comp/setlocale.c: add sjis_mbtowc() to work around [\~] translation
  *  libast: features/signal.c: RT(1) .. RT(MAX-1) => RTMIN+1 .. RTMAX-1
  *  libast: features/float: favor sscanf() due to gnu strto[l]d() nan bugs
  *  libast: regex/regcomp.c: fix REX_COLL_CLASS node allocation
  *  libast: sfio/sfcvt.c: use signbit() if available
  *  libast: features/isoc99: _ISOC99_SOURCE tests
  *  libast: port/astmath.c: add -DN=8 for signbit()
  *  libast: sfio/sfstrtod.h: don't forget about -0.0
  *  libast: features/map.c: add { optopt optarg optind opterr }
  *  libast: features/stdio: add _filbuf => _ast__filbuf
  *  libast: comp/getsubopt.c: fix #undef that interfered with
  *  libast: regex/regcomp.c: fix bug that missed ')' in ~(F)...
  *  libast: port/astconf.c: fix CONF_ALLOC 16 bit overflow
  *  libast: misc/fts.c: fix fts_close() to free the handle
  *  libast: comp/setlocale.c: second and subsequent
  setlocale(*,"") reverts to previous
  *  libast: path/pathprobe.c: add vfs ST_NOSUID check
  *  libast: comp/ add a few more xpg6 deferrals
  *  libast: astsa: update to share with mainline src via
  *  libast: sfio/sfgetr.c: no limit on string stream line size
  *  libast: sfio/sfextern.c: increase _Sfmaxr to 256*1024
  *  libast: misc/procopen.c: tighten up SIGCHLD logic between
  *  libast: misc/signal.c: unblock SIG_DFL after setting handler,
  sig<0 => don't unblock
  *  libast: misc/fs3d.c: no $LD_PRELOAD => no 3d and avoids
  invalid mount(2) call
  *  libast: vmalloc: vmstat(0,0)==1 => region in use, drop
  *  libast: misc/recstr.c: handle [lL] gobbled by strtol()
  *  libast: path/pathprobe.c: handle '\r' in VERSION string
  *  libast: regex/regcache.c: regcache(0,n,0) extends cache to
  size n (no shrinking)
  *  libast: tm/tmdata.c: add 2005-12-31, drop 1999-12-31
  *  libcmd: cp.c: fix builtin state reinitialization
  *  libcmd: rev.c: honor multibyte locales
  *  libcmd: cp.c: open non-existent destination with O_EXCL
  *  libcmd: stty.c: add -t,--terminal-group to list tty pgrp
  *  libcmd: cksum.c: --silent -s => -S, -s == -x sys5 for gnu compatibility
  *  libcmd: tee.c: drop ancient bsd compatibility "-" operand => SIGINT
  *  libcmd: cksum.c: add SUM_LEGACY for -r
  *  libcmd: cp.c: plug usage string memory leak by using
  per-builtin state
  *  libcmd: cksum.c: add sumprint() default scale arg,
      --scale, --bsd for solaris
  *  libcmd: chmod.c: add --show,-n
  *  libcmd: wclib.c: bias <wchar.h> checks for modern unix
  *  libcmd: cat.c: fix --squeeze-blank to reduce multiple blank
  lines to *one*
  *  libsum: sum.h, sumlib.c: add SUM_LEGACY for legacy output
  *  libsum: sum-sha1.c: reinstate Steve Reid's public domain
  *  libsum: sumlib.c: drop GPL sum-sha1.c
* Fri Nov 23 2007
- Add missed limit patch
- Fix problem with endless loop due missing reset of the SIGTSTP
  singal handler after a failed program execution (bug #343111)
* Tue Nov 20 2007
- Fix bug in mbchar() macro to be able to run test for bug #341594
- Make option -n for echo builtin work even for AT&T universe
* Fri Nov 16 2007
- Fix the bug fix, that is decrement current size (bug #341594)
* Fri Nov 16 2007
- Enable signal handling for non-interactive mode (bug #339875)
- Ignore signal QUIT always (bug #339875)
- Ignore signal INT in case of waiting on a job (bug #339875)
- Handle multibyte chars in variable expansion (bug #341594)
* Mon Oct 29 2007
- Work around a double -g problem which breaks debugging builds
* Mon Sep 17 2007
- Update to bugfix version 2007-06-28 of ksh93s+ (bug #263053)
  *  In vi insert mode, ksh no longer emits a backspace character
  before the carriage return when the newline is entered
  *  A bug in which pipefail would cause a command to return 0
  when the pipeline was the last command and the failure
  happened on a component other than the last has been fixed
  *  A bug in the expansion of ${var/pattern/rep} when pattern
  or rep contained a left parenthesis in single quotes has
  been fixed
  *  The braces for a subscripted variable with ${var[sub]} are
  now optional when inside [[...]], ((...)) or as a subscript
  *  A bug in brace expansion in which single and double quotes
  did not treat the comma as a literal character has been fixed
  *  The -p option of whence now disables -v
  *  Several bug fixes in compound variables and arrays of arrays
  have been made
  *  A bug in which the %%B format of printf was affected  by the
  locale has been fixed
  *  A bug in which \ was not removed in the replacement pattern
  with ${var/pattern/rep} when it was not followed by \ or a
  digit has been fixed
  *  A bug in which ksh -R file core dumped if no script was
  specified has been fixed, it now displays an error message
  *  Added additional Solaris signals to signal table
  *  A bug in which a pipeline with command substitution inside
  a function could cause a pipeline that invokes this function
  to hang when the pipefail option is on has been fixed
  *  Added -q to whence
  *  A small memory leak with each redirection of a non-builtin
  has been fixed
- Fix many wrong detected limits for Linux like INT_MAX
- Adapt FS3D file system: mount(2) of Linux uses five arguments
- Fix bug in pointer arithmetic: after reallocation the addresses
  of the old area of an pointer array are changed (bug #300653)
- Overflow in keytrap(): strncpy(3) does not append ASCII 0 if
  buffer is fully used
- This updated version includes fix for bug #268488
- Enable the AT&T UNIVERSE for ksh as pdksh does, see bug #249783
* Wed Jun 20 2007
- Fix pointer arithmetics within sh_trim() (bug #284611)
* Tue Jun 19 2007
- Correct bug ID (bug #284580)
* Fri May 25 2007
- Minor issuse like file permissions
* Thu May 03 2007
- Fix string conversion for high unsigned numbers (bug #268488)
* Wed Apr 04 2007
- Minor correction for builtin uname -i
* Mon Apr 02 2007
- Update to ksh93s+ (bug #239215)
- Be sure that iffe can handle option -n even if bash is used
* Fri Mar 30 2007
- Disable AT&T UNIVERSE change
* Wed Mar 28 2007
- Reset exit status in case of catching SIGCONT (bug #254649)
- Use the AT&T UNIVERSE for ksh as pdksh does   (bug #249783)
* Fri Jan 12 2007
- Do not use binary OR instead of a logic OR (#233299)
- Help the compile time and run time linker (#233299)
* Mon Nov 20 2006
- Avoid that a sub shell close required file descriptors (#222411)
* Fri Nov 10 2006
- On ia64 a cast of an integer to a character pointer and back to
  an long integer may results into an unaligned access,  fix this
  in the SIGWINCH handler (bug #209643)
* Tue Nov 07 2006
- fix permissions for manpages
* Mon Jul 10 2006
- Don't trim backslash part of a multibyte character away (#189239)
* Tue Jul 04 2006
- Builtin cut: allow last line without newline (#189231)
- Utility shcomp: fix segfault and install it (#189778)
* Tue Jun 27 2006
- No segmentation fault if ksh uses shared command libray (#188404)
* Tue Jun 20 2006
- Make it build even on new beta with new glibc headers
* Wed May 31 2006
- Fix segmentation fault in vi command line mode (bug #179917)
* Mon May 29 2006
- Make -i and -p option of uname builtin work (bug #178962)
* Tue May 09 2006
- Change PreRequire /bin/bash to /etc/bash.bashrc  (bug #172633)
* Mon May 08 2006
- Correct order of souring order of the users profile and the
  system kshrc files (bug #172753)
* Wed Apr 19 2006
- Do not source system rc files if ksh is not interactive
- Correct string from GMT to UTC for Universal Time Coordinates
* Wed Apr 19 2006
- Fix the patch for the multi byte characters (bug #163665)
* Tue Apr 18 2006
- Fix multi byte handling even for command line mode emacs/vi
* Thu Apr 06 2006
- Handle multi byte characters within macro expansion (bug #163665)
* Mon Mar 27 2006
- Update to ksh 93r
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Tue Dec 20 2005
- Move manual pages of libast to an own subsection 3ast (#140295)
* Fri Dec 16 2005
- Make it build even with bash 3.1 and gcc 4.1.0
* Thu Nov 17 2005
- disabled some tests on ARM (occasionally hang QEMU)
* Mon Oct 24 2005
- PreReqire the bash to get the system wide bash.bashrc
* Mon Sep 19 2005
- Make it compatible with parallel installed pdksh (bug #105126)
* Mon Sep 19 2005
- Avoid useless gcc warning of autogenerated sources
* Tue Aug 16 2005
- Move to group System/Shells (bug #104920)
* Wed Apr 13 2005
- Make it compile with gcc4
* Thu Mar 24 2005
- Correct initialization for got_sigwinch variable
* Wed Mar 23 2005
- Update to release date 2005-02-02 (bug #18698, bug #74348)
* Wed Mar 09 2005
- Fix dead link in documentation (bug #71733)
* Fri Feb 04 2005
- More on winsize changes: now it works after a new prompt
  just like in the pdksh.
* Fri Feb 04 2005
- Workaround broken build system and enable building shared libraries on
* Thu Feb 03 2005
- Do not build shared version on x64_86 the ELF macro R_X64_86_32S
  breaks that a local symbol
- Make it work on s390x
* Thu Feb 03 2005
- Make winsize changes work
- Enable /etc/ksh.kshrc support
- lchmod is not implemented under Linux
- error_exit does never return
- Enable shared libraries instead of the static ones
- Add a warning about CPL versus GPL
* Wed Feb 02 2005
- Initial version of the AT&T ksh now under CPL1.0 (bug #3698)
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