File libnpupnp.changes of Package libnpupnp

Sun Mar  9 12:42:06 UTC 2025 - Andreas Stieger <>

- update to 6.2.1
  * Fix minor compilation issue
- run tests
- license is BSD-3-Clause

Thu Aug 22 09:09:48 UTC 2024 - Michael Pujos <>

- removed fix-version.patch
- Update to 6.2.0:
  * Improved multi-interface search: send M-SEARCH on all configured
    interfaces instead of relying on routing
  * Add interface method to set an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
    on webserver responses
  * Accept unquoted values in SOAPACTION headers
  * Fix compilation with GCC 14
  * Misc small fixes

Sun May 12 13:57:28 UTC 2024 - Michael Pujos <>

- Update to 6.1.2
  * Removed autotools build system, now using meson
- Update to 6.1.1
  * Misc internal cleanups, mostly based on automated analysis tools
    (cppcheck, fanalyzer, clang-tidy)
- Update to 6.1.0
  * Misc small internal cleanups, mostly for multi-platform building
  * Add interface to free the netif data memory

Sat Dec 23 14:29:44 UTC 2023 - Michael Pujos <>

- Update to 6.0.1
  * Switch UPnP version to 1.1.
  * Add bootid, configid headers to the SSDP packets, and the corresponding
    init() options. Set TTL to 2 instead of 4.
  * Description parser utility. Store the download URL.
  * Control: schedule events for sending the search packets instead of
    sleeping in the client thread.
  * Control: export the minimum and maximum values for the search window in
    upnp.h, the client may need them.
  * Add interface to perform unicast search.
- Update to 5.1.1  
  * Rebuilt for rpi 1 (armv6) compatibility
  * Fix choosing interface to use for Gena callback URL: we could sometimes
    choose an inactive interface.
- Update to 5.1.0    
  * Control: add milliseconds timeout option to SoapSendAction(). This is
    mostly intended to enable polling a device health, and implemented by
    checking the the responseData previously output-only, now input/output,
    argument for additional parameters given as (nm, value) string
    pairs. The only parameter checked at the moment is ("timeoutms",
    "value"). This change is source and ABI compatible except in the quite
    unlikely case where the existing code called the function with a
    non-empty output array containing a pair with a "timeoutms" first
  * Control: added an interface to set an HTTP timeout for the
    subscribe/unsubscribe operations. The default previous fixed value of
    30 S is kept, but can now be overridden. The change does not change the
    ABI for an existing program.
  * Given that upplay/libupnpp is the only known user of the lib control
    side, the package name or shared library major version were not
- Update to 5.0.2      
  * Minuscule internal changes. Sync with Windows version.
- Update to 5.0.1        
  * Web server: fixed bad HTTP protocol conformance when handling range
    requests. Would bother a lot correct clients which check status codes
    and headers instead of just using the data, (e.g.: vlc).
  * New alternate Meson build.
  * Misc small cleanups inspired by clang-tidy and other housekeeping.

Sat Aug 13 10:08:52 UTC 2022 - Michael Pujos <>

- update to 5.0.0:
  * Changed the API to avoid truncation of some long subscription IDs.
    Upnp_SID is now an std::string instead of a fixed size array.
    This change should be source-compatible for programs which used
    the UpnpEvent_get_SID_cstr() macro for accessing the value, but the
    ABI changes, hence the major version, package, and shared lib
    version changes
- update to 4.2.3:
  * Fix bug which could close stderr when changing the log level
  * Miscellaneous mostly stylistic changes

Mon May  9 17:16:37 UTC 2022 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Update to 4.2.2
  * Partial sanitizing of the static library object name space.

Sun Mar 20 09:43:57 UTC 2022 - Andreas Stieger <>

- update to 4.2.1:
  * improved compatibility with libupnp 1.14.x
- add upstream signing key and validate source signature

Mon Dec 20 22:09:27 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 4.1.5:
  * Small fix for working in a BSD jail with single interface
  * Fix vulnerability to DNS-rebind attacks.

Thu Apr 15 08:44:06 UTC 2021 - Michael Pujos <>

- update to 4.1.3:
  * Fix working with multiple ipv6 link-local interfaces by adding
    RFC 6874 zone identifiers to the URLs passed to the client code
  * Add UpnpGetUrlHostPortForClient() interface to help users of the
    web server compute their URLs
  * Small build and compat fixes: fix mingw64 build, add empty
    UpnpGetServerUlaGuaPort6() call, adjust how UPNP_ENABLE_IPV6
    affects module existence to make it compatible with pupnp
  * Improve source-level compatibility by defining UPNP_USING_CHUNKED
  * Fix HEAD requests. Samsung TVs now work with Gerbera + libnpupnp
  * Send SERVER and USER-AGENT headers in misc places where mandated or useful
  * Add API for the client code to set the user-agent and server string values
  * Fix building and running with --disable-ipv6
  * Misc portability fixes

Sun Nov 15 20:17:08 UTC 2020 - Michael Pujos <>

- Initial version
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